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Travin Iburi
Travin Iburi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Stat Page : Travin Iburi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Second Meeting (p, io, Sal) - Page 2 Empty Re: Second Meeting (p, io, Sal)

Sat Dec 30, 2017 5:20 pm
Cole listened to Sal and she made a point that she would not be fast enough to catch him in a fair fight, and he could probably move faster than she could see. He could tell that she didn't know why she was doing this. He figured that the free lunch would have been motivation, but then again not everyone thinks with their belly. He thought about it for a moment as he walked a little closer keeping about 3 meters between them. He would take the walk slowly watching her as she was holding hand signs. He figured that it was in case he tried something, but this was an exercise for her not him. He was going to be on the defensive and see what she could come up with. He had also planed on buying lunch weather she was able to hit him or not, as long as she didn't give up or stop trying.

“You know on the battle field people come in all shapes sizes and skill level. You can't just expect someone to be slow enough for you to hit with a jutsu” cole would tell Sal as he approached to the three meter mark. He would take a short pause of a sec or two before continuing. “It is this reason that sometimes you have to get creative, and use all the tools at your disposal. For example with this last encounter just now I literally fled out of instinct to protect my hair from the damage that you caused last time” he would say with a small smile before wiping it away with his hand. “However if you had per say thrown a smoke bomb down to mask they attack before using the jutsu I would not have saw it coming. Now you might think that I could have still just ran away to get out of the smoke bomb as well, but you would have been close enough to see what direction I was fleeing in. giving you the chance to set up a trap with kunai or a mid range jutsu as well. You could also use the smoke bomb to confuse me with the clone jutsu. Under normal circumstances the jutsu is almost useless, but in a cloud of smoke on the battle field most people will just attack the first enemy they see. Leaving them wide open for an attack from the flank. Basically what im saying is come at me like you are trying to kill me, if you don't than you will never hit me.” cole would pause for a minute and gauge her reaction to what he had said before adding. “Its time to take the kiddie gloves off” as he got into a fighting stance.

(WC-462 TWC- 1664)

Second Meeting (p, io, Sal) - Page 2 Empty Re: Second Meeting (p, io, Sal)

Sun Dec 31, 2017 9:10 am
Saluluna rolled her eye as the boy went on some tangent he REALLY could've summed up in a few words. She intensely disliked it when people did that... trying to make their point sound more important by using more words than was necessary. Really... How hard was it say "Don't give up! Try harder"...? "Stay determined" Or something? Kage's sake... Kids today and their stupid monologues. She had to wonder just what the teachers were educating their students on these days... Theatrics? Did they believe that when two ninja engage in battle, they would simply sit down for a talk? Was this some kind of tactic to live longer? She didn't understand why Cole was so adamant to spill out his message in this format but she wasn't really someone to judge now was she....? Even with all that unnecessary marshmallow fluff, the message he was trying to get across was blatantly obvious. No doubt he was trying to do this for her to save her own life one day but then, like most good advice, it didn't apply to the present moment. She wasn't in danger. Nobody was trying to kill her.

But it seemed Cole wanted her to kill him, or at least come at him like she intended too, declaring that she would never hit him if she did not. He was acting like she was supposed to CARE, like the outcome of this fight had some kind of permanent stakes for her. What... Was buying this kid lunch going to set her back years in debt or something? Was that his threat?

No. Apparently, his threat was that he was going to start taking the kiddie-gloves off. Well suddenly now shit just got real, didn't it? No doubt he could easily snap her in two with all that bulk on him and his speed would allow him to close that gap split-lickity if he so desired. Was he threatening to kill her then or... beat her to the point of hospitalization? She was probably taking this a step beyond what was intended but the last thing she wanted was to end up in the hospital. She wouldn't be able to manage her store if that happened!

"Geez kid... Ever heard of simpler language....?" Sal questioned, still waiting for his approach. "Kid, speeches are really the most boring things in the world to listen to. In the future, if you want me to care about anything you're saying.... Try to sum it up in one or two sentences, would you kindly...?" She smiled, though her grin was a tad strained. "And besides, stop giving your opponents advice. Might kill you faster than your dream."

AP: 210/220
+5 AP for doing nothing.
Travin Iburi
Travin Iburi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Stat Page : Travin Iburi
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Second Meeting (p, io, Sal) - Page 2 Empty Re: Second Meeting (p, io, Sal)

Sun Dec 31, 2017 6:42 pm
Sal didn't seam to care to much for coles little speech, but he figured that it was good to remind people from time to time anyway. It was then that it hit him, as his face went a little pale and he stood back up from his fighting stance and looked down at his hands. “O my god” he said to him self not being very quit about it at all. “I'm turning into my father” he added while still looking at his hand. He remembered back when his father would train him. He would do the same thing to cole, and he hated it. He didn't like someone to explain to him every single little thing that he did wrong in combat. Sure help out give a pointer or two but shut the hell up after and get back to work. That was the way he thought about it anyways.

For that moment cole dropped his guard and looked up from his hand still held out, and started to walk to Sal. It was a slow walk of apology not meaning any harm. Cole would walk up to sal if she didn't try and attack first. “I'm so sorry” he would tell her. He would then take a few steps back “we can continue when your ready” he would tell her.

(WC-222 TWC- 1886)

Second Meeting (p, io, Sal) - Page 2 Empty Re: Second Meeting (p, io, Sal)

Mon Jan 01, 2018 10:03 am
The kid's reaction to being told to KEEP CALM AND TALK SIMPLY was so dramatic, she couldn't help but snicker "Oh my god, I'm turning into dad?" Did this situation REALLY deserve this kind of horror? Saluluna watched as he stared at his hands like blood dripped from them or something, finding it REAL hard to keep from bursting out into full-blown laughter. Please tell her he was putting this show on for her entertainment... PLEASE tell her that's what he was doing and she'd give him something nice. It was almost like a comedy skit how well timed his reaction actually was... Oh man.... Hilarious...

She slammed her hands into the horse and tiger signs, building chakra in her chest as the boy approached, pleading for forgiveness like he'd just drop-kicked her hypothetical dog or something. Now it was just starting to get disturbing, this act...

"Kage's sake, kid. Stop apologizing. You just bored me, you didn't do anything that can't be fixed. Relax." She shook her head letting out a soft sigh, a very small flame escaping her lips. Oops.... gotta be careful about that... 

He'd wait until SHE was ready? How about she wait until he got over himself? That was an option, right? Well she was choosing option three: Burn him. Hard. He had just let his guard down and that was a major mistake she wasn't about to let him get away with.

Lesson #2 for today: Don't just let your opponent go after declaring a match before incapacitating them. Sometimes they won't be so sporting....

Sal let loose a massive 20-meter wide/long fireball from her mouth with a power of 35 and a speed of 25 as the boy approached, hoping to get in that one GOOD hit and earn that lunch. Who knew. Maybe his daddy-issues would provide an adequate distraction.

AP: 190/210

-20 Great Fireball
Travin Iburi
Travin Iburi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Iburi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Second Meeting (p, io, Sal) - Page 2 Empty Re: Second Meeting (p, io, Sal)

Mon Jan 01, 2018 9:50 pm
Cole walked to Sal with his hands still in front of him. He looked at sal and could tell she didn't know what the hell he was doing. He also could tell that she didn't really care either since she went to make hand signs. When Sal finished the hand signs and created the giant wave of fire that was heading to cole. Cole knelt down on both knees in front of the fire and screamed. “PLEASE GOD HAVE MERCY ON OUR SOULS.” He would time it to were he would finish the last word as the fire engulfed his body. He had felt the heat from the fire and it was not as bad as it could have been, but to be safe he activated his bone armor jutsu. (Health 80) The fire touched every part of his body, and he would make the worse sounding screams that he could imagine. He had never been set on fire before but he had a good feeling that it would hurt like hell.

While he was screaming cole would make a few hand signs at his max speed of 125 and create a burnt corpse version of him self lying in the Fidel position on the ground. If anyone had every saw a real burnt corpse they would think this was a Halloween decoration which is what cole was basing the clone off of. He had saw one in the stores last year, but he didn't have the money for it at the time. Before the fire had left his body cole would move hitting his top speed of 125 before leaving the fire and moving to behind Sal about 5 meters. It was possible that she was able to hear some laughter that cole was trying to keep down as he moved past her, but you never know she could have just been to distracted by the wall of fire.

Cole would wait to see what Sal did after seeing the clone. Before he walked up behind her and whisper in her ear “how dare you kill me.”

(WC-348 TWC-2,234
Bone Armor jutsu  30AP
209 AP-30=179 AP)
Travin Iburi
Travin Iburi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Iburi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Second Meeting (p, io, Sal) - Page 2 Empty Re: Second Meeting (p, io, Sal)

Fri Jan 05, 2018 8:16 am
Cole had watched sals face not change almost as if she didn't really care if the boy was killed or not. He figured that she probably didn't fall for o well he thought in his head. It could have been a funny joke but some people don't really have a since of humor. They both agreed that it was good enough for one day, and they went to sit down on the bench that was located near by. Cole left the bone armor down, as at this point he trusted Sal enough to let his guard down around her. They sat and chit chatted for a few hours about how they felt about the village and the life of the ninja. When sal dropped a bomb on cole. She was giving up the life of the ninja and was going to work at her shop full time. Cole was shocked that she would do such a thing he understood it. Every one has a dream and she was having the courage to stand up and chase her dream. Cole told her that he would come in and give her work from time to time. She really did do a good job on her clothing she made and coles cloths did keep getting holes in them. After a few more minutes cole would tell Sal goodbye, and that he would see her around and wished her the best of luck with her shop.

(WC-242 TWC-2476
12 stats
Shadow Shurriken jutsu - 1,000 WC
Mist Servant Jutsu -1,000
Evening Elephant -476)
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Second Meeting (p, io, Sal) - Page 2 Empty Re: Second Meeting (p, io, Sal)

Fri Jan 05, 2018 8:20 am
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