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Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Sparring practice? (P, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Sparring practice? (P, NK)

Fri Feb 10, 2017 7:21 pm
The bullets passed her and disapeared as Hikari tried to get some distance between the girl, glancing back to try to figure out how far behind her and saw that Shiroi was changing color, rapidly transforming from her once pale skin to a very strange brown blue and yellow. It looked quite creepy actually. The Chestnut haired girl could feel the woman's chakra go up, to the point that it now scared the young genin. Hikari got up to full speed, dashing away from the woman and would think about what she should do next, the last technique she used, The wind style bullets, was her fastest and most devastating c-rank jutsu. Namikaze wasn't sure she should try to do any B rank jutsu yet (Although, she was really desperate to start just shooting out fireballs non-stop at Shiroi right now out of pure fear.)

Hikari would turn around while she ran and would form the 2 handsigns again before shooting out a great fire ball. The technique would come at the young girl at a speed of 40 and a power of 40, at this point, Hikari was to far away for the jutsu to hit, however, if Shiroi kept coming at Hikari at full speed, she would be within range though by the time the technique stoped. This would force Shiroi into one of two options, either continue after Hikari and get hit by the fire ball, or stop and wait for the jutsu to die out there for giving Hikari some more time to get some distance. (Those two, or do some cool gymnastic technique to dodge the fireball while still moving at Hikari, but the young Namikaze Doubted that she could do such a thing)

Word count: 289

AP: 495-20=475
Shiroi Shinzo
Shiroi Shinzo
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Sparring practice? (P, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Sparring practice? (P, NK)

Fri Feb 10, 2017 11:01 pm
The fireball was small. Relatively speaking, of course. Did not look that hot, but looks could be deceiving. She was confident though, something in her gut told her that the girl across the way would not use something crazy strong already.

Shiroi did not stop. She did not slow down. In fact, she sped up, pushing for max speed before jumping. Well, not really jumping. It was more of a launch. A very dynamic launch that led to a spectacular entry into the fireball. And it just kept going. Shiroi would break through the other side of the fireball with one leg leading, and one end of her bokali just above it. Her momentum would continue still, straight towards Hikari's face.

[Ap: -60 max]
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Sparring practice? (P, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Sparring practice? (P, NK)

Sat Feb 11, 2017 8:17 am
Hikari, who was still running full speed but glancing behind her, saw Shiroi run straight into the fire ball and had a heart attack, Hikari didn't think she would commit a suicide dive right into the fireball! The young genin was about to stop and go check on the small girl when suddenly, the small opponent of her’s came blazing out of the fire like some sort of crazy lunatic with a kick aimed right at the young genin’s face. With all honesty, Hikari was so frightened right now, that she almost didn't dodge the incoming kick. At the last second, Hikari would change her direction, curving her movement to the left to dodge the technique and continued to run. This girl was insane! She jumped through the fire and out to hit the young chestnut haired girl? The worst part was that she seemed to of taken no damage from it what so ever! How was such a small girl able to do that? Namikaze would continue to run away from her opponent. C rank jutsu were out of the question now, that was for sure. So she knew she had to up it into overdrive now. The young genin would form the sign of the shadow clone justu and create 2 exploding clones of herself, running beside her. The three would break off one going to the left, one going to the right, and the real one keeping straight. Hikari’s plan was that the two clones could get some distance and perhaps surround Shiroi as they ran and could perform some offense/ recover some while the real Hikari could distract her. On the other chance that she went after one of the clones instead, the same thing would happen, just Hikari would keep up the offense while one of the clones distracted them.

Each clone has 145 AP:

Word count: 312
Shiroi Shinzo
Shiroi Shinzo
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Sparring practice? (P, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Sparring practice? (P, NK)

Sun Feb 12, 2017 4:58 pm
Shiroi was... annoyed, to say the least. She had to catch Hikari, but the girl was, plain and simple, faster. And avoiding melee like the plague. There was good and bad news to this. If Shiroi ever got in melee, she would probably win. That was the good news. The bad news? She might not ever get in melee at this rate... and was quickly draining her energy.

Shiroi needed to catch up, and fast. So, she's push to her limit. One arm out, a trained stance. She was going for a lariat, simply enough. Aimed for the lower back, for the best chance at avoiding permanent damage if she hit. While she was going all out trying to catch up, she would hold back a fair bit if the hit actually connected. Shiroi knew Hikari was a speedster and had a lot of chakra, but she may not have the durability to back it up. There would not be long now.

[AP: -80 max]
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Sparring practice? (P, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Sparring practice? (P, NK)

Sun Feb 12, 2017 5:38 pm
Hikari, who was still looking behind, her, saw her picking up speed and catching up, trying to catch the real Hikari with a lariat! The young Namikaze wondered how she knew which one of them was real, before realizing that going after the one that was going straight was the best bet of which one was real (Hikari would take a mental note of this so she would know not to make the same mistake in the future) And would start to realize that her small opponent was catching up with Hikari, It was getting pretty scary seeing the demon child comeing after her (Hikari had to question whether the young girl was still sane or not) Namikaze would form the sign of the Ram and use the body flicker jutsu, Her speed would increase to 225 for a short burst and would be able to pick up speed and get some more distance from the small girl, to the point she was about 35 meters away from her. (Let me know if you feel like that is to much)

The clones of Hikari would start to slow down though and get behind Shiroi going at a slower pace so that they can focus on regaining energy, while Hikari distracted them.

Hikari was a little bit scared right now, as she had said before, she wasn't sure that the girl was one hundred precent with her right now, so she wanted to check to make sure she was fine.

"Hey?" Hikari would call back as she was being chased by the wild looking midget, "Are you still there? Like.... mentally? Sorry, just looks like you have gone insane right now!"

Hikari- Ap 145- 10 = 135

Clones: 145 + 10 for not going full speed : 155

WC: 301
Shiroi Shinzo
Shiroi Shinzo
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Sparring practice? (P, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Sparring practice? (P, NK)

Mon Feb 13, 2017 9:24 pm
Shiroi was about to look around for where the the girl had disappeared to, but she so foolishly announced exactly where. Well, that was probably the real one. Shiroi had kind of stopped paying attention to where the clones were, but hopefully that would not come to bite her in the ass.

The thing that really caught her attention, however, was what Hikari *said*. Have I lost my mind? Far from it, but let's pretend. So, Shiroi skidded to a stop. She hunched her back, making exaggerated breathing motions, before bringing her hands together. The first change was not noticeable on the outside, not at first at least. The second change, however, morphed her mouth. Currently, Hikari stood behind Shiroi, so the genin would not see this. Even so, what had taken shape would become rapidly apparent. See, Shiroi's mouth had grown considerably, along with the teeth. Her smile spread practically from ear to ear, and her teeth were sharp and jagged, fitting together perfectly. So when Shiroi's head turned, and just her head, a full 180 degrees to reveal this horrific smile, it was hopefully to get a reaction. Without releasing the handseal, Shiroi started turning her body while her head remained motions. But again, much too little was turning much too far. It was as if her body were putty, molded and shaped by an individual with a lacking knowledge of human anatomy. The final thing to happen would be the 'disappearance' of her body. Every outwards cell became a mirror. The only thing plainly visible was the monstrous smile, floating in the air below... a tiny reflection of Hikari herself, existing on approximately Shiroi's forehead. Shiroi's head snapped up, as if biting into the mirrored image, before the staff was discarded to the ground and her mouth closed, rendering the camouflage complete. A tumble into a launch sent her flying, a dynamic kick that was actually a punch, having launched from her hands, was aimed towards Hikari, though it had no hopes of reaching the girl. Instead, Shiroi simply landed shortly after starting, going directly into a series of tumbles and spins meant to make the already difficult task of tracking her reflective body even harder, before finally landing on her feet and breaking out into a sprint directly towards Hikari.

[AP: -140 max]
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Sparring practice? (P, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Sparring practice? (P, NK)

Mon Feb 13, 2017 10:20 pm
Hikari had gotten some distance away from her opponent and sensed that her opponent had stopped. She was 40 meters away from the small girl who turned away from her, The two clones also were 20 meters away, they surrounded the girl, with all honesty, they could of just each done an A-rank jutsu and finished the spar now, but instead (Like a dumb girl in a horror movie) Namikaze and her clones just stayed still and looked at the small woman. Hikari wondered what this was about, and was about when suddenly the young girl’s head did a 180 to face back towards Hikari, not the entire body, but just the head! This was like something straight out of a horror movie, and her movements became unnatural and in humane. Hikari would squeal as the girl went invisible…. No, not quite invisible, it was worst, she went camouflaged. It was creepy! Hikari would be able to see the girl if she tried hard, but it was harder to see her now. Namikaze would Squeel as the girl started her punch and ran away from her as fast as she could. With an “EAK!!!!” Hikari would bolt.

One of Hikari’s clones would also get supper scared, and try to run away, but one of the clones (Hikari didn’t know why, they had their own free will and was probably thinking on her own while Hikari was freaking out, probably because she wasn’t scared of her own death) would be more calm and would chase after the girl. If she could get close enough to the girl that she thought she could hit, and not hit the real Hikari, she would form the sign of the tiger and start to shoot a barrage of 20 2 meter fireballs, at a speed and power of 75, but rather than aiming all at her, she would shoot a few at her, and multiple all over the place, due to the fact that the clone saw where the distortion was, but couldn’t be 100 percent sure that was her.

Hikari- 135+10=145
Clone that ran away: 155+10=165
Clone that shot the fire balls: 155- 40 = 115

Word count: 367
Shiroi Shinzo
Shiroi Shinzo
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Sparring practice? (P, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Sparring practice? (P, NK)

Wed Feb 15, 2017 9:12 pm
Shiroi would continue to run after what she assumed to be the real Hikari, the one that had spoken. As lucky as it would be, that was the real one! And further lucky was the fact that Hikari had *stopped*, meaning that her attempt to run away was slowed. Slowed enough, in fact, for Shiroi to catch up.

Dodging the fireballs, while no trivial task, was not terribly complex either. A few were jumped over, but most were avoided by running, and two were ducked. The rest did not come close enough for Shiroi to bother with them.

Upon getting reasonably close to Hikari, Shiroi would pounce onto the girl, attempting to latch onto her shoulders and take them both to the ground, Shiroi on top of course. She would open her extra loud mouth wide, while making a sort of hiss/growl. If Hikari turned to see it, she would see her head's reflection being replaced by the jagged teeth and blackness of Shiroi's transformed mouth. Her head would quickly approach Hikari before stopping just short and rapidly shooting away, and dragging Shiroi's body with it. She would be, in fact, launching back a few feet to laugh and form any hand seals necessary to release the multitude of jutsu she had used in this little 'spar'.

[AP: -70]
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Sparring practice? (P, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Sparring practice? (P, NK)

Wed Feb 15, 2017 11:03 pm
As Hikari kept running away from Shiroi she kept looking behind her, she probably shouldn't of, but the young genin was so incredibly scared that couldn't help herself. As she turned around, she saw the horrifying image of the camouflaged demon getting closer and closer to her, all while jumping around and dodging fireballs. It was something that the chestnut-haired girl felt like she would be seeing in her nightmare’s for years to come (If she lived that long). Namikaze would form the sign of the Ram and use the body flicker again, to try to get more distance from the small opponent before she could catch up. Hikari would this time run over some distance (Speed of 225) And try to stay out of immediate range of the small girl, hoping she was far enough out of the girl’s sight that she wouldn’t notice it.

To Namikaze’s surprise, she saw the one of her clones going after Shiroi, in her eyes, there was no fear, how? Hikari and her clone was supposed to be the same, how was it that Namikaze was so scare of her and not her clone?
Thinking of it, the only differences between her clone and herself was what they were thinking since the clone was made, what could be going through that clone’s mind that made a difference between the two of them? Hikari would think and remember something she had thought of earlier today,

Remember Namikaze, you are training so you can defend innocents from evil Missing ninja’s and bandits. And as much as you don’t like this now, the innocent’s that are being hurt by MN’s probably don’t like being in that situation even less

This was a big choice for the small girl, if she couldn’t stand up and fight against her opponent right now, no matter how scary she was but during a (semi) Safe environment like this, what was she supposed to do while she was on the battle field? The clone had remembered her own words earlier, and kept that mentality in her mind as the battle went on, that was why she was so brave right now.

Hikari had to have that same mentality, even if this was a spar, she couldn’t just keep running like she had been before! No more running, she was going to stand her ground and fight now!

Hikari would clap her hands together and take a deep breath, preparing what was to coming up, The clone that was running toward Shiroi wouldn’t stop and try to get up into melee range of her and explode (the Clone is going at 125 speed at this point, The explosion happens at her RT (185) But only goes out at a speed of 75 and at a power of 75)

If the clone got into melee range and exploded, the chakra would return to Hikari. She would be activating wind style, wind regeneration and increase the amount of oxygen in her blood, as such, her skin would turn slight shade of red (Almost like she was in a deep blush) and would prepare for combat. She was done running away at this point.
(Presuming everything happened how I said it would)
Ap: Hikari (145- 10 for body flicker-40 for wind rejuvenation + 115 for chakra returning to her clone=) 210
Clone that ran away: 165+ 10 = 175
Clone that exploded: 115- all because it returned to Namikaze)

Word count: 580
Shiroi Shinzo
Shiroi Shinzo
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Sparring practice? (P, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Sparring practice? (P, NK)

Thu Feb 16, 2017 8:05 pm
It was with luck that Shiroi caught sight of the girl so quickly, and perhaps greater luck that she was not far in the slightest! And while technically, there was no way to be one hundred percent certain that she was finding the real Hikari, Shiroi knew where the attacking clone was and was fairly confident she knew where the scaredy clone had gone, so seeing a third person in neither of those places meant it was likely it was not a clone. As it would be, that was correct.

With the requisite hand seals, Shiroi was body flickering directly behind and to the left of Hikari. Most fortuitous that the girl had not gone too far*. Now Shiroi was not only a fair distance away from the brave clone (having never let it get in range), but she would be under a meter away from Hikari, from where she would launch off the ground, once more doing that flying kick sometimes known as dynamic entry. If it connected, she would go through the same process of grabbing the girl's shoulders and doing the whole scare/back off thing. All of this while the girl was still breathing in, before the explosion that would trigger her speed buff.

[*Not vague, taking your post at face value. I'll explain if you want. Key note: you can see the look in your clone's eyes]
[AP: -... idk, 60+DE+BF, whatever that is]
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