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Thu Aug 10, 2017 9:59 pm
Waking up a bit early, he is starting to get a little bored. He feels as if he doesn't have much to do even though he was given a lot of tasks. He still in charge of an Organization he doesn't really know much about. And he only has one person he plans on adding so far. Hasn't met anyone else willing or capable of joining yet. He's been practicing playing his saxophone a lot since he bought a book that teaches him how to play it better. He was starting to see how hard it actually was to play the instrument. There was a lot to know and he started to realize how wrong he was playing the instrument the entire time. It didn't even feel like he was ordered to learn how to play it. At this point, he wants to learn for his own personal reason. It was something interesting and new for him, so it felt like a breathe of fresh air. Why does this shit seem so difficult now.. The boy thought to himself.

As he got up from his bed, the boy went to go freshin himself up as he got ready for the day. But today, he was about to do something he hasn't done since he got here. He was planning on doing some training. It felt weird since back in Suna he was training almost everyday. So to take about 2 weeks off felt weird and he felt like he was slacking. He was feeling a bit rusty and he can't have that since his position has moved up. He has to strive to be above everyone, even his superiors. As he put on some black fitted sweatpants and a long black fitted shirt. He had on some black sandals and a skull necklace his mother gave him. He looked in the mirror just to see how he looked before he went out. Who knows, maybe he'll find a wifey in this village. So he always has to look somewhat presentable and clean. As he walked out, it seemed no one else was awake at the moment. Which was fine by him, he loved a place with a little peace and quiet.

Still observing this new village, he knew eventually he would have to go back to Kumo. And honestly.. he wasn't really looking forward to it. He can't even imagine what it would be like being back there again. But he knows for a fact he'll have to go back, so there was no use trying to avoid it. As he was heading towards the training grounds, he began to do little stretches as he was on his way there. Feeling really tense in his muscles, it was obvious he hasn't trained in a long time. Which really wasn't a good thing. Yeah, its about time I hit this place again. Even if I'm on a little vacation.

Entering the training grounds, he would start of by doing some serious stretches before he starts. This time focusing more on his lower body since he was already stretching his upper body on his way here. Slowly taking his time since he was in no rush and there wasn't much people around. Which was one of the benefits of waking up early.
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Thu Aug 10, 2017 11:00 pm
As he was finishing up stretching, it was now time to get on to his little training session. He would start of by meditating, just to clear his mind up from everything that had been going in the past few weeks. He would sit on the ground in a criss cross position. At first it seemed so easy, but it would eventually turn into a nightmare for him. As he attempted to clear his mind, everything was going good for a a little while. But somewhere in his conscious, he saw a little light that was some distance away. Where am I.. is that what I think it is? Kyson said. Speaking from his conscious. He began to move towards the light. As he was getting closer and closer, he heard a sound of a baby crying. He was confused, why was he hearing this and why was it going through his head suddenly. 

As he went to take a closer look. He noticed the place was Kumogakure. and it was in horrible shape. As if it had been destroyed. And laying on the cold ground in the rain, was a baby wrapped around in paper to stay warm. The baby looked about two years old. Kyson stood there watching the baby, as he attempted to touch him. His hand went right through him as if he was never there. As if he was a ghost. As he turned around and looked to see what was going on. He saw that things were going to hell. He looked over as he saw a bandit getting ready to kill a helpless old man. "P-please no, d-don't do th-" The old man said as he couldn't finish his last words. The bandit pulled out a katana and slit the old man's throat. it seemed everything was getting out of control since the village was being destroyed. But there was something odd about the bandit, he had tears coming down his face as if he regretted what he just did. Kyson doesn't have the details of what just happen or who those two even were.

Then suddenly, the bandit pointed the sword towards his own chest as more tears began to pour out. "I don't even know who I am anymore.. Why is all of this happening. I-I can't take this anymore. Mya, I'm sorry.. but I failed you." The bandit said. Nice and quick, the man stabbed himself in the chest and fell to the ground immediately. What the hell is this? Kyson looked back towards the baby. Wondering where his parents were and why the hell he was here alone. Some woman had noticed the baby laying on the ground crying. Standing there in the rain. She got on her knees as he quickly picked the baby up to keep him warm. "Don't cry, I'm here to help you. You must be cold. I'll take you to somewhere warm." Kyson looking at the woman closely, she.. seemed so familiar. But he wasn't sure if it was true or if he was just imagining things. Until.. he looked at the babies neck... and there it was. A skull necklace hanging around his neck. Which made it obvious to who the baby was. But seeing as he was left there alone with no one with him. Kyson's mother must have already passed away and that must be the woman who owns the orphanage. Taking a good look at the skull necklace on his own neck, he slowly grabs it and grips it tight. Reminding himself of how much he resented Kumogakure. But he didn't know how to feel, he was like a lost soul searching to find a purpose. 

Then Kyson was brought back to reality, still sitting in his meditated position. What was that all about.. and why am I seeing this now. Kyson thought to himself. Sucking his teeth, and trying to continue meditating. But he's afraid he would have to go through that whole vision again. Then even darker vision form his past might appear and he doesn't want to have to see things like that again. So he decided to stop meditating. It was probably best to start something else to begin his training session.
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Sun Sep 24, 2017 11:08 pm
But in order to grow stronger mentally, he has to overcome those flashbacks of his. Having to keep thinking about it will only hold him back. He decided to take a deep breathe and meditate once more. Not being in the right mind while training will be almost useless, so he will train his mind since he has done a lot more physically training than anything. Sitting on the ground slowly as he closed his eyes and let his mind paint a picture. The flashbacks hadn't started yet but he is preparing himself for the worst. Right now all he see is himself standing in the middle of nowhere. Standing in the middle of a field, a green healthy climate. As it seemed like a nightmare at first, the hozuki was going to be caught off guard in a few seconds. As he walks through the field, he hears a sound. He couldn't make out what it was and it was only happening every other few seconds. He felt something touch his shoulder. as he put his left hand out with his palm facing upwards. It was water. And it began to rain as the moments went by. The bright sunny was now turning into a dark thunderstorm. Wondering what it all meant, he had no idea what was going on through his head.

Wondering to himself if he should even go on meditating. But he can't quit now, this was all part of the process. So he decides to keep traveling through his mind. Stranded in the rain as he looks around. Trees bending, lightning flashing every few seconds. The wind was blowing hard as he felt as if he was about to since into the ground. the bright green grass turned into mud. The field began to slowly flood itself. The boy ran through the field trying to figure out what was going on and how to leave this place. As he continued to run.. everything had went black. This was starting to feel like a bad dream. But for some reason, calling it a dream just wasn't the right words. As his mind was blank and all he could see was darkness. In a split second, the scenery had changed back to him being in Kumo. But now he was at the training grounds, wondering why of all places. Questions began to fill his head. But looking right in front of him, he saw a person standing about 10 meters in front of him. But he couldn't see his face. A shadow was covering up his identity and he couldn't make out who this person was.

"Who are you.. and why am I h..." Kyson said as he cut himself off. The person took one step forward as he reveled himself. Kyson had a shocked look on his face as he stared at the unknown person. As he looked closer, this person was none other than himself. But he was still a bit different. He had on a Kumo headband and his presence just seemed dark. Was this the future him? Kyson wasn't too sure. So they both looked at each other for about ten seconds. Then they both charged each other and threw a punch as they were in striking distance. Both fist colliding at equal strengths. At least.. that is what Kyson thought. Half of his arm was missing but no blood was leaking out or anything. And he didn't feel pain in this mysterious world. But the dark clone of himself arm was still intact. Kyson had lost this fight with himself. "W-what.. the hell.. are you.." Kyson says as he gasping for air feeling as if he is suffocating. The dark Kyson laughs as he watches his other half look pitiful. "Lets just say, I'm what you should've been. Being away from home had made you weak."His dark self said while laughing. Watching this, Kyson finally realized who he really was. It was Kyson if he had never left Kumo. The headband on his forehead and the dark familiar aura around him. This was telling Kyson that he was too weak. Even after everything he's been through. Though this world wasn't actually real. This moment still drills a deep hole inside of the young Hozuki's heart.still unaware of who he is or what his purpose was. But this made it a bit more clear, whether its a good way or bad way.

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Mon Sep 25, 2017 3:57 am
As he finally saw the answer he was looking for. The boy kindly smirked at this whole situation. It wasn't the kind of day he was expecting but he is fairly interested. A battle between himself will probably be the biggest challenge he has faced yet. And he only wants to prove that the decisions he made thus far were not for anything. He's isn't really for Kumo but at the same time he isn't against it. It seemed to have taken a huge change since the last time he was there. Or was that just him being fairly naive. The boy didn't have the answers yet but he was eager to find out. Opening his eyes after his meditating state. He saw the sun shine once more as he looked up into the sky. If he's going to get stronger, he is going to do it the same way he had already started. Why change things now? He will be back in Kumo in no time, and this little training session of his actually did a lotm ore than he thought it would do. Testing the mind of a shinobi is very key to becoming a successful one. That is what his teacher back in Kumo taught him. Which made him think, he will get to see his teacher again when he heads back to Kumo. Even though Royalty hasn't really been in the mood since he arrived at Hoshi. Maybe seeing his family once more will lighten things up a bit.

Just thinking about had gotten Kyson quite excited. He hasn't seen his teacher in over 5 years. He'll see just how much he has grown since the last time they met. He could also talk about all the crazy adventures him and Royalty have come across. From the time he was a genin in Kumogakure. To becoming a Jounin and ex-Kazekage in Suna. Even though it was only for a little while. The fact that he was chosen was a big enough honor. Though, telling him what happen in Suna isn't going to be easy since that was where his teacher was from before he moved to Kumo. But nonetheless it would be good to at least keep the old man up to date with things and have him know what is actually going on. There is a lot of things they could catch up on. Or maybe even tell him what's going on in Kumo since he had left. That would give him a better idea of what has been going on. But now that he has gotten the mental part of his training out the way, its now time for a little physical training. Since he is back in the right mind again, its time to finish what he started.

As he remained sitting down on the floor. Kyson would begin to perform the same technique he did against Nobunaga. The training session they had was a little fun. But it was too bad the two of them could not have gone all out. It would cause a bit of commotion for villagers to see two outsiders potentially damaging their village. That wouldn't be the smartest thing, especially since this was basically a mini vacation. As Kyson was now beginning to control his chakra. He put out his index finger and began to create a small ball of wind chakra. It was like a ball spinning on the tip of his fingers. Spinning very rapidly, similar to his rasengan jutsu but this time it was wind chakra instead of just raw chakra. Watching it spin on his finger rapidly, it was no bigger than 1 inch. It was actually fairly soothing. But he was not planning on letting this bad boy go crazy. That would cause too much trouble. Though, being a ninjutsu specialist. He will easily be able to tell how strong the technique will be and what it is capable of. So he wasn't worried about that part. BUt one thing he did want this jutsu to do was explode. But he didn't want the explosion to injure or hurt him. That way it could be used in close range combat as well.

As the small wind ball continues to spin on his fingers, Kyson continues to keep adding more and more chakra slowly. Watching the characteristics of this wind chakra ball. It sort of reminded him of a planet. It was very interesting to watch. This was the first time he was training and being amused at the same time. He couldn't help himself. He loved getting stronger and coming up with something new. Doing all of this training really started to make him think about the old days. Where that was all he ever did was train. Night in and night out was non stop training to get him stronger. And because of it, he was acknowledged by his leader and was proposed to become the next leader. That's why Kyson is so ambitious. He doesn't really care about people acknowledging him. Actually he rather the total opposite. Which is why running this organization is perfect for him. He has to keep a low profile and keeps things done behind the scenes. Leading some unique and talented shinobi. He feels like he has a second chance at things and make all the changes that he messed up on in the past. While all of this was going on inside of his head. Kyson was still steadily adding chakra to the wind ball on his finger tips.

Until he noticed that he had enough. Anymore and the ball probably couldn't take it anymore. He has finally reached the point he was aiming for. Really eager to let it detonate but that wouldn't be polite for a guest. But he already knows its capabilities judging from its characteristics. As he smirked and dispelled the jutsu. the young Hozuki would stand up from sitting on the ground and knock off any dirt or dust on his clothes. it was now time to head back to the slums. What started as a depressing training session finished off with a soothing result. The boy was satisfied but realized that there was much to do. He was ready to get things started immediately.

TWC: 3835

- 3835 towards finishing Great spiraling ring (-25% discount, which is 4312 words)

(Topic for the rest of the words)
Sakana Meijin
Sakana Meijin
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Mon Sep 25, 2017 6:40 pm
Royalty <3
Royalty <3
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Tue Sep 26, 2017 2:17 am
Flying casually through the friendly skies, residents of the esteemed Hoshi. "It's a plane! It's a bird," No you idiots it's a human being. A very gorgeous one at that... Alright now we're getting a little too off topic here. What I'm trying to say is Royalty was casually minding his business taking a flight around the village. He had no specific purpose, he was just bored. Being cooped up in a house with no motivation to do anything really took a toll on his mental. His goals were slowly drifting away from his desire to reach them. It's amazing that he was still capable of Kanji's Ascent. 

Being that Kyson had been a permanent blimp on Royalty's radar, he noticed that he was at the training grounds. He figured this would be the perfect opportunity to catch up with his old friend. Nervous in fact, Royalty landed slightly reluctantly from his sky adventures. Hitting the ground at about 30 speed, he knew his presence was known to Kyson. Pausing for a quick second to see if Kyson would deliver the first words, Royalty would if he didn't.

"I didn't know you were into balling." Being as smart as ever, Royalty seemed to cut off his words. He made the impression that there was more but he held back on that.
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Tue Sep 26, 2017 2:47 pm
As he was spinning the wind chakra on the tip of his fingers. Kyson felt a very familiar presence approach. As it was high in the air and getting closer and closer. Kyson let out a light laugh. "So he finally decided to show up." Kyson would say to himself. Haven't seen his friend since their arrival to Hoshi. He didn't seem like he was in a good mood. Plus Kyson was busy with other tasks of his own. So it was kind of hard for him to make time to do other things. As Royalty landed and made his comment. Kyson smirked.

"Yeah, this  shinobi stuff has been crampin' my style lately. Think I might be turning a new leaf." Kyson would say in a jokingly way. Making it obvious that he wasn't serious. It did look like he was into some kind of sport now that he thought about it though. "So I see you've calm down a bit since we first got here." Kyson would say to his best friend. He wanted to know what was going on in his head since all of these sudden turn of events occurred. He never got a chance to feel what he thought about it. So he wanted to hear his response.
Royalty <3
Royalty <3
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Tue Sep 26, 2017 7:08 pm
Kyson had spoken first as Roy predicted. His smart remark had him feeling less nervous than before. The atmosphere was clearer. Just slightly however. Things were about to get serious as they had much to speak about. This would be the first conversation the two had since arriving at this village.

"Damn, you can tell?" Royalty said vastly being sarcastic. It was no mystery that he was feeling some kind of way about this whole ordeal. "Wow, maybe I should get a new poker face. Clearly, mine isn't working like it used to be." Royalty found a boulder not too far from him. Not feeling like standing, he moved over to it and sat down.
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Tue Sep 26, 2017 7:54 pm
Hearing the words of Royalty, Kyson chuckled a bit. It was always fun joking around with him. He keeps him calm. "Should probably get it fixed." 

But things might start to get a little more tense as Kyson brings up another topic. Which was probably obvious. It had to deal with everything that ad gone down in the past week. He wanted to know what Royalty's thoughts were on the matter. What goals he has since this new change that was brought upon the two. Surely something must ave changed since being back in Kumo is a lot more different than the way Suna was. SO he prepared to ask the question to his friend. It would be silence for a few seconds as Kyson was thinking of way to spill it out. 

"So what's on your mind right now?" Kyson would say to Royalty. Wondering what was going trough his head since he obviously wasn't too fond about the events that have taken place. Kyson had a big meeting with Maku when he first arrived ere and he was also given some instructions on what the next step was and how to come at it. After Royalty finishes telling Kyson what is on his mind, if he decided too. Then Kyson would tell him what had happen since their visit.

"Maku appointed me to lead an organization called STORM. Ya know, similar to the DUST thing Koroshi had. Something like that. He also wanted me to play a saxophone, which I found weird. But I went around annoying some civilians, it was kinda fun. But back to the point. We'll be going to Kumo in a few days, it should be a interesting reunion." Kyson would say to Royalty. That was basically the gist of everything that was talked about with Maku. Nothing too special. But Kyson had to get this off his chest. He doesn't want to say it, but its the truth. 

"Also... we're too weak.. As much as we trained in Suna, it still wasn't enough to protect it. And pisses me off as much as it does you.. but that's the reality of it. Suna's ways made us weak. Being too protective was really holding us back. Though.. I'm not saying we should just flat out destroy everything.. just.. I don't know... How are we gonna use our full potential when we're not allowed to kill. Not saying killing is right but... I don't know man. Shit is hard." Kyson said as he was having trouble explaining the circumstances. He doesn't know how to exactly explain it. But the point that he was simply making was that they were too weak and Suna had made them soft. There was no way they will grow if they keep following the same path they did before.
Royalty <3
Royalty <3
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Tue Sep 26, 2017 8:42 pm
Hearing Kyson's 'Fix It' statement cleaned the smirk off of Royalty's face. He didn't appreciate the sarcasm back. The rebuttal from the Hozuki seemed to come off as annoying. Crazy.. This was probably the first time he had been annoyed by something that Kyson had done or said. Despite that one time where he said churros were better than donuts. That was just out of line and blatantly disrespectful. Nonetheless, tensions were rising at an alarming rate. Their energy paralleled the climate change epidemic. It was clear that some things had changed between them. Instead of bottling it up, when Kyson asked his question, Royalty let it all out. 

"How the fuck did we end up like this... One place after another we're under someone that doesn't share the same ideals as us. I'm quite sick of this shit if you ask me. When are we going to take initiative of our own lives. This whole, living for someone else is beyond me..." Royalty's words were slightly simmered down. You could tell the passion was there igniting his words but his direction wasn't straightforward. He had so much to say but when the time came only that came out. It was embarrassing. 

The next thing that would be said would be Kyson speaking of his new promotion. He was definitely getting things done since their arrival in Hoshi. These words started to irritate Royalty even more. His eyes rolled and he let out a loud sigh. "When the fuck did you even learn to play the damn Saxophone?" He thought to himself. He didn't want to cut him off because hearing what he had to say was important. The conversation then drifted to their return to Kumo. This intrigued the Yuka. He had been wanting to return to Kumo for years. His family was still important to him. 

After being entertained with the thought of returning home came the reality that they both were thinking: they're not strong enough. Too many obstacles were holding the two back. It was sickening to think for even a second, they were progressing in the right direction. They were both back at square one. Not really having an answer, Royalty would speak.

"So you're having fun being someone's personal fool but concerned with the fact that you're not strong enough. How is Koroshi the main one holding us back if you're out here putting on a musical show. That's your own fault for feeling this way. I know it's true that Suna wasn't the best fit but what the hell were we supposed to do?" Royalty's words made him stand him. The emotion in his voice was too potent for him to be speaking as he sat down.
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