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Kosuke Sashihara
Kosuke Sashihara
Stat Page : Ko's Chart
Health: 300 | AP: 1440
Vigor: 100 | Chakra: 150
Speed: 40 | Strength: 10

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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 90500

Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu! - Page 3 Empty Re: Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu!

Tue Jul 19, 2022 12:19 am
Kosuke - "Speech"|Thoughts|(Jutsu)
Third Party - "Speech"

Kosuke had been so caught up in the science of it all that he had let the realities of the group's setting slip from his conscious thought. It was only after Dracoso pointed out the fact and thoughtfully surrounded the group with sight blocking mist that Ko comprehended the truth of the situation. Sitting on the beach with a couple of shinobi discussing the intricacies of genetics in shinobi arts whilst hovering over a corpse. It was nearly comical in its absurdity. The Uchiha did not appear to be as interested at the moment but Ko still didn't have a good read on that one.

So it is common practice for some shinobi to take parts of others with useful abilities and transplant that into their own body to harness those abilities. This isn't something my mother ever mentioned, though I suppose it isn't a topic you would bring up with your 13 year old son.

Ko took the implications to heart heavily. "So even for someone like me that was born with no apparent innate bloodline related abilities... If I'm not able to get the get the strength I seek through persistence alone I could transplant the abilities of someone less fortunate and use them as if they were my own?" The question emerged as Ko battled between intrigue and disgust at the thought. The very idea came across as wrong and unnatural, but to cast it aside without giving it appropriate respect of thought would be a matter of emotion and the actions of a scholarly mind.

Then Ko thought back to the discussion he had been having with Dracoso prior about the evolution of animals and how many have developed their own unique traits and abilities over time. "How about from the perspective of non-human creatures? Are there ninja that have tried and seen any success with transplanting the natural traits and abilities of animals into themselves?" Ko hoped that Sutsui wasn't able to understand his inquiry and that if she could she didn't take it as anything other than a inquiry for knowledge.

WC: 347
TWC: 4511
Stat Page : Dracoso Hehane
Mission Record : Learning Path
Summoning Contract : The Okamis of the Haze
Familiar : Sutsui Hehane
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 88570

Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu! - Page 3 Empty Re: Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu!

Thu Jul 21, 2022 12:39 am
The topic had taken a turn towards an area that was a bit more gruesome, but a natural part of being a ninja for some. He nodded softly and said to Kosuke, "Some ninjas do take the opportunity to gain strength by taking on the power and abilities of others. I have heard stories of those looking for power hunting down others to take an organ or body part so that they can gain that power by force. This kind of thing has started wars as this means that some ninjas simply see one another as having the same value as tools or weapons that they can attain. Others offer an organ out of respect or as a form of exchange with another for a great deed or a favor to be asked. One story I read described how a Kage of an ancient village was offered an organ that would save the life of his loved one. In return, the Kage offered protection over the village that the person came from."

Dracoso glanced at Akabayashi and gave a soft smile, "others are given the opportunity when ninjas who are willing to fight to the death engage in combat and lose. The winner at that point technically has the right to attain weapons, armor, and other things from the defeated ninja. Personally, I would rather see combat as an opportunity for anyone to get stronger and grow from their failures. More often than not, ninjas see combat as a means to defeating those who wish to put their life on the life and therefore offer everything short of disgracing the body." Dracoso leaned back and nodded. "We all have a place in this world and our goal is to find how we wish to move the world forward. No matter the village or the lifestyle we come from, we all find a value in those around us."

He reached out and softly patted the shoulder of the body sitting between them. "After all, if those body held no purpose beyond extracting an organ to Akabayashi, he probably would not be carrying it around with him. Same that if he saw no purpose in sharing his own experiences with others, he would only have listened and left when the lesson on the mystical palm was over." He tilted his head from one side to the other, thinking as he spoke, "just as you find value in learning from others, Kosuke, I find value in teaching and spending my time learning from the experience. Every opportunity we take to grow and expand our minds is another step towards reaching new goals."

{WC = 439, Total Word Count = 5084}
Stat Page : Dracoso Hehane
Mission Record : Learning Path
Summoning Contract : The Okamis of the Haze
Familiar : Sutsui Hehane
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 88570

Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu! - Page 3 Empty Re: Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu!

Sat Jul 23, 2022 10:26 pm
Even with the mist up, the sunlight seemed to be slowly dimming. Sunset was upon them. Dracoso stood up and stretched as he pulled out a blanket, carefully laying it over the body. Once covered, he let the mist fade around them and looked to the small group. "It was quite a lovely lesson, both to learn from and to teach. I do hope my words have provided a bit more insight into what you are each looking for," he said to Kosuke and Akabayashi. 

"I hope we each see one another again sometime soon. For now, I must be off to get some rest for tomorrow. I will probably be back, teaching other individuals on more Jutsu if they need it." He gave them a short bow and a smile before turning and heading off towards the resort. The cool air of night was slowly settling over the beach and small bonfires appeared towards the water. His mind was racing with all that he had learned and wondered how much farther he could push himself.

{WC = 176, TWC = 5260 Rounded to 5250}
Stats Maxed, AP Maxed = 25% discount on jutsu

Talented {Iryojutsu} = 3750/3750 (last 2750 added to 1000/3750 from past post: Returning Requests

Jutsu Learned:
D Rank - Leaf Whirlwind - 375/375 (last 125 added to 250/375 from past post: Construction, Carving, and Self-Care)
D Rank - Wind Release: Sudden Rise - 375 (originally 500) (total 3250)
D Rank - Water Release: Bouncy Wall - 375 (originally 500)
D Rank - Water Replacement - 375 (originally 500) (Total 4000)
D Rank - Storage Displacement - 375 (originally 500) 
D Rank - Shadow Shuriken Technique - 375 (originally 500) (Total 4750)
D Rank - Rope Escape Technique - 375 (Originally 500) (total 5125)
D Rank - Mass Shift - 125/375 (originally 500)
Kosuke Sashihara
Kosuke Sashihara
Stat Page : Ko's Chart
Health: 300 | AP: 1440
Vigor: 100 | Chakra: 150
Speed: 40 | Strength: 10

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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 90500

Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu! - Page 3 Empty Re: Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu!

Mon Jul 25, 2022 2:12 am
Kosuke - "Speech"|Thoughts|(Jutsu)
Third Party - "Speech"

It wasn't until Dracoso started giving his parting words and covering the body that Kosuke registered how late it had indeed gotten. The mist faded away exposing the beautiful splash of colors across the sky and water on display as the sun retreated to rest for the night. Ko stood alongside Dracoso, brushing the lingering bits of sand off of his legs and shorts and back down to their home. "I certainly appreciate the lesson from both of you. I'm sure I revealed myself to be quite the novice but I hope to take what I have learned here and perhaps be capable of repaying this deed to each of you in the future."

A quick check of his finger wraps and a brief stretch of the legs and Kosuke was off as well. There had been a lot of questions and an generous amount of answers to meet them, but every answer generated a new query or path of discover to travel down. It would take him a long time, perhaps a lifetime, of study and experience but the future he yearned for seemed to be getting closer and closer and that brought Ko a certain measure of joy. For now he would process what he had been taught and rest up for tomorrow.


WC: 215
TWC: 4726

WC Claims:
- 20 Vigor
- 23 Chakra
- 4 Speed
- Jutsu: Mystical Palm (1250/1250) 50% Training Discount (Dracoso)
- Jutsu: Chakra Scalpel (1250/1250) 50% Training Discount (Akabayashi)
- Jutsu: Damage Reduction Shield B-Rank (875/875) 50% Training Discount (Dracoso)
- Jutsu: Chakra Scalpel: Senbon A-Rank (1250/1250) 50% Training Discount (Akabayashi)
- Jutsu: Earth Flow River B-Rank (101/750) 50% Training Discount (Akabayashi)
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu! - Page 3 Empty Re: Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu!

Mon Jul 25, 2022 2:10 pm
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Click for nudes!
Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu! - Page 3 Empty Re: Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu!

Sat Jul 30, 2022 10:11 pm
For the Terumi pulling out random bodies and their various parts in public was a frequent occurence. It had become normal for him, which in and of itself was odd, he however offered no protest when Dracoso decided to hide their current topic of discussion. Interestingly the discussion looped back to medical techniques after a brief talk on Yuki physiology. He already knew of the Yuki abilities from the Hoshi library, but having them discussed in person by a Yuki was much better. Having proof to what was found in books was wonderful, before this the Doctor simply had to regard what was written as fact without evidence, now it had some.

Another interesting topic soon developed the pure blood phenomenon. A more recent development within the world of ninja. Previously some ninja simply chose not to take in the abilities of other clans and simply focus upon their own capabilities. Now however it wasn't so much as they didn't but couldn't. A pure blood body simply rejects transplants from clans other than their own which when treating people in war could prove fatal for them. These unadaptable peoples Akabayashi saw as a sign that humans were potentially getting weaker as time went on.

"Indeed the clanless of the world can usually partake in the abilities of a clan through transplants. Using them as ones own is... hard to say. Some techniques require a full blooded member of a clan to use, but these techniques are usually more powerful versions of jutsu transplanted people can use." The question Kosuke asked after his question on transplants so the Doctor had to think on how to answer. While he'd never seen direct grafts of animals on human flesh he had seen similar effects through the natural energy gathering clans and their abilities. "This may not be what you are asking but Fuinjutsu such as Orochimaru's juinjutsu give animal characteristics after application. In, addition there are clans like werewolves which allow one to turn into animals and fight in a non-human form. Jugo also have the ability to manipulate their bodies in such a way that they can create animal features on their bodies. Jugo DNA is actually an ingredient of that fuinjutsu in addition to Senjutsu from the person giving the technique.

Dracoso seemed to have an idealistic idea on what combat was, but when someone is trying to kill you typically Akabayashi didn't find issue with attempting to kill them back. Perhaps, he would learn to take a more practical approach in the future after surviving a fight or two. As Dracoso covered the body it seemed it was time to go. He was grateful he'd had the opportunity to meet these two and learn some things in addition to teaching.

To Kosuke the doctor would smile at the prospect of learning from him. "I look forward to it." To Dracoso he would wave and add "Yes, I hope we meet again." With both their exits it was only him and the Uchiha. He didn't care there were civilians on the beach and it would be simple to overwhelm him. However the boy was so indifferent it was hard to imagine he'd activated the sharingan yet so he simply waved to the man making pants chicken and took his leave.

WC: 552
TWC: 2393
Claims: Using 1250 WC for Mystical Palm 50% from Dracoso teaching. The remaining 1143 toward Kanzeon Lotus King mastery bringing it up to 2129/7500 with 25% max stat discount.
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu! - Page 3 Empty Re: Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu!

Mon Aug 01, 2022 8:41 pm
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