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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 23500

Strange Land Empty Strange Land

Mon Dec 25, 2017 1:53 pm
After the long and strenuous journey, Kinzoku had finally reached his destination. The gates of Kumo. He had traveled far and wide before, as well as having lived in both Suna and Konoha. Both drastically different environments from one another. But after all the times he's traveled, he's never seen a land such as this. It was midday and the sun was completed concealed by the clouds above. One could almost be forgiven if they thought it was nearly dark out. Along with the gloom of the hidden sun, the land itself was barren. Everything was filled with dirt, cay and mud. The place was surrounded by swamp land. He couldn't believe someone would build such a renowned village around such territory. Although Kinzoku could see how it had its advantages when defending against foreign enemies. He could only imagine the possibilities for defenses against invaders. 

The Nazar slowly made his way past the swamp lands and towards the village gates. Pulling a cigar from his lips in between two of his fingers, he slowly exhaled the rest of the smoke from his mouth as he looked up at the gates as he slowly approached. "So this is the home of the people who invaded Suna" he thought to himself. He wasn't entirely sure how he felt being here, but he knew without a doubt that he despised this place. But that's not why he was here. He had come all this way to see a former fellow shinobi of Suna. When last they spoke this is where he said he would be. He could only hope that he had still been here otherwise his journey would have all been for naught. 

As he finally reached the gate he stopped just before placing the cigar back into his mouth and adjusting his hat. He would stand there and wait to be greeted by the guards or any on patrol. He knew it would be bad judgment to simply walk into the village as a foreign ninja, the Konoha plate wrapped around his right bicep informing those of his village. So he waited, wondering what kind of reception he would receive from them.
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Strange Land Empty Re: Strange Land

Mon Dec 25, 2017 2:19 pm
As part of his new duties under Kumo, Nobunaga was tasked with patrolling the surrounding areas. Kumo being a militant force, one entirely focused on the conquest and invasion of all the territory it did not possess. That thus made Kumo public enemy number one to a lot of different factions. Therefore Nobunaga was tasked with keeping guard, patrolling and making sure all was right with their occupied land, which meant he had to trek through the waste land of death and decay that completely surrounding the village. It spread pretty far out into the lighting country and was pretty awful to be in. Once further out into the other occupying territory, there wasnt as much shit to deal with. However even at that, the lighting country was ruined, a cesspool and rot and filth. Luckily Nobunaga had both a multi weave mask and an armor set that could filter the nasty stench and any toxic fumes that could arm him. 

Making his way back to the village, his boots and cloak drenched it filth, Nobunaga was come to a sudden halt upon sensing a familiar chakra signature at the gates of Kumo not too far ahead. "What are you doing here?" He though to himself, instantly recognizing who the signature belonged to. Continuing forward, Nobunaga would approach his old friend from behind, his chakra signatue concealed, this Kinzoku would not be able to sense him. 

"Still havent fixed your arm I see." Stated Nobunaga once within viewing range of Kinzoku. Clad in his armor with his great sword hooked to his back, the brute of a man would walk right up to Kinzoku, sticking out his right arm to shake that of his former ally. "What brings you all the way out here, old friend?"
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 23500

Strange Land Empty Re: Strange Land

Mon Dec 25, 2017 3:06 pm
How fortunate for the Nazar that the person he came looking for would be the first person he bumped into in this strange land. Though at first he had no idea anyone had arrived until he heard a familiar voice coming from behind him. He didn't need to turn around to know who's voice it belonged to. That hard and strong voice could only belong to one man, the man he was looking for.

"There's nothing to fix" he would say as he reached up with his metal hand removing the cigar yet again, smoke rising from the burnt tip. He turned his head slightly to watch the larger man make his way from behind Kinzoku out of the swamp and into view, eventually coming up in front of him. Although Nobunaga had been much larger in size, Kinzoku didn't seem that small beside the man being 6 foot 2 himself. "Although some improvements would be handy" he'd add once they two were face to face, a grin spread across his face. Kinzoku raised his arm to meet that of Nobunaga's, firmly gripping it to greet his friend. "To see an old friend friend of mine. You may know of him. Tall, very muscular, never seems to be in a good mood. He carries this massive piece of metal with him some may call a sword, though I don't know if calling it such would be fitting" he'd reply after shaking his hand and placing it into his jacket pocket while slightly chuckling. 

"It feels like forever doesn't it, since the loss of Suna" he'd begin as he started looking around him taking a look at the surrounding swamps. "How can you live here, the stench his horrendous" he added, never having smelt something as bad before. It had been comparable to the smell of  death and decaying bodies. Though over time one may get use to it, maybe. "How are things here? So much has happened in what feels like so little time" Kinzoku continued, though before Nobunaga had the chance to answer he looked over to the gates of Kumo. "Shall you escort me into your home, or am I forbidden to enter for being the 'enemy' " Kinzoku finished while jokingly smiling. He hadn't come here to cause trouble and thus hoped there wouldn't be any for him entering the strange village.
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Strange Land Empty Re: Strange Land

Mon Dec 25, 2017 3:31 pm
Nobunaga firmly shook the Nazar's hand before slipping it under his weather worn cloak once more. "Funny" Responded the Hiyu after Kinzoku finished describing the man who he was looking for even though he was clearing looking for Nobunaga. Although he said he came here looking for Nobunaga, that didnt really explain why he was here. Was there something urgent he had to tell him, did something happen that Nobunaga needed to know about, was he here to spy on Kumo and use his friendship with Nobunaga to do so, or was he truly here just to see an old friend? 

Pointing towards the Kakashi styled mask that was lifted over the ridge of his nose, Nobunaga responded "This does the trick." to Kinzoku's question about the smell. "It would do you well to get one of your own.

After Kinzoku asked his next question, instead of answering, Nobunaga said "There is time enough for chatter later. Come, let us get out of this filth and away from this stench." Although the scent of filth did make its way into the village, it was not as bad as standing right out in it. Turning around, Nobunaga would make his way into the village, with Kinzoku of course.

Exit, allowing entry for Kinzoku.
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Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Strange Land Empty Re: Strange Land

Mon Dec 25, 2017 3:56 pm
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Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 23500

Strange Land Empty Re: Strange Land

Mon Dec 25, 2017 11:26 pm
"That may be a good idea" Kinzoku replied to Nobunaga about getting one of those masks that filtered out smoke and poisons which could obviously also block out the dirty smell surrounding the village. From time to time he would lift the collar of his jacket in an attempt to try and block out some of the stench. It didn't work very well, sometimes going as far as to put the collar directly again his nose. Thank god he decided to seek refuge in Konoha. The place was heaven compared to here. It seemed as though Nobunaga would save the chit chatter for later, urging the two of them to enter the village away from the filth and stench of the surrounding swamp. Perhaps the smell was less intent inside, at least he was hoping it was. As such Kinzoku welcomed the idea with open arms. "Lead the way partner" Kinzoku spoke as he followed beside Nobunaga into the village. He assumed that being escorted by Nobunaga would mean no trouble would arise. Although anything was possible and Kinzoku was prepared to go about it as properly as possible.

twc: 945

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880 words into Earth Release: Earth Wall
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Strange Land Empty Re: Strange Land

Tue Dec 26, 2017 11:47 am
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