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Some Can't Resist (P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Some Can't Resist (P)

Tue Oct 11, 2016 5:30 pm
Salzem looked at Enyo strangely as he got to his feet, certain he must have hit the kid harder than he intended. If anything, he seemed to enjoy the fact he was planted on his face, stating how he was unable to even track Salzem's movements. The lycan's suspicions seemed to be realized as the kid then begged him to be trained, that he wouldn't care what he had to do so long as it coincided with his philosophies. The odd look Salzem gave intensified as he stared down at the kid, unsure if he even knew what he was asking. Though, he would be remiss to deny that the offer was tempting... Rebuilding his team from these people might be an offer worth taking if he didn't doubt the Hokage would give him that responsibility again. Enyo was no Cole or Kouse and certainly no Hikari, but he was enthusiastic... Something to be considered at the end of their little spar.

Suddenly, and rather spontaneously, the kid whipped around and attempted to jab Salzem in the chest with the end of his staff. Although he was fast and had something of an element of surprise, they lycan was faster and more experienced, not to mention the aid of his enhanced senses. With a speed of 125, Salzem stepped to the side as the staff jerked forward, the end of the stick going wide of its target by about a foot. Even as Enyo would attempt to retract the weapon, they lycan would reach out with a speed of 125, latching onto the stick with his hand (strength 75), holding it firmly in place. It was a tough stick, he'd give it that. The staff wasn't anything he could break over his knee or crush in his palm... Wood stronger than steel.... perplexing... Salzem would tear the staff out of Enyo's hands, (Speed 70, strength 75) before tossing it behind him, the weapon rolling a good 20 meters behind the ninja, leaving Enyo alone to fight hand-to-hand.

"Enough weapons." Salzem said firmly, almost as how a teacher would. "Let me see your taijutsu skills."
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 4000

Some Can't Resist (P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Some Can't Resist (P)

Wed Oct 12, 2016 9:41 pm
Seeing as his surprise attack had been easily tarnished Enyo began to grin even wider, what a strong opponent this was and they looked to be the same age as well. This made him ask himself what he had been doing all of these years. Well, it was time to find out, Enyo would back down. Not a chance in hell would he give up the opportunity to fight this kid here and now. As the kid asked for Enyo’s taijutsu moves he would weave the ram sign as fast as he possibly could, he knew it probably seemed like an incredibly long time for the ninja but this was all he was able to do.

So, at the speed of 25 he weaved the hand seal and as a result of that his jutsu would be activated, this gave his skin a slightly grey tone, he also got a bit bulkier than he was before. This was a complete transformation and he wanted to see how he would fair against Sal now. His health now being boosted tremendously it would take quite a bit more than a soft tap to knock him over. If granted the time he would weave the ram hand seal once more as now he would use another Hiyu technique which would increase his potency.

Now, all of his ligaments were about as close to rubber as they could possibly get. It was time for a counter attack. At the speed of 12 Enyo would run for the boy who was about 2 meters in distance from him. Enyo would feint for a left punch that, if connected, would hit the boy across his right cheek. Of course since this was a feint if he were to see any movement that was out of the ordinary or seeming as though he was going to block then he would drop low and go for a sweep kick with his right leg and both hands on the ground at the speed of 25. All of these actions taking place with 30 strength

Enyo knew his opponent was fast, but what else was he to do in this situation, the only thing he could do was give his opponent no time to breathe while constantly thinking up of a new strategy. It was pitiful indeed, but he wouldn’t back down. The wind began to blow as Enyo rushed the boy, it was soon time to find out how well this mediocre plan would work.
[TWC 2216]
Toy Soldier Tech
Basic Enhancement Tech
20AP Left

Some Can't Resist (P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Some Can't Resist (P)

Thu Oct 13, 2016 7:14 am
Enyo slammed his hands into the Ram sign and, as he did so, his skin faded to an almost necrotic grey with the muscles underneath bulking upwards as well. The transformation would have been intimidating if the kid was... well... intimidating. Salzem stood there, eyebrow cocked in mild interest as the boy got himself ready for a fight with him. Somehow, Salzem expected that this fight would the rather one-sided, what with that previous display and all. He suspected Enyo knew it to. Despite his first appearance, he didn't seem stupid. He acknowledged Salzem's power and even asked to be trained by him. Clearly, he was a smarter man than he let on. Hopefully, that would play into his favor in their little spar.

Despite the fact Enyo had grown much stronger, he appeared to have gotten much slower... At a speed of 12, he attempted to psych Salzem out, feinting only to throw a right punch at his cheek. At that particular speed, anyone, even a normal man had a chance at dodging. With no effort, the lycan raised his left palm to intercept the punch at a speed of 20, the fist crashing into it, but causing the hand to give none. The sanguine-eyed ninja clenched his fingers around Enyo's knuckles with a strength of 35, holding him in place and preventing him from dropping low to initiate his leg-sweep. At a speed of 25, he cocked his own right fist back and threw it at Enyo's face, slamming into his left cheek with a strength of 15 should it connect. At this point, Salzem was only play-fighting with him. It definitely seemed that the kid was somewhat winded from his efforts, looking like the transformation itself took a massive bite out of his stamina. He could only assume that whatever this "bulk-up" move was, it was supposed to be his trump card. Some card.

So far, however, he was doing okay for what he was... Perhaps Salzem might actually take on students again. Enyo definitely needed a teacher...
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 4000

Some Can't Resist (P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Some Can't Resist (P)

Thu Oct 13, 2016 3:12 pm
Enyo could see that his plan had been easily negated this kid’s reaction time was quite high and it seemed nothing would work, but in the meantime he noticed that he was more winded than he has ever been. He didn’t want to end the fight just now so he released his basic enhancement technique figuring it would do no good if he couldn’t hit the boy. Rather he kept his toy soldier ability activated in order to perform the next set of moves he was about to do. He wanted to do this without passing out or dying of course, his final effort before passing out. With his skin turning back to it’s original color Enyo would see the punch coming at him, it was at a decent speed considering what he seen from this boy earlier.

As the punch narrowed in on his face Enyo would take his right leg and extend his hip joint to the point where just the knee alone would be right below his chin at the speed of 25, at this point in one fluid motion taking no time to stop Enyo would extend his leg fully leaving  both of his legs to be at a 180 degree angle, also known as a straight line. This kick would aim for the elbow and have the strength of 30. If this action was followed through the punch would connect with Enyo but just barely because the boy’s hand would ricochet upwards breaking his guard.

Directly after that Enyo would bring his leg down at the speed of 25 to come down on the boy’s left shoulder at the strength of 30. Enyo knew this was going to be his last action before he succumbed to his tired body’s wishes but he wanted to land just one hit. Of course it was a kid’s dream as the difference in power was just too far, but damnit he wouldn’t give up until the very end which was near. If his leg were to crash into the boy’s shoulder he would immediately after fall not even being able to follow through with the kick and if he didn’t well..the result would still be the same.

Either way Enyo’s blood was boiling but it wasn’t due to him being mad, but it was the fact that he had found someone so powerful. It was truly an eye opener to the real world. “Damn, I was just too weak this time.” Enyo thought as he dropped to the ground.
[TWC 2632]

Some Can't Resist (P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Some Can't Resist (P)

Thu Oct 13, 2016 6:35 pm
As Salzem's fist neared the kid's face, Enyo somehow managed to contort his legs upward from where he stood, slamming his foot into Salzem's elbow. The intercept caused his arm to go wide just a bit, knocking into his head but making the blow far less than it would have been had it been on point. With his other leg, the kid slammed it down on the area between neck and shoulder, the impact akin to a genin striking a wooden dummy: No give, just pain. Salzem didn't move as Enyo fell to the ground, obviously exhausted by their fight. The length of their battle was somewhat disappointing, only a few moves in and his opponent was already on the ground. It reminded him of how he was at chess, only in reverse. Despite being on his knees and with his energy depleted, Enyo didn't seem any worse for wear. He wasn't angry or frustrated or anything like that, rather, he seemed more excited than anything... Salzem cocked his head in confusion at this reaction analyzing this wannabe student silently. Well... not wannabe anymore, he supposed. His uniqueness and his enthusiasm was enough he supposed, so long as he was willing to follow orders. The lycan knelt beside this strange, stretchy guy and placed a hand on his shoulder before offering a strange grin.

"Yes, you were." He stated with a nod. "But that's okay. I've been doing this for a while. You asked to be trained by me as you recall." Salzem sat down beside him and took his hand from his shoulder. Maybe, in time, they would be friends as well as teacher-and-student... Surprisingly, it was something to look forward to. He missed teaching the little ones, weaker ones, how to defend themselves. Maybe, through Enyo, he could again. "I'll teach you, Enyo. Just know, I'm going to be harsh on you. I won't let you slack, even with your pacifist stuff. I'm going to make you strong, okay?"
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 4000

Some Can't Resist (P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Some Can't Resist (P)

Fri Oct 14, 2016 3:19 pm
Into the black abyss of unconsciousness Enyo faded, alone with him and his thoughts he would begin to confront them. Part of him was disappointed in himself but the other part led him to believe that there was an endless amount of power to be gained. For a moment his thoughts seemed to speak to him, it was the voice of the boy he had seen just before he went unconscious, the one he had the spar with. Why would he be in his head? The simple answer was that his ears never stopped working after he blacked out therefore he was able to hear everything that was being said to him. Even though this was the case he was not able to rationalize that it was actually Salzem speaking to him.

It’s okay.” The disembodied voice said, “I’ve been doing this for a while.You asked to be trained?” The voice would ask. Enyo would reply with a “Yes!” but he didn’t know his voice was not only being heard by himself in his subconscious but it was also projecting through his body. Therefore the boy was able to hear his words. Then the boy began to speak of making Enyo strong despite his beliefs, “As long as you respect them I will respect yours...I wouldn’t want it any other way.” Enyo said in a joyful tone.

A few moments after this Enyo would shoot up soon after clutching his head as he felt a bit nauseated, it was normal as he had put his body through the ringer. He seen the boy to his side, “I just noticed something, I don’t think you ever gave your name to me. I could have just forgotten it but I seriously don’t remember.” Enyo laughed. Enyo took some bands out of his pocket and out his hair into a ponytail which would be sectioned off by each band. “So, was all that stuff I was imagining real or did you really not say any of that stuff. I think we’d make a good pair despite how weak I am right now.” Enyo said looking at the hand he was using the clutch his head.

Also, good spar if you could even call that, but when do we start the training. I’m honestly ready anytime you are.” He began to look into the boy’s eyes with the utmost seriousness.
[TWC 3030]

Some Can't Resist (P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Some Can't Resist (P)

Sat Oct 15, 2016 7:29 am
As Salzem sat beside Enyo, the he looked up into the sky, letting out sigh of contentment. It was evident that the kid seemed quite partial to his training, practically yelling in excitement. He couldn't help but smile at his bare enthusiasm, taking a small bit of pleasure in being able to make someone smile like that. It was refreshing, even if it was someone he hardly knew; Perhaps it was BECAUSE it was someone he hardly knew that he was able to enjoy his excitement. When Enyo stated that he would respect his wishes if Salzem respected his, the lycan grinned a bit wider.

"Deal." He said, offering his fist for him to bump. In an instant, the kid tried to jerk himself upwards, only to hang his head in his hands and turn a rather alarming shade of green. It looked as if he was going to be sick. That tended to happen when you try to act fine when your body was completely screwed. At Enyo's comment, Salzem's eyes widened in surprise. Oh, that's right... he never did give him his name, did he? Well, he was off to a great start, wasn't he? Next thing he'd know is that he'd forget to set up some kind of training regimen for him.

"I'm Salzem. Good to meet you Enyo." He said with a grin. He'd been smiling a lot these days despite everything. It made him feel weird... "No, I did say all that." He snickered. This guy acted like such a kid... Just the disconnect between personality and looks was enough to make the lycan laugh. He was really starting to like this guy despite only knowing him for a little while. His further comment of saying they'd make a good team wasn't exactly helping the lycan maintain an emotional detachment. Very quickly, Enyo was making Salzem want more and more to be his teacher and friend. "Heh.... Yeah, maybe..." Salzem laughed, shaking his head. "Right now, you need some rest... Here..." He took Enyo's arm and pulled him to his feet. "Let me help you get home. We'll get started in the morning, okay?"

Some Can't Resist (P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Some Can't Resist (P)

Tue Oct 18, 2016 5:37 pm
Apparently, Enyo was too tired for words. Salzem was somewhat concerned when he didn't respond, but, without any further questions, he would help his new student up and take him to the hospital. He knew not where he actually lived and, with Enyo's condition, he couldn't very well find out. Once he was safe, the Sanguine eyed ninja went back to the training grounds and snoozed the day away under his tree peacefully for a change.

(WC: 3552)

Claiming 34 AP

Last edited by Salzem <3 on Mon Oct 24, 2016 6:16 am; edited 1 time in total

Some Can't Resist (P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Some Can't Resist (P)

Sun Oct 23, 2016 5:46 pm
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Some Can't Resist (P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Some Can't Resist (P)

Mon Oct 24, 2016 5:53 am

AP is earned at 2 for 200 so you can either get 34 AP or add 50+ words and get 36 AP. <3
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