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Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Second Meeting (p, io, Sal) Empty Second Meeting (p, io, Sal)

Fri Dec 22, 2017 8:44 am
Cole was headed to the training grounds once more he still wanted to prepare for the chuunin exams more. After all there is no such thing as to ready he thought to himself. It was a nice day out sun up and bright with a nice breeze. How ever it looked like their was rain coming in on the horizon, and you could smell it on the air. Cole couldn't tell how long till it got here but he was going to train one way or another. Besides it wasn't like he was wearing a lot of medal or used lighting jutsu. However come to think about it a thunder storm would probably help a lighting user cole thought to himself.

Cole walked over to the tree line of the training grounds were he hung out and did his training. It was here a few days ago that he met a woman named Saluluna. He spared with her and came out on top. She was fresh from the academy, but showed a lot of potential and tried to explain to cole what could happen if he made it to his dream of being a queens guard. Of course if didn't affect cole and he was still aiming for it he still wanted to be able to protect thous he cared about and would die for the ones he loved.

Cole sat down beside a tree he still had one of his moms medical books on him. He pulled it out and started to read it a bit. He still needed to know what could go wrong in the case of a failed transplant. It was bothering him the hole walk over to the training grounds, so he figured a quick read wouldn't hurt before the training began. 


Second Meeting (p, io, Sal) Empty Re: Second Meeting (p, io, Sal)

Fri Dec 22, 2017 4:23 pm
Sal suddenly swung down by her legs from the tree Cole was sitting under, hanging by the branch with her lower legs as she smiled down at the boy.

"Heya, Cole!" She'd grin, her damaged eye now covered by her lop-sided headband. "How's my favorite shirtless child doing?" She talked as if speaking to just any child, not someone who could break her face in 20-million different ways with just one hand. The one-eyed ninja had been napping in this tree here for at last the past couple hours, running up and down it's face with her wall-climbing jutsu to work on her speed until she'd gotten tired. Then it was simply nap-time. She crossed her arms lightly as she stared at the seemingly upside-down boy, her Kimono kept tucked under her legs to keep it from falling over her face.

"It's good to see you haven't died yet, Kiddo! Take your victories where you can get them and celebrate every day because we're all going to die soon... relatively." She snickered softly, somehow finding humor in such a dark thought. "In all seriousness, How've you been? Life treating you well?"
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Second Meeting (p, io, Sal) Empty Re: Second Meeting (p, io, Sal)

Fri Dec 22, 2017 11:06 pm
Cole had just finished reading the part and finding out that in a failed transplant the worse that could happen is the body reject the transplant, and not only are the replacement part gone for ever but the body could start to shut down on that body part that used to be their. For example if someone was to transplant a doujutsu and the transplant failed than the user could intern go blind. Cole thought on this and wondered why people took the chance transplanting eyes and such. Then he figured that most of them probably didn't know, or he just wasn't skilled enough to understand how to cut the risk out yet either way. He thought that it was to big a risk to do himself maybe a kidney or something but probably not an eye.

Lost in thought it was a familiar voice that brought cole back to this world. Asking him how he was doing. He knew who it was just by the voice not many people talked to him that way, and no one he had met called him the shirtless child other than sal. With out looking up cole would say “I'm not doing to bad. Got beat up they other day by a man named Tatsuma, but on the positive side he showed me a great deal, and I'm stronger than I was before that for sure.” cole would then get up and offer a hand shake to Sal, and help her down from the tree if she wanted. “so what brings you out here” he would add.


Second Meeting (p, io, Sal) Empty Re: Second Meeting (p, io, Sal)

Sun Dec 24, 2017 5:09 am
Wasn't HE all impressive, responding to her without even looking her way? Small children would've worshiped him because of this simple trick no doubt and even she thought it deserved some silent praise. If only he was a few years older she might've actually admired him. Her eye widened as the kid explained he had been beaten up by some poor-scrub by the name of Tatsuma, but that there was a silver-lining in that he was stronger now. Ignoring Cole's hand, Sal flipped up right on the branch from which she hung before hopping down low and sitting besides the utterly jacked ninja-child with a humorous smile on her lips. It was so hard not to laugh at his appearance... That kind of bulk on a kid...? It was ridiculous in the best possible way.

"What else brings someone to these grounds other than to train, my friend?" Sal questioned with a giggle. "I was just running up and down this here tree until i fell asleep at the top. Really "leaves" you drained of energy if you know what I'm sayin'." Ah puns... What kind of humor was there besides BAD humor? Plays-on-words that made people cringe was Sal's life-blood!

"So you got thrashed, huh?" She inquired, gently reaching a hand over and patting his back lightly. "Well that all happens to us at one point or another. Hey, at least you still got both eyes, right?"  She tilted her head to the side, noticing that she never actually told this boy the tale of how he lost hers... She probably shouldn't in any case... The last thing she wanted to do was frighten him, as adorable as the might've been.

"Betcha you'll be able to knock him flat in your next encounter." Sal smiled, moving her hand from his back to his head to give his hair a little ruffle. "So what brings YOU here, my interesting friend? Training? Or maybe just sitting out in the shade away from people?"
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
Genjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Second Meeting (p, io, Sal) Empty Re: Second Meeting (p, io, Sal)

Sun Dec 24, 2017 5:35 pm
Sal straighten up and flipped out of the tree. Telling cole that she had been here to train and just gotten tired running up the tree and down and took a nap at the top. Cole thought that it made sense he had taken naps in weird places himself since he became a ninja. Sal then made a bad pun and cole cocked a bit of a grin at it. He had a thing for bad puns even though he wouldn't let anyone know that. He just couldn't help but laugh at them.

Sal than gave cole some motivation after he told her that he had lost a spar with Tatsuma, but had learned a lot from it and was even stronger now. She then asked him what he was doing here as well. “Well since you asked I was here looking to get some training in. I haven't really gotten any in in the past 2 days cause I was recovering” cole would tell Sal. He would then add “you think you have gotten strong enough for another spar with out passing out” he would say with a joking manner in his voice. He was serious about the spar, but didn't want to push Sal if she didn't feel she was ready. Plus he had to get her back for all the jokes about his non shirt wearing ways.

(WC-230 TWC-791)

Second Meeting (p, io, Sal) Empty Re: Second Meeting (p, io, Sal)

Tue Dec 26, 2017 6:36 am
"Aha!" Sal murmered, not at all surprised that he was challenging her to a fight. After all, she could understand needing an ego-boost after being thrown around like a rag-doll. What better way to do that than to toss someone else about? She smiled lightly at the boy, giving his head another ruffle... Felt good doing that. "Need someone to wale on, hmmm? I can get that. Losing will wreck HAVOC on your self-esteem or so I'm told." She put her finger to her chin as if thinking, her eye gazing off into the sky.

"Now would I pass out... Hmm... Probably." She shrugged, not at all ashamed of her weakness. "Stamina isn't really my strong-suit at the moment. But I can probably shock you a lot harder than before if you're still interested." She shrugged her shoulders lightly, just as content to sit besides this boy and let time pass them by. It really was too bad the only person she knew who appreciated slacking off was Gin... She'd bet anything she'd be willing to just sit here with her all day, watching the clouds pass by....


...over her shoulder as they made out viciously. She was finding her mind occupied more and more by that strange little edge-lord, their escapades seeming more and more enticing as their time apart grew. What was once something she didn't understand was now something she craved almost every moment of ever day. It would've certainly been frustrating if she cared about all those failures that resulted from her distraction...

The fantasies though...

"Sounds like a bit of fun, though." Sal exclaimed, getting back on track. "Always a pleasure to be your training-dummy, my friend. Makes me feel useful."
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
Genjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Second Meeting (p, io, Sal) Empty Re: Second Meeting (p, io, Sal)

Tue Dec 26, 2017 4:36 pm
Cole listened and watched as it looked like sal had lost track of her thought for a moment. Before telling him that she didn't mind training with him. “You know you are more than just a training dummy right” cole would tell Sal. “I tell you what to prove it to you. I will make you a bet if you can hit me Ill pay for lunch, and you have till the rain gets here” cole would add. While he looked over his shoulder at the rain clouds moving in every so slowly. He figured that it would be around a half hour before it got here. Giving sal plenty of time to try and hit him. “O and one more thing if you pass out you have to pay for me to eat” he would add in as he took a few steps away. He would say the last part with a smile and a bit of a playful laugh. 

(WC-161 TWC-952)

(sorry for the short post on my phone)

Second Meeting (p, io, Sal) Empty Re: Second Meeting (p, io, Sal)

Tue Dec 26, 2017 5:32 pm
"My dear, shirtless Cole..." Sal chuckled, rolling her eye at his response. "I'm HARDLY much more than a toy for someone of your caliber. You were completely out of my league before, boyo. What makes you think there's much of a difference between then and now?" Cole attempted to sweeten the deal, stating that if she could hit him just once, he'd take her out to lunch. She just couldn't help but laugh at that and keep on laughing for a good couple seconds. How many boys were taking her out now? 2? She was getting to be a REAL Black-Widow now wasn't she...? Heh... She liked that title... She'd have to work on a new design to fit.

She smiled sweetly at the shirtless child beside her, gently reaching over to cup his cheeks in her hands if he'd allow it. She'd stare warmly into his eyes, letting out a soft sigh of contentment as she'd cradle his face delicately.

"My, my... You're quite generous, aren't you..." She'd note with a soft giggle. The ninja girl's hands would lightly crackle with electricity, a sight easily missed in the light of day if one wasn't paying attention. She wondered that, with that tough flesh of his would he even be able to feel the sparks crackling against it... maybe... maybe not... they'd see in a moment.

Suddenly a massive thunder-wave would erupt from Sal's hands, climbing up her limbs and attempting to arc onto Cole's body from various angles, the fingers of lightning forever curious to feel him too (Power: 37.5, Speed: 27.5). Saluluna's soft blue eyes would appear to embody innocence but if Cole looked deeper, he'd see the glee of an insidious mind, having fun playing with him.

Maleficent? Hardly. She wasn't an evil person and hadn't yet found someone she could get her jollies off hurting

...Did she enjoy the look of surprise one got from the unexpected...? Absolutely. The one-eyed ninja would continue to grin warmly whether the attack struck or not, doing her best to track him should he attempt to flee. T'wouldn't be very fun if she were suddenly knocked through this here tree.

AP: 200/220
Raiton: Electromagnetic Murder
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
Genjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Second Meeting (p, io, Sal) Empty Re: Second Meeting (p, io, Sal)

Thu Dec 28, 2017 9:14 pm
Cole would listen to sal talk to him and play with his hair a little bit. While he made the offer to pay for lunch if she could hit him. He watched her as she reached up and cupped his chin. She was still talking to him all soft and sweet like and cole almost fell for it as well. That is till the memory of a lighting bolt landing right on his forehead came to mind the last time they sparred. He remembered that even though she was weak then the bolt still hurt quit a bit. Plus it took him weeks to get his hair to not stand on end. At the speed of 70 cole quickly jumped back and put some distance in between the two of them.

“Oooooo not again” he would tell Sal while getting ready to dodge a lighting bolt. He didn't know if she could throw one or if the attack had to be done with contact, but he wasn't going to take a chance. “I have you know I went threw three bottles of shampoo the last time you hit my head with a lighting bolt” cole would add while getting ready for Sal to make a move.

The rain was getting closer still a good ways off, but now you could smell the rain on the wind. Cole knew that his free meal at the expense of Sal was only a few short minutes away and he was getting hungry. 

(WC-250 TWC-1202)

Second Meeting (p, io, Sal) Empty Re: Second Meeting (p, io, Sal)

Fri Dec 29, 2017 7:16 pm
Sal's lightning attack never had a chance of striking as the boy simply zipped away at speeds she couldn't possibly match, proving her point earlier that she'd simply be wasting her money. She wondered why this boy even bothered offering this challenge... Did he honestly believe she had the speed to match that? Or was he just trying to get a free lunch out of her? Either way, the woman didn't bother to pursue. There was no point after all if he could just dance away like this. T'would be a waste of stamina.

Instead she simply got up from where she stood and waited for him to approach, her hands held close to her chest, ready to form seals in the event he came at her. This was probably a dangerous game she was playing, especially since she speculated this boy could knock her clean out with one hit but it was the easiest way to get what she wanted if she was ever going to get it.

"Well that's unfortunate..." The one-eyed woman purred as she watched the boy off in the distance. "But I'm certain that shampoo did wonders for you... Just look at how silky smooth your hair has become... Almost as soft as my own..." No doubt the constant washing wrecked havoc on his skull as well. Too much soap would dry it out after all. She wondered if he even noticed it with that mane and it's white-ish complexion.

"But you're so quick... How am I supposed to hit something that I can barely even see?"

AP RECOVERED: 5 for just doing nothing

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