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Time to Actually Train (Valen) Empty Time to Actually Train (Valen)

Fri Dec 08, 2017 3:52 am
Saluluna sighed lightly, slipping off her robe among the training dummies, her more practical outfit underneath. It was time to TRAIN! One couldn't even begin to imagine how much effort it took to peel her away from her yarn-work earlier that morning. In fact, she had set a goal to be out here... what... 3 hours ago while the sun was still rising and here she was now with it midway across the sky. She loved it when she fulfilled her promises.

For example, sleeping. Such an important thing should be on one's list of priorities, no? Work all day, sleep at night? Not for Saluluna... She spent ALL night trying to finish up this hat but it just... wouldn't... finish... 

All that must've been the reason why she inevitably flopped out, propping her head against one of the training dummies and passinging out, her Kimono draped over her chest like some kind of blanket.

So much for training.
Madrigal Kaguya
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Time to Actually Train (Valen) Empty Re: Time to Actually Train (Valen)

Fri Dec 08, 2017 11:21 am
(Told him I'd post on Gin for WC, he just put my main's name lol)

Blood stained the hardwood flooring within his home. Pain flowered in his ribs as he sat on hands and knees, pure stubbornness keeping him from passing out completely. Another spasm, his vision swimming as he fights to retain his consciousness. A dark chuckle echoes throughout the room before another bone crushing blow lands, this time to his back. The large boot remaining, firmly pressing him to the ground as he struggled for breath. “You’ll never amount to anything worthwhile boy, stop trying. You’re only wasting your time.” The man would say before kicking him across the floor with another brutal kick. A massive spasm of  pain erupts and he’s once more greeted with the taste of iron as blood is coughed up once more. The silver haired teen slams into the wall with a resounding crash and he slides down to the floor. The occasional spasm of pain, the mild bit of life still flickering in his eyes, and the shallow rise and fall of his chest was the only thing showing that he was alive at all. The man before him would spit at his feet before walking out of the doorway. Presumably to get a drink of something that Gin himself would think was quite alcoholic.

He knew the man was done. He never came back twice in the same day, sometimes he’d wait a week or two if the case prior was especially brutal, like this one actually. So Gin rest easy for a few minutes, despite the massive pain in his body. He quickly did a self check, bruising of the ribs, difficulty breathing, a massive headache, and one hell of a clean up job. Yup, he was decently fucked up this time. Moving slowly, the gray eyed boy would struggle to his feet, stumbling as he hunched over. He’d proceed to slow move towards the shower, stripping his clothes off on the way. He’d throw them out and buy a new set later. There was simply too much blood on them. He had plenty more of the same one, he liked it alot.

Turning on the hot water he’d wash away the blood and sigh in contented bliss as the relief washed over him. Steam soon filled the small bathroom, the mirrors soon fogged over. A mixture of water and blood soon flowed toward the open drain as he washed himself off. The hot water stinging him as it cascaded down his body. Small winces of pain could be heard but he wouldn’t cry. Refused more like, for he was particularly stubborn this morning. Soon enough he would complete his task of washing himself off before moving out of the shower and dressing in a different set of his favorite clothes. He needed to get out of here, and he could clean up the mess later. So he would proceed to move out of the house quickly, but without drawing attention to himself. Even if he was fairly confident he wouldn’t be beaten again he still didn’t want to tempt fate.

Moving toward the training grounds he would keep his head and eyes low to avoid conversation with anyone. The busy streets of Hoshigakure were a welcome diversion to the thoughts of desperate escape from his home. Soon however this was fiercely overshadowed by his desire to grow stronger to prevent such things from happening. He needed to make his father proud. If he could do that then the beatings would stop. That’s what he wanted to believe, more than anything. But deep down he knew it wouldn’t stop even then.

At this point he’d arrive at the training grounds. The late morning sun beating down on them as one of the sandier training grounds in hoshi took in his view. He couldn’t risk training with a lot of grass nearby. Lest he start a fire or something. So this sandy environment was perfect for his training. He’d take in the view of the grounds, noting the training dummies before taking a moment to look again to see an odd sight. ‘Is that...a girl sleeping..on the dummy?’ He thought to himself. ‘Well that’s one way to sleep on wood I suppose..’ He thought as he walked over to the girl and knelt down beside her. She was about a half foot shorter than him with long white hair and porcelain skin. She was covered by a long black robe with a hood on it. She had appeared to be training before passing out. Judging by the feint bags under her eyes he could tell she’d been up for a long time prior to passing out. Still, she couldn’t, or rather shouldn’t sleep here. Reaching down he’d gently give her a small shake to awaken her. “Hello? This isn’t the best place to be sleeping.” He would say as he did so.

WC: 806

Time to Actually Train (Valen) Empty Re: Time to Actually Train (Valen)

Fri Dec 08, 2017 4:42 pm
"Hrmmm... Whaaaat...?" She groaned, the intruder not giving her any time to sleep at all. "Give me a few minutes will ya...? Go do stuff... somewhere else..."

The person was persistent though and his shaking eventually jarred every last bit of sleep she had in her system... lucky her. As the world faded back into focus around her, the girl opened her one good blue eye, her other wrapped in a black cloth. There, kneeling beside her, shaking her shoulder like he had a duty too was another person of white-ish hair, wearing a green-shirt and leather jacket, ready for battle with his combat pants and boots. If it weren't for the chain coming from his pants-pocket, she might've just made a edge-joke at his expense. Since it was there though... it was FAR too obvious to be funny.

"Yes... well... You're probably right..." She sighed, sitting up, careful not to utterly bash her forehead on his. She slipped back on her Kimono, carefully brushing all the dust and due off it's face. "But then... I can't see with my left so you're always right."

Ah stupid puns... How they made her smile... Saluluna hopped to her feet and, if the mystery man did the same, She'd let out a whistle, marveling at his... uh... respectable height. "Damn, you're tall... If I were your size, I wouldn't have to fight anyone because they'd all be afraid of me." Her left eye sparkled as she imagined herself, the cloaked, one-eyed figure she was towering over the majority of the population like a figure of death... Ah... what could've been...

"Anyway, my name Saluluna, but call me 'Sal', would you kindly?"
Also Gin Kouen
Also Gin Kouen
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Time to Actually Train (Valen) Empty Re: Time to Actually Train (Valen)

Sat Dec 09, 2017 2:43 am
Gin would raise an eyebrow at the cloth covering her left eye. The following pun would simply cause it to twitch before shrugging to himself. At this point the white haired girl would begin talking about his size. He felt slightly odd about this though, as he didn’t feel very tall. He’d seen people just as tall if not taller. So he didn’t really feel like it was a special thing. Besides, it’d just make him easier to see in combat though. Who wanted to be a tall person on a battlefield? It just made him a target. But meh, that was simply his viewpoint of it. “Whatever you say shorty” he’d say as he raised up a hand and patted the strange girls head. He’d proceed to listen as she introduced herself and nodded his head at her politely. “Gin.” He would say simply as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small object he’d felt in his pocket. ‘What in the world?..’ He thought to himself before he realized the small thing could be cracked open by pulling on the two sides. He’d take hold of both ends and simply pull it apart at the point and in the resulting puff of smoke would find a random object within. He’d reach out and grab the object before putting it away in an appropriate place.

WC: 228
TWC: 1034
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Time to Actually Train (Valen) Empty Re: Time to Actually Train (Valen)

Sat Dec 09, 2017 2:43 am
The member 'Gin Kouen' has done the following action : Roll Dice/Flip Coin

'20-sided dice' : 19
Also Gin Kouen
Also Gin Kouen
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Time to Actually Train (Valen) Empty Re: Time to Actually Train (Valen)

Sat Dec 09, 2017 2:49 am
Taken aback momentarily by discovering two more of the same strange object. He'd proceed to reach out and take each of them, opening them one at a time the silver haired boy would proceed to take whatever items he got from them and put them in an appropriate place.
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Time to Actually Train (Valen) Empty Re: Time to Actually Train (Valen)

Sat Dec 09, 2017 2:49 am
The member 'Gin Kouen' has done the following action : Roll Dice/Flip Coin

'20-sided dice' : 7, 2

Time to Actually Train (Valen) Empty Re: Time to Actually Train (Valen)

Sat Dec 09, 2017 6:57 am
"Shorty!?" Sal huffed, frowning playfully at the MASSIVE male. "HA! That's a laugh. I'll have you know I'm slightly above average, you leather-wearing behemoth." She rolled her eyes as she felt the man's hand rest on her head. Oh... so THAT'S how it's gonna be, huh? The white-haired ninja made a subtle note to craft a technique that'd put this man's life in perspective later. He was gonna feel EXCEPTIONALLY MIDGET-LIKE by the time either of them bit the dust. That was her own personal promise.

She asked for his name because... well... it was ON now, and his response was a simple three letters:


Wow... All the fight just completely drained out of her, disappointment replacing it in spades. How, in the bloodiest of hells, was she supposed to get excited when the target of her domination was someone named 'Gin?' Geez, she bet his last name was 'boring' and his middle name was 'mundane'! Of course, she was half joking. The other half was dead serious. It was then, just as the kid felt something in his pocket, Saluluna felt a similar weight in the droop of her abnormally large sleeve. Perplexed, the girl stuck her other hand inside and withdrew what looked to be a wrapped... cylinder thing with a pine-leaf of some-kind, almost like a dead-drop but gold.

"Well... Hello, mr. thing..." She murmured, cracking open the strange thing as the boy had. "What do you hold...?"
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Time to Actually Train (Valen) Empty Re: Time to Actually Train (Valen)

Sat Dec 09, 2017 6:57 am
The member 'Sal' has done the following action : Roll Dice/Flip Coin

'20-sided dice' : 16

Time to Actually Train (Valen) Empty Re: Time to Actually Train (Valen)

Sat Dec 09, 2017 7:04 am
Saluluna flinched as the stick vomited out confetti before completely disappearing, revealing a small present inside... OH it must've been CHRISTMAS! What kind of gift from the gods gave her another gift inside of her gift...? And what a gift it was...

Fore inside this gift rested the giftiest gift that's ever been gifted: Explosions. Specifically, there was a bomb resting in the bottom of the present, several triggers lined up and ready for detonation on her command... A wicked smile spread across her lips as she imagined the utter HAVOK she could wreck on someone's birthday if she put this in the pile. She could just see their faces now... What fun! Tucking the tiny present-bomb in her sleeve, the girl returned her attention to the male, watching as he put his rather festive weapons away.

"So... What brings you here... uh.... Gin?" She drew out his name, showing a certain displeasure for it but there was a small joking tone afoot as well. She didn't want him to think her a complete jerk.... just partially one.
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