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Tue Oct 03, 2017 1:41 pm
Hearing the emotions coming out of Royalty's tone, Kyson was froze for a bit. Just when he thought things were cooling down. Royalty's true feelings were starting to slip out. It pissed him off saying his best friend like this. He was probably hiding all of this emotion ever since the incident happened. Well shit, Kyson was too his entire time he has been in Hoshi. Everything he has been doing here up till now with a smile was all pretty much fake. Just trying to maintain himself since he took a higher position. He felt showing emotion would be a sign of weakness, especially in front of Kumo.

After Royalty spoke his first set of words. Kyson got up from his meditative position. With both hands in his pockets and his head tilted down. His hear would be covering up the top half of his face, covering his eyes. As Royalty started to speak again with even more emotion, Kyson began to walk over to him slowly as he was speaking. Royalty's back was still faced towards him. As Kyson approached about 1 meter behind him. He would move his left arm towards the middle of Royalty's back and place his fist on it.


"Then I guess... there's only one thing left to do..." Kyson would say as he paused for a moment. This was a crucial time for the two. So for them to tear each other apart wouldn't solve anything. "Get stronger than ever, where fighting one of us is more than enough. But with us together.. nothing will stop us... But that's only if we're willing to put the work in." Kyson said as he to his fist off of Royalty's back. 

"There are probably a lot shinobi out there stronger than us training day by day. While we are here having a little vacation, they probably are already 2.. if not 10 steps ahead of us... Whether we pass them or continue to let them pass is on us." Kyson said as he paused for a split moment. But he wouldn't stop there, he had a little more to say.

"There's three types of people in this world.. There's the ones that make it happen, the one's that watch it happen.. and others that don't even know what's going on.... We've been watching our entire life.." Kyson said as he paused for another brief second. He would take a few steps walking away from Royalty with both of their backs still facing each other. "So for this time around... Lets make this fucking shit happen." Kyson said with a smirk on his face. Hoping to live up the moment a little. 

"So wipe those tears bro.. we got a lot of work to do." Kyson would say as he turned around in a jokingly way with both hands in his pockets. He had a smile on his face. Except this smile, wasn't fake. It was the first genuine smile he was able to make for a while.
Royalty <3
Royalty <3
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Tue Oct 03, 2017 3:02 pm
Kyson sympathized with Royalty. It was a heartwarming moment. As true as it was to not show emotion in front of Kumo, they were still human. The fist on Roy's back erased all the tears. Even though there were only a couple. Once Kyson had gotten through what he had to say, Royalty wiped his face with his right fist. The little tears that were free of his eyes had left a trail. That trail was no more. One Kyson walked away, Royalty smiled. He too had felt genuine happiness from their discussion.

"Ha.... So what now Mr. Storm?" Royalty replied like nothing happened. Back to his old self. Except this time with a twist. The two were definitely gonna move differently now, but the world shall know when the time was right.
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Wed Oct 04, 2017 5:30 pm
"Show me something new.." Kyson would say to Royalty. the two of them were now back on their feet. Everything that has happen until now.. was not looked at a mistake... but as a lesson. Taking all of these lessons is what makes one a better shinobi. Nothing is better than experiencing something first hand. That's what being a shinobi was all about to Kyson. So he wanted to help push Royalty to his limits and make him catch up to pace. "You specialize in tai and med.. show me something new." Kyson would say as he faces Royalty. Giving him the go ahead to come at him. There's a handful of jutsu that he still hasn't seen from Kyson. Though Kyson didn't want to show much at a place like this. It be a waste if the moment was to be ruined.

Kyson would look towards his friend and be prepared for anything. Knowing Royalty, he would have something up his sleeves. But Kyson had some stuff up his sleeves as well too. So he was ready to see what the two have learned or are willing to learn at this moment. As the tension was finally at its highest and the two finally turn a new leaf. A new chapter in their life begins.
Royalty <3
Royalty <3
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Fri Oct 06, 2017 11:01 pm
Due to their large absence from one another, Kyson requested to see something new. Something came to Roy's mind rather quickly. Although he had not made his presence too noticeable while residing in Hoshi, Roy still had been working on something. Carrying this over from their days in Suna, the Yuka was waiting for the right moment to reveal it. The time was now he guessed... but how?

"Hm," Royalty would say quietly as he looked at his surroundings. As he noticed a tree over to the distant right of him, he walked over to it. Once there, he climbed until the shortest tree branch was in reach. With his right hand he had snapped it from the tree. The way it was severed had made a sharp edge. Dragging it back to where he previously stood, he looked at Kyson in a menacing way.

"Let's see if I can do this right," with a smile said Royalty. Not too long after, he would shove the branch through his stomach which ruptured his intestines. Royalty regurgitated a lot of blood in front of him until he fell to the ground. His grip was loose on the branch until his hand eventually fell to the ground. Royalty's heart would no longer be beating. There were no signs of life within the body. The blood from the wound only escaping more by the second. The bleeding however, wasn't too severe. That was the only odd part. It was serious but manageable.
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Sun Oct 08, 2017 8:53 pm
As Kyson waited to see what Royalty was going to come up with. Kyson was really anxious to see what he was going to do. Its been a while since he's been in the training grounds with his friend. So maybe he had something cooking since the last time they have seen each other in action. He watched as Royalty to a tree. He wondered what he was going to do. Maybe he was going to punch the tree and it'll explode on impact. Or maybe the tree will change into something cool and he could use it as a weapon. Or maybe use his shining medical eye on it to see. Kyson was really curious to see what he would do.

Royalty took a branch off the tree.. it looked pretty sharp. As the two made contact, Kyson was ready. This was it, the moment he was waiting for. Waiting to see Royalty's new technique. And next thing he knows, Royalty stabs himself with the tree branch. It looked like it hurt, Kyson waited to see what would happen next. But he wasn't moving.. he just hit the ground and laid there. 

"Ummm.. Roy?" Kyson said as he was a bit confused. He looked around to see if anyone was watching. Seeing if there were any witnesses to see what happen. Kyson would then turn into a puddle so if anyone shows up and see's the dead body they wouldn't suspect that he did it.
Royalty <3
Royalty <3
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Sat Oct 21, 2017 11:06 pm
As totally unexpected, Kyson did not come to Royalty's aid. What a waste. A loud gasp could be heard from his body. Royalty had awoken himself from the false death and grabbed onto the branch. After pulling it out, the bleeding stopped as the wound began to close. The Yuka got up only to look at Kyson a bit stressed.

"Well.... thanks so much for your concern. Ya know what, I'm out." 

Royalty would dramatically flap his trench like a cape as he stormed out in a rather playful way. He had things to do.


[TWC = 2,511]

-2511 to Body Revival
-24 AP
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Sat Oct 21, 2017 11:56 pm
As Kyson saw Royalty wake up, he was a bit relived to see he was alright. But he looked a bit pissed at what Kyson did when he played dead. Kyson just turned into a puddle so he wouldn't cause much commotion. As Royalty was walking away angry. Kyson followed him laughing as they were leaving the training grounds. "Come on, you can't take a little joke?!" Kyson said while laughing.

(WC: 3306)

-3000 words towards Hydrogen Bomb
-306 words towards Dancing Blade Risk
Sakana Meijin
Sakana Meijin
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Sun Oct 22, 2017 12:51 am
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