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Enter; Kama Uzumaki - Page 2 Empty Re: Enter; Kama Uzumaki

Thu Aug 10, 2017 9:01 pm
The Uzumaki stood there for a moment trying to collect herself from using up so much energy. She would definitely need to train her stamina if she was going to become much stronger but fortunately, Hikari put some kind of jutsu on the young kunoichi and Kama suddenly felt revitalized. She looked over herself in wonderment for a few seconds. “Whoa...all my energy is just back...that's a really neat technique!
She smiled in appreciation as Hikari began explaining the next jutsu, the transformation technique, which was a jutsu used to disguise yourself in some manner or another. According to Hikari she just had to use her chakra as a cover and mold it to look like whatever she was transforming to look like. In theory this actually seemed a lot simpler then the clone jutsu. She started with the dog symbol, nodding as she readied herself. “Alright, that seems simple enough I think!
She concentrated with throwing her chakra over herself in a kind of shroud as she focused her chakra inwardly as well. This didn’t seem to be tiring herself out as fast as the other one, so perhaps Kama was a bit better at jutsu that didn’t cause any immediate outward effects. Next was the boar sign, the young kunoichi’s chakra becoming a little brighter in a circle around her as she continued her concentrated focus of chakra. She just had a little more work to do and the kunoichi was sure she had this one in the bag. Finally, the girl used the ram sign and was enveloped in a puff of smoke as the technique was activated, Kama now looking exactly like Hikari down to every detail. She smiled with her hands behind her back, giggling. “How do I look? Exactly right I bet!
She canceled the technique, returning back to her normal style and looking none the worse for wear this time. “That one felt a lot easier this time. Maybe i’m gettin better?

She did feel like her control was a lot better. These weren’t the first techniques she had learned but they were the most difficult. The rest had been much more simple techniques that hadn’t caused any major effects and were simply just expressions of chakra control or movement. She was a little more confident in her ability to start using larger and more expressive jutsu though so far, she hadn’t actually found any others...

WC: 400

Transformation Technique
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Enter; Kama Uzumaki - Page 2 Empty Re: Enter; Kama Uzumaki

Thu Aug 10, 2017 10:43 pm
The Chest nut haired girl would look over the young girls transformation, it was.... well... very impressive. So quickly, the girl was able to transform into herself... (Which Hikari looked at herself, she looked good!) And the chestnut haired girl would smile, saying "Well, looks like you got that down! Looks like you are good to become a Genin now!

As for the subsitution, jutsu.... well, its probably a bit dangerous to practice it. But the hand seals required for it is  Tiger → Boar → Ox → Dog → Snake, and you need something that is like, within arms reach of you that you can swap out for yourself. Just transform the item into yourself, and swap places with it. Pretty simple.

But anyways, is there anything else you need to learn about? I think with what You learned today, you should be more than able to pass the exam."

On that note, Hikari would wait to see if the Red haired demon had anything else she would like to learn.

WC: 174
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Enter; Kama Uzumaki - Page 2 Empty Re: Enter; Kama Uzumaki

Fri Aug 11, 2017 2:58 am
Kama considered her net move for training as substitution was a bit more difficult to pull off without first being in danger. No matter what she did she likely wouldn’t be able to fool Hikari in any reasonable way so this was going to be specifically for people on her level who would be easily fooled by the technique. Though as she already had the transformation jutsu now this wasn’t going to be that much more difficult to perform. Kama nodded at the older girl, putting her hands in the formation of the tiger symbol as she scanned the surrounding area for an item to change places with to make the technique work. There was a training dummy within easy reach it seemed and that would make an excellent way to practice. She thought for a moment on if there was any way to actually fool Hikari with it but that likely wouldn’t work. She already seemed to be much faster and more skilled than the younger Uzumaki in nearly every way. It would stand to reason that she would be able to see any sort of trick Kama might try so it likely wasn’t worth it to even really try. She performed the boar, ox and then dog formations, activating the jutsu as a small puff of smoke appeared around her, the girl grabbing the training dummy that was now in the shape of the red headed kunoichi and switching places with it, Kama herself rolling behind a tree and hopefully doing this all fast enough to seem as if she had never left. From her hiding place, she peeked her head out. “That..was right? Right?

WC: 250
Jutsu: Substitution
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Enter; Kama Uzumaki - Page 2 Empty Re: Enter; Kama Uzumaki

Sat Aug 12, 2017 12:43 am
As the Chestnut haired girl watched the  Kama swapped places with the log. With all honesty, the jounin didn't know why she didn't just think of trying it out without throwing a kunai or something at her. Hikari would smile as Kama would peek out of her hiding place and say "Yes, that was very good! and give the girl a polite little clap. On that note, Hikari would look at the training dummy she used for her substitution. Looking at it, a thought would cross Hikari's mind, 'I wonder if I could make a subsitution charged with lighting, so that when it is hit, it would electrify enemies?"

With that, the chestnut haired girl would walk over and place her hand on the training dumy and try to force some lighting chakra into it. Chaning the frequency of her chakra so that it created sparks of electricity, she attempted to force the energy into the doll,  but seeing as the doll was made of straw, and not something that conducted electricity well, it didn't work.

'Huh, guess not, Going to need to try that on metal later though. And Hikari would turn to face Kama, "Well, good job! Anything else you can think of that you need to learn?"

With all honesty, Hikari was quite surprised that the schools number 1 trouble maker had learned all of these techniques, especially learning it so quickly!

WC: 236
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Enter; Kama Uzumaki - Page 2 Empty Re: Enter; Kama Uzumaki

Sat Aug 12, 2017 1:10 am
Kama walked out of hiding, happy at the praise she had received. The kunoichi now had more then enough to pass the genin exam but she still felt like there was more she could do. Though what more...the redhead didn’t even know. Hikari was wondering if there was anything else kama needed and while there wasn’t anything that the Uzumaki could think of she couldn’t say she hadn’t enjoyed the company. Well...I think I have plenty of techniques for the exam. So I guess that’s all i needed for now. I had fun learning from you though, you’re a lot better at describing things then the rest of my teachers are...though I tend to give them a lot of trouble hehe…

She looked away, laughing lightly and playing with her long hair in a bit of embarrassment. Though to be fair, without all the other  students around like she normally had the young kunoichi was finding training a lot easier. Though resisting the urge to try and spar with Hikari was probably helping Hikari’s opinion of the girl. Picking fights was not turning out to be a great way to make friends. “If you come with any other techniques or stuff to help me get stronger though, i’m always happy to learn!

WC: 200

TWC: 2,050

Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Enter; Kama Uzumaki - Page 2 Empty Re: Enter; Kama Uzumaki

Sat Aug 12, 2017 2:27 am
Hikari would nod, and look at the girl, if she was this quick of a learner.... and if she could get rid of her little violence problem.... perhaps the girl would be a good subject for the curse seal that Hikari was working on?

Either way, it didn't matter currently, Hikari would then say "That is fine, and I will be sure to, I am really confident now in your ability to pass the genin exam! See you at the academy tomorrow!" And with that, Hikari would leave the girl, heading over to the water in order to do some more lightning style training.

WC: 106

TWC: 2259
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Enter; Kama Uzumaki - Page 2 Empty Re: Enter; Kama Uzumaki

Sat Aug 12, 2017 2:35 am
Kama would nod, smiling brightly and waving as sh turned to leave as well. This training had really helped her, the young kunoichi feeling quite a bit stronger then she had before. She would definetely have to train with Hikari again someday. The woman had already shown to have quiet a bit more advanced jutsu then what Kama even had. Turning her thoughts to home, she rushed off to get home quickly to rest up for her exam properly.


TWC: 2,050

Stats: 10
Sakana Meijin
Sakana Meijin
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Enter; Kama Uzumaki - Page 2 Empty Re: Enter; Kama Uzumaki

Sat Aug 12, 2017 11:58 pm
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Enter; Kama Uzumaki - Page 2 Empty Re: Enter; Kama Uzumaki

Sun Aug 13, 2017 8:33 pm
So, on second thought, I am going to go ahead and just claim and not do any more work.

Although, I think I messed up on my WC

my last post says 2259, but I just added it up again and I got 2309 (502 + 194 + 335 + 374 + 388 + 106 + 23 + 174 = 2309) So, Going to claim 2309 WC toward Lightning at 25% off, so

2309/3000 towards lightning element

Also Exit.
Sakana Meijin
Sakana Meijin
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Enter; Kama Uzumaki - Page 2 Empty Re: Enter; Kama Uzumaki

Sun Aug 13, 2017 10:14 pm
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