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Frost Training Empty Frost Training

Tue Mar 21, 2017 6:00 am
Han wakes up with his hand still holding his mother's charm tightly. He slowly looks around as he remembers that he slept in his father's room. He slowly stands up and walks to his shower. He turns on the shower and stands under the cold droplets of water falling on his skin. His face is expressionless as he lets the water wash over him. He finishes his shower and looks himself in the mirror. He notices that he has eye bags now and he starts to rub his eyes. As his eyes open once more, the eye bags seemingly disappear and he furrows his brow in confusion. He then walks out of his shower and puts on his clothes enthusiastically as he prepares for the day ahead of him. He walks down stairs and sees his father and he greets him with a wide smile. They eat breakfast again as they do every morning before going to their respective jobs. "Hey dad. Did you find mom's book of Ice jutsu yet?" He asks curiously. "Oh yeah, I have it right here." His father says as he opens his back and picks up a thin, blue-covered, worn-out book. "This is the book of all the techniques from the Yuki clan that your mother knew. Be careful with it and don't lose it." His father says seriously before handing it to Han. Han nods and promises not to lose or damage it. He grabs the book and sticks it in his back pocket next to the Jutsu Encyclopedia. He starts to walk towards the training grounds before he remembers everything that happened the previous day. He stops walking and stands in the middle of the street looking down at the ground. His lips quiver as he remembers the fear and pain he experience last night. The face of the horrible figure he saw becomes clear in his mind as a cold sweat starts dripping down his forehead. He closes his eyes and shakes it off as he wipes the sweat off of his forehead. He continues his walk towards the training grounds as he tries to focus on the task at hand. He reaches the training grounds and sits down next to the river and tree once more as he tries to repress his memory of the event. He opens the book of Yuki Techniques and notices that they only have a few techniques. He starts reading over each one of them carefully and finds three very interesting jutsu that he wants to learn. He finds the A-Rank jutsu Certain-Kill Ice Spears, and the two B-Rank jutsus, Ice Dome and Ice Prison. He also finds the S-Rank jutsu Demonic Crystal Ice Mirrors which he wants to learn. However, he believes that the technique is still out of reach as he isn't able to use the ice to its fullest extent. He stands up and prepares to start his training. 

He decides to do some drills before learning the technique. He looks around his surroundings and finds the ideal circuit to run through for the optimal amount of exercise for his training. He pushes his feet off the ground and takes off running at high speeds. He gradually increases his speed and he realizes that he runs almost twice as fast as before. The wind and the dust from the ground forms a trail behind each and every step he takes. He runs on the plain fields straight towards the forest. In a few seconds, he reaches the tree line and he jumps straight for the tree. The second his feet touch the tree, they push off again towards the left, launching him in the direction of the cliffs. He runs in between the trees then starts to jump from branch to branch heading for the cliffs. He starts to see the cliffs closing in as he rushes forward through the trees. He reaches the edge of the forest and pushes of the tree trunk launching him head-first towards the cliff. He then shifts his momentum backwards and propels his feet forward causing them to reach the surface of the cliff. In the same second he charges his chakra and builds it up in his feet as they touch the surface of the cliff. The chakra attracts the surface of the cliff and connects his feet to its surface. He then proceeds to run up the cliff as fast as he can, reaching the top in about five seconds before launching himself off of the peak of the cliff. He uses the momentum of the entire run to push himself farther as he jumps over the entire forest and heads straight towards the river. He builds up his chakra again but this time in his lungs as he takes in a deep breath. He focuses intensely as he shifts his chakra into the Ice nature. He seemingly cuts through the air and nearly crashes into the river. He blows out the ice chakra from his mouth and freezes a small potion of the river. His hands touch the newly formed ice and he pushes off of the ground with one hand as he lands on the other side of the river before the ice melts. He returns his chakra into its original state and he takes a deep breath once more. He calms himself down and sits on the slowly swaying grass of the field. He feels the sun beating down on his face as the sweat from the exercise drips slowly. He wipes his face and closes his eyes as the sun's light shines in Han's eye. He remembers the first time he trained here and he feels surprised that it was only just a week ago. He compares himself then and now and he knows that he has grown so much in such a short time. He smiles as he thanks all the people he met that helped him grow so much stronger. He stands up and stretches his body. 

He starts to walk closer to the river to start his training for the Ice Dome Technique. He focuses his mind and clears it of all emotion, thought, and doubt. He breathes in deeply as he starts to focus on his chakra. He builds up his chakra and makes it flow through every point in his body, gradually moving faster and faster and growing even more. He feels the soft breeze of the wind, the rushing waters of the river, and the wet and humid moisture in the air. He focuses on the moisture around his body and forms the shape of a dome in his mind. He cools the chakra in his body and starts to shift its nature, once again making it the Ice Nature. He raises both his hands in front of him and starts to focus. With the dome image engraved in his mind, he starts to infuse his chakra into the moisture in the air and it cools and freezes, solidifying into a giant glass-like dome made of pure chakra-infused ice.  He pulls his hands away and the dome of ice instantly melts and returns to its original state. He furrows his brow and thinks of a solution for this problem. He recreates the jutsu, building up his Ice chakra once more and infusing it into the moisture in the air creating the dome of ice once more. He raises his hands high and the dome stays and holds its form. He keeps his hands raised but stops infusing the chakra into the dome. The second he does so, he notices that droplets of water drip down the sides of the dome as it starts to melt from the heat of the sun. The sides of the dome start to crack and shatter as the chakra flow was stopped at its source. The entire dome shatters and shining fragments of ice fall slowly to the ground as they all reflect the light of the sun. He sighs as he realizes that he needs to emit a constant flow of chakra to keep the dome strong and stable but he wouldn't be able to prepare any other technique. He tries to perform this jutsu once more,building up his Ice chakra once again and infusing it into the moisture in the air creating the dome of ice one more time. He keeps a constant emission of chakra and keeps his hands raised for the entirety of the jutsu. He holds the jutsu for as long as he can and he releases the jutsu after what seems like an hour of standing completely still. The dome shatters once again as the fragments of chakra infused ice slowly fall towards the ground. He looks at each fragment gently falling towards the ground and sees them shine and sparkle as each of them forms some sort of miniature prism making them shine in different colors. He watches each fragment until they land on the ground gently and disappear into the earth. He stands up and walks towards the rushing river as he wants to push the limits of his new technique. He stands in front of the rushing river and recalls the mishap with his previous technique and a cold shiver gets sent down his spine. He shakes it off then starts charging up chakra inside his body. He makes his chakra flow and gradually rush faster and faster just like the river as he changes its nature into Water. He quickly performs the hand seals and expels his chakra. "Water Release: Water Dragon Whip!" He says as a massive portion of the river rises out of it and floats above his head. He focuses on the chakra inside the orb and targets himself. Then he switches his chakra into its Ice Nature and prepares for the coming onslaught. In less than a second, the spears start to burst out of the orb heading straight for him. He raises his hands quickly as the dome appears just in time for the spears to strike it. The spears strike and retract like whips one after another, each one cracking the dome more and more. Ten spears strike before the dome shatters completely. Han is taken aback by the spears and barely jumps out of the way as one almost strikes his face. He raises his hands once more and creates another ice dome to hold his ground. The spears keep pushing him backwards, destroying the ice dome and shattering them. Han manages to dodge and block most of the spears. Every once in a while the spears catch him off guard and manage to cut him lightly before retracting into the orb. The ice dome just isn't potent enough to completely block the spears. He knows he needs to think out of the box to stop the onslaught of this jutsu. He racks his mind for a solution and after a few moments of intense blocking and dodging, he finds a solution. He waits until his ice dome breaks and he jumps backwards. He builds up his chakra again, even more than he used before, and he creates the ice dome again. This ice dome is practically the same except it has a small aura of cold wind surrounding the outer walls. The spears of water whip around wildly and continue striking the ice dome as it normally did but they start to slow down gradually. The tips of the spears start to freeze as they strike the dome and the frost slowly spreads up the tails of the spears until it reaches the base of the orb. Eventually, the orb completely freezes over, leaving nothing but a giant sphere of ice. Han stops his defense and walks up to the orb. Without any emotion or expression, he puts the palm of his hand on this frozen sphere. The sphere suddenly shatters and explodes outwards in every direction causing a shockwave of frigid wind. The air and the shards of ice all seem to avoid Han entirely, leaving him completely unaffected. These shards of ice and frigid winds affected the nearby environment though, as the grass in the area is covered in snow, the trees have shards of ice embedded into their trunks, certain parts of the river have completely frozen over, and the air becomes cold and frigid. Han sits in the cold and smiles finding a strange comfort in this environment. Han lies down in the snow and starts to fall asleep. 

An hour later, Han wakes up with his clothes drenched and cold. He looks around to see that the sun has melted all the ice and snow and returned everything to its normal temperature and climate. He slowly gets up and stretches as he takes in the warmth of the sun. He starts to feel the gentle wind flowing through the training grounds, pushing the leaves and the grass and gently caressing his face. He feels the warmth of thee sun hit hiss back and its light shining down on everything. He listens to the roaring, rushing rapids of the river as it crashes into stray rocks, breaking them into smaller pieces and pebbles. He closes his eyes, taking in all of these beautiful sights and sounds. He starts to think of what he can do to continue training today, after all, the sun is still shining high and brightly in the sky. The day is still young and he knows that there is still much to do. He starts to look around for his next training exercise. He starts walking on the soft grass and finds the training dummies. He remembers all the times he trained with them, learning all of his Taijutsu skills and techniques on them. He walks over to the wooden dummies and traces his hands on all of its scratches. He sees that this dummy has been through a lot and is pretty worn out after being used so much. He smiles as he thanks the dummy for helping him grow stronger. He then stands back and enters into his fighting stance. He circles around the dummy with a confident smile on his face. He starts doing some drills. A few light jabs, a few kicks, dodging, feinting, blocking, and a few others. Gradually he starts performing more complex combinations. He goes for a rear spinning head kick, then transitions into a right hook, then a back elbow to finish off the combination. He continues training and forming new combinations of attacks and stances for the better part of two hours. He feels the sweat pouring out of every pore in his body as he breathes heavily after a good workout. He cracks his knuckles and his neck as he does several stretches before returning to the dummy. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before returning into his fighting stance. He starts to imagine the dummy as a rogue ninja. He focuses and starts to circle the dummy once more. He jumps up high into the air and spins. He crashes into the training dummy with a spinning backhand and pushes himself off of the dummy at the same time. He then dashes towards the dummy pulling his right fist back. His feet stop an inch away from the dummy as he releases a wild punch with my right hand, missing the dummy completely as his fist almost collides with the ground. He opens the palm of the ground and goes into a handstand as his legs wrap around the dummy where its head should be. He locks his legs together and grapples the dummy tightly as he pushes his momentum forward. He uses his strength and uproots the dummy from its post as he launches the dummy forward. He runs after the dummy and manages to catch up to the dummy and he does an axe kick knocking the dummy back into the ground. A small crater forms and appears on the ground. The dummy gets knocked into the crater as Han finishes his assault. He picks up the dummy and fixes him back onto its post before returning into his fighting stance. He closes his eyes and imagines the rogue ninja once more. He dashes forward towards the dummy again then suddenly, Han hesitates and stops his advancement a foot away from the dummy. Sweat appears on his face and his eyes are wide with surprise, anger, and fear. The dummy appears as the mysterious figure that torments his dreams. He tightens his fist and continues his advancement once more. He uses all of his momentum and strength into a right handed punch straight towards the figure's face and sends it flying. He runs after it in anger and jumps in the air in front of the flying figure. He kicks it across its face sending it crashing to the ground. He pushes his body forward and hurls himself in the same direction as the figure. He goes into a spin and falls onto the figure with a hammer fist. The figure crashes into the ground, kicking up the dust and dirt from the field. However, Han isn't done yet as he grabs the figure and raises it high into the air before pushing it downwards. He strikes the figure with a series of knee strikes before throwing him up into the air once more. He waits for the figure to fall as he charges his chakra into his hand. Han waits for the moment to strike and when it comes, he punches the figure with as much force and strength as he could as he expels the chakra at the same time. In Han's eyes, the figure's head explodes as its body stays still on the ground. He calms down and breathes heavily as he finishes his assault. His eyes clear up and he sees the wooden dummy destroyed and splintered. He takes another deep breath before heading to the river to cool off. He removes his clothes and jumps into the river, the cold waters relaxing him. He closes his eyes and starts to reflect on himself. 'I don't understand. What's happening to me? What is this, this thing that keeps showing up? Is there something wrong with me? I need to fix this. I need to fix myself.' He thinks to himself while cusping his face in his hands. He takes a long soak and bath in the river to cool off from the training. He feels his muscles start to relax and his nerves to calm as he feels more refreshed and ready for the rest of the day. 

The sun will set in a few hours and Han still intends to get the most out of today. He finishes his bath and changes back into his clothes. He opens his book once more and reads it. He  reads the Ice Release: Ice Prison technique and analyzes it carefully. He reads up on its uses and its abilities as he starts to understand this technique more. He walks to the field and starts to charge up his chakra. He builds up as much chakra as he can as he fills up his chakra reserves once more. He then proceeds to change his chakra into the Ice Nature. He clasps his hands together and then places them on the ground. He closes his eyes as he tries to sense the water in the ground. He focuses intensely as he starts to pick up on the water. The water trickles slowly through the layers of mud and earth as he tries to grasp on to its location. He starts to emit his chakra from his hands into the earth pushing it further and further down. He feels his chakra connect with the water in the earth and he infuses the water with his chakra. He starts to pull his chakra upwards out of the earth as he pulls the water out of the earth with it. He sees the water start to seep out of the surface of the ground as it slowly freezes due to the nature of the chakra. He starts to smile as he continues to pull up more and more water from the earth and freezing it to the rest of the ice. He builds up more and more ice until it forms a tall and wide cube of ice that could easily fit someone's body. He feels his chakra inside every piece of frozen water in the ice cube. He starts moving it around, pushing the ice cube back and forth. Each time he does this it moves faster and smoother. The ice seems to slide on the ground at his command. 'Ok. Let's try to use it like the book says. I should be able to enter and exit the ice with no problem at all. Ok, let's do it.' Han thinks to himself as he starts to run towards the ice. He runs straight into the ice and he hits his face and falls to the ground. He rubs the sides of his face as he winces from the pain. "Ouch." He says as he slowly gets up. 'Why didn't it work? It says that we should be able to enter and exit easily but others could not. Think. Why can't others enter and exit? Maybe we changed a part of the ice into liquid to enter and exit. That's it! I think I can do that. Let's try it.' He thinks as he puts his palm on the solid block of ice. He focuses his chakra and closes his eyes as the solid block of ice becomes soft and feels like nothing as his hand goes right through it. He steps inside the ice cube and the wall behind him solidifies once more. He puts his hand on the wall he previously entered in and it is solid and he can't pass through it. He focuses again and the wall turns liquid, allowing him to escape. He smiles as he tests this out multiple times. He puts his hand through the ice and solidifies it without the rest of his body. He put his foot inside and tried to pull it out but it would not budge. He even licked it without getting stuck. He decides to release the jutsu and he watches as the ice instantly melts and returns to water. The water starts to be absorbed into the ground again. Han patiently waits until all the water returned to the ground before trying again. He closes his eyes and puts the palm of his hands on the ground and pulls the water up. This time he finds it much easier to sense the water and to pull it above ground. He manages to create the block of ice in half the time as before, without as much strain or stress. Once again, he releases the jutsu, allowing the ice to melt and the water to return. He does this multiple times over the course of the next hour or so, until he eventually manages to pull a full block made of water and freeze it instantly instead of building it up. He starts to train it a little bit more. He gathers sticks and rocks and when he has enough, he throws them as far as he can. The second the stones and sticks leave his hand, he pushes his hands to the ground and pulls the block of water underground towards the flying sticks and stones. He feels that the block quickly overtakes the flying sticks and stones before pulling it above ground. He watches as the water surround the sticks and the stones before solidifying into a frozen block of ice. He walks up to the captured and frozen sticks and stones and puts his hand on the wall of the block of ice. He pushes his hand through the ice by turning it back into water. He grabs the stick and pulls it back out and looks at it. He notices that the stick is frozen and dead as it couldn't withstand the cold of the block of ice. He solidifies the wall and the block becomes completely solid once more. He puts his palm on the block once more and makes it shatter. The block shatters into millions of tiny specks of ice and he looks as the once sturdy stone became soft and fragile almost instantly in this block of ice. He smiles as he feels that he mastered the technique. He looks up towards the sky as he notices that the sun is starting to set, leaving a beautiful, orange, relaxing horizon as the sun slowly falls ending the day once and for all. He stares at the sunset until the bright orange sky becomes nothing more than a purple hue of color and the moon starts to rise above. He looks as the moon shines bright and white and the stars begin to show their twinkling lights above the world. He doesn't know why but he feels a sense of calmness and relaxation at this sight but he also feels uneasy and nervous. He walks around under the moonlight and starts to reflect on himself. He feels the warmth of the charm around his neck as he thinks about his mother. He decides to walk to the ninja memorial to visit his mother's grave, it's been a while since he last went there. He walks up to the ninja memorial, a statue presenting the image of a kunai, sharp and pointed towards the sky. This memorial stone represents the ninja who have performed dutifully for the village but have since gone to eternal rest. He sits by the memorial stone with a somber look on his face. He reads through the list of ninjas who have died for the village over generations and generations, from the very first ninja who died for the Leaf. Tears stream down his face as he stops reading. His hand touches the name of his mother, tracing over every letter of her name. His mind races as memories begin to flood through and he recalls every moment, every second, of the time he spent with her. The tears start falling down his face faster and faster as he cries loudly in sorrow. He grinds his teeth and cusps his face in his hands as his tears drip onto the palms of his hands. "Why? Why did you have to go? Why did it have to take you away? You could have retired and stayed with us. You might have survived if you did that. You knew you were sick but you still had to fight, you still had to serve!" He screams out with his eyes closed. His fist is tight and his nails start to cut into his skin causing a little blood to start dripping of his hand. 'You... you did it. You killed me.' A whisper enters into Han's ears. "Who said that! I didn't kill anyone!" Han says confused and angry. He looks around yet he finds nothing in sight. 'You killed your mother... You killed me.' The whispers start getting louder and clearer. "What? No, I didn't kill anyone, right?" He says uncertain and nervous. A chill goes down his spine as the whispers keep repeating in his head over and over again. Han puts his hands on his head and ruffles his hair as the whispers don't stop. He tries everything he can but he can't get them to stop. He puts his hands together and uses the Genjutsu Release but to no avail and no effect. The whispers suddenly quiet and Han's face relaxes as he closes his eyes. 'Hahahahahaahahaha. You can never get rid of me.Try all you like but I will never leave. You will pay for your sins.' The whispers reappear and repeat again and again. The whispers turn into screeches as they continue repeating, ringing louder and louder, echoing in his mind. Han screams and shouts in pain as these sounds and voices never end. "WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU TORMENTING ME?" He barely manages to say before the pain in his mind causes him to scream again. The voice laughs again, this time louder and it pierces through the night. 'You want to know who I am? Hahahaha! You barely even know who you are. Or do you? I barely know who I am, and I barely know who you are. In fact, I am You. You are Me!' The voice says loudly before laughing once more. "No! Stop it! GET OUT OF MY HEAD! GET OUT!" He screams, his eyes wide from the pain. The blood rushes through his body as his temperature rises once more. Cold sweat pours out of his body and the adrenalin runs through his veins as the pain pulses throughout his mind. He looks around in the darkness swinging his arms wildly trying to find the source of this pain. A few moments pass before his arm gets caught. He looks over with fear and anger as he sees a long, grey arm grasping his and he screams. He looks over to see the horrible disfigured figure standing over him. His eyes darken as he grinds his teeth. He jumps back and suddenly his mind clears. His nerves have steeled and his body is ready as he goes to fight the figure. The figure stands tall, almost at eight feet in height, its arms stretching down to its feet and its face lifeless and empty. He just stands there unmoving, but the voices start repeating again. Han's blue eyes pierce through the darkness with anger as he charges forward. The figure remains still as he just stares at the approaching ninja with empty sockets instead of eyes. Han reaches about a foot away from the figure with his fist pulled back, ready for a punch. He pushes his hand forward and releases his grip as his hand touches the ground as he sweeps the leg of the figure. The figure falls to the ground and vanishes. Han stands up confused and looks around. He knows he made contact but now it's gone. He looks up to see the figure looming above him as it laughs. He jumps back and charges once more in anger. This time he won't hesitate as he goes for multiple quick and damaging strikes and combinations. He runs up and goes for a quick jab with his left as he hits it squarely in the chest as it gets pushed back before switching into a cross straight with his right then ending it with a round house kick to the head. The figure stands back up straight unfazed by any of this. Han gets angrier and dashes at him again, ready for another assault. Han goes for a round kick to the back of its leg and holds it there before raising his left fist in an uppercut, hitting it in the jaw causing it to get pushed away then quickly performs the Rat then Ram seal using the Wind Release: Wind Strike technique before hitting his chest with a wind infused straight cross. The figure gets sent flying into the cold darkness of the night and vanishes once more. 'You can't hurt me. You can't hurt yourself or your mother. I am both and you are both. Hahahaha.' The figure says once more before appearing above him. He jumps back as the figure lands with a thud. It stands tall once more and looks down at Han who is getting angrier and more afraid at each passing moment. Han goes to continue his assault on this figure. He goes for a straight cross aiming right for the center of its chest as it loses the air in its lungs before its face gets hit with a left hook straight to its cheek before using the Wind Release: Wind Strike again for a front kick straight to the chest. He expects that the figure would go flying then suddenly reappear but his eyes go wide in surprise as his leg goes right through it. He stares in horror as the figure smiles its wide toothless grin. The chakra in his foot disappears as Han runs backwards and the figure doesn't move an inch. 'One more shot. I'll give you one more shot to hurt me.' It says in pity while looking down on Han. Han feels angry and frustrated as he focuses on his next attack, this might be his last. He quickly runs to the back of the figure and jumps on the back of both his knees, causing him to fall forward. He pushes off of them and uses the Wind Release: Wind Arrow technique as he launches five arrows of pressurized air towards the figure and they all explode on contact yet to no avail. Han won't stop here as he performs the Dragon, Ram, Tiger, then Dragon hand seals and uses the Divine Wind Technique. The initial gust of wind goes straight through him as it splits off into six giant tornadoes. Han directs all of them on the figure and they rush towards it. The tornadoes pull leaves, grass, rocks, and even trees out of the ground as they reach the figure. With a wave of a hand, the figure disperses all of them. Han looks in shock but he knows he has to continue. He thinks that if wind won't work, he'll try water. He does the Tiger hand seal and a giant orb of water appears in front of the figure. Spears of water that whip around striking the figure emerge from the orb. Han thinks that this should be enough to hurt him. The Water Dragon Whip technique is powerful. Twenty spears of water seem to hit and stab the figure multiple times before the figure starts to laugh again. 'Wind and water won't hurt me. You tried your best but you have failed. I'm so excited! I can be whole again!' It says as it vanishes once more. Han looks around frantically, confused and scared. Nothing worked on it, it didn't even faze him. He hears the laughter again and looks behind him as a long, outstretched hand reaches out to grab him. He instinctively raises his hands and an Ice Dome appears. The figure's hand touches the dome and can't faze through it. 'NOOOOOO! DAMMIT! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO DISCOVER IT NOW! I COULD HAVE BEEN WHOLE BUT YOU HAD TO RUIN IT TOO! FIRST, YOUR MOTHER BUT NOW YOU AS WELL! I HATE YOU! YOU WORTHLESS, DISGUSTING LITTLE MAGGOTS!' The figure screams while clawing the dome of ice. The ice doesn't crack or melt despite the efforts of the figure. Han looks in confusion as he holds the ice for as long as he can. He feels the jutsu fading as he builds up enough chakra for the next technique. The dome of ice shatters once the jutsu completed and the figure screamed as the shards stabbed it. It jumps up high into the air and comes crashing down towards Han, who already put his hands to the ground as the water explodes out of the ground, surrounding the figure's body. The water instantly freezes and the figure is captured. Han walks up to the captured figure and smirks. "I hate you. I hate you so much. Who are you? I'm not asking for any bullshit like you're me or you're my mom. I want the truth." Han says seriously. 'I WOULD NEVER LIE. I HAVE NEVER LIED. I AM YOU. I AM YOUR MOTHER. I WILL ESCAPE. I WILL BE WHOLE. FOR NOW, I WILL LET YOU LIVE. I WILL RETURN.' It says in a deep, booming voice. It then proceeds to shift and change into a spitting image of Han, then one of his mother, each with the same expression, cold and lifeless. It then reverts back to its previous form and vanishes completely. Han releases the jutsu and looks around. He sees the aftermath of the fight he had. The field and the trees in the area are ravaged and almost destroyed as the multiple techniques he did went wild across the grounds. He feels exhausted and falls to the ground. His eyes stare at the bright moon as he can barely move his body and he starts to think on what it said and what he saw. 'What is it? Why does it want me? What does it mean by becoming whole again? I don't understand. Am I even sane anymore?' He thinks to himself. He's not sure if his questions will ever be answered. He closes his eyes and drifts into unconsciousness. His sleep is uninterrupted and he manages to have a good rest for the first time in a while. The dreams have ended and the nightmare stopped. Eventually,  he wakes up.  He looks above him and still sees the moon shining bright although it seems to be moving. He looks around and notices his father carrying his body. He tries to move but his body doesn't seem to be responding. "Dad? Where are we going?" He manages to say softly. "We're going home, son. Don't worry. It's all ok now." His dad says reassuringly. Han smiles and everything starts to go dark again as he returns to unconsciousness. He wakes up in his bed, with a cold pack on his forehead. Despite the sickness, he feels better than ever. He feels well rested and relaxed. He looks out the window and sees the bright light of the sun shining above the village. He smiles as he runs down stairs. He sees his dad preparing breakfast once more as he runs up to hug him. "No no no! You have a fever, you should be resting!" Han's father says worried and slightly panicked. Han just smiles and hugs him even tighter. "It's fine dad! I'm fine! I'm just happy that it's finally over!" Han says with a tear falling down his face and a slight quiver in his voice. "What's finally over?" Han's father asks with a confused look. "Never mind, dad. I'm here with you and we're safe. That's all that matters." Han says smiling as he finally lets go of his father. "Ok son but promise to tell me everything after work today, ok? I need to know everything and anything about you, I am your father after all." He says ruffling Han's hair. "Ok Dad, I promise." Han says as he sits on the chair and gets ready to eat. "Also, no training today. Your body needs the rest. No exceptions." Han's father says seriously as he finishes making their breakfast. He places the food on the table and serves himself and his son. "But Dad!" Han exclaims before being cut off. "No buts, no exceptions." Han's father replies sternly. They quietly finish their meals before Han's father leaves for work. "Alright, bye son. Be sure to get plenty of rest." Han's father says as he kisses his forehead and heads off for work. "Bye dad! See you later!" Han says as he waves his dad goodbye. Han walks up stairs and returns to bed, being sure to get some more rest. 

OOC: It took me awhile to write this and the figure will be explained soon, I just need to decide exactly what it is soon. <3
Claims: Ice Release: Ice Dome+ Ice Release: Ice Prison+ 33 stat points

Last edited by Gamerilla_jg on Tue Mar 21, 2017 7:18 am; edited 2 times in total
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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Frost Training Empty Re: Frost Training

Tue Mar 21, 2017 6:13 am
Can you please add links to your claimed tecs
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Frost Training Empty Re: Frost Training

Tue Mar 21, 2017 6:20 am
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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Frost Training Empty Re: Frost Training

Tue Mar 21, 2017 6:52 am
I'm afraid ice prison is 3500 words, not 3000. Did you want to edit in some more lines to your topic?
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Frost Training Empty Re: Frost Training

Tue Mar 21, 2017 7:18 am
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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Frost Training Empty Re: Frost Training

Tue Mar 21, 2017 7:58 am
Alright, approved
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