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Sumire Furukawa
Sumire Furukawa
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 9100

Let's Teach Some People Stuff - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's Teach Some People Stuff

Sun Jan 14, 2018 8:19 pm
Valen would shrug at Miyamoto’s words as he slowly moved toward the boy at a casual pace. The boys words were rather obvious, after all who would want to die in a simple spar? Valen would certainly make it difficult for the boy however as he would push him hard to get better. “I will not hold back my bodies natural capabilities, but I will refrain from using anything potentially lethal against you” He would say before he would suddenly kick it up to his maximum speed with his eyes activated. A total of 145 speed which, should the boy being using his health boosting item rather than his speed enhancing one than he would suddenly move beyond what the Terumi could keep track of. The distance between the two when the Dark Prince of Hoshi had kicked it up to max speed would have been a mere five meters due to the casual pace in which he had walked. His hand would reach his sheathe before he actually began to move faster, as if preparing an attack on the teen. 
The moment Valen jumped it to his full speed he would partially unsheathe his blade, aiming to shove the hilt of his sword into Miyamoto’s gut. Certainly a non lethal strike, merely something to force the breathe out of him. Should the blunt strike land Valen would not actually stop moving, merely using the strike to knock the boy aside. He would proceed to dash around the field in random patterns at his maximum speed. Which would still put him at 145 speed, just a bit over the boy’s reaction time. Throughout this scenario Valen’s own silent steps would be impossible to hear as he moved throughout the field like a high speed wraith on a prowl. 

WC: 298
TWC: 2391
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
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Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
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Let's Teach Some People Stuff - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's Teach Some People Stuff

Mon Jan 15, 2018 12:42 pm
The words of his senior rang through him as he said he was going to give his all, but try not to kill him.  It was something that Miyamoto was prepared for, or at least that is what he thought just before Valen kicked it up into another gear that made him look weak and slow in comparison.  When the man began to blur as he would move beyond his tracking senses Miyamoto was caught off guard.

"Shit..."  Was all he could get out before being knocked aside as a strike to his gut would send him reeling back as he would heave for a few seconds.  He was clearly outmatched here and as such he would have to move with more of a purpose and make sure that everything had its meaning behind it.
"Fuck it, time to go loud."  He would say before making the bird hand seal and slamming his hands into the ground as he would activate the Earth Flow Spears, 10 spears moving at a speed of 79 with a power of the same as they shot up out of the ground in angles as if there was a central impact around Miyamoto within  the space of five meters. Four would shoot out each within a meter of where Miyamoto would have activated the technique in a diamond shape before four would fill in the spaces at a space of 1 meter out and in between the first set, with the final two covering his initial position at a 45 degree angle as Miyamoto would already be crouched low enough to just to do his next course of action.  Within the same movement, he would sink into the ground as fast as he could to try and get away from Valen so he could formulate a plan.  He hoped the earth spears would slow down the Jounin if only just a little.


[Mid Thread Claim: Lost Arts of Kiri
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Let's Teach Some People Stuff - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's Teach Some People Stuff

Tue Jan 16, 2018 3:01 pm
Bump, also mid thread Claim
Stat Page : The Child
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Ryo : 24470

Let's Teach Some People Stuff - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's Teach Some People Stuff

Tue Jan 16, 2018 3:08 pm
Madrigal Kaguya
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Let's Teach Some People Stuff - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's Teach Some People Stuff

Mon Jan 29, 2018 1:15 pm
Valen would be a good distance away from Miyamoto when he performed his jutsu. The jounin would smirk at the boys attempt to get underground, presumably to make himself some time to make a plan. With Valen’s reaction time as high as it was he had more than enough time to come up with a quick plan in response the the chunin’s actions. That plan? Do absolutely nothing. The crimson garbed Jounin would allow the boy to descend into the ground safely. While the Earth Spears themselves would come nowhere close to Valen, as such he wouldn’t necessarily need to pay much attention to them unless they came up again. The swordsman would activate his chakra sensory, easily feeling Miyamoto who hadn’t gone down anywhere near far enough to avoid his sensory. Hell he could probably pierce the ground far enough with his bow to hit him from here. He wouldn’t, because that would be a dick move to do in a spar. The thought however was amusing.

WC: 168 
TWC: 2559

Mid thread claim: 2559 toward the mastery of Fade Out
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Faded Glory
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Ryo : 23750

Let's Teach Some People Stuff - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's Teach Some People Stuff

Mon Jan 29, 2018 1:18 pm
Yeah, sure approved
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Let's Teach Some People Stuff - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's Teach Some People Stuff

Mon Feb 19, 2018 4:18 pm
Miyamoto did not know what to do at this moment. He could surface, but then he would be left exposed. He could remain there, but eventually, he would run out of steam. He was angry at himself, but it was hard to actually allow that anger to fester. His opponent was on a whole other level than Miyamoto. He had to think of something quick, he began to move as he shot up towards the surface at his top speed. Thinking quickly he would activate the Clone technique to try and create a distraction before popping out of the ground and after performing the hand seals for his favorite attack, the Demon Lantern, he would make 6 of them around him in a sort of weird web that would extend out to five meters so that he would have some sort of detection system.

The demon Lanterns would move at a speed of 70 with a power of the same as he willed the balls of fire to follow him as he launched himself into the air looking to make a final push on this spar.


AP Usage
Clone Technique5
Demon Lantern-110
Upkeep for Hiding like a mole
Madrigal Kaguya
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Ryo : 0

Let's Teach Some People Stuff - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's Teach Some People Stuff

Tue Feb 20, 2018 9:15 am
Valen’s chakra sensory would easily still keep track of Miyamoto as the boy moved through the ground before deciding to move up toward the surface at the maximum possible speed he could (65 due to substat boosters and scaling). The Dark Prince would watch a copy of the boy come out of the ground. How did he know it was a copy? First, he could still sense the real Miyamoto’s chakra coming up from below. Secondly, his Golden Eye gave him chakra vision, so the mass of chakra that was a clones being was easily distinguished. Therefore, he ignored the clone. He did however not ignore the real Miyamoto. The boy came out of the ground at a seemingly snails pace to Valen, who moved to immediately intercept at his maximum current speed of 145. He would close the distance (No more than 10 meters) in seemingly a heartbeat, drawing his sword with his preferred quickdraw method in the process. The Dancing Blade Risk, the quickdraw method brought his draw speed up to 235 in which he would VERY carefully time it so that if it hit the blade would only shave off a few hairs of the boys head as he finished his ascent, but before he began to do hand seals. 

As he swung the blade, he would rotate his body with the momentum of the swing, and bring his foot up to plant it firmly into the boys stomach (Strength of 75). This, if successful in its execution should send the boy flying quite a decent distance away. Should the draw be dodged, he would still use the momentum to aim the kick toward the boy, but this would not occur if the momentum was stopped. If the kick does land then the crimson garbed shinobi would simply sheathe his blade to prepare for another quickdraw strike if needed, but would otherwise not move from that spot, with both feet firmly on the ground and him watching Miyamoto carefully with his chakra sensory active. 

WC: 337

AP used
-1 GE
-40 for DBR 

total 728 remaining
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Let's Teach Some People Stuff - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's Teach Some People Stuff

Tue Feb 20, 2018 12:56 pm
"Shit!"  Was all that Miyamoto could think as he quickly found out that his simple trick was countered beautifully.

As he rose from the ground it was a matter of a millisecond before Valen was literally on top of him using his sword to cut the hairs from his head in a dazzling, almost impossible movement that Miyamoto could not even follow.  The sword attack was quickly followed up with a stunning kick to his gut that sent him flying 3 meters back towards a tree.  His Demon Lantern attack had literally no effect, as he flew backward like some jacked up manga character he cracked a tree as he landed there on the ground.

"God damn, it's like that one fight I watched with sensei Kyouske and that weird girl that was obsessed with my weight."  He said aloud as he carefully stood back up.  Wincing in pain he would take off at his full speed of 90 as he was yelling out to try to distract him from what he was about to do as he would get within two meters and fall and trip over himself, the momentum carrying him for a meter more, bringing him within a meter of Valen unless he was otherwise stopped.  

As he would start to fall and roll he would hold the snake hand seal indiscriminately. As he would land if he was not stopped already he would lay on his hands before looking up at Valen.  "I think I may have broken my arms man, can you help me."  He would ask of Valen as he would feign being injured as he kept his left eye shut.

If by chance it worked and Valen would come help him up Miyamoto would activate Added Weight technique, grabbing his arm with a power of 80 hoping to immobilize or slow him down Miyamoto would then let go and back away one foot if his plan worked before looking at Valen in the face and after a minute of breathing he would laugh before falling on his ass.
"Holy shit I never thought that would work.  Sorry, Sensei..."  He would finish as he would sit on his ass hoping he would find it humorous as well.

If by chance Valen would stop his rolling with his body he would attempt to do the above-stated action.

If by chance Valen just straight up ignored him he would look at Valen for a moment before sighing and stand up.
"Dammit, I thought for sure you would at least be nice enough to help out your junior after he suffered a debilitating attack and then a stumble that carried him literally a meter."  He said with a chuckle.  He was at an actual loss as he could now see the power gap between the two.


AP usage
-30 for Added Weight
460 Remaining Unless nothing happened.
Madrigal Kaguya
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Let's Teach Some People Stuff - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's Teach Some People Stuff

Wed Feb 21, 2018 8:32 am
The boy would roll a few meters away before being forcefully stopped by a tree. Those things always tended to jump right in front of you when you didn’t want them to it seemed. The boy would proceed to get up and say something about Kyousuke and a girl obsessed about his weight. They were only about 9 feet apart at this point so the crimson garbed warrior didn’t exactly need to strain his ears to listen for it. Then the boy would take off a speed that that Valen could easily enough match if he wanted but the boy seemed to trip and fall, rolling over a few times before landing on the ground, his hands beneath him. He would proceed to look up at Valen and mention something about possibly breaking his arms and ask for help. The trick is though the boy was rolling toward him as he tripped. Meaning he easily saw the hand seal he had held as he rolled. Meaning the boy had to have prepared a jutsu and was trying to trick him with it. 

Valen would sigh before shrugging and leaning forward a bit, almost acting as if he was going to help the boy up before he opened his mouth. What happened next would be a scene that some people might call sickening. As multitudes of snakes would begin to slither out of Valen’s mouth at the prone form of the boy. The snakes would continue to multiply over and over again it would seem, creating a wave of ten thousand snakes that would slither over the boy and begin trying to bite him over and over. The power and speed of the technique was only a mere 65 so the boy shouldn’t be punctured by the fangs of the snakes, but the constant feel of them trying to inject their venom within his body countless times would be a cruel mind game to play. It was those kinds of games that could easily change the way a fight was going. 

WC: 340
TWC: 677

AP used
-1 for GE
-45 for Snakes

682 remaining
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