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Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Chuunin Tournament: Miyamoto vs. Yurei Empty Chuunin Tournament: Miyamoto vs. Yurei

Thu Jan 18, 2018 9:21 am
You all stand in a 75M circular arena made of what appears to be solid earth. 30 health for arena and it goes down 50M’s before hitting a dome of steel that forms a bowl for the earth. The arena is completely flat and nothing lies within the arena to hide behind. The entire arena is visible from any point. Shadows are cast from seats above the arena, where people will sit. The shadows extend 30M’s of the arena around its entirety.  Entering the arena is simple you merely ascend the staircase and  stand some distance away from the opponent. Water surrounds the arena with the earth being slightly elevated, to keep the natural water flow off, it extends 5m’s wide and 50m’s deep from the 75. Making the total arena 80 meters in diameter.

Before the fights begin the kage will stand and go over the rules. Starting with no killing. Since that's the only rule, he would move on. Then he would move on to how the victor will be decided. The fights will end once either an opponent is unconscious or forfeits. In the event of a tie both participants are no longer in the tournament. The winner moves forward within their own bracket until no more opponents remain and then they will be awarded with their respected prizes. If you leave the arena you are disqualified.
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
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Chuunin Tournament: Miyamoto vs. Yurei Empty Re: Chuunin Tournament: Miyamoto vs. Yurei

Thu Jan 18, 2018 1:45 pm
Miyamoto's day had come.  He had watched his peers move up in ranks according to their deeds and their exams and it was now the time that he finally showed the people of his new home exactly what he could do.  As Kyousuke Snow, the Hogokage and his mentor explained the rules and layout of the arena.  Miyamoto looked around before whistling as everyone was told the order of the first round of fighting.  For this matchup, he was facing Yurei, an albino whom he actually did not know of in the village. He did not know much about the boy, so for now he would make sure to keep his distance just in case of any weird things were to crop up. 

“What a pain...” Miyamoto would say with a sigh, he would walk out into the arena and await his opponent.

That morning he awoke with a fire in his soul that he had not had since being placed on a shinobi squad with his mentor Kage Snow,  his mother knew of the tournament and was going to be there along with his family as he knew they would.  Outside his door was a new set of clothes.  A black Gi with the Terumi family symbol on his back with the Amegakure Headband sewn in over his heart with a flap to cover it if he needed to. His Hoshi headband cleaned and with a new headband cloth.  His belt and undershirt were a dull grey that looked as if it was made for stealth.  The Gi had his weapon pouches already sewn into it as he smiled and dressed, making sure to put his ninjato and Kanabo in their proper places, above his belt on the lower half of his back and down his back respectfully.  His Chuunin Flak Jacket has also been modified now that it wore like a vest without restricting his weapons.  Finally, he took the cube of manipulation fabric and pressed it against his chest as he molded it into a nice black cloak before tying his headband on his forehead.  He was ready for what came next as he left the house that morning without seeing his mother as he walked to the newly built arena.

Back to the arena.
He paced a few moments before seeing the crowd begin to cheer as the stands filled with spectators both shinobi and family from all the participants would watch.  The air was still and the wind did not blow, Miyamoto waited for his opponent inside the arena now, about ten meters (32.8 feet) from the center.  The ball was now in Yurei's  court.

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Chuunin Tournament: Miyamoto vs. Yurei Empty Re: Chuunin Tournament: Miyamoto vs. Yurei

Thu Jan 18, 2018 6:45 pm
The day had finally arrived. Yurei Uchiha, the Alabaster-skinned Chuunin, opened his silvery eyes to the sight of the arena. Before him was a plain of nothing but barren dirt, with water bordering the arena. Hundreds populated the 20 meter tall, wooden stands, but, curiously, his mother was not one. The event was far more popular than Yurei had anticipated, but it was of little importance. Those spectating likely arrived at the arena not in support of those competing, but to relish in the brutalizing of ninja. Such was the way of Hoshigakure.

Within Yurei was a swirling ice, much like a blizzard. Ambition weaved itself within him, there was no denying that, but in place of eagerness was duty. He was not excited, but determined. He had to win this if his plans were to come to fruition. He had to fix this wretched village that he called home.

As Kyousuke Snow began to talk, Yurei’s icy gaze became colder. This was the man, the Hogokage. This was his betrayer. Yurei’s hands tightened, his eyes narrowed. Before his instructions were finished, the pale, young man shifted his eyes toward his opponent – Miyamoto Terumi. He did not know the boy. He had never seen him.

Yurei stood 20 meters from the center of the arena, keeping his distance. Between he and the Terumi boy was 30 meters. His new power was unpredictable, unrehearsed, and, in its use, Damon had been injured. He couldn’t risk such a thing, not right now, at least. But the three tomoe, that was fair game. 

Behind Yurei’s eyes was nothing but logic. He didn’t care what kind of shinobi Miyamoto was, not right now. All that mattered now was that he won. 

The Kage soon finished his instructions afterward, the fight had begun. He channeled his chakra into his eyes, activating his three tomoe sharingan. With his Sharingan, Yurei was able to decipher Miyamoto’s chakra mass. It was high, higher than those he faced before, but still not as plentiful as Yurei’s. 

Items on person:

AP count: 857 - 1, 3 Tomoe Sharingan = 856

WC: 336
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
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Chuunin Tournament: Miyamoto vs. Yurei Empty Re: Chuunin Tournament: Miyamoto vs. Yurei

Fri Jan 19, 2018 1:32 pm
"So this is what we are doing this, no fighting up close right off the bat...what a pain..." Miyamoto said to himself as he would begin running at a speed of 40, making no sound while doing so, the Tiger hand seal formed on his right hand. His trajectory had him running towards the albino's left until he was at about 20 meters from him. His eyes gauged his build quickly before putting his plan into action where he would then activate the technique, The Hidden Mist. It would spread in a radius of 50 meters at a speed of 165 around the entirety of that area inside of the arena. A grin would spread across the face of Miyamoto as the chakra infused mist would shroud him and his movements now. He was like a ghost in the arena, movements erratic and unpredictable as he would move towards where he last saw the man. His goal was to win, and to do so he wanted to make sure by not injuring his fellow shinobi too much.

As he would cross to the right side, still inside the mist he would pull and throw his Ninjato in one swift and fluid motion at a speed of 140, and a sharpness of 90 as it sailed silently hopefully towards its target. Which from what he gauged before he hoped to hit the shinobi's upper leg, right above his knee. Whether or not it worked was up to chance, but he hoped the silence and obscurity would lend him a hand in this situation.

Once he would have thrown the weapon he would continue moving amongst the Hidden Mist silently hopefully around the location of his injured opponent hoping to hear at least a cry of pain to show if his plan worked or not.

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Chuunin Tournament: Miyamoto vs. Yurei Empty Re: Chuunin Tournament: Miyamoto vs. Yurei

Fri Jan 19, 2018 11:51 pm
Yurei’s eyes shifted to the stands around him. The wooden supports below the stands were open aside from scarce pillars that held the stands up at 1.5 meters from the bounds of the arena. His eyes shifted back to Miya, who had begun to run to his left. Yurei raised an eyebrow, watching as the boy ran. Before he reached even half a meter, Yurei quickly disposed that he wanted to close the distance, and that he did so silently.

Mist flooded the area, making it nearly impossible to see. Hm. I’ve never seen a jutsu like this… but if I can’t see, then he likely can’t either. It’s a mistake to stay here. Yurei ran forward, stopping at a 5 feet distance (50 speed). Miya's blade cut through the mist, slicing through the space between Yurei's legs, ripping through his kimono, but causing no harm to the young man. Biting his finger and slapping his palm onto the ground before him (100 Speed), Yurei summoned Kogarashi, the Cold Wintry Wind. Kogarashi appeared in a puff of smoke that swirled within the mist, a meter from Yurei. He was forty-five degrees from Yurei, just inbetween his left and his front with his wings extended, guarding Yurei from head to toe from his front, as the owl faced forward, the same as Yurei. “Kogarashi,” Yurei whispered, climbing onto the owl (50 speed), up to his head “Clear this mist, if you can. My opponent should be somewhere in that direction,” he’d whisper, keeping his voice down and pointing where Miya had walked to. “Get us some distance.”

Kogarashi flapped his massive wings. He strafed in the opposite direction from which he was spawned by Yurei while rising to a stopping point of 15 meters at the same time (25 speed).

AP Cost: 856 - 1 3 tomoe Sharingan - 50 from Summoning = 806 Total

WC: 605
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
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Stat Page : Yamato

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Chuunin Tournament: Miyamoto vs. Yurei Empty Re: Chuunin Tournament: Miyamoto vs. Yurei

Sat Jan 20, 2018 12:59 pm
There was no sound of the blade hitting flesh, no groaning of a new wound being made, but there was one thing...the sound of fabric being cut, which caused him to immediately use the Mind Eye of the Kagura technique to see through the mist and catch Yurei stopping just five meters from where he was, thus the cause of why his attack missed. He was a few inches off from actually hitting the albino, it made him almost break his silence.

As the sounds of flesh slapping against the ground, seen due to the Mind Eye of the Kagura, a cold gust weaved through the mist, chilling not only his bones but the arena itself as a puff of smoke signaled a new arrival. Realizing that the window of opportunity was closing on a victory Miyamoto would kick it up a gear. Without stopping Miyamoto continued on his path to the right in a zagging pattern from where he threw the blade just 12 meters from his target at his full speed now of 80, he would move as fast as he could for the following actions to activate the Temple of Hephaestus.

Now to put his plan from his head into action, his aim was to stop them from taking flight as such Miyamoto pulled his Kanabo from his back and executed the Body Flicker technique to move at a speed of 170 to appear just to the right of the bird still moving silently still as he caught a little whisper in the mist. Miyamoto took aim for the creature's wing and body before it would hopefully know he was there Swinging at a speed of 80 with the power(including Impact Force) of 86. Continuing to move after striking the creature he hoped would put a damper on him taking off he would continue to move around.

If the attack did work and Miyamoto would continue at his speed of 80 to get behind Yurei where he would continually pace behind him at a speed of 2 and hold the Kanabo aimed at his head.
"Do not move further, you cannot see what I can do and I can see you perfectly. Withdraw please so I do not have to cause you any more pain. I must impress my sensei...even if he is Kage now and I was left on my own."

AP Used
-10 for Hidden Mist post one
-5 for upkeep
-10 for Body Flicker
-40 for the temple of Hephaestus


Miyamoto would continue to move as Yurei would begin to move up to 15 meters at 25 speed. Miyamoto would then use the Demon Lantern Technique as fast as he could. Sending 10 Oni heads of fire blazing towards his opponent at a speed of 65 as he would surround the boy within 1.3 meters around him and detonate all of them at once with a power of 65 each explosion.

Ending AP Use same as above 607
=572 if the first attack did not go through.

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Chuunin Tournament: Miyamoto vs. Yurei Empty Re: Chuunin Tournament: Miyamoto vs. Yurei

Sun Jan 21, 2018 12:04 pm
Kogarashi (100 Health) noticed the strikes erupting onto his wing, but they did not faze him. Instead, he continued flying and immediately alerted Yurei to his opponent’s presence. “Right!” he’d shout. Yurei shifted his eyes to the right of the owl, initiating the Shackling Stakes Illusion (85 Power). This genjutsu would send sharp stakes through Miya’s body, stopping him dead in his tracks as the owl ascended now at 50 speed and preventing him from initiating the lanterns jutsu. Kogarashi now continued rising from 15 meters off of the ground. 

WC: 695

AP Costs: 806 - 1 3 Tomoe Sharingan - 40 Shackling Stakes = 765
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
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Chuunin Tournament: Miyamoto vs. Yurei Empty Re: Chuunin Tournament: Miyamoto vs. Yurei

Tue Jan 23, 2018 12:02 pm
Seeing as the bird was not affected, and he was still hidden inside the mist, using his 4-foot long Kanabo.  His attack seemed to not stopped by his attack he continued to move at his top speed (80) silently as he rolled to the right of his location and forward bringing his roll-turn more like a slight curve with the momentum to bring himself to the back of the bird, still moving at top speed (80) silently in the mist like a ghost.  The Mind Eye of the Kagura letting him know exactly how far he was from his target, .75 meters behind him.

He would launch himself from behind Yurei at his maximum speed(80) using all of his power (86) once more to try to deliver another blow, except this time his target was Yurei himself.

The blow was not meant to be lethal, but it was aimed with the intention of knocking the boy out and having him fall from the back of his summon.  If he was successful Miyamoto would land and continue running at a distance of 3 meters, and at full speed around the body of his undoubtedly unconscious target for a minute before moving closer. (2 meters)

“Admit defeat, do not make me continue this battle.  There is no reason for me to continue to injure someone with such a great natural talent.  I have to show Kyousuke that I am worthy of still being his student.”
 He would say, just in case the boy was not knocked out as he would continue circling him closer at a distance of a single meter between them

AP Usage
-10 For Hidden Mist
-60 For Mind Eye of the Kagura upkeep, and 20 AP for the debuff
-5 Genjutsu Release
-25 Upkeep for Temple of Hephaestus

If his attack, however, did not work and he was indeed caught inside the genjutsu he would use the mind eye of the Kagura and genjutsu release in tandem to break out easily at his top speed as he would then prepare for the next attack by using hiding like a mole at his top speed to burrow under the stadium 2 meters to prepare his next attack.

AP usage
487 if the first attack did not work


Last edited by Miyamoto Terumi on Tue Jan 23, 2018 12:03 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added my Word Count Marker)
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Chuunin Tournament: Miyamoto vs. Yurei Empty Re: Chuunin Tournament: Miyamoto vs. Yurei

Wed Jan 24, 2018 7:42 pm
((Claiming Gen hit because you timelined yourself and didn't follow what you had previously established))

Kogarashi continued rising, now twenty meters in the air measured from his feet. He sped through the mist, travelling at 50 speed away from Miya's position, who would now be travelling at 40 speed due to the paralyzing nature of the genjutsu (your momentum would be lost, therefore not being able to travel at max speed), thereby evading his assault. The owl and Yurei travelled silently through the mist, crossing into the other half of the arena. "Be prepared. I don't know what he's capable of just yet," Yurei whispered directly into the side of Kogarashi's head. With Miya having been temporarily stunned, Yurei and the owl would be able to traverse the air unhindered, placing them at 6 meters from the center of the arena, not accounting for their height.  

WC: 841

765 - 1 (3T Sharingan) = 764

Last edited by Yurei <3 on Thu Jan 25, 2018 6:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Chuunin Tournament: Miyamoto vs. Yurei Empty Re: Chuunin Tournament: Miyamoto vs. Yurei

Thu Jan 25, 2018 8:28 am
@Yurei the gen did hit, which is likely why Miyamoto used gen release. 
@ both please link the jutsu used as that likely may be the confusion. Gen release mastery makes it require no seals and Miyamoto has mastery, Minds Eye just has no seals.

I am a fairy princess.

Last edited by Kyousuke Snow <3 on Sat Jan 27, 2018 12:49 am; edited 1 time in total
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