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Madrigal Kaguya
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Time to Actually Train (Valen) - Page 2 Empty Re: Time to Actually Train (Valen)

Sat Dec 09, 2017 12:36 pm
He’d give an amused smirk at her disdain for his words and choice of physical contact. It was mildly amusing to him and made it seem like this meeting wouldn’t be a waste of time. Just as he obtained his own christmas cracker however she herself obtained one as well. When she opened her an odd explosive looking gift arrived. He could see the mischievous glint in her eye as she saw it and blinked momentarily at it before it was gone. He shrugged off though before holding what appeared to be a hooked sword and a spear. He put the sword away, somewhere not to be mentioned as it would transcend the boundaries of roleplay. But kept hold of the spear. He had found an identical one earlier one that day and pulled it out as well. As this occurred she ask him what brought him here. Saying his name with a bit of..disdain? He couldn’t quite place a finger on it.

As such he would look down at her singular eye and respond thus ‘It means silver, like my hair colour, if you haven’t noticed. The full name is Gin Kouen, or ‘Silver Flame’.” He would inform her simply before lightly tossing her a spear. “And my intent here today is to train of course. Care to join me? We can try out these odd weapons I’ve been getting.” He said simply as he brandished his spear in a… well…. Not very effective manner. He wasn’t exactly a spear user, nor a staff user. But he could learn if he truly wanted to. After all, why couldn’t he? He kind of hoped the girl didn’t have experience either. It could be a learning experience for both of them. “I intend to work on my fire chakra while we practice. Might be fun to try to see what I can do with it in melee combat is anything.” He would say after tossing her the spear. His blood was already pumping for the prospect of a possible fight though. So he immediately rushed the white haired girl with his own spear, whether she caught it or not.

He would bring the spear end in for a light cut on her leg, below the knee. If it hit it would only be enough to be a grazing cut at most. Not nearly enough to cause her any discomfort. Just enough to know that she should take this mildly seriously. A small, confident smirk would be on his face during the swing, regardless of it landing or not. His mild lust for battle showing through.

WC: 434
TWC: 1468

Time to Actually Train (Valen) - Page 2 Empty Re: Time to Actually Train (Valen)

Sun Dec 10, 2017 6:35 am
"Ah... right..." Sal rolled her eye sarcastically. Like that made Gin's name any more interesting. "You see? My name means 'It's better than your name'. "

Brushing past that childish excuse for a retort, Gin mentioned that he had been ITCHING to train, specifically to screw around with all these festive weapons he's been getting. Yes... She's been meaning to ask about that... Who was sending all these weird, christmassy items their way, making them pop up in their clothes like this?

This spear for example that Gin threw her way. Saluluna caught the weapon mid-shaft, examining it's features, especially interested by the mistletoe hanging beneath the point. An interesting little trinket, but she wondered what exactly it did besides poke people painfully. She doubted anything just popping up in people's pants randomly would effect-less....

She didn't have much time to muse, however as Gin rushed her down, lowering the point of his own spear to make a cut below her knee. Surprised by this move, the girl stepped back, sweeping her weapon low as well, nudging the man's spear wide in an effort to throw off his guard. She'd then retract her weapon, pointing it at his shoulder before thrusting it at the limb, a fine retort to his attempt on her knee.

Basically... she didn't know what she was doing really and was making this up as she went. She even went as far as to recount her actions, contemplating if they were truly correct ones...

AH, who was she kidding? It was because she was having fun watching the phallic metaphor of spear-fighting play out in the third person.
Also Gin Kouen
Also Gin Kouen
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Time to Actually Train (Valen) - Page 2 Empty Re: Time to Actually Train (Valen)

Sun Dec 10, 2017 10:18 am
Gin wouldn’t have expected the first hit to land of course. That would simply be wishful thinking. She did seem to be momentarily caught off guard but it wasn’t close to enough to warrant the strike landing. She would counter his strike with a swing from the opposite side. In an attempt to knock his spear wide of course. This would temporarily leave him open to counter attack. Something that could be a bad thing. Key word of course, is could. 

The moment she knocked up spear away he would spin it with the momentum, rotating the now spinning weapon on his palm to bring the blunt end down onto her spear as she attempted to go for a strike on his shoulders.  He’d aim the strike for the moment for thrusted the spear forward, or more importantly. The moment she committed to the strike. His spear, would come down onto hers as he began to move forward. This would knock her spear to thrusting between his arm and torso before it struck him. At that point he would use the sudden stopping motion of hitting her spear to try and thrust the blunt end of his spear forward into her shoulder. Rather hard, I might add. The goal was to make it more difficult for her to wield the weapon in her hands. A bruised shoulder would certainly do that. Of course Gin wouldn’t be stupid enough to hit himself with his own spear. So when he did the initial spin of the weapon he’d tilt his head to the side to avoid it hitting him. 

WC: 267
TWC: 1735

Time to Actually Train (Valen) - Page 2 Empty Re: Time to Actually Train (Valen)

Mon Dec 11, 2017 9:11 am
Saluluna winced as the blunt end of the boy's spear smacked her shoulder, her own strike completely deflected. What came with the pain and the swelling and and all was strange... something she hadn't ever felt before... She raised her spear defensively, but when she gazed upon the behemoth before her she felt an odd compulsion to kiss him.... And it wasn't just a passing thought either. It wouldn't go away.

There was no attraction behind it, don't get her wrong. She couldn't possibly care less about his feelings, how he saw her or any of that lovey-dovey blah-blah crap. No, it was a twinge of lust, an electric charge through her lips that compelled her to take his lips in hers... The feeling only set in deeper as did the pain, spreading from the strike to her heart, making it beat for this one purpose, then to her mind, clouding it to all reasonable thought but "Kiss him. Kiss him now." She blinked once, then twice but the thought wouldn't disappear... It was like this guy were a magnet drawing her in, stealing her control just by looking her way...

"Hey, Gin... hold up a second." Saluluna asked, leaning on her spear like it was some kind of walking stick, shaking her head in one last effort to get some control over herself... and failed. It was simply too strong... And, to be honest, she didn't have much of a motivation to resist either. The offer to feel his lips on hers were just too convincing.

"I... uh... need some... help..." She mumbled a bit weakly, swaying dangerously on her spear. If he drew closer, the ninja would suddenly raise her in a horizontal swing, smacking his thigh with a harsh *slap*, not thinking twice about using dirty tactics. Should this hit succeed, Saluluna would throw her spear away, stepping in to embrace the kid, wrapping her arms around his neck as she pulled herself closer to his face.

"Mmm... This is your fault..." She'd whisper before going in for that kiss she desperately craved.
Also Gin Kouen
Also Gin Kouen
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Time to Actually Train (Valen) - Page 2 Empty Re: Time to Actually Train (Valen)

Mon Dec 11, 2017 10:29 am
Gin would see an odd reaction from the ashen haired girl as he scored the first strike with their spears. She’d momentarily raise her spear in a defensive manner before having an odd, almost faraway look in her eyes. Suddenly she’d blink twice, before setting her spear on the ground and saying Hey, Gin… Hold up a second.” she would say almost hesitantly, nervously even. This confused him, as she didn’t seem the nervous type. She’d proceed to mumble, almost meekly “I..uh… need some.. Help.” She would say. That would of course explain a few things as she did seem the type to not like asking for help. Honestly though, who really did? So he would simply shrug his shoulders. “Of course, you don’t gotta be so meek about it.” He’d say before starting to move closer to the blue eyed girl before seeing her swing her spear quickly. The dirty tactic came to his mind right as he got the  feeling of a sharp ‘thwack’ against his thigh. “Fuuu..” He would start to yell as she tossed the spear aside and moved closer suddenly. He’d turn his eyes toward her, feeling angry for a moment before everything seemed to pause.

All of a sudden he felt an absolutely overpowering compulsion to kiss the white haired girl before him. He felt no emotional attraction to the girl, purely lust, but that was a powerful force in it of itself. His eyes widened as the girl wrapped her arms around his neck. Their lips became closer, closer. Gin felt them brush against one another before she said “Mmm… This is your fault…” before she finished the contact, pressing her lips against his own. He returned the kiss with no hesitation. For he too wanted this far too badly to possibly fight off the feeling, the desire of her lips. He distinctively tasted the flavor of mint as they kissed under the scorching sun of the Hoshigakure desert. Somewhere in the back of his mind he realized that this was his first kiss. He had no real idea if he was even doing it right, but that feeling simply didn’t matter. The only one that mattered to him at this point was the sheer lust he had for the girl. His arms were wrapped around her waist, as her own was wrapped around his neck. He didn’t know what strange magic caused this feeling. He did not however want it to end, or if it even would.

WC: 415
TWC: 2150

Midthread Claim: 3000/3000 for Lord of Flames other thread with the other 1500 words is Here
Other 650 words toward Exploding Flame Shot putting it at 650/900 thanks to my Meijin discount. 
Discount specifics can be found Here (open any of the spoilers, they all get the same transplants at each level)
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Time to Actually Train (Valen) - Page 2 Empty Re: Time to Actually Train (Valen)

Mon Dec 11, 2017 11:18 am

Time to Actually Train (Valen) - Page 2 Empty Re: Time to Actually Train (Valen)

Mon Dec 11, 2017 12:03 pm
"Mmm..." She hummed into their kiss, tightening her grip on the boy as the unusual feeling blossomed in her chest. It seemed that whatever was compelling her to do this wasn't just satisfied with her abiding it's request and, in fact, it flourished... Her eye drooped nearly closed into this kiss she didn't even knew she wanted, running her fingers clenching and unclenching at Gin's neck all the while.

After a little while, though, the girl would pull away just a bit, her one eye peering into one of Gin's.

"Well... aren't you forward...?" Saluluna snickered, taking a hand from around his neck and lightly patting his cheek. One might've been extremely embarrassed to have kissed someone they didn't know, to have given into this mysterious lust... but not Sal. Sal could care less about something so trivial. In fact, she found it funny. "If you wanted to kiss me, you could've just asked... There was no need to trick me with your little spear-fight thing..." She might've been completely serious in her statement... It was hard to tell, even for herself. If he just walked up to her and asked for a kiss, he might've gotten one just out of sheer audacity. Now, though, the tiniest bit of anger flared up for having been manipulated by his hand so unknowingly.

"But if you don't let go of me, I might shock you..." She giggled lightly, ask if she were kidding...

She wasn't.

She felt the influence of the spear begin to fade away, her head clearing slowly, a bit at a time. Now she was rational to know she wasn't quite comfortable with this guy's hands on her like this.
Also Gin Kouen
Also Gin Kouen
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Time to Actually Train (Valen) - Page 2 Empty Re: Time to Actually Train (Valen)

Tue Dec 12, 2017 8:31 am
Gin’s head was effectively in the clouds at the moment as the kiss continued. Finally though the girl would speak. But the words would only seem to dawn on Gin a moment or two after they were spoken each time. “Well… aren’t your forward…?” ‘What? She came toward me first though didn’t she?..” He would think to himself as their lips were mere millimeters apart. “If you wanted to kiss me, you could’ve just asked… There was no need to trick me with your little spear-fight thing..” She would say, almost completely serious. He would blink for a moment or two before he finally began to feel unclouded by the spears influence. “Wha… what? I don’t really know what you’re talking about Sal.. I didn’t trick you at all, I’m not even sure what the hell just happened myself.” He would say as he shook his head to clear the rest of the clouds. Whether they were from the spears influence or the kiss’ one could not know. He would unconsciously take his arms from around her waist and look down at the spears on the ground near them in pure curiosity. At this point he would only be as close as he was because she was still holding him with one arm. Which he would allow her to remove before stepping back himself.

“I’m remembering that note about the ‘asking’ part though. That was my first kiss, so evidently I didn’t screw it up.” He would say with a small grin, a small bit of confidence working his way into his being at the moment. He would look hard at the spears again. Trying to piece together their mystery. “Are we sure it was the spears? Yes, of course it had to be.. Nothing else could have caused that. While I would certainly think you’re attractive I don’t have the emotional attachment to you to suddenly want to kiss you so badly for no reason. You also only started to act odd right after I hit you with the blunt end, and I thought you were acting strange until you hit ME with the thing.” He would be mainly talking to himself if one were to truly listen as he tried to piece together what the hell had happened. “Some kind of enchantment? It must be..” He would say as he knelt down to pick up the spear before turning to the girl once more.

“The way I see it we have a couple of options. If these weapons found their way into my hands and there are more than one of them then it stands to reason there are others. We can keep hitting each other with them, and try to either build up resistance to them, or learn how to fight or direct the urge, SOMETHING. Lest they be used against us again. Or I can store them away to try and figure out a way to do so in a different manner. I figure we could do the first option. I’ve always learned better by ‘doing’ and you don’t exactly seem to mind the fact that we kissed. So I can deduce you wouldn’t mind doing so again. I certainly didn’t mind, and wouldn’t mind doing so again. So long as we keep in mind that this is the influence of the spear and that we don’t truly feel this way toward one another.” He would say, taking a small breath before the next two words left his mouth. “Your thoughts? Obviously we’d have to keep hitting each other at the same time, or one will build resistance and the other will remain susceptible.” He would add on at the end. At this point he would idly kick up the .other spear and catch it in his free hand. Where he would then proceed to hold it toward it her. As if to be polite to give her the weapon should she decide to do so. Otherwise he would shrug and store it in a safe location, where it wouldn’t randomly hit them both.

WC: 678
(Restarting total to make it easier for the attending mod to count the words, etc.)

Time to Actually Train (Valen) - Page 2 Empty Re: Time to Actually Train (Valen)

Tue Dec 12, 2017 5:17 pm
Saluluna frowned, confused by his admission of innocence. He didn't know...? But he wielded the spear... And after that spear hit her, it made her kiss him... How could he not know his weapon had such an effect? Did he just hit people with random weapons on a regular basis? She had a reason now to keep at least 10 feet from him lest he pick up some random rock and throw it at her to see what it did.

"I mean... It had to be your fancy spears, bro." Sal noted, tilting her head. "There's nothing else here that could make me want to do that, especially with some random tall-ass guy like you." Sal's eye widened as the boy mentioned that they just shared his first kiss, quite surprised actually. Huh... And he did it so... naturally... If this is what it did to a pair of first-timers like them, what would it do to the more experienced, tactical kissers...? Yes, this was Sal's first kiss as well. Society teaches that one should only kiss the ones you're in love with and, since the clanless woman had little care for such things, she'd never kissed someone, guy or girl. Until now that was, being possessed by the festive spear.

The boy offered forth a couple options, his first being they could repeatedly smack each other with the sticks and make out until either they both passed out or until a tolerance is achieved. Well that made a lot of sense didn't it? And didn't he just sound eager to kiss her again while trying to justify it with her lack of care? Of course his other option was to just store them away, but WHEN would she ever get the chance again to beat the living piss out of someone then kiss them? She couldn't miss this!

"Well!" She said, taking the spear she was offered. "Since you called me attractive and I'll probably never get to beat the life out of someone quite like this again, lets go with option one, shall we? I promise not to tell anyone... in detail."
Madrigal Kaguya
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Time to Actually Train (Valen) - Page 2 Empty Re: Time to Actually Train (Valen)

Wed Dec 13, 2017 10:04 am
Gin would chuckle at her reasoning for picking the former of the two options before shrugging. “Well then I guess we should pucker up princess.” He would say in jest before a small grin would grace itself onto his lips. “Should I get you some stilts midget?” He would ask in an attempt to get the girl riled up. Hey, they might as well have fun with this right? After all they were going to basically be making out in the next few minutes. Hopefully they could build a resistance to the spears effects or he would actually be rather annoyed. He wouldn’t want some random person coming by to be able to just playfully tag him with the thing as a joke and suddenly he would want to kiss them. It would make socializing… difficult.

With this in mind and his jests over he would allow a playful glint to appear in the corner of his eye before he began to swing his weapon. He would have a minor advantage in this case as he would swing the spear in an overhanded arc. Should the white haired girl look at the spear and not the wielder she’d find her one good eye looking directly into the sun as well. The celestial orb or fire would be directly behind the spear to her vision by this point. It would still be morning time, but the sun would have started it’s journey into the sky in earnest by this time. Having shifted out while it’s lunar sibling saw to the other side of their planet.

This would cause the spear to be nearly invisible to the naked eye. Especially to someone with only one of them. The spear itself would hit the girls shoulder just below the point where the blade would begin. As it would be bad form to lop on arm off at the shoulder for the sake of training. This would cause the weapon to merely slam into the girl, hard. ‘If anything, we can certainly gain a stronger pain tolerance.” He thought to himself as he swung the festive weapon.

WC: 353
TWC: 1031
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