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Arashi Tekiatsu
Arashi Tekiatsu
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 43000

Return to Things Long Forgotten Empty Return to Things Long Forgotten

Thu Dec 22, 2016 12:33 pm
He had nightmares of what happened in Kumo, nightmares of what the people here were having to endure, to the damage that the Monster of Kumo inflicted, but nothing compared to what he saw.  Kumo was cloudy to mostly cloudy, either by design or by coincidence, but to Arashi, that didn't matter.  He was here for a reason.  And he was determined.  Even more so from where he came from.

Despite the urgency of the mission, Arashi had to stop by his family's old property.  The long burned structure was barely noticeable, the years and years slowly erasing the final evidence of the Tekiatsu clan.  He dropped down on the snow covered plot, full of once overgrowth and now frozen gardens and pools, and an old fallen fountain.  Most of the structure was lost to time, having been mostly wood.  There were still clear ideas of where rooms where, but nothing to really indicate what those rooms were for.  Worst of all, there were clear signs of looters.  Anything of value that belong to his family were now gone as well.

That snow filled day was once again fresh in his mind, and the young man shut his eyes as they filled with saline fluid.  He may still be joining them high in the skies above the world, but he would be damned if he didn't go out with a fight. S-ranked usually meant Suicide mission.  

As Arashi hit the cloud base where the forests transitioned to the village, a cold, yet familiar feeling took over.  There was something... off, about the clouds.  It felt like active chakra.  Active cloud chakra.  His first thoughts went to his father, and then the clan elder, but they were dead.  Unless...

He dropped to the ground, shaking his head to get rid of the eerie feelings he had.  Glancing towards the gates, he stayed out of sight, dropping to the squishy ground behind cover.

He had to remind himself who he was doing this for, and then gather his courage.  He needed it, he needed all of it.  He stood up slowly, brushing himself off and closing his eyes.  It was time for action.  He shifted his eyes, watching his feet disappear as he dispersed himself.  His first attempt... and he launched himself to get over the walls.  In case he had to get grounded, he was wearing the Kumo headband.... his headband.  

He had to push the feelings out for now, and hope that the clouds he was feeling was only residuals.

AP: -10 for Cloud Body, 816 remaining.
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Return to Things Long Forgotten Empty Re: Return to Things Long Forgotten

Thu Dec 22, 2016 11:07 pm
There were things Kyousuke expected to see at and near the hidden cloud village and things he didn’t expect to see. The queensguard expected people, he expected forests, and he expected earth. This is confusing because while he saw what he expected he didn’t see them in the way he thought he would. The people were mutilated into becoming horrific beings ones that made the ninja nearly vomit as he looked at them. They moved mindlessly as if working off of pure instinct. “I had heard the leader of Kumo was a monster, but this… Truly seeing it… The ninja gritted his teeth together growing angrier and angrier with each zombie he passed in the sky. This is unforgivable.

Once, he entered the forests with humans impaled on spikes the ninja nearly stopped to pray that their souls had found peace in the afterlife. He passed he had settled on avenging them. Maybe, his battle would serve a dual purpose. To save his queen and avenge those wronged by this foul person who sat there and called himself a kage. A person who was supposed to protect those weaker than him. This wasn’t protecting anyone this was taking life, something precious and perverting it to conform to your own needs. It truly was sickening. Even growing up in the lawless streets of Haven he had never seen atrocities like these. What the raikage was doing was a step even the depraved didn’t dare to step. It made Kyousuke want to break the bones of this man and relish in the joy as he screamed out in pain. The scariest part about that was that this wasn’t a voice inside his head, but his own thoughts and feelings. If god hadn’t punished him yet, maybe someone should.

As Kyousuke flew he stopped before hitting the unhallowed ground. A stew of flesh, feces, and other rotten and putrid fumes. It’s too open here, I’ll need to charge somewhere else. With that he would fly and hover in a place out of sight and form a cannon on his chest. He unzipped his jacket, so that it wouldn’t be in the way when he fired. A ball of red energy formed within, absorbing more nature energy as time goes on.

-25Ap advanced sage transformation; 475/500
Starting to charge cannon, can’t be used until following post
+10 power and speed per post charged.
Current power: 50  (35 Base + 15 power and speed from scaling)
+20 Health from Advanced Sage transformation putting me at 110
WC: 377
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Return to Things Long Forgotten Empty Re: Return to Things Long Forgotten

Fri Dec 23, 2016 12:16 pm
Today was a weird day for the Kage as he walked the village in his traditional black robe. He had set out to ensure everything was ready for the departure of Akihana. The ryo had already been subtracted from his coffers and placed in crates to be shipped with her in a caravan for ease of moving. The village felt different to him as well as he strolled through the second district, it felt empty knowing that she would not be here to add color to them with her smile. As he walked, he noted that the kids and villagers hardly ever moved to the other side of the road when he came, everyone for the most part accepted him with waving hands and slight bows which caused a slight smile to form on his face.

While his steps were leading him back to the third district to attend to other affairs and possibly spend just a bit more time with Akihana he heard his name being called. The kage turned to see one of his jounin running to him before closing the distance to whisper something in his ear. Mortarions all too calm face twisted to a silent anger as the words hit his ear. Two foreign chakra signatures were picked up on the outskirts of the village. This usually would be no cause for concern given normal circumstances, yet the two had not come to the gates. Instead they stuck to the tree lines which led the village nin to come inform him.

"Today of all days."

With a nod from Mortarion the jounin left and the kage sent a mental message to Akuoy to gather his armor and weapons. The plague lord made his way through the crowds at his same pace towards the entrance of the village. A brief light of blue chakra radiated out from nowhere as a portal opened and Akuoy came through with the necessary things asked for. While Mortarion placed each section of armor on to cover his grotesque bulbs of chakra on his skin the red and black orbs that formed his halo continued to circle his head picking up in pace as if they felt the on coming engagement. As he attached the re breather to his face the all too familiar plume of purple chakra escaped into the air once more as he sighed.

"Akuoy open a portal to the fields close to them, I'll walk the rest of the way. Close the gates, no one comes or leaves till I return."

Once the portal was open he walked through before it collapsed and once again appeared in the sludge filled swampland of the rot field. His own chakra sensory kicked in picking up the closest signature that seemed to be growing in chakra as time went on. The motor from the pack on his back whirred as a puff of green smoke filled the air before dispersing once more as he reached the summit where the charging chakra was. With a soft but authoritive voice he asked one question while closing the distance with the target. His 7 foot frame coming into view with the dull grey armor looking as if time had escaped it.

"Who are you?"
Arashi Tekiatsu
Arashi Tekiatsu
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 43000

Return to Things Long Forgotten Empty Re: Return to Things Long Forgotten

Fri Dec 23, 2016 1:32 pm
Even though he was purely thankful for the cloud cover, Arashi had been finding it increasingly difficult to push through.  There was noticeable resistance, both from familiar and unfamiliar chakra.  It felt like he was pushing though bodies of people, and his had a thought and pushing through his own family.  Still, he had to press on, and press on he did.

He slowed as he neared the large wall, it was certainly different than he remembered.  Higher, more... foreboding.  But what really stopped him was the mass of chakra he felt behind him.  Unbearable power... the Raikage?  For a moment, he thought about shooting back, to help snow.  And he wanted to.  The butcher of the clan was there.  But, the mission came first.  Kyou would never forgive him if he died outside the gates instead of finding his mother.

Clenching his vaporised teeth, Arashi sailed over the wall, floating above the village.


It seemed like such a simple day.  But that was before his own chakra went off.  As soon as Arashi hit the cloud base, he was known, and the Kumo jounin had immediately gone to the Raikage.  The chakra was.. disturbing.  It felt just as familiar as he remember his past, but there was just no way.

"My lord!" the Cloud ninja found and joined up with the Raikage, and wasted no time.  "We have intruders.  Two signatures out by the fields.  One feels... familiar.  They're keeping to the trees for now, no doubt staking the area.  I believe they mean to infiltrate." he had said, and internally reeled when the Raikage showed anger.  
The Lord of Decay didn't need to issue him an order.  His strength was known... and proven.  As the Kage moved off to confront these strangers, he turned, debating his next move.  Tapping into the chakra of the clouds, he felt the second one, the familiar one, move across the fields, and over the walls.  Of course no gate would stop it.  He knew that all to himself.  

"I was sure I got all of you.... I guess I'll have to finish the job...." Raiden muttered, as he activated his own bloodline.  He moved swiftly, tracking this new target floating over the village.  

(Exit to Village proper)
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Return to Things Long Forgotten Empty Re: Return to Things Long Forgotten

Fri Dec 23, 2016 7:38 pm
Kyousuke continued to charge his cannon, even as he felt a strong chakra presence appear quite some distance away. The ninja also focused on his ally, but a chakra signature which felt similar to the one approaching got in the way. He tried to sense Akihana, but again a dense cloud of chakra would be in the way and make further attempts useless. As the clinks and clanks of armor grew louder Kyousuke would turn revealing a giant hole I his upper chest where a ball of red chakra was forming. Well, this guy has something to do with why I can’t see into the village.

As the guy got closer Kyousuke realized he wasn’t dealing with a normal person. This guy was seven feet tall. Everyone thought the orange hair ninja was tall at 6’3, but this guy made him seem short. With facial features finally coming into view, the queensguard only felt one thing… Fear. Everything in his body told him to run, get as far as you can, but he stayed still until the blistered man spoke and asked who he was. The ninja remained quiet still not quite sure what he wanted to say or do. Until, he remembered there were people currently in the village of clouds relying on him. “You can call me Snow, what about you? You appear to be one of those things out in the fields, yet you speak and have a chakra like what I feel within your walls.”

“Pardon me, if I am jumping to conclusions here, but are you the kage of this village?” The tone was gentle and nice. As the guy would speak though, if he were to speak at all in a not so friendly tone he would add a few words. “If you are well then we have a problem, there is simply no room for two kage’s in a village.”  Of course, he wasn’t truly trying to take over the village, but this guy didn’t need to know that. 

WC: 336
-5Ap upkeep on sage transformation 470/500
Cannon Power/Speed: 60 [35 base +15 scaling + (10*X)] (x=number of posts since cannons started charging.)
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Return to Things Long Forgotten Empty Re: Return to Things Long Forgotten

Fri Dec 23, 2016 8:54 pm
As the male turned to look upon Mortarion the kage couldn't help but notice the very peculiar shape of the males mid section. There weren't many things in this world that made the doctor curious as to what was happening inside of someones body, but this left him oddly speechless. Speechless and all too wiling to once again take up his hobby of digging into human bodies and finding out what made them tick. A smile creeped over his face as he thought about taking the male from the sky and showing him all the different utensils he used to pull varying body parts and organs. Possibly he'd even get to show the boy his own as he puled them from his body bit by bit.

He did note that as the male stayed airborne that the chakra once again pulsed at a higher level than it had when first picked up by his ninja. It seemed that whatever it was it was increasing in power as time went on. Depending on what the ball of energy was the kage didn't like the idea of what it would be capable of should he allow it to continue. What did rub the plague lord the wrong way however was how the would be intruder decided to speak. It lacked a certain...he couldn't put his finger on it but it lacked something that he felt was needed. Ah, yes, the males body should have been planted firmly to the ground as he spoke.

No, that's not who he was anymore, there didn't need to be outright violence from the start of this meeting. Today was meant to be a day of joy and brief sadness on his part for Akihana leaving. She wouldn't like to hear that he had murdered someone...maybe she would just have to not find out about this. Carnage seeped from his skin covering his entire body, however the male would only see the red and black symbiote covering his face reforming it slightly as the suit took over. His voice distorted even more as he spoke through the rebreather giving it a synthetic tone.

"I'll tell you what, just for today I'll give you a good deal. I'll make your death quick, maybe not painless."

His walk would have continued this whole time placing him under that male if he had not sought to change his position. Mortarions leg faintly glowed a purple aura as his foot left the ground at a frightening speed. The earth beneath him moved as the air around him formed violently into a vortex with a sharp upwards kick from him. If successful the wind from the upwards kick would have locked the males body in place. He wanted to see if this person was even strong enough for him to have shown himself. Should it happen as planned he'd follow it up with a jumping downwards axe kick sending the males body to the earth where it belonged.

Vortex power 120
kick is 210 strength 140 speed.

Jutsu used
full moon elephant
chakra enhanced strength
AP 800-45-40=715
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Return to Things Long Forgotten Empty Re: Return to Things Long Forgotten

Fri Dec 23, 2016 9:20 pm
As the thing on the guys face started to move the ninja grew worried. “Well, you really didn’t answer so guess I have to blow down his door down with this.” He would say pointing at his chest as his ski began to change shape. Now small holes that leaked chakra appeared on his back. “Now I can go wild, in the berserk state!” His tongue would roll from his mouth as it began to foam with his voice taking on a crazed tone. Its just an act to bide time, I hope Arashi finds Akihana quickly.

Kyousuke would move away from the ninja with his transformed state he was able to pick up the movement and move out of the way of the vacuum (speed 140 RT 245. That move is oddly similar to the evening elephant. He was able to use his leg for that. This is going to be extremely dangerous. Kyousuke landed  about 6M away from where Youka was standing then used the momentum from landing to propel himself forward torward the kage. With his feet planted he felt the squishy ground beneath him, but it did nothing to stop his forward motion. In his current state the chakra within the cannon had become more dense, along with his own chakra signature becoming stronger. I need to read his movements, I have an advantage in movement with the power of flight. So, I need to test this guys stuff and adjust my strategy accordingly.

Making a lightning clone (speed 140 for seals) the ninja would send the thing forward ahead of himself. While they appeared the same the clone did not have a chakra signature like Kyousuke’s. At the same time he made the clone the ninja’s tongue would turn into a 2M sharp gray extension, while a scorpion’s tail formed on the ninja’s rear. (speed 140 for transformation)

-50Ap for activating Berserk Sage Transformation (Assume I look like that, but bigger with the additional things mentioned above and the back cannons being purely cosmetic.)
-40Ap for Lightning Clones (Power of explosion 100 [65 base + 35 from scaling)
Cannon power at 110. (35 base + 35 from scaling off of 140 chakra + 20 power/speed to jugo techs from BST + 20 for charging two posts)
Ap: 380
WC: 301
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Return to Things Long Forgotten Empty Re: Return to Things Long Forgotten

Fri Dec 23, 2016 10:22 pm

Mortarion had missed his chance to end this right away and return to his village to find the other invader whom he'd let pass. The other one had a familiar chakra presence as if he had met it before which meant he had deemed it not a threat if he allowed it to live. The problem was the person in front of him now. The chakra in his chest was growing once again causing Mortarions attention shift to shutting down whatever it was.

The new transformation however was something that truly intrigued him to no limits. It was almost like a cursed mark that he had worked on so long ago however this was much more advanced. His body wanted even more now to dissect the male slowly once this was all done. Now however came the act of actually subduing his prey.

The symbiote grew an appendage from his back latching onto the lance attached to his back over the scythe. Pushing the lance forward as the male closed distance through the air the invader also formed a clone allowing it to move directly in front of him. The lance was held three meters from Mortarions body where he'd keep moving it forward once the clone was a meter away with it's protrusion he'd initiate the switch flowing electricity through the weapon creating a passable wave of electricity emanating from the weapon. If this happened as planned the clone would have little to no time to adjust it's position as the electricity shot from the weapon completing the extra space in between them. Next would come the real body as the lightning clone would more than likely disperse in electricity reverting the attack onto Kyouske if he stayed close enough to the clone.

(electricity is 70)
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Return to Things Long Forgotten Empty Re: Return to Things Long Forgotten

Sat Dec 24, 2016 10:19 pm
The guy before him wasn’t an easy opponent he was able to perceive, react, and engage. All without a shred of fear, as if he already knew how the battle would end and was only entertaining the ninja at the moment. I need to find a gap in his defense and use my clone to grab him, once that is done I can use this blast and my clones blast to annihilate this guy.

As the scythe came in the clone was able to move out of the direct path of the blade, but the lightning shot through the clone. The orange hair clone grunted, coughed out a ball of black smoke and continued its path forward. If the clone was close enough it would attempt to grab the other ninja (speed 70. If the clone was able to get a grip on the kage and a firm hold he would activate advanced sage transformation and put a spike through each of the kage’s limbs and hands (speed 70). Once, the spikes were through, if they got through the sharp points would flatten like the heads of a nail and hold the kage in place.

As, the clone did this the original took out a set of brass knuckles and placed them onto his hands as quickly as he could. After that he would move to the side of the kage at least 4M’s from his him and the lightning clone and form a wolf made of pure chakra on his palm, before sending it charging at his opponent. (speed 100, Power 95). A cable of lightning connected the animal and user, so if the kage were to move the animal would follow. “Waaahaaahaaa haaa!” He cackled as if losing his own mind, in truth he wasn’t but again this guy didn’t need to know that.

Through the corner of his eye he saw the signal Arashi was talking about, one in the clouds. One that meant he had found Akihana. Finding her though was just the beginning likely getting her out would be the difficult part. There were still ninja inside and this one was able to give jounin a run for their money.

-25Ap for upkeep on berserk sage transformation
-45Ap for Lightning Beast Running
-10Ap upkeep on lightning clone
Clone +10Ap for jugo BL
-25Ap if clone uses sage transformation and -5 for the additional protrusion needed to seal off all limbs and hands.
Ap Remaining: 300 without clone stuff. 270 with clone, +10Ap if clone is destroyed. 
Cannon power at 120. (35 base + 35 from scaling off of 140 chakra + 20 power/speed to jugo techs from BST + 30 for charging three posts)

Current Stats:
Strength: 70
Stamina: 25
Health: 90
Chakra: 140
Speed: 140
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Return to Things Long Forgotten Empty Re: Return to Things Long Forgotten

Wed Dec 28, 2016 12:43 am
The plague lords time being the kage of Kumogakure had somehow deluded his fighting spirit it seemed. Or maybe it was the fact that Akihana had truly left a piece of herself with him, teaching him the path of caring for other as well sometimes even above ones self. He couldn't think of another reason that this engagement had gone on as long as it did without the male in front of him laying on the ground. A grim scowl adorned his face as the symbiote and it's rigid teeth attempted to form the semblance of a frown. Even the orbs that made his halo shifted from their normal red and black to a deep purple with black particles floating inside them, their speed increasing drastically rotating around his head.

The unknown male in front of him would remain unknown it seemed, today would be the last morning air was drawn into his lungs. Whatever he was made up of would be scattered to the winds in every direction save for what the kage would use for medical purposes. Scratch that, there would be no remains today, just a spot that marked the area someone had been foolish enough to darken the gates of Kumogakure.

"Epidemius, the child wants to play the berserker...shall we show him?"

The demon replied outwardly, speaking through Mortarion corrupting his own voice but only shrieking one word.


As the clone came in for the grab the kages eyes spun into their eternal mangekyo form as his third eye revealed the byakugan upon his forehead. A tainted golden chakra cloak flowed around Mortarion adorning him in pure chakra. The very earth itself died beneath him as the decaying chakra from the cloak seeped into the ground causing it to dry out and crack. Power was nothing if it was never used. He had forgotten that if you were to destroy something, you destroyed it with everything you had in order to not disrespect the person you were fighting. Once the clone was close enough the kages body glowed deeply for just a moment before a scream of agony erupted from his mouth as his body bled from every puss sore and most open holes on him. The liquid seeped from his ears and nose as he coughed violently as his skin was torn from his flesh down to the bone.

Of course the only thing Kyouske would see is an explosion of what could only be described as a wall of living bacteria and death. The cloud would erupt from the kage outwards catching the clone first as it was the closest. Sticking to the clone and festering it would more than likely prove too much for the doppelganger to take. The real target well, Mortarion couldn't speak for what he might do. The short distance that the intruder had decided to take would prove fatal more than likely but he had to be sure. A darkened golden with purple hue clawed hand grew from the cloaks backside growing 15 meters wide as it would come crashing down to the earth where the male was placed. Being the size it was it didn't need to cover any distance nor need to be fast considering the relative amount of room one could travel from a standing still position.

Mortarion laughed slightly though it curdled in his own throat from the phlegm and puss that was now filling his lungs from the beasts chakra.

"It's time for you to wake up."

Was what he managed to cough out as the world around him died even further. The half dead humans on spikes wretched at the fumes now sticking to them causing convulsions. The immediate 50 meters would all be laid to waste as it was saturated with decay.

AP 715-200-100-50-10-10=345
Jutsu used
destroyer plague power speed and health are all 110 50 meters in a 360 field all around

Current stats
Health 110
Speed 130
Strength 105
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