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Haruki Akari
Haruki Akari
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A New World [S] Empty A New World [S]

Tue Apr 25, 2017 7:03 pm
It had been approximately eighteen hours since he had been dropped off by the man who picked him up. At least, that was the most an Akari would assume. It was evening according to the sole window located on his right side. His body was no longer clothed with the usual green hoodie that he had usually equipped. Instead, there was just a plain white T-Shirt a couple sizes large over his chest. His lower half felt unfamiliar as well, but he could feel some unnatural material on his skin, so he could rest easy knowing that he was not bare. His body felt like it had been put in paralysis, his right arm tingling maddeningly as he made an attempt to move it. Nothing could be felt with it due to the lack of blood circulation. A few hours more, and perhaps he might have had a much larger problem than the current one he had now... Which was massive enough as it was. It put a mental strain on his being, and at such a young age. But Haruki full-well knew that there was no one else to blame but himself. Otherwise, he would not be in this situation in the first place. Live with the consequences of your actions... All he wanted as a better life and the ability to advance as well. Many unanswered questions, and none of them were being given answers at the former rate he was going.

His eyes would slowly begin to open, though they had been sealed tightly for a while, so the attempts were tough as his eyes would try to make out what the world presented itself to be. Blurry vision was nothing fun to deal with, but it did act as a timer as the blood in his arm would begin to flow through. The tingling was also lowering as well, making his senses not so numb as more time would pass by. Argh... His thought train was not so easy to wake up either. Slowly but surely, he would move himself upwards with the push and his upper body strength. The result was him failing at first and falling back. However, with enough ambition, his second shot would have him sitting upwards. Both of the sides of his hands would rub against his eyes in order to force them to clear up, hasty yet effective. "Hm?" The Akari would question when he saw the small cube he found himself to be within. There were a few posters around him. One for example had a red plus sign with a white background. Another one had the human body with an X-Ray view, though not to view the organs of said human, but instead all points of the body where chakra flowed within.

"Where am I?" Haruki would mutter to himself, looking around to see if there were any more clues for him to have. Well, it couldn't hurt to have a little look at everything. The door was closed, maybe there was enough time for him to walk. So with as much upper strength as he possibly could, he would move to the side to force his legs off, taking down the blanket from his body and revealing a pair of white shorts on his legs as well that reached down towards his knees. His body was rested, and he felt like he could even run around. Just in case there were others around however, he would make an attempt to activate the Golden Eyes of the Akari clan to locate chakra presence. However... In an attempt to do so, he would feel a sudden heavy strain on his eyes, forcing them closed after a small while. "Seems like it's a bit early to use that..." He muttered once again, opening his eyes again. The truth was, it was far too early for him to be using any Chakra. The strain on his body was far too great, it would not be that great of an idea to force it to do many more tasks now.

First, his items. There were plenty of them on his being, but none of them were in sight. Recalling the items in order, he remembered having the bag of Ryo, a pair of Rollerblades infused with Chakra, and a sword infused with Chakra as well. Not much else, though an added bonus would be his clothing as well. The brunette would place his bare feet against the ground, feeling his knees bend a bit before he forced them to lock. His body has been inactive after such a strain, it went through a shock phase, so movement was not something he could heavily rely on at this current moment. How unfortunate considering he based his build on swiftness. Chakra and speed, his main two options, both of them unable to be used as of currently. Pacing to the side, he would limp slowly towards the door, looking through the glass crossed with some things that he would assume is wire. It's not very effective... Unless someone wanted to break through the glass. But was kicking down the door really that hard? "I can't leave without my things. My things have to be here. Well that was a debatable point that he made. There was one item they probably would not keep within his room, that being the sword. Though, that made him wonder where they were holding that.

So he would proceed to look out the window, noticing that the outside was beginning to darken by the nighttime sky. Unlike his former village however, it was not as dark as Haruki would have expected it to be. The clock suggested that the sky was supposed to be wiped out in black. But there was a lot of white light shining down, the stars. The land of the stars without a doubt, but was he in the village was the question? It would be rather hard to believe that there was no other local town within the country. At least, in one like this anyways. "The stars look rather... Pretty. The boy would comment under his breath as he would then turn back from it, softly shaking his head as he knew he needed to focus on the task at hand. "Focus Haruki. Do that later, this task first." He would commanded before proceeding to walk around. His eyes locked onto the bed, specifically under the bed.

Daringly, he would attempt to lower his knees to bend down and locate what's under the bed. Unfortunately for him however, his body was not in the best conditioning to be doing that. As a result, he would collapse as there was not enough muscle to hold his body up. "AH!" The cry of the child would emit naturally, bringing the unwanted attention that was not needed. His eyes would raise when he heard a bit of commotion outside of his room. "Huh!?" One of them would cry out at an uncomfortably close location to his room. Looking over the bed, he would see a shadow charging past the blinds that blocked view of his room. Haruki quickly crossed his fingers, riskily forcing chakra out from his body to create a shadow clone that laid on the other side of bed where the blanket was. The real Haruki slid under the bed, both for hiding and for searching it for his items. The doctor quickly ran into the room a few seconds after, seemingly not seeing anything that the boy had done. Picking up the shadow clone, he would place it onto the bed before placing the blanket on it.

"Are you all right?" The Doctor would ask it. Shoot, Haruki had to hold up the shadow clone the best that he was able to for the moment. It was able to speak at least, so nothing was suspicious fortunately for him. The Clone would then answer him successfully. "Ye... Yeah. I kinda... Fell." It answered him. It was tough, because one wrong line can get him in trouble. After all, he was not a member of the town that he was currently sleeping in right now. The last thing he needed to do was tell something that could get him kicked out, especially considering how he was currently in the stage of recovery. The real Haruki coughed a bit of blood, though tried to keep it as quiet as possible. The chakra use was beginning to harm him once again. The doctor would place his palm against the shadow clones head, checking for a fever. You seem to be in a much better state. Perhaps you wouldn't mind me asking you a few questions first? He asked, tilting his head to the side. Now there were a few ways that he could go about this. The clone could answer "Yes", in which Haruki was going to have to suffer a lot more. If he said "No", then things were going to look suspicious on him. The third option... He would make a stall to get the original back onto the bed.

"S-Sure. Water please? Throat dry." The clone lied. A few seconds of silence would pass by before the doctor would nod his head. As a result, he would then turn around and proceed to exit through the door. "Of course, Mr. Akari." The doctor would reply before leaving. Seems like he was able to figure out who he was. Considering his was unconscious, it was most likely that they took a little test or too to get some information from him. Perhaps to see if he were a threat? That was the only reason that he was able to see through to as to why they would even bother getting the name of the clan he belonged to in their head. The original Haruki would let the clone go, noticing no items under the bed before then rolling to the side. The blinds behind him would reveal the doctor coming back with the water within his hands. Shoot, the Akari needed to get back into bed quickly! Pressing his arms against the cushion of the bed, he would slowly move upwards onto the surface before leaping up softly onto it, then wrapping himself in the blanket.

The doctor came into the room a second after the setup was created, seemingly not knowing of what he had done. "Here you are, Mr. Akari. Drink up." He would tell the child, who reached out his palms around the surface of the plastic cup before drinking the water. Considering his own blood was within his mouth, the water tasted hollow with a dash of iron within in. However, Haruki successfully muscled down the drink to prevent anything suspicious of occurring. It was nasty, but it was the sacrifice he needed to make on top of the many others to make sure that he would not get in any more trouble that he was in. "T-Thank you." The Akari would reply before placing the cup safely in his lap. The doctor would take the cup from there and place it onto the counter besides him. With that, he would then look back to the child before sitting in a seat, showing that this conversation might take a little while. Haruki was ready for the interrogation process. All or nothing, either get a chance or be banished from the lands, and his life was in the betting pot.

"We recently noticed that you had a sword on your being, Mr. Akari. May I ask where you come from, child?" The first question already was one that he needed to be careful with. Answer with the truth, but put it as softly as possible. Also, just answer what you need to and nothing else. Should you lie, it might come back to haunt you. It's better to take the bullet now than be caught red-handed with a lie, then facing three times worse. I... Came from Suna, sir." He answered, the doctor pondering a few seconds on that thought before then continuing. "Suna? What business do you have from there?" This was a trickier question. The business was nothing from his former village at all. Haruki thought it was location, but perhaps the doctor meant which group he came from. Easy mistake to patch up though, and he was going to have to answer as cleanly as possible. "None. I come as my own being, not on behalf of my former village." The Akari would explain, purposely having the answer be leading so that the doctor would catch onto the detail. Fortunately, he was smart enough to take the bait, so that it would not look like Haruki was trying to make it a public service announcement. "Former village you say? So how did you leave then?" That was the perfect question. Now he was able to open himself up and had a reason to do it, not just blatantly rambling on about it. Besides... It was nothing that he was going to say he was proud of, because it's definitely not.

"My village was under attack. I was a Genin there who lost everything he had... His friends... His families... His life. Many of us lived... But a very important figure had been lost. I made it out... And I seek help. I lived on so little sleep for a while and run low on supplies." He paused for a moment before coughing, this time no blood, which was a huge relief. His throat was still a little bit dry, but he figured he would be able to handle it if he spoke a little bit less per breath. "I barely made it, I was ready to fight though in case I was attacked. It seemed no one did... But... Where are all my things? I need them in order to battle." The Akari would ask. The doctor would place a pen against his chin, his eyes shifting to the side for a small moment, pondering upon the answers he had given. "Listen child. That will get you marked as a Missing-Ninja with a bounty soon enough. I'm not looking to collect it, and your story matches up with your DNA and items that you possess. He took a small sip of whatever drink he had in his own container that did not seem like a cup before continuing on with his sentence. "You can't return I assume. But you happen to be in another village. Your blood makes you a useful asset, kid. So what I want you to do is look for an authority and tell them of your story. It's a coin toss, but better chances than out there again." With that, he would stand up before then walking towards the door.

"Are you able to make your way outside, Mr. Akari? Do you believe you can function properly again?" He asked. Haruki would place his arms over his chest, crossing them as he would think a bit about it. If he says no, he would stay in bed. It would mean he stays here, but not in the way he wanted. And he just needed to get used to moving again and he should be fine. "Yes sir, I think I will be fine." The Akari replied. The Doctor would then nod his head. "In that case, we will have you approved and permitted to leave by tomorrow morning. For now, go back to sleep to make sure your body is perfectly healed. We'll wake you up, patch you up with some medicine and give you breakfast, then set you on your merry way. Take my advice though, you don't want to get kicked out... Oh, and your items will be returned by tomorrow as well. Sleep well Mr. Akari. And with that, he would leave the room and turn the lights off. Seemed like a firm doctor, one who trusted a patient despite the risks. Haruki felt fine though, but perhaps some rest could be of good use to him. So he would then go back to sleep for the night to make sure he was fine.

WC: 2,722
Stats: [Nah, did this for fun]

[Exiting Hospital into Hoshigakure]
Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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A New World [S] Empty Re: A New World [S]

Tue Apr 25, 2017 7:37 pm
Approved, Good read by the way I enjoyed this
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