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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
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Ryo : 44150

Starting an Underground Band [Yurei] Empty Starting an Underground Band [Yurei]

Sun Jul 30, 2017 4:47 pm

Another day in the City Blessed by the Stars. The sound of splashing water echoing throughout a tunnel. It was definitely not a normal day. Damon had been in the mission center when reports from a very wounded genin had confirmed that a trio of missing ninja were headed towards Hoshigakure. The Uchiha then immediately had a letter sent to Yurei Uchiha, requesting assistance. The letter would read:

“Urgent. Rogue shinobi on the loose. Meet me in the sewers now. Let’s see how serious you are about protecting this village.”

Short, sweet, and to the point. With guards posted along the walls and guarding the gates, the city believed that they were safe. However, Damon could use his past experiences to confirm that the sewers and tunnels beneath Hoshigakure were not as secure as the civilians might hope. Previously on the Damon Uchiha show, he and Valen Akari had embarked on a mission to quell a rebellion before it truly surfaced. This feat earned them the attention of the Hogokage him/herself and allowed them to streamline the process of becoming chuunin for the village. A village he was now sworn to protect from threats. Damon darted down the pathways, drawing a kunai in his right hand. As he reached a fork in the road, he quickly lashed out with the weapon, leaving a marking that started in the middle of the two paths that continued towards the left, leaving sparks flying from where the metal had scraped against the stone. This was just a precaution for Yurei, as the boy might be able to locate him with the mark seal, but Damon highly doubted that the pale boy would have learned the Mark Tracking skill just yet, so it was easier and smarter to leave bread crumbs, even as a precaution. You better be on your way Yurei.

Damon continued down the tunnels, marking each and every turn he had to make. Left, right, right, left, until he came to a section where the tunnel branched into three pathways, and he had to continue forward, which would lead him towards the end of the city. Withdrawing a second kunai, Damon ran forwards with his hands extended, carving out chunks of the stone wall, sending sparks into the air and causing a loud cutting noise to echo throughout the chasm. That’s when things went wrong. A shinobi rose from the ground and threw a cane made of stone at the boy. He dodged it with ease, activating his third tomoe sharingan and seeing the intruder, as well as a second chakra mass around a small corner, much like the one that he and Valen had hidden in during the meeting of the rebellion. His arm began to burn bright with lightning chakra, signifying that he was about to use chidori sharp spear. “Wait, isn’t there a thir-” Then the world became black as a blunt force collided with the back of his skull, knocking him to the ground. A scruffy voice came from behind him, “This is all they send at us? Robbing their treasury is going to be a cakewalk.” Deep laughter rang out in the tunnel. Yurei, you better have gotten- The world for Damon then turned to black nothingness.

WC: 542
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Starting an Underground Band [Yurei] Empty Re: Starting an Underground Band [Yurei]

Sun Jul 30, 2017 6:18 pm
Yurei squirmed in his sandals, feeling sick to his stomach. What had Damon gotten himself into? Why the sewers of all places? The pale Uchiha as no doubt dedicated to the village, but he did value appearance and, well, aroma. Still, if the village needed him, he would be there! “Because that’s what the Hogokage would do!”
The Uchiha stripped his kimono from his shoulders, hanging it on his clothing rack. He adorned an old pair of navy blue pants and a shirt with a fish netted collar. There was no sense in soiling his nice silk kimono. The white haired Uchiha stepped outside his him, opting to not take his shoes and placing them next to the door. He stepped into the streets and looked at one of the manholes. Yurei decided to breath solely out of his mouth, refusing to take a whiff of the horrible smells below.
The thin genin inserted his hand into the metal cover, lifting it with great strain and dropping it onto the street. The boy inserted his legs into the sewers below and dropped down, splashing the murky water up into the air. “Wow. I have never been more disgusted in my life,” Yurei said, frowning in disgust. The Uchiha opened up his chakra sensory, feeling out the area for chakra signatures. There seemed to be four to the north, just at the end of his range. Four? Wasn’t Damon alone? So, there’s three assailants. Yurei quickly signed the handseals for flicker movement and activated his three tomoe Sharingan, jumping onto the circular wall and dashing forward while sideways.
“I should have done this from the beginning. These pants are ruined,” he said, scanning the area with his Sharingan. He was nearing them. Yurei’s mind raced with ideas. Had Damon engaged? Was he captured? How has he been down here for so long?
Yurei stopped in his tracks, coming to a fork in the sewers. The Uchiha scoped out the area, looking for any traces of Damon, but then he noticed something. Fresh marks alongside the left tunnel. Dust from the concrete was still present from the scratches. Yurei leaped forward, running down the tunnel. Closer and closer the chakra signatures came until the Uchiha came to a stop, now walking slowly. The albino tried to make as little noise as possible, sliding into the water and deactivating his flicker movement and surface walking. The Uchiha slowly trudged through the disgusting water, looking around, but then he saw something: light. Up ahead was a rectangular cut out designed for sewer workers. The Uchiha looked around, lowering himself deeper into the sewer water. I’m going to get so many diseases from this. I hate you Damon.
The Uchiha stared out at the group. There were three, and, behind a metal door, was a forth. This chakra signature seemed familiar. He couldn’t be sure, but that was likely Damon’s based upon both feeling and context.
The Uchiha deactivated all of his chakra abilities, hoping none of them were sensory types. He crept out of the water and onto the platform to the side, sneaking behind the gang as they bragged about capturing a shinobi. Yep. Definitely Damon.
Yurei crept to the door, finding in need of a key. The boy looked about the area and found one handing just beside the door. He looked about the floor and found a rock, taking it up and throwing it in the direction opposite to him along the sewer as a distraction. He rose, grabbing the keys, and took them up, trying desperately not to make any noise. He swiftly inserted the key into the metal lock and opened it, revealing Damon Uchiha.

WC: 612
Stat Page : The Tengu
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 44150

Starting an Underground Band [Yurei] Empty Re: Starting an Underground Band [Yurei]

Thu Aug 03, 2017 5:25 am
Damon woke up in a prison cell. His vision was blurred, the world was spinning, and he was having trouble sitting up. Everything was perfectly fine. He tried pushing himself up with both hands, only to wince slightly, but loud enough for one of the goons to take notice. He stopped whatever conversation he was having and approached the cell. “That’s a gift from me to ya’. Can’t have ya’ using any ninjutsu now can we? We saw yer’ arm glow back there in th’ tunnels. We won’t hafta worry about that now.” The man’s grammar left much to be desired. Damon sneered. That’s what you think. He started practicing jutsu with his right hand, which they had stupidly left in tact. Almost like it would help Damon further his plot or something. Fourth wall aside, the chuunin would sit in the dark room kneading fire chakra within the pit of his stomach, preparing himself for Flame Whirlwind, perhaps his favorite and strongest fire technique to date. It was a relatively simple technique, as he had managed to learn it while he was training with Akio and Yurei, as the trio had compared jutsu. He had totally won of course, with his being the flashiest and all. Monkey. His right hand moved in front of his body, attempting to cover a palm that was not there. Bird. His index and middle fingers rose in contrast to his ring and pinky fingers, which touched against his folded thumb, with no other hand to mirror its movements. Dog. His right hand turned into a fist, noticeably lacking a left hand for cover to complete the seal. Ram. His wrist was bent at a right angle while his index and middle fingers shot up, his ring and pinky fingers as well as his thumb staying down. The secondary hand placement would have made this much more distinctively as a handseal, but Damon was playing with the cards he was dealt. Now, let’s see how well I can do this… The chuunin continued to practice an array of handseals, just in case he needed to use other jutsu during his great escape. That’s when he noticed a rather pale figure from a distance aways. His chakra sensory gave him a better idea, but his three tomoe sharingan activating just confirmed his suspicions. Yurei Uchiha.

“Took you long enough,” Damon said with a smirk. He had been lying with his back to the wall, his right leg bent and resting his right arm on said leg. His left arm hung limply at his side. He pushed himself up with his right arm. Once the boy had gotten to his feet, he winced, cradling his left arm. “They dislocated it when I was unconscious so I couldn’t perform jutsu.” Damon then used his thumb to crack his fingers singlehandedly. “No matter. I’ve been practicing something. And I plan to beat them all singlehandedly.” A confident smile. “There’s one that can melt into the ground. Place him under a genjutsu and I can handle the other two bozos. Particularly,” Damon paused as he pointed with his only good hand towards the man who had taunted him earlier. “That one.” The pointing had actually cause the ugly man with terrible grammar to look over. His face nearly became as pale as Yurei. “The boy free! And there be a’other shinobi wit’ him!” The expression quickly turned to rage. “Get ‘em!” Poor dude. Maybe he was going to use some of this money to get speech therapy. Ah, well, he went about the wrong way of doing that. Damon leapt out of the doorframe, leaping over the man who could melt into the earth, who had moved to stop him. “Not today.” Damon smiled as he vaulted over the thug, throwing him onto his face and into the cage with Yurei. The genin would have to act fast as Damon ran towards the other two. “I believe you owe me a rematch.”

With that, Damon signed the four handseals that he had been started practicing in the cage. This caused a laugh from the other thug that had no distinctive features. “Hah! If you think you can take us both out wit-”. He did not get a chance to finish his thought as a wave of fire whirled around Damon. The boy extended his hands, err, rather his hand, towards the man, sending a spiraling ball of fire towards him at a speed of 60. Since the group seemed to be about evenly matched, the man would not have enough speed to dodge, as his overconfidence had taken his attention off of the boy who was very much a threat. The spiral would hit him in the chest, setting him ablaze as the man was launched into the air in a spiral as well before crashing down into the not very shallow pool of water that Yurei had used as a means of infiltration. The fires would be extinguished as the man would lie still in the sewers, sewage soaking into his clothing while he let out a pained moan. “My arm…” Irony is a wonderful thing. Damon would then glance towards Yurei, to see his progress before totally kicking the butt of the final thug.

WC: 1419
Survived 2021
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Starting an Underground Band [Yurei] Empty Re: Starting an Underground Band [Yurei]

Sat Aug 05, 2017 8:19 pm
Yurei stared at Damon with absolute hatred. His eyes were rife and brimming with both anger and disinterest for what the Uchiha had to say. “You. Do not. Get to complain,” he said slowly, clenching his teeth. “If you hadn’t gotten captured, I wouldn’t be here. And I wouldn’t smell like this.” His voice was cold and hushed. He had to refrain from slapping Damon across the face with every snarky comment and thought-up plan.
You absolute moron. How you are a chuunin is beyond me. I’m going to smell like this for weeks.

The Uchiha glared at Damon. “When I’m done with these half-baked shinobi, I’m going to make that dislocated arm look like an ant bite in comparison.” His pale eyes cut at the Uchiha as he stared at them with hateful intensity. He went on about some melting shinobi and then pointed onward.
“Oh great,” Yurei said, his eyebrows dipping. The Uchiha leapt over the two and sent the man into the cell with Yurei. “I hate you, Damon,” the pale boy said. The man picked up his bloodied face from the cement.
“Yuh lil..” he said, the anger in his voice almost tangible. These people brought down Damon? How embarrassing. Yurei glared at the man, activating his Sharingan Genjutsu. His smell sent surges of pain running through the grammatically-impaired man’s body before a swift kick smashed his face make into the ground, knocking him out cold.
Yurei grabbed the man and leaned him against the cell wall. Blood ran down his nose and lips. He was missing teeth. Great. So now he can’t speak and he has a lisp. Poor guy. Yurei thought to himself, allowing Damon to run off and do his own thing. Maybe he’ll get captured again, who knows.
The pale Uchiha looked at the sad man and thought deeply about his motivations. What had he done? Why was Damon after him? And why did he have to retreat into the sewers?
Yurei rose his hand to his chin. What would drive a man like this to committing crimes? How drastic were they? The answers were simple to think of. Nothing new. Life in the village likely got to them, as it does with many shinobi. Yurei knew now, more than ever, that both sides had their heroes and villains. It wasn’t just black and white. Shinobi and villager alike needed help and a way to understand one another. Yurei had that solution. Almost had. He was getting closer and closer to it as time went on. A genjutsu strong enough to change both villager and shinobi for the better. One that will make them understand the pain they both administer and receive.
The white Uchiha took a deep deep breath, adjusting the man’s head forward as to let the blood flow properly. He rose from his position and exited the cell, catching Damon in a fight with two other shinobi and a broken arm.
Damon’s fireball sent a man flying into the sewers, drenching his clothes and putting out the blaze. Flashy, as always. Yurei preferred more subtle ways of defeating opponents that didn’t run the risk of collapsing the area around them and the city above.
Yurei placed a chakra disc in front of his body, and, with a flick of the wrist, launched five of his kunai and another five of his shuriken into it. This was the manipulating attack blades technique Suspended in the air in front of him, Yurei gave a wave of the hand, launching all ten of the projectiles at non-vital points (147 speed, -30 RT, 50 sharpness kunai, 30 sharpness shuriken).
Should the technique be successful, the man would be sent flying back with weapons stuck in his joints and shoulders, enough to render him immobile. Yurei would sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.
“I can’t believe you made me come here with you. And that you got captured. And that the people who captured you can barely speak. And that, of all the places in Hoshigakure, they had to come down here,” he’d say, walking over to the immobile man before gently raising his head and slamming it into the ground, knocking him out cold.
The pale Uchiha took a breath of air through his mouth, careful not to breathe through his nose. “So, Damon,” he’d say, retrieving his weapons and wiping the blood off of them with the man’s clothing. “How do you manage to get captured by three shinobi with speech impediments?” There was no snide smile, nor an arrogant relishing of this moment in Yurei’s voice or face. Instead, he was angry. Very angry. “You know, because I had to swim in the village’s waste to find you. I’m pretty sure I’ve gotten a dozen or so diseases, and all when my chuunin exam is coming up! If I die before I make chuunin, I’ll kill you, Damon.”

WC: 1438
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
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Ryo : 44150

Starting an Underground Band [Yurei] Empty Re: Starting an Underground Band [Yurei]

Sun Aug 13, 2017 6:17 pm
Damon would like it shown on the mission report that just because a jutsu is flashy, does not mean that it is a liability to the structural stability of a tunnel system. This has been a PSA, or rather, a public shinobi announcement. Back to the battle. Or rather the remnant of one. Damon had been preparing himself for this final shinobi. In fact, he had already started the plan to defeat the poor bastard. Remembering his spar with Yurei, Damon’s sharingan had perfectly captured the handseals needed for Fire Release: Phoenix Fire no Jutsu. Rat → Tiger → Dog → Ox → Rabbit → Tiger was the simple chain of handseals that the technique required. Damon had begun to sign them, but as he was trying to get used to his dislocated arm, his handseals seemed to be rather sluggish. Sluggish enough to allow for the albino genin to claim the hit before Damon could himself. Dropping his defensive stance, the chuunin stood up confidently, as he usually did. He winced as his arm reacted to the sudden movement. Dangit. He signed the clone seal on his free arm, summoning a shadow clone to aid him.
Now here’s a question. Would the shadow clone also have a dislocated arm, or would it have fully functional ones? For the sake of the conclusion of the mission, the latter is assumed. The new clone would appear in a poof of smoke, with no distinguishable features since no one around was able to complain and/or whine about its appearance and functionality. The kage bushin looked over the original Damon and whistled. “That’s gotta hurt.”
The original Damon responded quickly to the doppelganger, “Yes, it does, now please help put it back in place.” He then turned to the impatient Uchiha. “They sucker punched me. That one guy could meld into the ground and move about…” His thoughts lingered. That particular technique could be incredibly useful in later battles. The chuunin made a mental note to try to learn that technique later on in life. However, he would need to master the earth element first of all. Another time. He shrugged, resulting in a sharp pain in his shoulder. “Heck!” He glared at the shadow clone, which took in his silent command. Damon quickly turned back to face Yurei. Distractions. Right. “Their speech impediments are probably not their fault. Maybe they were just-” He would not have a chance to finish his thought as the shadow clone completed its purpose. That purpose being to shove Damon’s arm back into place. The boy’s shoulder would be sore for just a little bit; however, it was worth the pain to be able to, you know, use it again. “Well,” the lad said, looking towards the kage bushin. The other Damon gave a nod before disappearing in a poof of smoke. “Such a handy technique,” he said absentmindedly. He turned back to face Yurei. He gasped, “Yurei! You’re so… so…”
Wait for it
“Pale! You must have come down with something!” Damon suppressed a smile, but not very well. “We should get you home immediately!” And with that, the chuunin would grab Yurei’s arm, leading him towards the tunnel, where he would release the arm of the albino and wait for him to keep pace. “Come on!” the boy would say as he continued down the tunnel. “The sooner we get this over with, the sooner we can go home and bathe!” And with that, the boy went home and took the longest bath ever.

WC: 2009

Claiming: 2000 Ryo, 5 AP, One Handed Handseals (2000/2000), and a medal of courage

Last edited by Damon <3 on Sun Aug 13, 2017 7:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Starting an Underground Band [Yurei] Empty Re: Starting an Underground Band [Yurei]

Sun Aug 13, 2017 7:16 pm
Yurei sighed, having dispatched the final shinobi. This experience had been miserable. On the bright side, however, it was good practice, if not a bit short. Still, the mission was a success. All that was left was turning these shinobi in.

In a puff of smoke, a clone of Damon appeared, conjured by the Uchiha’s jutsu. This was no ordinary cloning technique, however. Instead, the clones were tangible, and could make contact with Damon himself. Yurei had never seen such a jutsu, but it was certainly plausible. That had to be an incredibly powerful jutsu if one could create a clone of his or her self. Yurei scratched his head, watching it. The Uchiha’s arm appeared to be dislocated. That had to be painful. The clone asked the same question, albeit phrased differently, just as Yurei had thought it. Oh wow, are they psychic too? Yurei smirked, dismissing the thought with snort.

It was then that Damon revealed what had happened, and Yurei could barely contain the laughter. The Chuunin had gotten sucker punched? BY THESE PEOPLE? The pale Uchiha rolled his eyes and snickered. “You’re the best shinobi I know, Damon,” he’d say sarcastically.

 The Uchiha’s clone quickly grabbed Damon’s arm, popping it into place. Part of Yurei relished in the pain Damon was feeling. Dragging him down here to save his butt wasn’t the most alluring or easily-forgiven job.

And then Damon spoke again.

And it was a wonder Yurei didn’t kill him.

“Ha ha,” Yurei yelled, his eyebrows lowering to just over his white eyes. “You’re hilarious, Damon! I’ve never heard such a joke before,” Yurei would say, folding his arms. So, not only had Damon gotten captured, but he had gotten captured in a sea of human waste, and now he liked to joke about skin tone. Yurei resisted the urge to bonk him on the head like some sort of game. “I’d hope that you would never get smell out of your clothes, but I’d have to deal with it too, and I definitely don’t want to breathe out of my mouth every time I’m around you.”

Damon would quickly grab Yurei’s arm and lead him onward, but the Uchiha was easily able to keep up the pace, following Damon out of the sewers. The two would later break apart and return to their homes, but not after alerting the village security forces of the rogue shinobi’s location.
Walking down the street, Yurei made it his mission to avoid anyone and everyone, especially people he knew. He refused to smell the air for fear of smelling himself, and, if it was as bad as he thought it was, everyone else certainly would not like the smell him.

Upon entering his home, Yurei would take off his sandals, placing them just inside the door. His mother was off somewhere, likely asleep. Perfect. The pale Uchiha quickly rushed onward, moving through the house as he ventured to the bathroom. Taking up a massive glob a soap, the Uchiha would bathe for several hours, making it his mission to rid himself of any smell that lingered from that forsaken sewer. His clothes? They had to be burned. A shame. They were comfortable. But nothing would ever get rid of that smell on them. Maybe there was a jutsu for that. Who knows? Either way, Yurei would scrape off the charred remains into a small pile in his backyard the following morning. It felt good to be clean.

WC: 2017


Requesting: 2, 000 Ryo, 5 AP, a medal of courage, and Will of the Stars (2000/2000)
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Starting an Underground Band [Yurei] Empty Re: Starting an Underground Band [Yurei]

Sun Aug 13, 2017 8:18 pm
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