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Stat Page : Dracoso Hehane
Mission Record : Learning Path
Summoning Contract : The Okamis of the Haze
Familiar : Sutsui Hehane
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 88570

Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu! Empty Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu!

Sat Jul 02, 2022 1:09 pm
In his time as a shinobi, Dracoso had spent most of it learning from others or trying to improve himself. While he was working in a medical role and making ice and water treats for others, he would also try to teach some of the things he had learned. While he was not sure if people could learn his new ice technique, he had plenty of medical and water jutsu which others may benefit from. He had put up a standing sign, similar to the welcome sign to the beach, which listed off several of the jutsu he could teach to others. 

While he did not feel the list was extremely long, it had plenty of ideas or concepts he could teach to others. (Jutsu List: Dracoso's Stats). He left out some of the more dangerous ones, such as the poison mist. He had learned it to see if he could make anesthetic poisons to knock out enemies safely, so teaching the more dangerous version may not help others as much. With a stretch, he took a seat under his tarp canopy and watched the waves. Several kids came by, asking him to teach them how to make sea monsters and control the ocean, to which he tried to explain how water jutsu worked. They became bored almost instantly and started to walk away. Dracoso made a large water wolf come running up out of the ocean past the kids. They stared at it in excitement as they saw it sit beside Dracoso.

He spent a good hour explaining to them how water jutsu can be used for some impressive things, but that they would need to do a lot of training and work to control sea monsters. He smiled as their parents came by and picked them up. They thanked Dracoso and a few told him that their kids would be training to be shinobi one day. He chuckled and said that he looked forward to seeing them out in the field one day. With that, he relaxed back and waited to see if anyone could use some training for their day.

{Starting WC: 353}

Kosuke Sashihara likes this post

Kosuke Sashihara
Kosuke Sashihara
Stat Page : Ko's Chart
Health: 300 | AP: 1440
Vigor: 100 | Chakra: 150
Speed: 40 | Strength: 10

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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 90500

Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu! Empty Re: Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu!

Tue Jul 05, 2022 2:57 am
Kosuke - "Speech"|Thoughts|(Jutsu)
Third Party - "Speech"

It had been one problem after another. The beach was raucous and full of people needing assistance and Kosuke was more than happy to help. His upbringing had instilled a desire in him to help others whenever the opportunity presented itself. But with his tasks taken care of for the day he was not ashamed to acknowledge that he wanted to take some time to focus on himself. Ko's fortune for the day had shown that he would be blessed with wisdom, and he was of course carrying his lucky item for the day, a round disc of soap that was still in the plastic wrap. Ko shuffled it between the fingers of his left hand as if it were a toy as he came across a sign on the beach.

"Come hang out and learn some jutsu!" As if a prophecy come true, the list of jutsu on the sign included a number of medical jutsu that would surely prove invaluable to Kosuke. His training at the clinic growing up had certainly given him the knowledge and ability to comprehend and process complex treatments, but having a shinobi to teach him was the whole purpose behind him leaving his village in the first place. At the very least he might be able to establish a strong enough foundation so that a village would accept him into their ranks.

The blessing were continuing to rain on Kosuke today. The benevolent soul that was advertising training had set up a canopy for shade on an excellent spot of the beach where one could heard and watch the waves splash against the shore. Ko approached the tent area and was surprised to see a small demur boy relaxing beside what appeared to be a wolf made of water. Ah yes, there were a lot of water jutsu on the training list as well. I hope my lack of ability with water jutsu won't be an issue. Ko's normally nervous and awkward social skills did not deter him though as he studious nature was the stronger force on this day. He walked up and stopped a few feet away from the boy resting and introduced himself.

"Hello there. My name is Kosuke Sashihara and I saw the sign about jutsu training. Am I in the right place?"

WC: 384
Stat Page : Dracoso Hehane
Mission Record : Learning Path
Summoning Contract : The Okamis of the Haze
Familiar : Sutsui Hehane
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 88570

Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu! Empty Re: Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu!

Tue Jul 05, 2022 12:48 pm
Dracoso glance up at the new arrival and took in man before him. A few traits stuck out to him, from the bright green hair to his somewhat nervous nature. Dracoso gave him a smile and replied, "yes, that would be right. I am teaching jutsu for during some of the time I am here on the beach." Judging by his glasses, Dracoso took him for more of an analytic type, similar to himself. He shrank the water beast down to the size of a dog and had it run off with the kids tailing after it. He passively let the wolf play with the kids as he focused back on Kosuke.

"What kinds of jutsu are you looking to learn?" he asked as he glanced at the soap disc in Kosuke's hands. "As you probably saw on the list, I can teach plenty of water ninjutsu and medical jutsu, along with some of the simpler jutsu for sensory, yin and yang ninjutsu, and one or two skills which come in handy. I prefer one-handed seals myself, as it allows for more freedom in situations," he explained. 

{WC = 187, total so far = 540)

Kosuke Sashihara likes this post

Kosuke Sashihara
Kosuke Sashihara
Stat Page : Ko's Chart
Health: 300 | AP: 1440
Vigor: 100 | Chakra: 150
Speed: 40 | Strength: 10

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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 90500

Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu! Empty Re: Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu!

Wed Jul 06, 2022 12:57 am
Kosuke - "Speech"|Thoughts|(Jutsu)
Third Party - "Speech"

Despite his excitement at this opportunity Ko still took the time to observe as much as he could. It was a habit he had developed over the course of his life and that he found to be invaluable in the work he did, though it might also factor in to why he struggled to have more natural interaction with people. Sometimes he got so lost in his thoughts he didn't realize if he were staring or appearing absentminded and people tended to get weird vibes from things like that.

Nevertheless, Ko was realizing now that he had likely been wrong in his initial assessment of the person before him. The man he had initially assumed was a boy due to his physical attributes was now coming across to him completely differently. Where before he had felt levity and perhaps naivety, the aura was now one of experienced calm and intentional comfort. A combination of the way the young man spoke, while remaining observant and vigilant. Add to that the casual act of transforming the aquatic familiar and sending it off to some nearby children.

Was he making of a show of his mastery of water jutsu? Did he note Ko's naturally awkward nature and send the beast away in a attempt to make Ko more comfortable? Or was it a simple desire to engage the nearby children in a fun act of merriment while passing the time? More like than not it was some sort of combination of these things or something else entirely. The young man also did not provide his own name, though Ko did not know if this was some sort of precaution or due to a lack of familiarity between the two. In the future Ko would need to develop need to become more attuned to the nuances of meeting other shinobi. He was trying to read people like they were what he would typically see in his village, but shinobi were another breed. They all had a story for how they came to be the person they are and most of the time there would be more to them than meets the eye.

The shinobi inquired to what Ko hoped to learn while listing a few options. Something he said piqued Ko's already high interest. "one-handed seals...allows for more freedom in situations." Ko had learned handseals from his mother when he was younger, but they distinctly required the use of both hands, something that required not only your attention but occupied some of the most important tools available to a person. He could immediately understand the value in freeing up the use of one of his hands in intense situations.

In his excitement he let slip the soap bar he had been shuffling around in his hand. He quickly reacted to swipe and try to grab it as it fell but he didn't get a good enough hold and the item fell softly to the sand. Ko chuckled nervously as he lowered himself down to the sand in a comfortable sitting position, grabbing the soap and pocketing it with his left hand as he did so. "Thank you for taking the time to offer you knowledge to others such as myself. While I am unable to utilize water jutsu, I have a keen interest in learning medical jutsu AND I am very curious to learn more about one-handed seals!" Ko hoped that his eagerness would not put off the young shinobi, but it was hard for him to contain himself when he was excited about a learning opportunity. Ko took out a pad and noted down a few of the medical jutsu that were listed on the sign earlier that he was interested in, in the event he wasn't able to learn these techniques from his new companion at least he would have an idea of where to begin in his studies at a later time.

"Would you be able to teach me about these one-handed seals and maybe even show them to me in a practical application?"

Jutsu Research List:

WC: 673
TWC: 1057
Stat Page : Dracoso Hehane
Mission Record : Learning Path
Summoning Contract : The Okamis of the Haze
Familiar : Sutsui Hehane
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 88570

Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu! Empty Re: Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu!

Wed Jul 06, 2022 6:22 pm
As the man seemed quite nervous, Dracoso wanted to start off gently and build up. He watched as the man carefully took a seat in front of him in the sand, retrieving the soap disc he had accidentally dropped. Kosuke seemed to want to make a good impression and was trying his best to stay focused, yet Dracoso could see the passion in his smaller reactions. From the quick widening of eyes at the mention of handseals, to the way he tracked the actions of others. He seemed to want to learn and apply it as much as Dracoso had when he had left the Kirigakure academy.

"Certainly," he said to begin. "While water may be one of my focus areas, it is also good to know what they look like in case you ever encounter them as well," he said with a gesture towards the water beast that was now trying to escape a small horde of children chasing it. Dracoso sighed as he watched and wondered how much havoc would be caused when the water creature dispersed in front of a bunch of hyped-up children. He looked back to Kosuke and gave a shrug as he said, "and knowing some of their more... unorthodox uses."

He gave a soft smile as he thought back on his lessons on medical ninjutsu and figured he would cover some basics before building up. "As you probably know, all jutsu use some form of chakra. They shape it to reflect the elements with ninjutsu, to enhance their body with taijutsu, or to influence the mind with Genjutsu. Iryojutsu, or medical jutsu, focuses on influencing the body and its state. Whether this be your body, or someone else's. You shape chakra to enhance natural healing processes or to mimic those that are found in other creatures. For example," he said as he sent sensations along his connection to Sutsui. She softly shifted and poked her head up to take in the man in front of them. 

"This is Sutsui. She is my familiar and she has the ability to absorb poisons that she can withstand to neutralize them. She then can eject the neutralized material to make sure it leaves her body. A similar jutsu to that would be the bloodletting technique. By weaving chakra throughout your body, whether it be in your veins or in the wounds you receive, you are able to shape blood vessels around it to act as something of a packaging effect. The blood vessels harden or are killed off to stop the spreading of the poison or toxic entity. Once they have formed in this way, we are able to eject them from our body and it is removed, allowing our body to return to a more capable state." He explained. He watched Kosuke's nonverbal responses to see how he was responding to Dracoso's method of teaching.

"When we use such chakra, we use hand seals to form the exact pattern we want the chakra to take. you see-" he held up one of his hands, "just as the head is interconnected to the rest of the body, so too are the flows that go to our hands and feet. When we shape our hands-" he held up his other hand and made the dog symbol, "-we shape the intent of our chakra. Many people learn how to use hand seals with two hands because it allows a fuller symmetry with their chakra lines. This allows them to shape their intent more easily as they engage the entire flow of chakra. When you aim to do so with one hand-" he dropped one hand and made a similar dog symbol with the other hand, "-you must know how to redirect the flow of chakra."

He began to show Kosuke the one-handed version of each hand seal, explaining the differences in each formation. He showed him how the seal of confrontation shifted from one representation with two hands to another with one hand. Once Kosuke had the basics, he decided to continue where he left off, "the flow of chakra is very important to understand. We are able to create only so much based on the vitality of our body and our experience in the field. Two-handed seals allow you to fully close the flow of chakra and pass it from one hand to another. With one-handed seals, you need to understand how the flow continues simply within the one hand you use and returns to your body. Some medical methods look at how our hands and feet connect back to the rest of our body*. It helps to understand how the chakra in our bodies flow, especially as we transition from one-handed seals to discussing medical jutsu."

He paused with a smile as he looked back to Kosuke. "What are your thoughts so far?"

{WC - 807, Total - 1347}

*Hand/Foot reflexology charts as well as many eastern forms of medicine look into how the body functions through the interconnections of the body parts.
Kosuke Sashihara
Kosuke Sashihara
Stat Page : Ko's Chart
Health: 300 | AP: 1440
Vigor: 100 | Chakra: 150
Speed: 40 | Strength: 10

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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 90500

Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu! Empty Re: Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu!

Thu Jul 07, 2022 3:46 am
Kosuke - "Speech"|Thoughts|(Jutsu)
Third Party - "Speech"

The first lesson Ko learned was one he hadn't asked for or even considered as something he should concern himself with at the moment. Of course, even if a technique may not be something I can utilize, there is value in being knowledgeable about those techniques and their uses. That knowledge could prove useful for teaching others, protecting people from the techniques, or even to gain advantage against an adversary using the techniques. He gulped as the second thought crossed his mind. He knew on some level that he would be forced to confront the realities of combat but the thought still weighed heavily on his mind. Ko shook the thought away and quickly focused back in on the lesson. This was a valuable opportunity for him and he wanted to make the most of it.

The lesson shifted into the basics of chakra and how it was utilized in the various disciplines that were practiced. Ko brought his hands together and interlaced them into a bridge under his chin in a studious fashion. He was being reminded of the lessons his mother had imprinted upon him when he was younger. His current teacher's demeanor and teaching style helped Ko to relax a bit so that he could focus completely on the lesson and absorb and retain all of the information. This proved to be helpful immediately as the shinobi's familiar made her presence known to Kosuke.

Under normal circumstances Ko might have been caught off-guard and became distracted by the reptilian creature, but his current trance like focus had him meet the snake's gaze calmly as his teacher described a medical technique that would simulate a similar effect as the physiological phenomenon that his familiar was capable of. Ko nodded along as the lesson continued into the realm of handseals. He was very attentive but the overt enthusiasm he had shown earlier was masked somewhat by his dedication to committing the lesson to memory.

As the young man started to have Kosuke learn and practice the one-handed seals, Ko took a moment to undo the wraps around the fingers of his left hand. As Ko peeled each of the wraps from his fingers he would wipe the sweat and sand off as best he could in addition to any grime he could see. He rarely unwrapped his fingers, but for something like this he wanted to make sure he was comfortable with performing the handseals both with and without the wraps on. It was a minor thing to be sure, but it was something he was keen on making sure he could handle in any situation.

There was a break in the lesson as the shinobi gave him a disarming smile and asked for his thoughts so far. Ko took a moment to process, applying a new wrap around the fingers of his left hand as he thought about what he had learned so far and tried to extrapolate the potential uses of the technique. Ko stood up with his hands pressed together in front of him as if praying as he started to speak, pacing slowly back in forth in the shade of the tent as the sounds of playing children and crashing waves drifted in.

"First of all it seems that I should be thinking of my chakra as both an extension of my own body and the most versatile tool available to me. I can see opportunities for non-invasive medical procedures using chakra as a treatment tool that doesn't need to physically mutilate a person to be effective. It also has me thinking about the possibilities of providing medical treatment to people that may be physically outside of your reach." Ko's mind was swirling with different possibilities flying past, most just popping up without giving him time to understand what they were. "Also, if we are able to recreate physiological processes exhibited by animals in nature there is potential to treat conditions in humans that are normally untreatable using convention methodology." He shifted his focus to the last portion of the lesson.

"On the topic of one-handed seals, it seems to me that they would require some innately high level of chakra control to utilize correctly. Additionally, I would think that even with strong chakra control it would be next to impossible to use complex techniques without some loss of chakra efficiency in the flow of chakra within your body." Ko separated his hands and laid them both out flat in front of him before looking back at his teacher. He continued speaking while taking a seat again. "But if mastered, you have the free use of one of your hands at all times. Even outside of the obvious physical implications that provides, it has me wondering. With enough training would it be possible to prepare two techniques simultaneously but separately, thereby effectively doubling your output potential for jutsu? Please let me know if I am misunderstanding anything so far. I haven't received any formal jutsu training in a long time so I am sure that some of my thoughts and conclusion are off base."

WC: 849
TWC: 1906
Stat Page : Dracoso Hehane
Mission Record : Learning Path
Summoning Contract : The Okamis of the Haze
Familiar : Sutsui Hehane
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 88570

Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu! Empty Re: Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu!

Thu Jul 07, 2022 5:07 pm
Dracoso watched as Kosuke stood and began to pace as he wrapped his hand again. The man's thoughts on the lesson sounded similar to how Dracoso would apply his own thoughts at a younger age. The idea of taking each process apart in order to consider the possibilities and to analyze the pieces so they can be reformed once again in a more effective pattern. He listened as Kosuke as he weighed his thoughts on the medical jutsu, the animal aspect, and the one-handed seals. Dracoso nodded as he went through each piece before sitting back to process a bit on his own.

He decided to start in the same pattern Kosuke had, "I had come to the same thought on healing others when they are not fully in reach. If you are able to master the mystical palm jutsu, there is a unique aspect you can focus your efforts on. It provides you with a full five meters of range, yet this means that you will be connected like a five-meter-long stick pointing at the injured individual. As it is not invisible, it also means you can be targeted while using it. One thing to keep in mind, especially when using medical jutsu, is to consider all the ways a person can be injured. When we determine the different means for causing harm, we can determine the means for providing medical recovery for them."

He leaned back and looked up towards the sky, speaking from his thoughts as they formed, "if someone is hit with a bludgeon, muscles and tissue can be damaged. The material of our body is compressed and broken, much like many tiny boxes of foam. If we apply our healing to it, we need to understand how to reform those boxes and recirculate the foam. A sharp weapon cuts through and destroys those boxes, so we must replace them. Poisons undo those boxes and cause the natural pathways of which they are transported to fail. A human body can be very much like a country in terms of carrying information and valuables to remain alive. When we break it down in this way, we can use many different methods to assure its continued success." 

The thought of using animal physiologies brought another thought to his mind as he continued, "similar to this, animals learn methods for how to survive and deal with new issues that arise. Humans learn how to make tools or enhance themselves through what is available around us. One of the earliest weapons made by man was a spear. Some people then wanted a smaller weapon and used a knife. These became katanas and axes and so on. We evolve through our tools, while animals evolve through their generations. Snakes with their poisons, spiders with their webs, and wolves with their packs. When it comes back to us recreating points of physiological ability in animals, we need to understand the gap between our abilities and theirs. We can view animals and extract their materials and weaponry, yet we need to see that gap to understand how to apply it.

For example, some butterflies grow in different colors in order to hide amongst the flowers they orbit. Others change to match the ash or snow in the areas they travel through. Sutsui, for example, can hide herself from sight, similar to the hiding with camouflage jutsu. They hide in order to avoid harm. Geckos, on the other hand, can regrow limbs as needed as their body evolved to do so on order to distract predators by detaching their tails. Why does understanding this all matter? Because if we found someone with a deep wound to the chest, and we close it off, there may be other materials hidden in the wound. If we find someone unconscious, yet there is no wound on them, we need to consider what kind of evolutions a person or an animal may have taken to cause this. Some creatures fight with aroma while others blind their opponents. Both sadly and interestingly, nature has evolved in as many ways as ninjas have in how creative their techniques can be to deal with threats." He leaned back and gave a soft chuckle while he rubbed the back of his neck. He had gotten lost in his thoughts again and gave a small shrug before continuing.

"As for the one-handed seals, it comes down to your intent and focus. The chakra formation is still restricted within your body so that you can pull and push chakra as you need it. Using one hand simply means that you must understand that rather than the chakra flowing in a circle through your arms, it goes into one hand and returns from the same hand. This makes the circle limited to one arm and can be quite effective. As for using two jutsu or techniques at the same time..." Dracoso scratched his chin softly, "I suppose it would not be out of the question with the right training. You would need to figure out how to separate your chakra into two separate flows and perhaps learn to specialize in it in order to use both jutsu. The only issue then would be a heavier level of strain on the body or a reduced output of power for each jutsu. Maybe even a combination of the two. Even though you can now use only one hand to create a jutsu, it does not override the fact that your body is only used to weaving its chakra into activating one at a time."

He finally came to the final note on accuracy of his thoughts. Dracoso smiled and said, "every possibility can be examined and understood to allow us to find answers. It is better to come up with a new idea that is off-base and see what may be off about it in order to better understand why the original idea is in place. It questions our understanding and pushes us forward in our learning. If we accepted things from the first point we experienced them, we might still be swinging spears around and applying moss to our wounds. Learning is trial and error for new territories of thought. Always question why something works the way it does. Even how our parents raised us sets a precedent that we do not question and may lead us to the wrong conclusions simply because we follow what we know."

Dracoso realized that he was beginning to delve into a few territories of philosophy and shook his head before he looked back to Kosuke. "To get back on the original topic, once you understand the flow of chakra in your body, seals with one hand can be as efficient as with two. Once you understand it, you can easily form the same jutsu as your body understands how to express the same levels and forms of chakra. It can be very beneficial when you are unable to use both hands as well. If one arm is restricted, or both. When you need to make the symbols discretely or to make them seem more fanciful."

A distant sound of disappointment rang out as Dracoso looked over to see his water beast had just deformed back into a puddle of water. Many of the children who had been chasing it poked the puddle before walking away disappointed. A few parents nearby could be seen waving and giving their thanks for distracting the children as long as he did. He nodded to them with a smile before turning back to his fellow shinobi. "Whether it is medical jutsu, ninjutsu, or any jutsu you work with, think of it like a sheet of metal. When we consider where and idea comes from or how it was determined, we are looking at the components that make it up. When we begin to imagine the ways we can use it, we are heating the metal. When we begin to consider the situations we would apply it to, we are shaping it. When we apply those ideas, we are testing our creation. An ingot can be turned into a sword, just as easily as it can be turned into a shield. It can be made into armor, into jewelry, into buildings, and even as paperweights. All that matters is how flexible you let your mind become for how you apply it."

{WC = 1396, total = 2743}
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Click for nudes!
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu! Empty Re: Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu!

Thu Jul 07, 2022 10:45 pm
Looking at the list there was one technique which Akabayashi wished to learn the Mystical Palm Technique. He was dressed for business today wearing his usual attire of a black pin stripe suit with a silk vest, an open lab coat over it, and his Nova cloak hanging upon his shoulders, finally a pair of dark sunglasses. Even with all these layers and the sun the man didn't appear warm. 

Approaching the two he would try not to interrupt allowing the lesson to continue until there was a natural pause. "Greetings, I heard a bit of your jutsu you are willing to teach. I was hoping to learn the mystical palm technique. Might I learn that from you? I am Akabayashi Terumi." If taught the requested technique the Nova would make his offer to in turn instruct the ninja on some jutsu, skills, elements that he possessed.

"I have quite the list of techniques myself and possess all five basic elements if you'd like I could teach you some of the things I know." (Anything on my stat page not VE is available and you can also use this for the future even if you don't learn it now.) He would of course demonstrate his use of all the elements sending attacks into empty parts of the area.
Stat Page : Dracoso Hehane
Mission Record : Learning Path
Summoning Contract : The Okamis of the Haze
Familiar : Sutsui Hehane
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 88570

Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu! Empty Re: Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu!

Fri Jul 08, 2022 9:06 pm
Akabayashi Terumi wrote:Looking at the list there was one technique which Akabayashi wished to learn the Mystical Palm Technique. He was dressed for business today wearing his usual attire of a black pin stripe suit with a silk vest, an open lab coat over it, and his Nova cloak hanging upon his shoulders, finally a pair of dark sunglasses. Even with all these layers and the sun the man didn't appear warm. 

Approaching the two he would try not to interrupt allowing the lesson to continue until there was a natural pause. "Greetings, I heard a bit of your jutsu you are willing to teach. I was hoping to learn the mystical palm technique. Might I learn that from you? I am Akabayashi Terumi." If taught the requested technique the Nova would make his offer to in turn instruct the ninja on some jutsu, skills, elements that he possessed.

"I have quite the list of techniques myself and possess all five basic elements if you'd like I could teach you some of the things I know." (Anything on my stat page not VE is available and you can also use this for the future even if you don't learn it now.) He would of course demonstrate his use of all the elements sending attacks into empty parts of the area.

Dracoso glanced up at Akabayashi and gave a small smile. With a look over the man, he took in the lab coat and the silk vest, as well as the tough appearance of the individual. The man asked about the mystical palm technique and Dracoso nodded to him. "Certainly, it is a bit more of an advanced technique, as well as the effort to master the ranged version of the technique I have taken, but I would be happy to. You already seem like quite an experience individual yourself with those scars, so I imagine this would probably cover many lessons you have already learned."

Dracoso would shift his seat so he could address both individuals before shaping the seals in one hand and allowing a glow to slowly envelope his palm. "The mystical palm focuses on using chakra flow similar to other medical jutsu, yet it creates a more focused influence over the bodies regeneration, reaching past its normal limits. For example, when a limb is severed, we can generally reseal the cuts, yet in many cases it will not reconnect much of the interior tissue. A normal medical jutsu acts more like how a gel spreads out and slowly coats the body to allow for a more natural growth pattern. The mystical palm works more like a microscopic form of sewing. It is able to stitch the wounds closed by causing the tissue itself to reweave and to rapidly return to its original strength." 

He held up his palm and focused on extending it, allowing the glow to stretch a foot out of his palm as he continued, "this is just to emphasize as a visual. When you apply this jutsu to a wound, it is as if you are reaching in and resealing wounds by causing the fibers to reconnect. Due to this detail-intensive method on a microscopic scale, there are limits to how much it can heal and help a person recover at one time. It is even possible to bring back damaged or destroyed organs, yet due to this using the tissue of the natural body, it will replace any organ that is of another's with a natural organ of your own." He let the glow slowly extend up to a full meter. "With further practice, this just can be used at a distance as well to provide this form of healing and allow for an individual to recover, yet sadly it more often than not requires a direct line to the person receiving healing. This makes it more difficult to use in combat."

Dracoso would let the glow retract back into his palm before holding it up in front of him as if aiming it. "On the other hand, the mystical palm is also quite capable of paralyzing individuals as well in combat situations. When you first activate the jutsu, you must decide between whether you wish to use it for healing or holding of the individual you aim for. For the second version, it disrupts the natural flow of both the chakra in a person's body and the connection the nervous system has to the paralyzed portion of the body. This disconnection is due to a temporary dissolving of the connections which reestablish after a time. The strength of the jutsu depends on the level of chakra in your body and can be used to disable many." He glanced back to Kosuke, "and it is one way you can disable two-handed jutsu users by putting one hand out of commission."

The glow extended back out of his palm. This time, it reached the full five-meter length. "With the right precision and visual manipulation, this can be used effectively to deal with opponents from a distance. If one is careful and precise, it can be used as a scalpel or as a syringe. With enough power and speed, it could be used to disable a charging bull or a silent assassin. Above all else, it is a way to deal with detailed surgeries or recoveries when out in the field or when at home dealing with serious injuries. With its ability to cause tissue growth and enhance the process, it can also be used as a means to transplant organs. This is one of the quickest and most efficient ways to safely transplant organs as it can be done in a far shorter timeframe and with a higher success rate than a normal transplant and allows for a shorter recovery period." 

He would let the glow gently dissipate from his hand and his hand would lower to his lap. "Any thoughts or questions on this?" he would ask with a soft smile.

{WC = 778, Total = 3521}
Kosuke Sashihara
Kosuke Sashihara
Stat Page : Ko's Chart
Health: 300 | AP: 1440
Vigor: 100 | Chakra: 150
Speed: 40 | Strength: 10

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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 90500

Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu! Empty Re: Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu!

Sat Jul 09, 2022 3:33 pm
Kosuke - "Speech"|Thoughts|(Jutsu)
Third Party - "Speech"

As the young shinobi spoke, Kosuke began to process and internalize the information and principles of thought as he went. Chakra was not a magical cure all, it was a tool. A malleable tool that can do miraculous things but still requires the person harnessing it to have the necessary knowledge and skills for it to be effective. Gaining an understanding of a specific injury that you are treating in order to provide the correct form of treatment and care was something the he was familiar with in practicing traditional medicine. For some reason Kosuke had assumed that the use of medical jutsu would somehow make it easier to treat patients. 

It gives you access to more tools but you still need the training to be effective. In that way it isn't that much different from what my father is already doing.

Of course this was going to be the case. Otherwise there would be hordes of medical and non-medical professionals eager to gain the slightest bit of control over their chakra. He was seeing now that this thing he had taken for granted from his upbringing was maybe the most difficult thing for someone to become skilled at. Even of those capable there was likely an even smaller amount willing to put in the work. It wouldn't stop him from pushing forward though, just as his mother had done. 

The lesson continued in a very interesting direction. The evolution of animals and humans over time. Kosuke glanced down to the young man's familiar, Sutsui. She was apparently able to hide from sight with an effect similar to a stealth jutsu. Kosuke was aware of certain species of reptiles and underwater mollusks that were capable of changing the color of their bodies to serve as a form of camouflage, but has never seen or read about snakes with such an ability. Now has this ability developed as a result of natural evolution or is this an ability that Sutsui has developed as borrowed from understanding of jutsu and chakra control. The creature was obviously intelligent and able to communicate with her partner in some way. Perhaps this communication was some other form of evolution, or perhaps it was entirely based around a jutsu from the shinobi.

The implications of this appeared to Kosuke to be wide-reaching. If animals were able to evolve and adapt their bodies to interact with chakra on some level, perhaps the same thing could be done for humans. If a skilled user of medical jutsu had expert control over their use of chakra and also had a deep understanding of the evolutionary history and traits of a certain animal. Would they be able to use their chakra to alter themselves or someone else at a DNA level to give them temporary or perhaps even permanent new abilities in some cases? Ko packed away this thought for the time being. Something about that train of thought felt...wrong. He could see something like that being used to help people but he could also see how it could be used in harmful ways if in the wrong hands. Ko noted down to revisit the topic of evolution later.

Where before Ko had been considering ideas that were freshly just starting to sprout, the landscape around one-handed seals seemed to be extremely fertile. With proper training people are capable of learning most anything. So it seemed that if one was determined and diligent it should be entirely possible to split one's focus enough to weave chakra for multiple jutsu at one time. Even if the result was a diminished effect there would certainly be times where that downside was outweighed by the convenience and flexibility you would get in return.

The last few points gave positive reinforcement to the ideas he was juggling around earlier. Not directly, but in that Kosuke should not feel restrained or tied down to any preconceive notions. Much like the water and wind on the beach breaks down sand castles over time until there is only a new flat foundation, he should constantly think or chakra as a new foundation when considering his own techniques. Creativity and an open mind would serve him well as he continued to develop his jutsu and find his own way forward.

Ko was broken out of his semi thought trance by the arrival of someone new. The man introduced himself as Akabayashi Terumi. It wasn't a name Ko was familiar with, but he hadn't been familiar with anyone thus far so that wasn't unusual for him. Kosuke noted the man's scars and clothing. The man wore a suit with a lab coat over it with dark glasses and expressed interest in a medical technique that Kosuke himself had been eager to learn as well. The lab coat and medical interest made Ko think the man was either a scientist or medical professional of some kind. If he is a practicing medical professional why not use a jutsu to heal his scar? Perhaps he keeps it as a reminder, or maybe there is more to it than I am aware of. Back on the topic of Mystical Palm, his young teacher had mentioned the technique briefly before but this could serve to give him a better understanding of the proper use and applications.

Ko nodded to Akabayashi and focused back on the lesson that was starting up once more. This was exactly along the lines of what he had been talking about before. A technique that would allow one to use their chakra at a microscopic level to repair and even regenerate organs. This had the potential to save and give hope back to so many. The enormous impact was felt by Ko and he was intent and adamant about learning this as soon as possible. 

Ko translated the one-handed seals to regular two-handed seals and tried to mimic the effect as it was being taught. He could not produce the 5 meter extending effect but was able to get a light purple glow on his hands after some time concentrating. Ko decided to try to maintain the effect on his hands while focusing his attention back to the lesson. As the lesson shifted over to the offensive uses of the technique Ko let the effects drop as he was unsure of his control of the jutsu at the moment and he did not want to accidentally cause any injury to himself or anyone else. Ko had been considering the impact of disabling a person's limbs when the shinobi directed a comment about hampering those that required the use of both hands for their jutsu his way. Ko had been thinking mainly about a form of paralysis for certain body parts when performing a medical operation where anesthesia was not an option, but he couldn't ignore the fact that he would likely need to use techniques like this in combat situations in the future and tactics such as disarming the opponent could be invaluable in saving not only his own life but the life of his opponent as well.

A disarming smile came across the man's face as he asked for thoughts. I wonder if these lessons are tiring him out at all. Kosuke made a gesture towards Akabayashi as if to give him the floor to respond. Being what he assumed was the most inexperienced jutsu user in the group Ko was eager to get the thoughts of the new arrival.

WC: 1242
TWC: 3148
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