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Arashi Saishin
Arashi Saishin
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Starting to Learn Jutsus (Substitution Jutsu) Empty Starting to Learn Jutsus (Substitution Jutsu)

Sun Jul 09, 2017 8:28 am
Today was a different day. The ninja candidates in the class, Arashi too, were brought to the training grounds. Everyone was feeling excited, but feared at the same time, 'cause they were starting to learn jutsus. That means, they were moving forward to Genin Exams, which is to the death.

The teacher aligned the class into a Square shape like they were soldiers. Then, he got in front of entire class. "Okay class. You are already taught how to use Substitution Jutsu but never used it. Now, we're gonna learn wheter we know the technique." Then he walked a few feet away from them. He started to use some handsigns while the entire class watching him carefully. When he did his last handsign, he poofed from his location, leaving a block of wood in that same location. At the same time, he appeared a few meters near the block of wood. The class was amazed, but Arashi didn't, he remained with a blank expression.

The teacher rested his elbow on the block, leaving his hand floating on the air a few millimeters under his elbow and the top of the block. "See? I don't call a ninja who doesn't know this jutsu. Substitution Jutsu can be used for various purposes. It's up to your imagination, but remember that. This jutsu is one of vital jutsus for young ones like you. Now," He sat on the block. "Here," Gestures to forward, showing a pile of blocks of wood. "Pick one and try to replace places with it."

Along with the class, Arashi walked to the pile and picked one. He moved to a free spot, putting down the block. He left a few feet between him and the block. At first, he focused his chakra and tried to use the jutsu for several times by using handsigns but, like the other classmates, he failed. He re-focused his chakra again and this continued on...

Watching them to trying the jutsu for nearly 10 minutes was very boring for the teacher. Neither of them were successfull. He picked a cigarette but, when he was about the lit it, he saw that Arashi, along with a few other classmates, done the jutsu correctly, and unexpectedly. But he was not satisfied, ALL OF THEM must be successfull. He got up and shouted. "Continue to do it until all of you do it correctly!"

Without a rest, Arashi and other continued to do the jutsu over and over again. But Arashi got used to that jutsu in this loop, causing him to do the handsigns and the jutsu in an increased speed. But, of course it was exhausting. Again, there is no such EXHAUSTION thing for a ninja. After all, you cannot rest in a middle of a battle.

When all of them done it, the teacher ordered them to stop. "This was just a warm-up tour and I see we're already tired. No stop! Now, pair up. One of you will be attacker and the other will be the Substitution user. All things for attack are free, but don't go easy on your partner. No softness! Start!"

Arashi paired up with a black haired random boy. Unfortunately, that boy was a harsh one. Arashi was the user, the boy was the attacker. Arashi prepared for an assault. The boy threw several shurikens, directly aiming Arashi's torso. Arashi was quick enough to use the jutsu but this time, the boy attacked him with a kunai. Of course Arashi couldn't use the jutsu one after another, so he just continued to get away and avoid the attack, at the same time, using the handsigns over and over.

A few seconds later, Arashi re-focused his chakra and re-done the jutsu but the boy never stopped, continued on the assault with all his might. This time, the teacher intervened. "That is enough." He signalled the class for the end.

The boy asked. "But sensei, I didn't use the jutsu?!"

The teacher gave him a stern and stoic look. "You should've switched the places after Arashi used the jutsu for the first time. But you chose to attack him with non-stop. You must use your mind too." With that, the class laughed but Arashi and the boy looked each other. Of course, the boy had an angry expression while Arashi had a cold and blank one. Arashi remained silent.

The teacher turned to the class. "This is all for today. But your objective is to practice Substitution Jutsu for the whole time until you learn all of E-Rank jutsus. No study, no success. And no success, absolute death. Got it?" All of them nodded.

With that, along with the class, Arashi left the area. He continued to study in the garden when he got to home. He learned it but he needed to increase the distance between him and the object. So, he continued to study, every time, in an increased distance until the day was over.

Words: 827 (Until the last word in the paragraph above.)
Stat Points Got: 4


Last edited by Arashi Saishin on Sun Jul 09, 2017 12:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
Madrigal Kaguya
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Starting to Learn Jutsus (Substitution Jutsu) Empty Re: Starting to Learn Jutsus (Substitution Jutsu)

Sun Jul 09, 2017 8:43 am
Hello! So there's no need to put the jutsu you're learning i nthe tag, the roleplay itself was just fine but I need you post claims at the end. Basically whenever you finish a thread (Even a one post) put [exit] at the bottom so your character officially leaves the thread (In threads with multiple people this CAN be interrupted) 

Under that you need to post your claims. For this one you'd get 4 stat points (1 point per 200 words) As well as the substitution which you should post a link to in the claims. This makes it easier for a moderator to make sure you meet all of the necessary requirements to learn the technique, that the required word count is the amount listed, etc. 

Edit those in and I'll approve ya bud
Arashi Saishin
Arashi Saishin
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Starting to Learn Jutsus (Substitution Jutsu) Empty Re: Starting to Learn Jutsus (Substitution Jutsu)

Sun Jul 09, 2017 12:24 pm
Ok, I re-done it; I put [exit] at the bottom, I put Stat Points under Word Count as my claim (I don't know if there are other claims) and I put Substitution Jutsu's link before "[exit]". Did I do right?
Madrigal Kaguya
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Starting to Learn Jutsus (Substitution Jutsu) Empty Re: Starting to Learn Jutsus (Substitution Jutsu)

Sun Jul 09, 2017 12:47 pm
That works fine, approved
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