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Stranger in the Upside Down (open, nk) Empty Stranger in the Upside Down (open, nk)

Mon Dec 18, 2017 10:46 pm
So this was home? No, this would never be Nobunaga's home. Everything felt foreign here. The people, the streets, the architecture, the culture. It was all foreign and unfamiliar to the desert born Hiyu. The foul stench in the air due to the surrounding lands did not help. It was a good thing it often rained in this country, the rainfall aided in washing away the filth, but it did not completely get rid of it. The stench filled Nobunaga's nostrils as it clung and soaked into his clothing. No, never would he consider this place his home. He was here simply out of his own sense of duty. He had failed his former leader, and now his new leader was forced to come here therefore Nobunaga followed, as a dutiful soldier did. Whether it would come back to bite him in the ass or not... only time would tell.

The brute of a man slowly and stoically strolled through the streets of the lighting village, his large weather worn cloak draped over his shoulders from shoulder to toe. It covered everything underneath, except for the long bandage wrapped handle of his great sword poking out from behind his right shoulder. The Hiyu had just entered the village after having traveled all the way from the country of Haven therefore he was still fully suited up and equipped for battle if the situation had arisen. The road here was a treacherous one, luckily he faced very little road blocks on his way here, so to speak. 

Reaching out from under his robe with his right hand, revealing the dark purple/black armour he sported underneath, Nobunaga rubbed the long scar running down his face as he attempted to familiarize himself with the village. Since he had just gotten here and couldnt sense Kyson's chakra signature, he figured his leader was busy and therefore he would get familiar with this village, his interim home. Trying to locate land marks, the market, training grounds, hospitals, the brute aimlessly wondered around until only moments later he was lost.
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Stranger in the Upside Down (open, nk) Empty Re: Stranger in the Upside Down (open, nk)

Mon Dec 18, 2017 11:45 pm
It was one of these days where she had to do nothing. No school no errands, just young Yasumi and what she wanted for her life. So she was strolling around Kumogakure and tried to make herself a little more accustomed to her new home. Wearing her favourite blue dress with the long sleeves she would twirl a little while walked because it would make the skirt fly a little and reveal the used boots she had on her feet. She could not really remember whom they had belonged to, but they did their duty in keeping her feet warm and protected from any kind of dirt. She did not particularly like them but well she was still grateful for them. While she was happily roaming the streets she got by a store where music instruments were sold and stopped in front of it.
From the outside looking in she could see marvellous wood carved instruments, a guitar that looked expensive, a violin out of wood shining with the light reflecting on it and various flutes. Further in the back there was more to see but she could not really make it out. Raising her arms she tried to make shields to the sides of her eyes to have a better look at it but then again her right hand was still missing. Although she could still feel it, she could feel the pain coming off of it as if it still was there right in place, but her eyes could confirm the limb was missing. With a sigh she would turn away from the shops window, she would never be able to play one of those properly again anyways.
Instead she smiled jumped a little into the road singing a lullaby she knew from several times her brother had tried to put her to sleep and her many attempts to calm the other siblings down.  "When the moon awakes, you're resting on your pillow, at least so I thought. Then suddenly you're crying. I take you up into my arms", she would motion the movement of someone taking a hold of something small and fragile as she was carelessly dancing towards the man in armour and sword in slow waltz like turns. "Hold you tightly to my heart. It beats and you're the reason why, my sunshine", and now if the older Shinobi would not step aside the teen would crash against his armoured chest. Not really with full force but unaware of herself and her surroundings.

WC: 418
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Stranger in the Upside Down (open, nk) Empty Re: Stranger in the Upside Down (open, nk)

Thu Dec 21, 2017 6:54 pm
Turning down allies, walking down main boulevards, passing through parks, going across roof tops, the Hiyu traversed as much of the village as he could. This place was massive, much like the other hidden villages he had been to throughout his lifetime, learning its layout in one go was unlikely. But he was a smart man, and had a good memory. He was certain he could learn the vast majority of the village's layout on his first day. Therefore lost as he was, the brute of a man continued his aimless journey through the village. Sipping and eating from what rations he had left after his trip from Hoshi to Kumo. With what appeared to be bread of some sort, the Hiyu would rip into it, keeping all of his senses heightened while analyzing his surroundings. 

Where was Kyson? With Maku not being here that technically made Kyson the interim leader of the village. But how come Nobunaga was unable to sense the Hozuki's chakra signature? Surely he would be out and about, at least somewhere where Nobunaga would be able to sense his presence. But there was nothing. Then it donned on the Anbu. This was Kyson's original home, where he was born and raised before he escaped. That technically made him a fugitive, a missing nin, an enemy to this village. Him coming back most certainly did not bode well with the Kumo faithful. Perhaps Kyson was in trouble and that was why he could not sense the Hozuki's chakra signature. Nobunaga would have to find his leader quickly, he could not fail in his duties once more as he had before. 

Turning a corner and coming into what appeared to be a market place, a fancy one at that, the Hiyu came across a young girl, twirling her way down the street unaware of her surroundings. Luckily, Nobunaga's senses were on high alert, being in a foreign place, and was therefore able to avert any collision by swiftly sticking his left arm out from under his cloak and placing his hand on the girls right shoulder. Halting her in her tracks, the 6ft4 brute would look down at the child with his usual stoic, expressionless face. Slipping his arm back underneath his weather worn black cloak, Nobunaga would watch her, pondering and wondering how someone living in a cesspool of a place like Kumo could be so happy and care free. It boggled his mind. Perhaps she was unaware, innocent and ignorant of the true dealings and face of the village she called home, the fact that under Youka criminals ran rampant and ruled the streets, that outside the village was a waste land of death and decay. 

"Be careful where you walk young one." Grunted the Hiyu in his hoarse voice. Curious as to what she was doing, and how she was happy enough to gallivant through the village, he would ask "Your parents let you walk these streets alone? Shouldnt one as young as you be under supervision?" She seemed to lack the necessary skills to be able to defend herself, it was odd to him that she would allowed on her own. Perhaps this village had changed since Maku taking over. However he hadent been in charge for too long now, and has spent most of his time in Hoshi since taking the reigns of leader. It was unlikely things had changed.
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Stranger in the Upside Down (open, nk) Empty Re: Stranger in the Upside Down (open, nk)

Thu Dec 21, 2017 8:26 pm
A hand weighing heavily on her shoulder stopped her from bumping into the man she had twirled towards and she paused. Slowly the teen would turn her head to look up at the kind of impressive man who had just crossed her path. A little confused though because of his words her blue eyes blinked slowly at him, but what really startled her was something else. "Young one?", she was tilting her head to one side and then to the other  before looking straight at him once again. At home she had been one of the oldest, responsible for about thirteen younger sisters and brothers. It felt kind of weird to be small again now. Slowly she bowed to him both arms extended to the sides so now if he was paying attention to it he could clearly see that the right one was missing a lower arm and a hand. She did not really try to hide it at all because why would she? "I am sorry I did not mean to bump into you, I was just thinking of something pleasant that is all Sir and so I left this place behind", she explained with the calm and sweet tuned voice the sixteen year old had.

Slowly returning to an upright posture she looked at him once again. Her face braced with a smiled and her eyes shining with life that seemed to know no terror. "I do live here with my brother and he is working so I have to roam the streets alone. I have not really lived here very long so I do not really have friends around to go with. I might find some eventually", a chuckle rose from her throat and then she looked around. Well on one part he was right to worry. She did not know how it was before but she could, in the corner of her eyes see some persons who were putting their heads together whispering and eying the strange pair. One of them inhaling the smoke of a cigarette in a kind of nervous fashion his hands were shaking and his eyes rushing back and forth. One of his friends casually playing with a knife that he nervously moved between his fingers back and forth although it did not seem very sharp and the last one who did not seem the least bit nervous, he had the look on his face just like a wolf who had just found a sheep to slaughter and a more observant person could see that a one armed girl seemed to be his kind of lamb.

WC: 435
TWC: 853
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Stranger in the Upside Down (open, nk) Empty Re: Stranger in the Upside Down (open, nk)

Thu Dec 21, 2017 9:21 pm
Nobunaga slightly squinted his eyes, questioning why stranger was either surprised or confused by the Hiyu's words. More specifically, his mentioning of her being young, as she repeated them herself. Was she not clearly younger than Nobunaga? That was of course rhetorical, for she was clearly younger than the Anbu standing before her. Remaining silent and unmoving, the Hiyu watched the girl in front of him perform a sort of salut, bowing before him and apologizing for colliding into him. Nobunaga noticed her shortened limb but paid no mind to it. Not knowing whether it was from a birth defect or some sort of accident, he was use to seeing people with missing limbs. Nobunaga had been through countless battles and missions, he had lived a very rough childhood which all lead to him seeing many people with dismembered bodies or missing limbs, some of which were given by Nobunaga. She probably couldnt see the giant sword hidden underneath his cloak but the handle was clearly sticking out over his right shoulder. That was the instrument he used to dismember his enemies. 

But he also knew survivors who lived through dismemberment, he had one ally back in Suna with a metal arm to replace his missing limb. There were many ways around a missing limb and clearly this girl had found one of those ways for she was not embarrassed or self continuous about it. "No need to apologize. You did not bump me." Noticing the girl referred to him as sir, the Hiyu slipped his bandage wrapped right hand from out under his cloak and presented it to the teen to shake her hand, while introducing himself "Hiyu Nobunaga."

Nobunaga watched her smile, a smile that he would not expect coming from the face of someone who lived in a place like this. Her demenour, facial expressions and attitude, how she carried herself and how she spoke all lent to her being genuinely happy. A place as foul as this needed more people like her. She went on to explain how she has a sibling who works and that they havent lived here for long. So she was much like Nobunaga, new to this village, new enough to not have any friends apparently. Albeit Nobunaga was green and summer to this place, this being his first day in the village as a Kumo shinobi. The thought of being a Kumo shinobi was still foreign to him, hard to believe really. It was like living in a nightmare and he was waiting to awake from it to find out it was all but a bad dream. Sadly that was not the case.

Nobunaga caught the girl checking her surroundings, noticing the sketchy people who surrounded them. Nobunaga was already aware of them. He was aware of his surroundings and the people around him at all times. It was a product of his training. "No need to worry. They wont do anything in my presence, I wouldnt let them." Reassuring the young teen before him, Nobunaga then proposed an offer "Would you prefer to be else where? We can leave if this place makes you uncomfortable. I will accompany you." Nobunaga spoke in his usually hoarse voice but his words were sincere. He would not let any harm come to her while she was under his protection and he would gladly accompany her to another location if it meant she would be safe.
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Stranger in the Upside Down (open, nk) Empty Re: Stranger in the Upside Down (open, nk)

Fri Dec 22, 2017 3:22 am
It did not seem as if she had put the man off with her attitude and yes indeed she had missed him. As she was watching him she was kind of impressed with what unfolded by taking a closer look. He was tall and kind of like rock. Made an impression of something unbreakable but still worn out by the weather. What he had lived through had made him what he was and who he had been. Time had formed him and made him rough. Was he a Shinobi? It almost seemed like that, but he looked tougher but she could not really point her finger at it, well maybe because of that big sword poking out of his cloak. This alone seemed too heavy to hold at least to her. Now that he apology was through he offered a hand and a name to her.
First she wanted to reach out her right hand just like she normally would but well there was no hand anymore. So just to not rub it in too much she would then extend the left hand instead although it felt kind of wrong. Lightly she placed her small almost tiny looking hand in his and shook it firmly but well not with much strength behind it because that could be considered rude. "Sora Yasumi it is a pleasure meeting you", honest and soft spoken words. She did not mind his voice being as it was. It was kind of fitting to what he seemed to resemble. Huge like a mountain he seemed with good strong hands that seemed as if they would cup her face would almost hold her entire head. But that would just be a little over exaggerating wasn't it? Slowly she turned her head towards the tree men that had been standing there. As their eyes met she smiled still like her warm smile could melt away the winter in their hearts that would make them look at young girls the way they did. His cigarette would drop out of his fingers maybe in shock because they were seen he turned away. She turned her head again to Nobunaga and offered him the same loving smile.
"Thank you Hiyu-san, it is very nice of you to offer protection, still I don't mind this place", she looked around still unsure of what to do or say since he was so generous to offer himself to bring her somewhere. "Since I am new in town I wanted to look around a little, maybe eat out", she was counting in her mind and then smiled, "Maybe if we find a place that looks like it sells edible food we could grab a bite I would gladly invite you for holding your warm protecting hand over me. Since there is no academy today I don't quite have a defined goal to reach today", she said thinking it over and then nodded again. Why not show some gratitude to the man who just offered to spent some of his time just to make her feel safe in an environment that had kind of grown to kill the weak and she was one of those weak, at least for now.

WC: 534
TWC: 1387
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Stranger in the Upside Down (open, nk) Empty Re: Stranger in the Upside Down (open, nk)

Sat Dec 23, 2017 5:40 pm
Going through the formalities, Nobunaga gently shook her able hand and nodded his head when she introduced herself. This young girl was soft spoken, full of joy and innocence. Despite her disabled arm, she was glad and content with her situation, a warm smile never too far away despite the situation she found herself in. Even with men gawking at her, she somehow was not bothered. She simply smiled at the men, their watchful eyes unable to penetrate and tarnish her delightful mood. She was a rose in a field of filth that was Kumogakure. Hopefully this village could be reformed and made a new before it tarnished this young girls sunshine attitude. The current Raikage was flamboyant and one for the flare. Nobunaga presumed that he was not one to let the filth of this village continue to fester and spread. If not, the Hiyu would take matters into his own hands. He could not live in a place where innocent and good citizens such as Yasumi suffered at the hands of heinous people. 
Although not showing it for Nobunaga was an expert at hiding his expressions and frame of mind, the Hiyu was surprised to hear this young girl did not mind being in this place. This was Nobunaga's first day here and already he could not standing being here. He never felt so much like a foreigner in his life. Perhaps it was because he did not want to be here therefore he despised every moment he had. Maybe if his frame of mind was like Yasumi's where she did not mind being here, actually living here would become easier to handle. However it was unlikely that Nobunaga would ever come to that state of mind for her knew that this was the village responsible for the destruction of his home village, Sunagakure. He would always be a foreigner here for he did not want to be part of this village. He was only here out of duty. Thats all it would ever come down to. 
It appeared Yasumi was grateful for Nobunaga's offer of protection however she need not be. Protecting those who could not protect themselves was a natural instinct for the Hiyu, something instilled in him during his timer under Lord Koroshi. "I too am new here. In fact, this is my first day in the village" Informed Nobunaga, letting Yasumi know that he did not know where anything was in this village, where the good places to eat were or if there were any at all. He presumed there had to be for people here still had to survive off of something. But he was as clueless as her.
Her mentioning the academy did peek Nobunaga’s interest however. Despite missing part of her arm she had still joined the shinobi academy of Kumo. Not only was she not shy about her arm but she also had the fortitude to take a shot and attempt becoming a shinobi. This girl was something else. Nodding his head off to the side, indicating that they should leave, Nobunaga stated “Lets take a walk.” Perhaps they would look for a place to eat, however Nobunaga was more interested in her wanting to become a shinobi. “How long have you been a part of the academy?” Nobunaga wanted to gauge what her current capabilities were and what her aspirations were. If she did not get her arm somehow fully healed or replaced, being a shinobi with only one arm would automatically place her at a disadvantage. Being unable to perform hand seals was obviously something to consider. The learning curve for learning how to fight would also be far greater for her. He wondered if her spirited attitude could carry her down the road to becoming a proper shinobi.  
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Stranger in the Upside Down (open, nk) Empty Re: Stranger in the Upside Down (open, nk)

Sat Dec 23, 2017 6:59 pm
A surprised look would show up on the young girls face as her new friend stated that he was new to this place. He was just like she was although if he just arrived he was even a little newer to this place than she was. Maybe that was why he behaved differently from other people around here. He was proud and stood tall amongst others. He seemed to be full of inner strength that drove him to follow principles that he valued. Hence he offered her protection while others seemed to plot how to rid her of whatever little she had. This one she surly needed to remember carefully for he could become an anchor in those times where everything seemed to be ripping you apart. "Well a first day that is amazing, then let me have the pleasure of being not only the first person to meet you but also your first friend Hiyu-san it would be an honour to me", she tilted her head slowly and smiled up at the tall man that was such a contrast to her that beside him she seemed even more frail than before but she did not mind that, a young woman such as her was allowed to look fragile and small at times even as a Shinobi.

As he suggested they should take a walk she nodded at him and just wrapped her good arm around his gently gripping into his sleeve while walking beside him in just the general direction he was just going. Slightly humming she would lean against him still smiling and quickly stepping up to hold his pace. Then he asked how long she had been in the academy and she thought about it: "I have been her for about six months from which I spent about six weeks in the hospital because of this", she waved with her arm and chuckled, "And about two recovering at home with my brother. About four months have passed since I started the academy and my teachers say I learn fast only my current disability slows me down a lot but I am training to get past that every day", she smiled at him with strong spirits. Nothing was going to get her down and she was going to become a great Shinobi despite all of this. "I am going to learn how to use Jutsu just with one hand. But for that I will need to build great Chakra control so it will take me just a while longer." She looked up at him and was thinking, was he one too?

While she was talking they were passing by buildings some having small businesses and shops nothing really outstanding to be honest but then something came up it was a wagon that carried not only a small kitchen which smelled like noodles and chicken. On the exterior it had little chairs attached to it so customers may be seated there. A middle aged man was standing behind a wok and shoving noodles from side to side while calling out to the people how nice and healthy they were to eat. Gently Yasumi pulled on her protector's sleeve: "Do you like noodles?"

WC: 533
TWC: 1920
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Stranger in the Upside Down (open, nk) Empty Re: Stranger in the Upside Down (open, nk)

Sun Dec 24, 2017 11:19 am
"A first friend?" Nobunaga repeated, slightly surprised that this young lady was willing to consider Nobunaga a friend even though she didnt know the first thing about him, or perhaps she did. Perhaps she knew that despite his rough exterior, Nobunaga was a decent and good person at heart, and she felt comfortable enough in his presence to be willing to consider this man her friend. Maybe his offer of protection showed her that he was unlike the inhabitants of this village, that he was unlike the scum and filth that ran the village. Giving a little nod, Nobunaga added "I'm okay with that."

As they turned to begin their walk, the Hiyu was slightly caught off guard when the young Yasumi wrapped her left arm around his right and snuggled into him. Shifting his gaze to glance down at her while she hummed and smiled. Letting Yasumi hold onto his arm, this was the first time Nobunaga had ever been in a position such as this one, where another person was comfortable enough to actually hold onto him. Throughout his entire life he never knew his real parents and family. He did not know if he had any siblings or whether his parents were even alive. He was raised by a band of missing ninja and mercenaries, never truly knowing the comforts of a real home or what it felt like to have a family. Once he found his way to Suna, there he found a home and duty under the service of Lord Koroshi, but he never truly experienced anything such as this. He never experienced another human being who was so happy, so comforting to be around and so trust worthy. For the first time in what felt like forever, Nobunaga was finally at ease. Somehow, the touch and joyful attitude of this young teen was soothing to the brute. It was as if she was able to peel through the rough, hardened and beaten exterior that was Nobunaga and get to his soft spots. 

As they walked aimlessly down the street for Nobunaga had no idea where he was going, he remained silent and watching like a guarding sentry while Yasumi spoke to him, explaining her time here in Kumo. Not asking how she lost part of her arm for he would wait for her to reveal that information, Nobunaga noted that she was indeed determined to become a shinobi despite her current predicament. "Have you ever tried seeking someone out who could fully heal your arm?" The former and last Kazekage was an expert healer. Being able to fully bring back a limb was an easy feat for one such as him. Surely there were others who could do the same, maybe she had heard of them or tried seeking them out. The mentioning of her wanting to learn how to use jutsu with one hand reminded Nobunaga of a skill he knew of that he was once going to learn but decided not to. "One handed hand seals are possible. I have not learnt it myself however it is feasible. It's something I could take a look into for you, if you wish." It was a skill that Nobunaga had once intended to learn himself, therefore he would very much be willing to actually achieve this skill and teach Yasumi as well. It would be a very useful skill for someone like him who wielded a sword and especially for someone like her who was currently missing half an arm.

As they approached what appeared to be a noodle shop, Nobunaga felt Yasumi pull on the fabric of his cloak, indicating that her senses had been aroused by the fragrance and aromas of this noodle stand. Coming to a halt, Nobunaga looked over towards the noodle stand, which appeared to be as decent of an establishment as one could find. The cook appeared to be an honest man just trying to make an honest living. Looking down at Yasumi, Nobunaga would give a little nod before grunting "Noodle are fine." Leading her to the noodle stand, Nobunaga would let Yasumi take a seat first before perching himself on the stool next to here. Glancing over the menu Nobunaga was ask "Your brother, what does he do?", curious about who her sibling was and what he was up to that it left her alone to her own devices.
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Stranger in the Upside Down (open, nk) Empty Re: Stranger in the Upside Down (open, nk)

Mon Dec 25, 2017 12:42 am
This was Yasumi at her finest. She was open hearted and as her motto was, that even the tiniest of hearts could engulf eternity her heart had space for many people coming from all sorts of backgrounds. That her new friend was older than her and a big bulky man did not bother her. Sure from some perspective he could be seen as scary for sure or even dangerous, but why would she. He had been polite, kind and friendly towards her, even a little protective some kind of brotherly behaviour almost and she felt comfortable around that kind of demeanour so she was kind of happy that he would accept her as a friend and also did not seem to mind her holding onto his arm like that. So she would cheerfully walk beside him the whole time to let him share her good spirits for this moment and as it seemed he was fine with that, not only fine but happy maybe?

He even picked up upon the topic with the one handed seals she had brought up and offered his help with learning those so she would smile at him cheerfully nodding at him. "I would love any help I could get from you with this. You do seem like a knowledgeable warrior and I would gladly have you teach me a thing or two so that next time I can be less afraid because even when you are not with me you will shine from within me through what I learned from you and the confidence that would give me", she would teasingly nudge against his side before they reached the noodle stall where she took her place on of the chairs sitting upright and looking at the happy cook, glad to serve some customers she would place her order for spring noodles with some fried chicken.

While she waited for her order to be processed she would turn once again to Nobunaga and smiled at him: "Oh my brother was a sheep herder like me and he is a fabulous babysitter for me and my thirteen younger siblings but currently he has an apprenticeship as a bartender and he is doing quite good at it. I love seeing him happy every day and doing stuff he likes doing", she chuckled, "Once I met one of his co-workers and he said he is quite a hit with the ladies because he is so straight forward but still charming", she chuckled again and then looked at her new friend with this big blue eyes that seemed to want to pierce deep into his soul that was apparently wounded and needed healing. "Where do you come from? Since you said you were new here what did you do before this?" He looked like a soldier, maybe he was one of a shogun or something like that. That could make for an enticing story.

WC: 485
TWC: 2405
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