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A Moonlit Stroll [Private, Kazuhiro] Empty A Moonlit Stroll [Private, Kazuhiro]

Sat Feb 25, 2017 9:52 am
It was with a small smile on his face that the silver haired Chunin of Hoshigakure walked through the area known as the Tachibana Wildlife Reserve, he was quite impressed by the feat as he knew that this area had once been nothing but desert, much like the rest of Haven Country. He had actually been more than a little surprised when he learned from one of the other Chunin of Hoshigakure, that the one who had created this reserve in the first place had actually been one Dusk Tachibana, after whom it was named. Now, Kenshin knew Dusk, and he considered the younger looking boy to be one of his friends, but what he had not known, was that Dusk was a Senju, that was indeed a surprise, after all, what other bloodline would allow the seemingly young teen to create an entire rain forest in the middle of a desert. It was only natural that Kenshin possessed this knowledge of the Senju clan’s bloodline, after all, his birth name was Kenshin Senju, and he was raised within the walls of Konoha, sure, he had never awakened the bloodline himself, nor would he be able to due to the fact that EGF had taken over his body, but it did not change the fact that he was raised by the Senju clan.

As the pale skinned teen continued his trek through the lush forest that had been created by one Dusk Tachibana he thought back to their fight for the second Chunin mission, he had been underground at the time but due to a mixture of his chakra sensory, and the unique sensory granted by the Hiding Like a Mole technique, he knew that Dusk had possessed some form of jutsu that created rain. Obviously there had been more to the technique, as the rain had been infused with the chakra of the blue haired teen, but before he could find out more Dusk had forfeited the match. If Dusk had possessed the legendary bloodline of the Senju clan, then why had he not demonstrated his prowess during the fight, perhaps he had wished to keep it a secret, after all as someone raise within the walls of Konoha he understood that people regarded the Wood Release bloodline highly, and would be willing to do a lot in order to gain it’s power for themselves. But there was one problem with that theory, if Dusk had truly wished to keep it a secret, then why had he created this lush rainforest? Now the scar faced youth knew that he was most likely overthinking this whole situation, and it was most likely that at the time of their match Dusk had not completely awakened the bloodline, either that or he did not know the jutsu used to create the forest.

With a small shake of his head the silver haired albino would once more begin to focus on the forest itself instead of the one who had created it. The moon was shining brightly in the sky, nary a cloud in the sky to block its splendor from shining down onto the planet below, due to the extremely thick canopy of the forest barely any light was able to get through, but what little light managed to shine through the thick foliage managed to illuminate the area beautifully, making it look like a scene straight out of a fairy tale. The smile on Kenshin’s pale lips only grew larger as a breeze blew through the reserve, causing the leaves of the many tree’s to dance to an unheard melody, and filling his nose with the unique scent of nature claiming the area. The smell was both similar and different to what he had encountered in the forests of Waterfall Country, it was the same basic aroma, a natural incense of wood and earth, but it was nowhere near as strong as the ancient forests of Waterfall Country, something that made a lot of sense when you thought about the fact that this reserve was still new whereas the forest of Waterfall country had been around for centuries. Either way, the completely pure scent of the earth only brought peace to his mind, there was truly nothing in this world that he loved more than nature was simply perfect in his eyes, harsh and unforgiving, yet at the same time nurturing and filled with life.

As usual the albino would have his chakra sensory active, even as he walked through the dark areas of the forest, thus allowing him to know when either someone began approaching him or he began approaching anyone else. Who knows, maybe he would encounter someone training out here in the darkness of the night, it was definitely a good area for someone to train without the worry of being seen by others, in fact, that had been why the silver haired youth had begun scouting this area in the first place. He had always been paranoid about others watching him train, something that he had developed during his days as a Missing Nin, where the element of surprise more often meant the difference between life and death when in a fight. One of the very first lessons that he had learnt in the Konoha Shinobi Academy was that if the enemy knew how you fought then you were at an immediate disadvantage should a fight ensue.

WC: 902
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Stat Page : The Red Shadow
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Ryo : 159

A Moonlit Stroll [Private, Kazuhiro] Empty Re: A Moonlit Stroll [Private, Kazuhiro]

Sun Feb 26, 2017 12:09 pm
Nighttime. The small boy had almost been within reach of his destination, walking around the village lines until he had came to a forest. The unique landscape stood out among the tundra area like a single piece of heaven standing out through the rough. His grey eyes stared at the marvel never having been in a real forest before, so his childlike curiosity was brimming. So slowly he went into the forest as a small fox leaped onto his head and into the hood of his cloak. With small steps he entered the forest looking at the first few trees and placing his hands onto the bark as if he was assimilating it. Broad eyes took in each surrounding of the tree from the swaying leaves to the bark and how it felt. Hard with a few ridges between its bark piece, as if it was crafted perfectly from the house. He couldn't tell that these were made with a precise chakra nature, but he loved it.

From behind him the animal companion watched as the boy traveled around the tree with his hands on it in silence to simply marvel the first tree. Something about a boy seeing his first tree caused some sort of excitement within him that intrigued the small fox. Kazuhiro continued to walk forward dancing around the trees until he ran up one, pulsing his chakra into his feet propelling him upward until he had reached the first trunk. Scared fox, excited boy. From that position he began to leap from tree to tree like a wild boy a plastered grin on his face as he continued to move without care.

Was this how people lived in this world? Freely without restraint or worry of what other people would think? His mind flashed back to the words of Arata and what if...he was right? His eyes closed for a moment as he took in a deep breath and tried not to let the confrontation take over him. Think with clarity and not trouble, that's what the foxes had taught him. His body crouched and stopped a few trees away as he leaned down and felt the trunk. The forest was at peace and his thoughts were slowly giving away. He took a few more deep breathes before sitting down in the tree and looking around. Vast, lush trees just out here sitting. It was at the moment his eyes were closed and his ears opened to the world, he could hear the small cries and skittering of the animals of this place. Living in such a forest in harmony...The boy was curious now.
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A Moonlit Stroll [Private, Kazuhiro] Empty Re: A Moonlit Stroll [Private, Kazuhiro]

Mon Feb 27, 2017 4:40 am
The small smile on the scarred face of Kenshin never left as he continued to stroll through the life filled forest. While he had found the desert that had once been in this very spot to be beautiful in it’s own right, it simply could not compare to what had taken its place, or at least that is how the silver haired teen felt about it. The life filled forest that now stood within the middle of the harsh and arid landscape of Haven Country truly was a marvel. It was a true beacon of life within the harsh and unforgiving landscape of the great desert that made up most of both Wind Country and Haven Country. Kenshin truly had no idea why he felt as strongly about nature as he did, ‘perhaps it was because he was a Senju? He had heard some of the Uchiha children within Konoha refer to members of his clan as ‘Tree Huggers’ back when he was a child. But a childish taunt like that was more likely to have stemmed from the clan's Bloodline, Wood Release, not because the Senju clan was secretly a clan filled with hippies, although that was indeed a possibility

Either way the newly minted Chunin of Hoshigakure truly was curious as to why he felt such strong emotions towards nature, he could try to say that it was simple scientific curiosity, but he knew that he would simply be lying to himself...and he did enough of that already. This line of thought actually began to bring back memories from his days as a Missing Nin, it was...just under a year ago now, interesting how quickly things had changed from him, within a single day he had gone from a missing nin who was always looking over his shoulder, to a Genin of Hoshigakure...who was still looking over his shoulder. With a light shake of his head the pale skinned teen got his thoughts back on track, just under a year ago. The night after he had brutally murdered the Dojutsu wielding teen he got his water heart from within the jungles of Waterfall Country, his reason for snuffing out the flame of the young teen...well he honestly couldn’t remember. He could recall that the boy had insulted him in some way, before quickly trying to apologize for the insult...but that still did not stop the Kenshin from using his Earth Grudge Fear to rip the boys still beating heart from his chest.

The stitched and scarred albino did not feel bad about what he had done that day, he truly didn’t, but he was willing to admit that he had overreacted, and the person whose life he taken on that fateful day had not deserved such a harsh fate. But unfortunately that was simply the way that this accursed world worked, it truly was a dark and cruel place, and those who do not have power were quickly devoured by those who did. Kenshin could still remember his thoughts from that night, not because he had thought of anything particularly important, but because that was the night that he came to a rather dark realization...the realization that he truly was a monster. That night he had felt joy when thinking of the young man's demise, and if that was not bad enough to only thing he had regretted about the encounter was staining that beautiful grove with the boys blood, it had felt as if he had forever tainted the once untouched area by doing what he had done. Strange isn’t it, that he could take a human life with such ease and not give it a second thought, yet at the same time he would feel bad about tainting the area in which he had taken said life, it made no sense to him, and yet that is how he felt, very strange indeed.

It was at this point that the unique red and silver eyes of Kenshin would begin to focus on the area directly ahead of him, as right there, illuminated by the pale light of the moon, was a clearing, a clearing that looked like the perfect place for him to get some late night training in. As the silver haired Chunin walked into the middle of the small clearing a small but true smile came to his pale lips, it was perfect, it truly was the perfect place for him to train without having to worry about anyone seeing him. Due to the seclusion of the small glade there was no way for anyone to see him from a long distance, and by the time they got close enough to actually see him his chakra sensory would have picked up their chakra signatures. Of course there was always the chance that the person could be actively suppressing their chakra signature, in which case he would have no true way of detecting them, but that did not change the fact that this area was a lot better for his training than the regular training grounds of Hoshigakure. After releasing a small sigh the scar faced youth would place his hand upon the trunk of one of the larger trees on the outer portion of the clearing, utilizing the jutsu that he had just started practicing to take it’s properties for himself.

This did nothing to the tree of course, but what had it done to Kenshin himself you ask, well, one would simply have to look at the limb that was still touching the tree, no longer was the arm a pale white colour, covered in stitched cuts and faded scars. Now, his arm seemed to be made from the very same wood as the tree that it was touching, such was the power of the new jutsu he had begun to learn, it was an Earth Release technique known as Assimilate All Creation. As the name of the technique implied it allows the user to assimilate the properties of a material that they touch, essentially allowing the user to become that material, there was only one clause, the material had to have some connection to the element of earth. As far as Kenshin knew, there were only four materials that the user was able to take the properties of, those materials were Sand, Stone, Wood and Steel. Each of those materials gave the user of the technique access to a unique form, and each form had it’s own strengths and weaknesses, like for example, as would be expected the weakness of the Wood form that he was taking right now was Fire Release, as Fire burns wood, yet at the same time wood was resistant to the effects of lightning.

As the albino pulled his arm away from the tree he made sure to study the limb carefully, gone was the snow white skin that he used used to seeing, and in it’s place was a thick and rough bark, it looked completely natural as well, as though his arm had always been made from the material. As Kenshin ran his normal hand over the now wooden limb he became aware of the fact that he had lost most feeling in the arm, he could still feel somewhat, but his already dulled nerve endings did not serve to help matters. As he ran his fingers over the bark all he was able to feel was a slight tickling sensation going over the area, it was a different story for the hand that was running over the wooden limb though, as it felt like he was actually running his hand over the trunk of a real tree, it truly was a strange sensation. Either way a small smirk split the scar faced Chunin’s pale lips as he allowed his arm to return to normal, the fact that he could pull off the partial transformation as effortlessly as he just had meant that he was very close to completely mastering the technique. Earlier today he had actually managed to pull of a full sand form assimilation, but it had taken far too long for his liking, and he would keep practicing with it until he could pull it off in a matter of seconds.

The scar faced teen would give a small sigh as he allowed his pale eyelids to close and plunged his world into darkness, with practiced ease the Chunin would allow his chakra to flow to his hand, where it would then sit and wait, dormant until it was needed. With his chakra focused and ready Kenshin would kneel down and place his hand upon the still slightly sandy earth, and as soon as the limb came into contact with the small grains of earth his chakra began to react. In an instant the chakra of the young Hoshigakure shinobi began to spread throughout his body at a speed of 80, converting his flesh to sand as it went, but rather than killing the silver haired youth this process only made him feel different...stronger…a LOT stronger. As he looked down at his body he could only smirk when he saw that it was composed purely of sand, this assimilation had been a lot quicker and smoother than his attempt earlier in the day, but when you considered the fact that he had been practicing his partial transformations a lot since then it was to be expected. Kenshin raised a hand composed of pure sand in front of his face and stared at the limb, it was...different, the sensation of being made of sand...but it wasn’t bad, actually, it felt kinda good, he felt a lot lighter than usual, and that no doubt meant he could move a lot faster when he was in this particular form. It seemed that he had finally gotten the jutsu down, and now, it was time for him to release it.

Or at least, that was what he was going to do, until he felt it, a small chakra signature right at the edge of his sensory range...actually no, there were two chakra signatures, he had missed that at first due to one of the chakra signature’s being twice the size of the other, and the fact that it felt as if they were both in the exact same place. He was not able to recognize the feel of the chakra, something that meant that he either did not know this person or had not spent enough time with them to recognize the signature. Although Kenshin was a lot more inclined to believe the former rather than the latter, as usually he was able to recognize the feel of a person's chakra signature after a single meeting. He was able to feel that the two chakra signatures were moving quite slowly towards his position, by this point they were around 70 meters away, coming from the right of the clearing. At their current speed it would not take very long for them to arrive, and as such he would refrain from changing back to his regular form until he discovered who they were and why they were here. He wondered how the two would react, to seeing someone composed entirely of sand. 

WC: 1895

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Putting 2750 words towards Assimilate All Creation, claiming (other 1000 words Here(25% max stat discount))
Akihana Akari
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A Moonlit Stroll [Private, Kazuhiro] Empty Re: A Moonlit Stroll [Private, Kazuhiro]

Mon Feb 27, 2017 5:10 am

Approved @ kenshin <3
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Stat Page : The Red Shadow
Mission Record : Cookbook
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 159

A Moonlit Stroll [Private, Kazuhiro] Empty Re: A Moonlit Stroll [Private, Kazuhiro]

Tue Feb 28, 2017 12:26 am
Wild and free just like he was meant to be, his body continued to pace itself while his mind went quiet. Wild like a fox in the wild he dropped to the lower ground after sliding around a small animal. The rabbit caused him to stop and look at it for a moment, his body dropping near it before petting it slightly. For some reason it didn't run from him and perplexed him. The grey hare sniffed his hand before hopping along after a moment, content with knowing that the small child posed no threat to it. Nature seemed to know what was a threat and what wasn't and to it he was no threat. In his mind it was how it knew the difference but never discriminated at times. He was almost going to sit there for a moment longer before the fox had stood its ears up, something was coming toward them.

Hopping onto the boys back, he pulled on his hairs and slowly turned him toward the area in which he heard the noise. Kazuhiro stood up and dusted himself off, had someone found him this fast? Looking around he started to think about moving toward the trees but deciding against it. He stood his ground and waited for whoever it had been to arrive in front of him, or around him whichever he had chosen to do. Once the person had arrived however he smiled his biggest grin and tilted his head," So are you from this village? I didn't think anyone would actually be in this big place at night." In truth he was hoping the opposite. He wanted to actually have some fun or at least learn something while he was out here. Now he waited.
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A Moonlit Stroll [Private, Kazuhiro] Empty Re: A Moonlit Stroll [Private, Kazuhiro]

Wed Mar 01, 2017 8:45 pm
The young Chunin was waiting patiently for the owners of the two chakra signatures to reach his position when he felt their movement come to a halt, as they did so a small sigh escaped from between his sandy lips. It looked like he would have to be the one to approach, and so, with not even a seconds hesitation, Kenshin took off in the direction he felt the two signatures coming from, his sandy body allowing him to move at a speed of 85 right off the bat. The large boost in speed brought a small smirk to Kenshin’s face, the speed he was moving at now was actually quite close to his normal speed...when he was in a full sprint. As he got closer and closer to the area that the two chakra signatures were coming from the young man began to slow down, eventually coming to a complete stop around 20 meters from their current position, the reason for this, well, he was going to go back into his regular human form, he would not deactivate assimilation just yet, but he would go back into his human form just in case he wanted to access one of the other forms that the technique gave him access to.

Once more Kenshin began to move towards the two chakra signatures, this time taking off a speed of 50, making him realise just how vast that difference in speed truly was, it would only take the pale skinned teen a few seconds to reach the signatures even at this speed, but he could still notice the significant difference. When the silver haired shinobi came to a stop next it was simply because he had reached his destination, and standing only a few meters in front of him was, what he assumed to be, a young teenager, why did he think it was a teenager, simple, his height. He looked to be around 5’1 to 5’4, which was around the average height for someone of 13-14 years of age, no matter, another thing that caught his attention was the owner of the larger chakra signature...or at least the lack of said owner, he could still feel the chakra quite clearly, but he was unable to see whoever it belonged to. It looked like both were emanating from the younger male, but he knew that was impossible, honestly it didn’t truly matter to him where the owner of the other chakra signature was, he was simply curious about it. Kenshin would notice the large grin that began to split the face of the young white haired male in front of him, the younger boy's head tilting as he began to speak

“So you are from this village? I didn’t think that anyone would actually be in this big place at night.” the grinning boy would say, his voice soft and quiet, yet each word spoken was perfectly clear. Of everything that he had been expecting to find when he felt these chakra signatures, he could honestly say that a young teenager had not been high on the list, of course it was still on the list as he knew that age meant nothing in the long run. He knew well that there were all kinds of people in this cursed world, some who would be both younger and stronger than him, but he personally did not feel that this young man was not much of a threat to either himself or Hoshigakure as a whole. “Yes, I am indeed a shinobi of Hoshigakure, my name is Kenshin, pleased to meet you” Kenshin would say politely, he was half expecting the boy to give his own name in response, but it mattered little to him if it was not given, after-all, he had not asked for the younger male to introduce himself just yet. “I did not expect to find anyone out here at this time either, most can’t stand the cold of the desert at night...I like it though, it is quite peaceful.” the scar faced teen would say in a calm tone, his voice reflecting his mood at this point, calm, at peace.

“So, what brings you out here tonight? If you don’t mind my asking” Kenshin would ask, a hint of curiosity in his voice, he did not recognize the young man, but then again for someone as anti-social as him there were bound to be a great many people that he had not become acquainted with.

WC: 750
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Stat Page : The Red Shadow
Mission Record : Cookbook
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 159

A Moonlit Stroll [Private, Kazuhiro] Empty Re: A Moonlit Stroll [Private, Kazuhiro]

Sun Mar 05, 2017 2:34 pm
They were finally here and out of the two that were there prior- one had been intrigued and the other cautious. The fox hid himself in the cloak carefully to make sure he wasn't see, tails curled perfectly against the young males body in a way that the cloak would hide the perfectly. His ears and body blended in perfectly, giving the impression that there was only one of them. As Kazuhiro stood there looking at the male in front of him, he wondered what kind of ninja he was?

So vast was his curiosity that he smiled at him and shrugged," I am Kazuhiro...i didn't expect a ninja of this village to be so far into this forest. But this was the perfect place to wait for somoene to come back. This...woman might be able to find me here, but if i must enter the village so be it," rhe words came out wiser than a child of his age with a hint of child like exuberance which made it hard to pin him down.

His head tilted for just a moment as he hadn't noticed how the temperature dropped between him leaving the borders and then coming here, he had simply been focusing on what was happening and the future. In fact he still didn't mind the weather as he found it all interesting," I haven't noticed how cold it is yet....this feels just fine to me," it was better than explaining exactly how or why he could take it.

The question was simple though he didn't want to openly discuss why he was in this area. There might have been people who had knew this Akihana and would assume some child assassin was after her or something. In lieu of that he smiled and sat on a tree stump," Here to visit family I guess... Just waiting on them to return so i can speak with them," it was as close to the truth as he was going to give and it would work.
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A Moonlit Stroll [Private, Kazuhiro] Empty Re: A Moonlit Stroll [Private, Kazuhiro]

Tue Mar 07, 2017 8:10 pm
The pale light of the moon shone brilliantly down on the planet below, the glory and splendour of the celestial body was so great that the sky was completely clear, it was almost as if the clouds simply could not bear the thought of denying the people below the beauty of the shining moon, so they simply did not allow themselves to form. Such a thing was not the real reason why there were no clouds tonight of course, the real reason had a lot more to do with science and weather patterns than clouds somehow gaining sentience and deciding that they didn’t want to block the moon's light, that very idea was just plain childish. The thick canopy of the Tachibana Wildlife Reserve tried valiantly to prevent the moonlight from reaching the earth, but alas even the thickest of canopies could not stop the pale light from shining through the small cracks and crevices between the leaves. All throughout the extremely thick and dense rain forest that made up the reserve pale blue light shone down, appearing to be small beams of light that illuminated the shadowy darkness within, illuminating the entire area in a seemingly ethereal light that seemed to constantly shift as the leaves of the thick canopy seemed to dance to the unheard song of the night. Once again though such a thing was not the real reason why the leaves swayed though, in actuality the reason for that was extremely simple, small gusts of wind were constantly blowing through the area and the leaves simply got caught in them, thus causing them to sway, dancing leaves and an unsung song of the night were just as childish and ridiculous as the idea of sentient clouds.

That was the scene as Kenshin stood opposite the seemingly young teen, he just given his name to introduce himself when he saw the boy give a small shrug with a smile splitting his face “I am Kazuhiro...I didn’t expect a ninja of this village to be so far in this forest. But this was the perfect place to wait for someone to come back. This...woman might be able to find me here, but if I must enter the village so be it” he would say, his words coming out with a hint of what seemed to be an almost childlike sense of elation, something that truly did make it a bit harder to read him, as the words themselves seemed to conflict with the way in which he had said it. Either way Kenshin took note of all the information the younger boy had given as he spoke, first, he was here looking for a woman who lived within Hoshigakure, second, the woman he was looking for was not within the village at the moment, and third, it seemed that he did not really wish to enter the village. It was true that the information he had just collected was not much at all but it still pleased the Chunin to have at least some info on the young white haired boy at least now that he knew something about him he was no longer just a blank slate.

As the silver haired teen commented on the temperature of the desert night, something that was only made colder by the fact that the night was completely cloudless, he would see the young boy tilt his head for a moment. “I hadn’t noticed how cold it was, yet...this feels fine to me” he would say, his words bringing a small smirk to the scarred face of Kenshin, it seemed that this boy was quite smart, as while he was indeed commenting on what the silver haired teen was saying he was doing it in such a way that gave away next to no unnecessary information on himself. The fact that Kazuhiro had not even noticed the temperature told him that either the boy was used to even colder climates, or he was simply very resilient, but he found himself leaning more toward the latter as it was quite obvious from his chakra signature that he was a shinobi. As Kenshin asked his final question, why he was out here tonight, he found himself tempted to open his Minds Eye to check the validity of Kazuhiro’s answer, but in the end he chose not to do so. Why didn’t he open it you ask, well if Kenshin was perfectly honest he truly did not care all that much about why the young white haired boy was out here tonight, he had simply felt a little curious, and should the boy choose to lie to him then so be it, as it was simply none of his business.

Before answering Kazuhiro would smile and sit down on a nearby tree stump “Here to visit family I guess...just waiting on them to return so I can speak with them” he would say, getting a small nod from Kenshin, who had taken to leaning on one of the larger trees near his position. “Fair enough” the silver haired Chunin would say with a small nod, accepting the answer that he had been given, did he believe the boys answer? Yes, he did. Did he feel there was more to it than white haired boy had left unsaid? Definitely, he was obviously trying to keep something secret, but that didn’t matter in the least to the stitched and scarred youth, he had more than enough dark secrets of his own to keep under wraps, so he respected the boys privacy. “I am curious, why can I feel two chakra signature’s coming from you?” Kenshin would ask, his eyes focused on the young boy and a slightly curious look upon his pale face. With his question asked Kenshin would patiently await Kazuhiro’s answer as he continued to casually lean against the large tree, he had to admit, this child...he did not dislike him...and that was quite strange, usually the heart thief simply could not stand to be around children or young teens...but this one...he wasn’t that bad.

WC: 1019
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Stat Page : The Red Shadow
Mission Record : Cookbook
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 159

A Moonlit Stroll [Private, Kazuhiro] Empty Re: A Moonlit Stroll [Private, Kazuhiro]

Wed Mar 08, 2017 8:54 pm
The young male stayed still as he continued to observe the male in single bursts starting from his face and moving south avoiding the areas no man or boy would ever look at of course. His obvious sight came to the scars the man had bolstered, wondering just how he had gotten them. Of course the eyes were something else altogether, but those questions could easily be asked later. The air between them had been quite subtle. The boy who had not a care in the world and the man who had been seen as sort of a friendly type, it would have appeared that his answers had qualified as truth...though in essence he wasn't really lying.

The young male slowly took in the rest of his surroundings allowing the natural air to fill his lungs before exhaling and feeling a foreign to him manifested in his shadow as it warped and formed around himself before disappearing both randomly and without warning, his eyes continuing to stare at the male without even knowing what had been going on. For a moment he continued to stare before realizing what had been asked of him and he blinked," Two? You must mean the fox tails i have. They emit chakra at times during the night and its something I can't actually control at times." The fox made its move pulling out of the young boys cloak with a cough before looking at the boy, the jig being up and his eyes moving toward the male.

"Excuse him he isn't used to." The small voice being silenced by a tug on its ears, and an unsightly growl coming from the boy," Do not...Start with that again," his eyes slightly glowing as the shadow beneath him slowly rattled before going still. The male he had been looking at would be able to see this though even if he asked the boy had no idea what had been going on. Slowly he turned back and smiled at the man, his eyes giving a hint of maturity as he spoke," This is Koan...My big brother. And yes before you continue to ask I was raised by summons." It was something he was going to expect to be asked but wanted to get out of the way before things had gotten weird.
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A Moonlit Stroll [Private, Kazuhiro] Empty Re: A Moonlit Stroll [Private, Kazuhiro]

Sat Mar 11, 2017 12:34 am
The silver haired Chunin continued to lean casually against the side of the tree with a small smirk upon his scarred face, this encounter was actually proving to be more interesting than training, or at least it was now that he had actually managed to master the jutsu he had been so focused on learning. There was no doubt in Kenshin’s mind that if he had not managed to perform Assimilate All of Creation properly then he would not be having this conversation with the young white haired boy, to him training had always taken precedence, and only now that he had completed what he had been training so hard on would he allow himself to be distracted. As he awaited the young boy's answer his eyes flickered down to the boys shadow…’I could have sworn I just saw movement’ he would think as his small smirk faded away, being replaced by a contemplative frown. As had just been thought he could have sworn that he had just seen the shadow move, but since he had only half been paying attention to the boy himself, and thus even less attention to his shadow, he had only just managed to see the slight movement, but by the time he had actually focused on the shadow everything seemed to be perfectly normal. ‘Well this is turning out to be even more interesting than I thought it would’ he would think in slight amusement, this boy was turning out to be quite the enigma

As far as he knew there was only a single clan with the ability to control the shadows, the Nara clan, how did he possess this information, well it is actually quite simple really, he had lived within Konoha until he was five years old, and during that point of his life most of his time was spent either training or reading books in the Konoha library. ‘Could Kazuhiro be a Nara?’ the albino would think to himself, his eyes narrowing just a tad as his mind raced, as far as he knew the Nara controlled their shadows through Hiden jutsu, not through any form of Kekkei Genkai. That in turn meant that it was possible the boy could teach him how to perform some of those techniques, however he also knew the chances of getting the young white haired boy to actually teach him how to perform his secret clan techniques were slim to none. Honestly he didn’t even truly wish to learn the techniques because he wished to actually use them, the only reason he wished to learn how to use the Hiden techniques of the Nara clan was because he wished to learn how the techniques themselves worked. That was Kenshin’s major weakness, his thirst for knowledge and his hunger for power, much like the Sannin Orochimaru who lived hundreds of years ago Kenshin had an ambition to learn all the secrets of the world, he knew full well that it was a goal he could never even hope to accomplish, but even that knowledge did not stop him from pursuing the it regardless.

As Kenshin allowed those thoughts to drift from his mind he once more became focused on Kazuhiro, just in time to see the boy give a blink, there was nothing strange about the small action, in fact that only reason he had noticed it in the first place was because it happened just after he had begun to focus on the boy rather than his own thoughts. “Two? You must mean the fox tails I have. They emit chakra at times during the night and its something I can’t actually control at times” Kazuhiro would say, his face completely straight despite the sheer absurdity of the words themselves, did he seriously expect Kenshin to believe that he possessed the tails of a fox…‘Nope, he definitely does not have tails of any kind’ the stitched and scarred teen would think to himself, having just looked a little closer at Kazuhiro just to be sure. It was at this point though that Kenshin would hear a cough come from within the boys cloak, before something small and furry forced it’s way out of the article of clothing...and once it had managed to completely force its way out Kenshin became aware of what exactly it was a small fox. The Earth Grudge Fear user could not tell the colour of the foxes fur due to the lighting of the area, but he could definitely feel that the fox itself was what possessed the chakra signature, meaning that the small animal had to be a summon of some form.

“Excuse him he isn’t used to-” the small fox would begin to say, before the young scar faced boy would reach up and tug on its ear, but that was not the strange part, what Kenshin considered strange was the fact that the boy gave out a rather deep and guttural growl as he did so, it was almost as if the boy was showing the fox that he was the dominant one. “Do not...start with that again” the boy would say, his eyes glowing slightly as the shadow beneath him began to tremble, something that did not escape the quick eyes of Kenshi, this time serving only to prove what he had already began to suspect, that the boy had the ability to control his shadow, meaning that he was either a Nara, or there existed another clan that had the ability to control their shadows. Slowly but surely Kazuhiro turned his head away from the fox and towards Kenshin, who was still leaning up against the tree, a small smirk present on his face as he watched the scene playing before his eyes. “This is Koan...My big brother. And yes before you continue to ask I was raised by my summons” the boy would say, both introducing the fox and showing that being questioned about the rather unique relationship the boy had with his summons annoyed him. Kenshin was able to see why though, if the boy was indeed raised by his summons then that was the only thing he really knew, and having others question it or look at him strangely because of something that he saw as normal would indeed be quite annoying.

“A pleasure to meet you Koan” the silver haired teen would say politely as he looked at the fox, this was the very first fox summon he had ever seen, and he honestly wished to know the difference between the fox summons and regular foxes found within nature, aside from the chakra reserves of course. “If you don’t mind my asking Koan, what is the difference between you and a regular fox? Aside from your chakra reserves of course.” Kenshin would ask in the same polite tone, there was no need for him to offend the summon after all, he simply wished to know the difference between regular foxes and fox summons, or to be more accurate, he wished to know if there was any differences between the two types of foxes. If the fox answered him the pale skinned teen would give a small hum and nod at it, if the fox chose not to answer or did not know then Kenshin would do the very same thing, a small hum and a nod. Once his response to the foxes answer had been given the scar faced teen would focus his attention on Kazuhiro once more “Would you be interested in some training Kazuhiro?” he would ask with a small smirk on his pale lips. “My sole purpose for coming here tonight was to do some late night training, and I believe I have more than enough proof that you are not a threat to Hoshigakure. So, what say you? Would you like to do some training with me?” He would ask, giving Kazuhiro his reason for offering to train him...because he wanted to do some training and the young white haired boy had been here...there was no other reason, Kazuhiro had simply been in the right place at the right time.

WC: 1360
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