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Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Wed Dec 28, 2016 3:16 am
Well, he’s talking to himself that is never a good sign. The queensguard became more frightened as another voice called back to answer the question that they should indeed show him. “Well what if I don’t wanna see?” He responded back trying to hold the shit inside. Of, course even if he didn’t not like anyone could smell it with how this area smelled. The rancid odors of decay masked any other foul scent, around.

With the kage’s eyes changing form Kyousuke took note of their appearance. Multiple doujutsu, including one in his forehead. This guy must have had someone implant this or he implanted it himself. With the appearance of the golden cloak, the fear on the ninja’s face finally showed. This guy wasn’t just a strong ninja he was a host to a demon of some sort. Hopefully, this demon was tenacious because there was only the option of running away at this point. Maybe, he would follow and Kyousuke would be able to perform his role. All the ninja knew was that staying here meant certain death.

There was only one option for escape up and the ninja would take that. As the enemy screamed and spewed a vile black aura from his body,Kyousuke would continue his run (speed 140) for about 30M, ending his berserk transformation as he jumped and entered the advanced sage transformation before firing the cannon in his chest to increase his jump speed. (Speed 130 with cannon blast and 65M up.) After the cannon was fired Kyousuke’s tongue would return to normal and another cannon would begin to charge within his mouth.
The wave of black grew as it overcame his clone, causing the clone itself to erupt in a shower of sparks 3M’s in radius from where it was destroyed by puss filled blisters. The lightning beast would move along with Kyousuke before it was able to reach Youka and would fizzle out within moments of not touching anything.

If the plague or chakra arm was too fast for Kyousuke to escape from he would use body flicker to increase his speed to escape after the cannon was fired. (speed142  to 62.5M up) After which he would continue to fly until the cloaked ninja could barely be seen as quickly as he could.
WC: 384

Maintain Berserk -25Ap. Also, ended before cannon boosts
Advanced Sage Transformation -25Ap, +20 strength
+10Ap from clone destruction.
Added cannon to jump speed and distance. Cannon at 90 power. Base 35+15 scaling off of 70 +40 for four posts charged. Half cannon power added to strength and speed. 70 base strength + 20BL + 45 cannon = 135; 70 base speed +45 cannon = 115; 135+115=250. 250/2=125. 125 ='s speed. 125/2=62.5. 62.5 ='s jump height in Meters
-10Ap if body flicker is used.
-5Ap for upkeep from clone
Ap Remaining 245.

Current Stats: 90 strength
90 health
70 chakra 
70 speed
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Thu Dec 29, 2016 1:44 am
It was the smell that hit Akihana first as she reformed ten meters outside the closed gates of Kumogakure, what little light left in the steadily darkening area working together to put the blonde's form back together. Arashi would follow the same way he had come in, high up above though the medic hoped he would be wise enough to not reform straight away. There were already two people in grave danger here, there didn't need to be a third.

Several effects would go into play at once as the kunoichi appeared, Fondant still safely bundled in the crook of her elbow inside her sleeve. Both her armour and her damage reduction shield would activate at her reaction time as added layers of protection over her skin suit, the Hikariton pendant proving once again it's usefulness both as a storage devise and a conduit for her chakra. The crystal on her forehead would glow gold, ready to be activated should the need arise.

The sight that met the kunochi's gleaming golden eyes however made her wish she hadn't arrived at the scene. It was a purely instinctive impulse, one that rejected the reality she was now forced to face, the reality that had perhaps been present all this time and that she had foolishly thought she could overturn.

The armoured creature about seventy meters away at the center of what Akihana could only describe as a death zone was the man she had promised the rest of her life to. The creature who had caused Kumo's land to bleed, to die, to fester, was the man whom she had boundless faith in.

Perhaps this was the final blow, the world's way of telling her she was wrong, but if that was the case, then she deserved a chance to argue her case too. Despite every part of her body wanting to move, to run away, to hide, to curl up in a corner and cry, Akihana stood her ground, surveying the scene before her to cement the memory in. Regardless of all her efforts, this is what Youka was.

Perhaps what he'd sways be.

Weaving the handsign for a shadow clone where she stood, the kunoichi had to make a conscious effort to not weep as her world crumbled. Where once she'd built hopes for the future now lay nothing but a rancid wasteland. One she would have to tread because she had failed to stop it.

Because that's how things worked, if she had promised to share everything with the Raikage, why should failure be any different?

"Stop!" the blonde called out as her clone arose and took flight activating its wings to reach Kyousuke who was a mere spec in the sky, skating over the edge of the jutsu Youka was using. Avoiding the border of decay and disease, her clone would make its way to the redheaded priest, its first priority to ensure the Juugo was alright.

While the original would walk straight ahead, headed directly for the epicenter from which the disease originated. Should Youka sense her coming and act accordingly, the kunoichi would form her reaction based on those events but should he not notice her arrival, she would continue to walk, Makona rearing to go inside her and the gem on her forward radiating waves of warm golden light as she got closer to the plague field.

"Stop, please," the words were choked with the tears clogging her throat but loud enough to carry, her tone desperate and beseeching. "Please, he's here for me, don't hurt him."

Boring stuff:
Arashi Tekiatsu
Arashi Tekiatsu
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Return to Things Long Forgotten - Page 2 Empty Re: Return to Things Long Forgotten

Thu Dec 29, 2016 12:19 pm
Even with his mother dragging him, it did not last long, as they both accelerated in their own ways, and definitely for their own reasons.  Arashi sailed over the wall, the resistance was lesser, but still there, and he found himself within sight of the man who he was here for.  The one he needed to kill to restore his family's honor.  He might be the last of the line, but the Tekiatsus would not vanish into the night without a fight.  He shot forward, ready to hit the Raikage from behind, but then,.... he stopped.

A chill down his spine, if it was still solid, stopped him in his tracks.  He remembered Youka from his memories, or at least the Lord of Decay, but seeing the practical beast in front of him frankly scared him.  His once thought of indestructible family was completely eliminated in one attack, and now he wanted to face this.. thing... in combat?  How could he defeat such a person?

But he had to... his family deserved a final rest, knowing that they gave their lives for their village.  He had to.. and he shot forward, stopped once again by his own fear.  He almost didn't notice Akihana rushing forward to step in the way.  Of course they were here for her.. but she HAD to know Arashi's reason for being here.  She should understand, right?

He stopped in the air above the three, trying to gather the courage to reform.  He moved next to the Aki-clone and the hovering Kyousuke, ready to stand by them, but too late noticed that his actual mother was already on the ground... walking into the black cloud around Youka.  In his cloud form, he could already tell that the plague would be too strong for him.  He would literally be inviting the poison directly into his body, so Arashi was going to have to stay outside the range.  But seeing Akihana step through, into death itself, he couldn't stand idle and finally forced himself to the ground, reforming himself behind her just out of range.  His eyes continued to swirl, as he was not about to let himself get killed before revenge could be made.

"Mom...!" he said, almost pleading, while his eyes could not peel themselves from the thing before him.  He was facing down death himself.  And his only thought being, was he ready for this... did he even stand a chance?

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Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Return to Things Long Forgotten - Page 2 Empty Re: Return to Things Long Forgotten

Wed Feb 08, 2017 8:36 pm
At the time Kyousuke was a little preoccupied and high in the sky, so he hadn’t quite noticed the arrival of Akihana and Arashi. ‘’A bijuu I’ve never seen one… I’ll have to take that along with your village. Hahahaaa!” I’ll give Arashi a couple minutes to get out of Kumo and then I’m out of here. The ninja’s wings flapped keeping him aloft as he moved in a circle above the death cloud.

As he moved the cloud receded. Well he definitely isn’t afraid of me, if he wanted he could have killed me already. Kyousuke peered down as he heard the word stop, coming from a voice that was all too familiar to him. Akihana? Why is she here, they were supposed to escape.

The ninja would dive next to the clone. “My lady we have to get you out of here.” Of, course Kyousuke had mistaken the clone for the original who would want to be close to a monster such as the current raikage. He was fear incarnate, being that close was as stupid as it was deadly. “I’ll hold him back…” Telling her to run at this point got weird.

Akihana’s clone moved forward, but the man he was fighting seemed still. The clone wasn’t using any offensive techniques, just talking. Did he stop using his jutsu because of her? “Your not the clone are you?”

If the clone said yes, the priest would dive for Akihana and stand in front of her. Not in a way that would prevent conversation, but certainly one where he would be ready to defend at a moment’s notice. 

WC: 270
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Thu Feb 09, 2017 6:51 am
Akihana was prepared for her voice to have no effect, the battle field raging ahead was terrifying and she but one individual making her way straight towards the originate of the chaos, and yet when the field of poison and decay retreated, leaving the land around barren but safe, the kunoichi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

She had come to count on Youka for some things, and it seemed her faith was not misplaced.

As the clone flew to Kyousuke, attempting to shield him from damage, the original motioned for Arashi to stay where he was. Sudden movements on the field could result in death and despite her trust in the Raikage, the blonde didn't want any accidents. When she reached the tall armored figure that housed Youka somewhere, the young woman began to explain.

Up in the sky as the Juugo moved to Akihana's side, thinking she was the original, the blonde merely held out a hand, no answers yet, golden eyes assessing the young redhead for injury. He was in quite the state but he was moving and speaking. It seemed Youka had not wanted to kill or the knight would likely be dead. When asked if she was the original, Akihana shook her head, extending a small bubble of golden chakra around both of them. It was by no mans meant to contain the knight, simply to warn him that the original and the Raikage needed to talk uninterrupted.

"I.. I didn't know they were coming," the real Akihana finished on the ground below, wishing she could at least see the young Kage's face to discern his expression. "I swore, I promise on...," Promise on what? What they had? What they could have had? Their relationship was made of question marks more than anything else. He had no reason to believe her save the fact that he knew she never lied. "I swear."

An age seem to pass as the wind howled around the area, the picture of all of them stilled for an eternity in time before the raspy voice spoke only one word, a word that hurt more than any of the jutsu the Raikage could have thrown her way.


Once again, Akihana wished she could see his face. Even if he didn't believe her, at least she would know. Now he was just an impassive mask and the blonde couldn't deal with masks. As an extension of her nature, masks were lies and therefore beyond her comprehension. For the first time in the last six months, Akihana felt she had broken something, something important.

"As you wish," she spoke softly, obedience in her voice. Her hand twitched softly, wanting to reach out and hold on to his but she doubted her gesture would be appreciated. "I'll... write as soon as I reach."

And then, before he could see the tears sparkling on her golden lashes, she turned away, motioning for Arashi, Kyousuke and the clone to follow her as they made their way out of Kumogakure.

(Exit Akihana - all this posted with Youka's permission and of course following the 48 hour skipping rule)
Arashi Tekiatsu
Arashi Tekiatsu
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Return to Things Long Forgotten - Page 2 Empty Re: Return to Things Long Forgotten

Fri Feb 10, 2017 7:34 pm
He wanted to join the fight, to push for justice, to finally avenge and honor the family that was stolen from him.  He wanted to... but he couldn't.

Akihana had plenty of power over him, and as she signaled for him to stop... stop he did.  He stood motionless, frozen, as the blond sage spoke with the very beast who chased her from her home long ago.  He bit his lips, wanting to jump but, but before a threat could be viewed, it was over.

The young man stood obedient, only moving when Akihana motioned for him to do so, and with a sigh, he kicked off the ground, sailing up to a tree as the group finally left.

Unbeknownst to the group, a lone cloud followed them.  For the longest time Raiden was sure that he was the last, that the rest of the family was dead, and all their collected knowledge was lost to time.  But seeing this... boy... made him realize that someone survived, and that someone had the rest of the clan secrets.  

That was something that needed to be addressed, immediately.

END Arashi -
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Return to Things Long Forgotten - Page 2 Empty Re: Return to Things Long Forgotten

Sat Feb 11, 2017 4:52 am
Akihana’s clone seemed to not want the ninja to approach. To him the act seemed illogical, but not everyone relied on common sense. Akihana was more a think with your feelings type, so he let her do her thing. The ninja would instead fly down towards Arashi and end his transformation, causing all of the odd mutations on his body to disappear. No more black sclera and golden pupils, no rough skin that appeared to be scales. Well I am most certainly confused.

She is going to write? The pieces were beginning to fall into place, the fact the raikage stopped his assault. The actual Akihana going towards Youka. The promise of a letter of her return to Hoshi and how upset she was that she was told to go. They are friends? So, many questions flowed into his head at once. What? How? Why? Is this a genjutsu? Is this a dream?

As Arashi and Akihana moved to leave Kyousuke followed, but turned briefly offering a scowl and grunt to the man. I’ll be back and I will kill you. He turned back around after thinking that. To the village and himself Akihana was the priority. Once, they were safe and far away maybe they could talk. 

WC: 208
TWC: 2241
Claims: Putting all WC towards finishing lightning clones 2258/4000 before, 22AP
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Return to Things Long Forgotten - Page 2 Empty Re: Return to Things Long Forgotten

Mon Feb 13, 2017 7:22 am
Everyone's exit is approved.

Kyousuke, approved

+22 action points

Lightning clones jutsu finished
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