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First Day Back (p, nk) Empty First Day Back (p, nk)

Thu Nov 02, 2017 2:43 am
His Hoshi trip had finally came to an end and it was Kyson's first day in Kumo for over 5 years. It was weird being in this place again. And still... it looked no different than it did years ago. The atmosphere still had a dark tone to it, but it wasn't as bad as he thought it was. Or maybe he was just getting used to this dark atmosphere. As he was walking through the village. He thought he would stop by the training grounds to bring back old memories. Where him becoming a shinobi and where it all started, it would be like taking a walk down memory lane. In a weird way though, he was glad to be back home. He would stop and get a bite to eat first, before he would head down to the training grounds.
Renji Hyuga
Renji Hyuga
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First Day Back (p, nk) Empty Re: First Day Back (p, nk)

Fri Nov 03, 2017 5:46 pm
Finally glad to be home, Renji would be lounging under a tree resting his head against the thick trunk of the tree. He probably should have been training for his chunin exam but this was more interesting at the moment. Sitting there Renji would be watching as all the new residents to the village come and go, getting settled into their new home. Walking through the crowd Renji would see the guy that was in charge of his travel group home. Renji would be intrigued by this guy. Upon close examination he appeared to be around the same age as Renji, and judging by his movements it looked as if he knew his way around Kumo; as if he had been here before, but Renji would not put a name to the face. who was this kid? And was he really that powerful that he command a whole army, Renji would wonder to himself. Finally Over come with curiosity Renji would jump up from his resting spot once the man was done eating  and tails the shinobi, curious as to where he was headed.

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First Day Back (p, nk) Empty Re: First Day Back (p, nk)

Fri Nov 03, 2017 11:25 pm
After getting a quick bite to eat. Kyson would now head to the training grounds. The more he stayed in Kumo, the more it started to feel like home again. Looking at the buildings, people working their daily jobs. It wasn't as depressing as it seemed, well at least for some parts. There were quite fee places where people looked miserable. But that's anywhere.

As he approached the training grounds. He too a good look at hit. Letting off a smirk off his face. "Maan, this brings back memories." he said as he headed towards the dummies. He remembered how he used to always practicing throwing kunai at them. He couldn't believe it was 5 years ago. Didn't even feel that long. He'll probably take a trip back to Suna one of these days. But there was much to do here and much to get done before then. Beside he's still trying to find his own path of his shinobi life. Still finding himself, he'll soon find it quicker than he thinks.

As kyson was still in front of a wooden dummy. He would get ready to land a finishing blow on the wooden dummy. It has about 50 health. As he slowly put his fist back, he was getting ready to land a heavy punch to destroy the dummy in one shot. As he was ready, he punched the wooden dummy as hard as he could at a power of 35 and a speed of 100... not even putting a scratch in the dummy.
"Ooooowwww... shit.. were they always this hard?" Kyson said as he was moving his hand really fast to ease the pain. His hand was turning a bit red. Guess He misjudged the training equipment.
Renji Hyuga
Renji Hyuga
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First Day Back (p, nk) Empty Re: First Day Back (p, nk)

Sun Nov 05, 2017 7:11 pm
Renji would do his best to not get detected while he was tailing the ninja through the village. Judging by the way in which he moved about the village, renji would assume that this man must have been from Kumo. He did not have that tourist in a big city look on his face that most of the other new comes had. Plus he had just gotten his lunch from the number one lunch spot in the city; no way a newcomer would know about that spot renji would think to himself.

As the guy heads on to the train ground, Renji would quickly duck behind a nearby tree so as nor to get made. Renji had never tailed someone before so he probably had given himself away, but if he did, the guy didn’t give any signs thus far that he was on to Renji.From behind his tree Renji would watch as the guy walks up to and stands in front of one of the training dummy. He looked so focused and determined. “this should be interesting” Renji would think to himself as he starts to climb the tree in order to get a better vantage point of the action that was sure to unfold.

As Renji is climbing the tree, the man would preform a strike on the training dummy. Stopping in his tracks, Renji would watch as the shinobi draws back his fist and launches it forward. The speed of the punch was a bit faster than any punch Renji had thrown. “here it goes” Renji would quickly think to himself as the punch travels the short distance to the tanning dummy.

A loud bang followed briefly by an even louder “aaaaaaaww Shit” would come from the direction of the training dummy. Seeing this would cause Renji to burst out laughing, almost definitely giving away his position.

He would be Laughing so hard that Renji would lose his grip on the tree and falls to the ground with a bang equally as loud as when the ninja punched the training dummy. Sitting there on his backside, Renji would begin to laugh at his own misfortunes;  half out of embarrassment, and half because well, it was hilarious. He would spend a few moments on the ground laughing at the whole situation before jumping back up to his feet.

Once to his feet Renji would wave his hand in the direction of the guy and says nervously “hey, the names Renji. I think we both traveled from hoshi in the same group.” Renji was not sure if the man had noticed him following him so he would be a bit nervous at this point. Not sure what to do next, Renji would  Turn towards the training dummy and says “ you know, they switched these things about four years ago. Said the old ones kept getting broken to easily.” A smirk would flash across Renji face as he thinks back to his younger days and how he and his brother would use the training dummies to play shinobi wars; the elders would always yell at them for destroying the dummies.

Walking up to the training dummy Renji would punch it with a speed and strength of 50; he had not thrown a punch on one of these things and wanted to warm up first. He would hit the dummy again this time with his other hand, The train dummy would shake back and forth violently for a few seconds before coming to a slowed stop. “yep still got it” Renji would mumble under his breath.

Turning back to the shinobi, Renji would say “so, what brings you to kumo my friend?” At this point Renji was almost positive that the man was from Kumo but he was curious to hear what the guy had to say. Taking a glance at the man’s injured hand, Renji would say “ say, my best friend is a med min, she can fix that up for you if ya need.” Pointing to the hand that the man had punched the dummy with.

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First Day Back (p, nk) Empty Re: First Day Back (p, nk)

Mon Nov 06, 2017 9:36 pm
After punching the dummy and not even putting a scratch on it. Kyson heard a noise come from the trees from a distance. Turning to see who it was, he saw a boy laughing as he hit the ground. I guess he thought what happened to Kyson was funny. But as he saw who it was, he remembered his face. It wasn't really hard to remember since he was the only one in the group that was out of uniform from the Suna army Kyson was traveling with. But since he was apart of Kumo, Kyson's didn't really care if he joined the ride. "Yeah, yeah I remember you. Your the one that came with us uninvited.. But I didn't really care. But I'm Kyson by the way, or 'Ky,' whatever floats your boat." Kyson said.

He said the village switched the dummies because they were breaking too easily. It seemed they switched them a year after he left. Guess a lot has changed since then. Its interesting seeing how a lot has changed since then. Looking at the village from a new perspective, maybe it isn't as bad as he thought. "Oh, is that so? I guess shinobi are somewhat evolving." Kyson would say as he rubbed his chin. Watching Renji walk over to the dummy. He assumed he was getting ready to punch it just as Kyson did. As he prepared himself and delivered a punch knocking the dummy back and forth. Kyson put his eyes in another direction for a few seconds. Show off.. Kyson thought to himself.

Hearing the question he asked, did Kyson really seem like an outsider that much. He wouldn't be surprised after being away from the village for so long. Seeing the outside world so much, he changed drastically over the years. "Well its a long story, I was born and raised here. But I left to find answers. Then I found the answers and decided not to come back. But a lot of things happened and I was forced to come back." Kyson said as he paused for a couple seconds.

"So I'm kind of a traitor but not really.. but I kinda am.. I see it more as a overdue vacation and it was time to come back." Kyson said with a smile. It was a pretty interesting turn of events. But he finally decided to stay here for good. Feels like it would be the best decision for him. Also meeting a good amount of Kumo shinobi, it seemed being here wasn't so bad.

"Naw my hand is fine, It'll feel better in a couple of minutes." It didn't really hurt as much since his body can take a decent hit. But it just caught him off guard seeing the dummies have gotten more durable.
Renji Hyuga
Renji Hyuga
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First Day Back (p, nk) Empty Re: First Day Back (p, nk)

Wed Nov 08, 2017 4:44 am
An ear to ear smile would begin to develop on Renji’s face as he listens to Kyson speak. For Renji himself had intended to one day leave the village on his own journey around the world. Just hearing that someone else from the village not only shared his same goal, but has lived it out as well would help to strengthen Renji’s resolve in his future plans. Standing their, Renji would have to restrain himself from prying into Kyson history, judging by the short answer he gave, Renji would assume that Kyson did not want to go to far into his story.  

Once Kyson was done speaking, Renji would squint his eyes and scratches his head as he opens his mouth to say to Kyson “traitor huh, so your like one of those double agents from those spy novels?.. well regardless your label , you seem like a pretty chill dude.” Renji would extend out his right arm and hand before saying “let me be the first one to welcome you home!”

Regardless if Kyson shakes Renji hand or not, Renji would take a few moments to think, folding his arms across his chest as he does so. Standing there he would debate back and forth in his head over if he should or shouldn’t workout today. Truth be told Renji was feeling lazy today and had every intention of lounging out his first week back from his hoshi trip, but somehow he ended up here in the training grounds anyway. Thinking that perhaps it was a sign, Renji decides to ask Kyson to train with him. Once he was done going back and forth about wether to training or not, Renji would say “ hey Kyson, I’m sure you did not come all the way out here to make friends. I’m down if you want to get some training in. I have my chunin exams coming up and the more practice I can get in before then the better.”

. (330)
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First Day Back (p, nk) Empty Re: First Day Back (p, nk)

Fri Nov 10, 2017 3:01 am
Kyson chuckled a bit when he heard ask if he was a double spy. "Well, not really. I'm not exactly working for two villages undercover or anything. I'm actually a Kumo shinobi as of right now. More like we blended with Kumo." Kyson would say to Renji as he cleared things up a bit for him. It seemed he didn't care for Kyson's situation. Kumo has changed a lot more than he thought. It wasn't really the answer he was expecting, but to see it change a new leaf. It kind of surprised the young Hozuki.

Kyson would agree to shake his hand. "Feels pretty good to be back in a weird way." Kyson would say with a smirk. Renji was down to get some training in at the moment. Kyson didn't exactly come here for training. But maybe he could see how much Kumo has grow since he left. He also stated he was in the chunnin exams. That brought back memories instantly. Kyson remembered that day like it was yesterday. "Yeah no problem... wait.. did you say chunnin exams? I actually left Kumo while I was taking the exams actually." Kyson said.

"Question, do you guy's still do that task where they put you in a building and you have to sneak in there and steal a scroll without being seen. Maan that brings back a lot of memories. I think the second part was about fighting someone in a small room, but I left before I got to that part. So, I'm not really sure what the rest was." Kyson said to Renji. he would be a bit surprised if they still had that same mission since it seemed they have made a bit of changes since he left the village.
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First Day Back (p, nk) Empty Re: First Day Back (p, nk)

Fri Dec 08, 2017 3:56 pm

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Fri Dec 08, 2017 4:06 pm
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