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Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu! - Page 2 Empty Re: Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu!

Sun Jul 10, 2022 10:48 am
This teacher on the beach seemed kind enough, he also seemed to be assessing the people attending his class as he mentioned the Terumi's scars. This was a clear indicator of survived battles, but it did not necessarily represent instruction in healing. In fact it usually meant the opposite, but if they recognized the fuinjutsu seal upon his forehead then clearly they would know he was a master of iryojutsu and user of Creation Rebirth. This one is quite informed. Praising the instructor would seem odd at the moment, so he would let the sensei of the beach do his thing.

With Ko's nod the Terumi would return it not wanting to interrupt the lesson before him. Oddly it began with the teacher using one handed seals a rather advanced skill. If the Terumi didn't already know how to seal one handedly the lesson would possibly be for naught, thinking of this it was possible the other person here didn't know how to do this and would need aid once the instruction was finished. It began with a run down of how the technique produced its effects followed by the demonstration of what mastering the technique achieves. Its mastery use was a ranged version of the technique which was more useful for a battle and not its more common transplant surgery use. The teacher emphasizing its downfall in combat was rather good as that was its only use as you wouldn't need to stand feet away in a hospital setting. This ranged option however had more use in causing injury as well it seemed, a subject which the Vulture would eagerly study.

As the teaching was going on it seemed the other pupil next to him was working to make the one handed seals, two handed meaning he knew which half seals corresponded to all of the full seals. Akabayashi did the one handed seals as well, his practiced hands making each seal transition smooth. He applied no chakra for the time being and when Dracoso finished and asked if they had questions. It seemed Ko wanted him to respond first, but other than beginning with one handed seals the Terumi had nothing and as they both understood the lesson there was no problem. At present the Terumi had no issue, so he would make each one handed seal and also whistle a distinct sound with each different seal after a few rounds of that he would forego moving his hands at all and simply whistle the seals using the whistling as seals his hand would glow as Kosuke's had. Like him there would be effect of range like Dracoso had, he was still getting used to the base technique at present if he wished to attain the enhanced version he would have to get used to that first. 

Ending the technique he's address the group. "Good lesson, it seems we understood the basic concept of the technique and can use it. Thank you." He would say giving a small bow to their teacher. It was odd that they hadn't asked him to teach anything, but the Terumi would not bring it back up. If they wished to learn something they would ask in time. Perhaps the teacher of the beadh still needed to instruct... What was his name?

"It seems I don't know what to call either of you." He'd already given his own name, unless they'd forgotten he wouldn't repeat it. 

WC: 576
TWC: 794
Stat Page : Dracoso Hehane
Mission Record : Learning Path
Summoning Contract : The Okamis of the Haze
Familiar : Sutsui Hehane
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 88570

Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu! - Page 2 Empty Re: Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu!

Mon Jul 11, 2022 12:45 am
Dracoso smiled back to the man and said, "Ah, sorry about that. I let my thoughts carry me away at times. My name is Dracoso. I am from Kirigakure." He said and offered a hand with a smile. He thought back to Akabayashi's words before asking, "You mentioned that you are able to teach any of the elements. I still need to work towards becoming a chunin in my village before I can take on a third element, and I have stretched my skills rather thin as it is with jutsu. I will admit, my ability to continuing mastering beyond the normal limit is one skill I am working on currently. If you would know how to push beyond that limit, I would say that I could benefit greatly." 

He would also gesture towards the other ninja and say, "and I imagine Kosuke could benefit quite a bit, especially if you know so much on the five elements. I am curious, how are you able to be experienced in all five elements? I had heard from my old teacher, as well as many who I have met, that most can only really attain a specialized ability in three of them." He thought back over what he had been read and remembered a story about a leader who had gained a fourth element through great strain, but nothing beyond that. He looked curiously to the man.

{WC = 235, Total = 3756}
Higuchi Uchiha
Higuchi Uchiha
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Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu! - Page 2 Empty Re: Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu!

Mon Jul 11, 2022 6:36 pm
"The beach is the best place to let your worries wash away like the seashells that end up floating around." Higuchi found himself thinking as he stepped up to the stand, he had thought up the courage to say, "I would like to see what's going on, and maybe, just maybe care enough to ask for pointers if you don't mind." upon finishing his sentence to the man, Higuchi turned around, displaying the Uchiha sigil and sat at one of the beach chairs that had been unoccupied and awaited a response. "This should provide some decent entertainment." Higuchi would say aloud in a nice chair sipping a cool lemonade. He was enjoying his vacation. He was happy, but he wanted more. He wanted to see his family again, which was clouding his mind, causing him to get distracted from the one time he can feel happy.

WC:146 (I was having writer's block so I really couldn't think of anything beyond what is currently written.)

Last edited by Higuchi Uchiha on Tue Jul 12, 2022 1:09 am; edited 1 time in total
Kosuke Sashihara
Kosuke Sashihara
Stat Page : Ko's Chart
Health: 300 | AP: 1440
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Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu! - Page 2 Empty Re: Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu!

Mon Jul 11, 2022 10:06 pm
Kosuke - "Speech"|Thoughts|(Jutsu)
Third Party - "Speech"

Kosuke was impressed but not at all surprised as Akabayashi seemed to effortlessly replicate the technique they had both been shown. Where Ko had been timid and unsure of himself when trying out the jutsu, the scarred man was able to perform the one-handed seals quickly and without issue. This was a skill that Ko had only just learned about and to take it a step further the man seemed to convert the one-handed seals into a series of whistles at which point he was able to reproduce the jutsu effect without any hand seals at all. Finally, as if all of that hadn't been impressive enough, Akabayashi was already able to extend the range of the jutsu in a similar manner to what their teacher had just exhibited.

"It is nice to meet you Akabayashi-san, my name is Kosuke Sashihara. I apologize for not introducing myself earlier. I was caught up in the lesson and did not want to interrupt." Kosuke offered a bow while remaining seated in the sand. He was unsure whether it would be more appropriate to stand, remain seated, offer a handshake, or bow respectfully so it went with what felt most natural in the moment. Then the shinobi serving as the current teacher spoke and Ko finally learned not only that the man was called Dracoso, but a number of other identifying information as well.

Dracoso revealed that he was a ninja from the village of Kirigakure. Ko was aware that this village was located in the Island Country out in the seas, but had never been there and had no real gauge for how far it was from the Rice Country. Additionally, Kosuke's knowledge of typical village hierarchy indicated to him that Dracoso was a genin, the lowest rank for official shinobi. Certainly the knowledge he had gained from his mother was helping to inform him now, but Dracoso appeared to Ko to be very skilled for what he would expect from a genin, especially since he was able to harness two of the five elements.

At this Kosuke found that he needed to remind himself that ranking wasn't always an indicator of skill and power. It was also related to the hurdles of circumstance and opportunity. Dracoso had a great question that pointed out something Kosuke had let slip from his mind as everything had happened. Akabayashi had expressly gone out of his way to exhibit his proficiency with each of the five elements when he had introduced himself and made himself available as a resource for knowledge. Even Kosuke's mother, who had been the most skilled ninja he had ever met was only ever able to use three elements.

Kosuke smiled at Dracoso's introduction before following up his question for Akabayashi. "I have a similar curiosity. I am currently only able to use Earth Release, and am hoping to develop a strong foundation in jutsu before branching out to what other elements I may be capable of using, but I was also under the impression that the limit for element manipulation was three, and even that was something achieved by only the most skilled chakra users." Ko shifted a bit in the sand to face both Dracoso and Akabayashi equally. "How are you able to make use of all five?"

Just then there was a new arrival that walked over expressing interest in the ongoing lessons, verbally if nothing else, as he took a seat nearby. He didn't introduce himself and Kosuke didn't recognize the emblem on the man's back as he turned to sit. Maybe he was just another beachgoer that had been enjoying some drinks and wanted to see some cool stuff. For now Kosuke did not address the man directly but instead turned his attention eagerly back towards Akabayashi.

WC: 630
TWC: 3778
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
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Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu! - Page 2 Empty Re: Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu!

Tue Jul 12, 2022 8:12 am
From Kiri, eh. The thought to give this genin a message for his Mizukage weighed on the Terumi's mind, but what would it say? It could say many things such as, a simple no to my request to ignore what happened would have been appreciated instead of an outright attack? Kizmaru has been killed and if you want his body come and get it, we will be keeping his fancy armor? The list could have gone on with what it should or could say, but any plans to write one would have to wait for later. "Mastery beyond what is normal? Ahh, you just need greater insight into the specialty in which you wish to master. If those happen to be Medical, Ninjutsu, or Fuinjutsu I can help."

"Indeed, would have been quite awkward, Kosuke. Honestly, introduction during the lesson may have gotten us both in trouble with our teacher." He would say to the other ninja that was learning as well, while giving a friedly half smile. It was at this time Dracoso asked a question which was then echoed by Kosuke, it was a good question one filled with good insight into why it had been asked. Thinking back the Terumi had asked this same question to a girl named Kana a daughter of Stein. She hadn't answered the question and mostly deflected, but why not give just a bit of information without giving everything.

"Good question, this will go into a bit of medical knowledge on clans. The Uchiha have their sharingan, the Terumi have multiple advanced elements like lava and boil, the Kaguya manipulate their osteoblasts and osteoclasts to modify their skeletons. The point of this being some clans have different traits and some of the DNA inside me has the capacity to use all five elements." It was no lie his DNA had changed to the point he was no longer a Terumi, but something else. However it was a half truth, the truth being that there were four masks upon his back each with a different  color and animal which housed a heart. The primary element of the former owner of these hearts determined what element would be recieved and which masks would form. As Akabayashi had a blue (water), sky blue (wind), yellow (lighting), and red (fire) mask upon his back but could still use earth release he knew his heart was earth. Which was odd as before this change his primary element was fire.

Hopefully, that would be enough information as another person joined their group. He was quite odd. He let the newcomer finish, do his turn to display his Uchiha symbol, sit down then asserted his desire to be entertained. It was all very strange to the Doctor who had to wonder why he came over to an area being used for instruction only to maybe ask for pointers. Its like going to the market for food to maybe buy food. Maybe this one didn't want to seem interested, but the way he displayed his disinterest only highlighted his interest. "I'm Akabayashi, I don't believe I'd be incorrect if I guessed your name as something Uchiha." If this kid wasn't an Uchiha wearing that symbol he'd be even more weird. If he confirmed he was in fact one then taking off his glasses and activating his Eternal Mangekyou, Akabayashi would look at him. "I think I can get you to care."

WC: 577
TWC: 1371
Higuchi Uchiha
Higuchi Uchiha
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Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu! - Page 2 Empty Re: Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu!

Tue Jul 12, 2022 11:35 am
Higuchi stopped drinking his lemonade and looked at Akabayashi. "All I value is power, which I am willing to obtain by any means necessary. Not that it'll make a difference, but the names Higuchi Uchiha. Learn it well, as you will see me around here a lot." After Higuchi had finished his sentence, he would begin to get up and walk to a mostly unpopulated area.

Upon doing so, Higuchi did handseals and launched a firework into the sky. "I will not wish death on anyone, but instead will delight a crowd with an amazing fireworks display." Upon finishing his sentence, he noticed a little boy tugging on his robe. "can you make food?" said the boy with such delight in his eyes. "Sure!" Higuchi said while holding a piece of meat. He would do another set of handseals to give the little boy a nice, juicy steak cooked medium rare. "Bon Appetit!" Higuchi would say to the child while ruffling his hair. "Come back if you'd like more!" Higuchi would notice a woman walking towards him. "Thanks for finding my son!" The woman said with such joy in her voice. Higuchi said "No worries, Ma'am. The little one was hungry, so I made a steak for him." He said while showing the woman and child the fire still on his hand. "That doesn't hurt?" said the woman. "Of course not, ma'am." Higuchi said as the fire dissipated from his hand. "Name's Higuchi." he said while shaking the woman's hand with his other hand.

Higuchi then said, "Take care!" The woman and child then went on their way. "I wanna be a ninja one day!" Higuchi could hear the boy saying cheerfully. "At least I made someone's day." Muttered Higuchi as he went to go sit back down.

WC: 232 TWC: 378
Stat Page : Dracoso Hehane
Mission Record : Learning Path
Summoning Contract : The Okamis of the Haze
Familiar : Sutsui Hehane
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 88570

Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu! - Page 2 Empty Re: Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu!

Fri Jul 15, 2022 12:25 am
"Power is useful, but it comes to how you apply it." Dracoso said, responding to Higuchi. "Flash paper in the dark, applied with care, can do far more than a water beast thrown in front of a lightning jutsu." He sat back as he regarded the three individuals "It seems there is still much more for me to learn as well. No matter how much you learn, how much you practice or-" he gave Higuchi a glance, "-how much power you gain, there is always more to learn."

He waved his hand softly and a few bits of ice appeared on one hand. With a wave of his other hand, a small touch of water landed in his palm. He figured he would add his own knowledge of the elements in. "Each element holds a value and a purpose. Having access to all five means that you can bend your desires into many shapes and forms. Fire gains its purpose and value through motion. Whether that is moving energy or moving along a path to create an outcome. Water finds value in patterns. This can come in the form of carving patterns or influencing materials. Water can mix and carry materials with it to create new patterns and effects. It holds strength over fire for the ability to stop its motion."

Dracoso picked up his water nearby for a quick sip before continuing, "earth holds value through resilience. It is strong and capable to hold its form while absorbing many materials. It is able to overcome water as it can withstand its patterns and resist its effects. Such as absorbing water whole or neutralizing or absorbing its materials for itself. Lightning holds the value of strength and efficiency. It can disrupt the body as well as the senses. It is able to find the quickest pathways and shatter the strongest of defenses. It pierces through Earth and rends it apart at its weakest point.

Wind creates freedom. Whether that is freedom from the senses, from physical limitations, or from many of the laws of nature around us. Wind holds no solid form, so lightning easily passes through it, yet is easily misdirected by it. As wind can control the flow of air around us, it can control and redirect the strength that lightning holds. Just as wind can control the flow of air, fire can reduce the potency of that air by using the materials within it." Dracoso closed his eyes with a soft sigh. "At the same time, many of the elements which do not counter one another can be mixed together. Water and lightning can mix to create a stronger outcome as lightning uses water to carry its strength to a point of release. This can allow water to overcome earth through lightning's strength. Such as fire and earth can be combined to make lava through the resilience of earth providing more material for fire to use."

Dracoso opened his eyes as he looked to them again. "Akabayashi probably already knows all this, but it is good for new ninja to consider this when growing out into new elements. There are advanced elements, but most depend on either the village you are from, the bloodline you carry, or a few other specific details." He looked to the two younger ninja, "hopefully, that gave a sense of direction with all this?" 

{WC = 562, Total: 4318}
Kosuke Sashihara
Kosuke Sashihara
Stat Page : Ko's Chart
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Vigor: 100 | Chakra: 150
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Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu! - Page 2 Empty Re: Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu!

Fri Jul 15, 2022 3:42 am
Kosuke - "Speech"|Thoughts|(Jutsu)
Third Party - "Speech"

Kosuke tried to maintain a calm composure like Akabayashi and Dracoso, but in truth despite his age he truly was a novice in most ways when it came to education on topics relating to the ways of shinobi. Even the new arrival, Higuchi, seemed to have more confidence in the realm of element manipulation than himself. "I think I'm starting to have a good grasp of the ideas." Ko directed his response to Dracoso. 

Both Dracoso and Akabayashi mentioned bloodlines. It seems that some ninja are just born with certain abilities. Maybe some sort of evolutionary trait like Dracoso was talking about earlier?

Ko decided he would take this opportunity to try some elemental manipulation like Dracoso had done. Shifting to a crouched position, Ko placed his open palm on the cool sand and channeled while lifting his hand slowly. A stream of sand formed underneath his hand and followed it a few feet up to his head before he stopped the channel altogether and the sand collapsed back down, the loose pieces sliding down to find their way back home. Ko wiped his hand on his shorts in an attempt to remove any loose bits of sand and took a seat again as he looked back and forth between the two teachers.

"I noticed a few things from your lectures. Dracoso, you were able to manipulate ice, is that an advanced element derived from water that anyone would be able to learn or is that a bloodline ability? As for you Akabayashi, I noticed you said some of the DNA inside you has the ability to use all five elements. Does this mean you currently have abilities from multiple bloodlines? How is that even possible?"

Kosuke realized that this may be pushing in to territory where the pair may not be comfortable divulging more information but he was going to atleast ask and try to learn as much as they were willing to tell. Ko was also curious about the strange appearance of Akabyashi's eyes when he took his glasses off and stared down Higuchi. The man had introduced himself as Uchiha which Akabayashi had mentioned was in possession of something called Sharingan. 

As a medical professional in his own right Kosuke was determined to inform himself about these bloodlines as much as he could.

WC: 386
TWC: 4164
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
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Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu! - Page 2 Empty Re: Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu!

Fri Jul 15, 2022 4:50 am
After wandering over saying he may be interested enough to ask for pointers, introducing himself as Higuchi the kid got up, walked over to an area with no one made fire works via jutsu, then a kid started tugging at his robe, to which he'd pull out a steak or some other cut of meat and just cook it while holding the end using fire style jutsu. Then a lady would walk over and take presumably what was her kid. He couldn't here with the distance, but the Terumi was quite marveled with the Uchiha and not in a good way. "Just bizarre." The doctor would say audibly in the direction of the Uchiha there were so many questions. Where did he pull out that meat from? Why had he come over just to leave? Who was he making fireworks for? Where did he pull out that meat from? Had he shoved it down his pants he wasn't holding raw meat on his initial approach just a drink. "I recommend not ordering the Higuchi chicken you might be terrified to learn where its sourced." The Nova would say to Dracoso and Kosuke hauntingly. With their distance nothing said in a normal voice could be heard by the Uchiha.

Dracoso had finished his explanation on elements by the time Akabayashi's amazement wore off. He'd likely missed a good lesson, but addressing him got the Nova back on track. Luckily Dracoso stated the subject was elements, so Akabayashi would nod in agreement.

Having been asked how it was possible to have multiple bloodlines the doctor would pull out a scroll and open it letting it roll over the sand with the seal side facing them. He would undo the seal and a lifeless body would be seen laying atop the scroll. He would also pull out some jars with different organs in them from his pockets of which he had many. "The simple answer is from bodies such as this. I am no cold blooded murderer, but when attacked I don't let my attacker live. I take the bodies as a bounty and if they happen to have a trait or ability I like, I take out a body part." He would say showing the cut over the cadavre's kidney. "And I place it in myself. This is a fairly common practice to Ninja. I also have a business where I sell these spare organs in my village." What on him was transplanted and with what was for him to know only, but knowledge on transplants such as this was common and therefore showing them was not an issue. "This one is a Senju capable of Wood release a combination of water and earth, someone actually gave this body to me out of the blue one day."

WC: 470
Stat Page : Dracoso Hehane
Mission Record : Learning Path
Summoning Contract : The Okamis of the Haze
Familiar : Sutsui Hehane
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Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu! - Page 2 Empty Re: Spreading the Wonder: Come Learn Jutsu!

Sat Jul 16, 2022 1:55 am
Dracoso would raise an eyebrow at Akabayashi pulling out a full cadaver in full sight of some of the beachgoers. "It is good to understand when you transplant body parts, but I think having a body in plain sight in the middle of the beach much upset someone. Let's get a bit of privacy," he said as he threw up a few handseals. Mist quickly spread from Dracoso's mouth and surrounded them, giving them a visual screen, which blocked out anything beyond 3 meters from the body. This let the small group continue their discussion and, if anyone approached out of curiosity, they would leave quickly enough.

"To answer your earlier question-" Dracoso began to Kosuke, "the Ice element comes from my bloodline, as I am a Yuki. It is a combination of wind and water and allows you to work more closely with temperatures. You may have noticed my blueish hair and my pale skin. These are signs of a Yuki. To build off from what Akabayashi said, several more advanced medical jutsu that you can attain will help you transplants or organ management. There is the body part replacement jutsu to help recover if you lose an organ. The mystical palm can also be used to successfully complete transplants, as I mentioned earlier. That is one you would definitely not want to attempt in the middle of combat."

He gave another glance towards Akabayashi and nodded before saying, "organs do play a large role in some ninja's growth as well. Being able to expand beyond just the limits of your own blood can be very beneficial. Some bloodlines focus more on enhancing themselves and becoming pureblooded in order to strengthen themselves. My bloodline element, for example, has many forms which are only attainable through focusing on becoming a pureblood. It sets us specifically to be unable to take on other bloodline abilities, yet it also provides us greater flexibility in areas we may benefit in."

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