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Satomi Furukawa
Satomi Furukawa
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I'm Game! [p/io/Miyamoto] Empty I'm Game! [p/io/Miyamoto]

Sun Jun 11, 2017 2:19 pm
The birds sung their little hearts as the hid in the branches, occasionally they would be join by the cry of another unseen creature that called the reserve home. It just put a spring in Satomi's step as he followed a narrow dirt path through the forest, his own humming providing harmony for nature's latest song. He swept his glowing blonde locks back over his ears as his eyes scanned the foliage and brush for signs of any of the vocalist and occasionally spotting an adorable little thrush or finch, fortunate enough not to find himself near the crabby sounding bear kind enough to alert anyone or anything near by that it wasn't in a very good mood.

Satomi still wasn't sure why Miyamoto asked him to come out to the nature reserve for training, what could possible be taught out here that couldn't taught at the training grounds? Nevertheless he would carefully follow the marked trail as per his teacher's earlier instruction. He couldn't have picked a more beautiful place to train at least, the Hoshi village's efforts to preserve the local flora and fauna were commendable and appreciated by most—at least Satomi thought as much.

I wonder when Miyamoto-sensei became a genin. Satomi let his mind wander, each passing day he grew more excited by his impending exam. The only thing that concerned him was that he knew most shinobi had at least one specialty: Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, and Genjutsu, the three most common areas graduates go on to specialize in. Satomi, however, didn't quite know where he fit in. The boy feeling directionless heading into his examination. Maybe Miyamoto-sensei can help me decide...

Word Count: 275/275
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

I'm Game! [p/io/Miyamoto] Empty Re: I'm Game! [p/io/Miyamoto]

Mon Jun 12, 2017 12:27 pm
Miyamoto had sent word to his student that he was to meet in the Tachibana Wildlife Reserve today, no further instructions were given save for the route that Satomi was to take in order to get to him. The journey was perilous and filled with more than a few traps, though not life threatening, they would scare his student and hopefully help him in reacting to a dangerous situation should it arise. What Miyamoto did have planned for the student was something a bit unorthodox in most situations. Today he was going to subject Satomi to his worst fears by having one of the very few friends from Miyamoto’s Academy days use a genjutsu on the kid. Should Satomi pass through and rise up to break the genjutsu then Miyamoto would be able test him prematurally to see if he was ready to take the step to become a shinobi.

“Hey Makkuro, it should be getting close to the time the kid should be traversing the trial. Be sure to get into position and use your technique when ready.” Miyamoto would say as he would stand up and hop into the trees to become hidden from any onlookers.

Makkuro was an older Chuunin that was said to have taken the exams more than two times each to get to the rank he was now with a great understanding of genjutsu. He was a thin man, almost frail looking in which his oversized cloak would hide so that he could infiltrate places easier and quietly. When Miyamoto ordered him, he just nodded before slowly walking towards the trail. He would wait until he saw what fit the description that Miyamoto gave for him to target.


Traps Set are a pitfall trap with a two foot fall, smoke bomb tags rigged to explode if touched by an enemy chakra, and a few Noise generating seal mainly used for pranks.

Makkuro will stand about 3/4 of the way in the trail and will not communicate with anyone. When Satomi finally sees him, or vice versa there will be one single sound of a bell ringing.
Satomi Furukawa
Satomi Furukawa
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I'm Game! [p/io/Miyamoto] Empty Re: I'm Game! [p/io/Miyamoto]

Mon Jun 12, 2017 3:46 pm
All at once his vision fused into into a single blinding white light, the joyful sounds of the forest bleeding into an intense ringing in his ears. A disoriented Satomi stumbled through the dark plume of smoke that accompanied the small explosion. Even when his vision had recovered from the initial flash, he could barely see a few feet in front of him as he tried to feel his way out. The ringing in his ears was a bit more stubborn however, it wasn't nearly as prevalent as it had been, but it was definitely distracting to say the least. In top of it all, his smoked-filled lungs began to burn as he trudged ahead. The whole event felt much longer to Satomi than the mere few minutes of time it happened in, the dazed and confused boy coughing as he replaced the tainted air in his body with fresh new air as he emerged from the gaseous cloud. I thought this was a wildlife sanctuary. What are traps doing out here!?” Satomi's eyes darted around for any additional threats in his immediate vicinity, his young heart beating a mile a minute. Of course the traps could have been meant for poachers, he supposed. It seemed plausible, but if that was the case then why would they be placed along a public trail?

He wouldn't be deterred from meeting up with his teacher though, in fact, perhaps that was the safest course of action. He would only make it another dozen meters before he nearly jumping out of his pants upon setting off another trap, this one replacing the finally subsided ringing in his ear with a new and too familiar annoying noise to any academy-aged child. “Wah! C'mon! There's no way poachers would use noise gags!” Satomi huffed as he calmed himself again. So there was a prankster afoot, that was fine. Satomi would just have to clobber them for giving him a startle... twice. He'd have to be extra careful now as he continued deeper along the path, he wasn't going to fall for it a third time. An exercise in diligence allowed him to spot several additional traps similar to the first two, each one he spotted and avoided restored just that much more confidence in himself as he approached what looked to be a trail marker.

“Finally~ Almost to the end!” Satomi cheered, the melody having returned to his voice before the tone shifted again as he turned his attention just a short distance ahead of him. He cautiously stepped towards the spot of dirt on the trail. It was different, more loose than the rest of the packed dirt of the well traveled foot path around it. It could have easily been done by one of the local wildlife, but curiosity would get the better of Satomi as he continued his approach. He'd stretch out his foot before him to sweep the dirt away, revealing carefully placed branches across a crudely dug pit. Satomi rolled his eyes. Please, like a pitfall was going to catch him off guard. Still, others might accidentally fall in it he thought. “Better to fill it in than risk someone else getting hurt.”

Kneeling before the pit, Satomi carefully piked up the branches to set them aside. One, however, felt just a little heavier than the rest. A little extra effort was no problem to the soon to be shinobi as he swept it right up with the rest of the wood only for his ears to catch a soft click. “Stupid.” Was all the child would have time to say with just the most sheepish grin on his face as another smoke bomb detonated right out of the small pit to knock him back on his butt. At least no one would be able to see the embarrassment on his face, at least until he managed to crawl out from the pillar of smoke errupting from the hole. Quite the scowl on his face as he sat there in the dirt. Could it get any worse!?

Word Count: 678/953
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

I'm Game! [p/io/Miyamoto] Empty Re: I'm Game! [p/io/Miyamoto]

Tue Jun 13, 2017 6:22 pm
Miyamoto was silent as he began to take steps toward his own training for a technique that he had watched Master Ryu demonstrate as a way to provide both shelter and fortify your immediate area in case you were under attack.  The Earth Wall was to be the final piece in Miyamoto’s puzzle before he and Ayato were to head off for their mission.  He of course would have to fill in his prospective student of course, but that would not be until later when Makkuro was done teaching her.  With a calm focused demeanor allowed him to blend into the shadows of the forest canopy without much effort.  He began to mold chakra within his body, separating the earth chakra apart from the fire, water, and lava chakra’s that were inside of him.  It was like filling respective buckets in an attempt to make sure nothing mixed so that each could be used independently so that they could be focused on one at a time.  He began to meditate on how to form the wall, away from the actual ground so that he could find practicality before putting it to use.  He was wondering how Satomi was faring in her trials though.

Makkuro could pinpoint where exactly Satomi was on the trail because of how Miyamoto laid out the traps, and it was not until the loud bang and the air filling with smoke that Makkuro snickered a little.  Miyamoto was a kid overall, but it was hard not to laugh at practical jokes.  Makkuro would yawn to himself, after a few more minutes Makkuro would hear footsteps approaching.

“Finally you think that the info that kid gave us was true, you seem to have been sold out. I wonder how a little kid like you will try to get out of such a tight situation, catch...” Makkuro would say before performing the following hand seals; Boar, Dog, Bird, Monkey, then finally Ram.  A giant blazing ball of fire would appear above the canopy and begin descending immediately at a gradual pace.  It looked larger than a football field, and about the same distance towards the ground.  It was as if hell was descending upon the earth.  Makkuro would be still during all of this as he would look directly at Satomi.

“Miyamoto said nothing about not killing you, after all this is the world of are either strong like a lion...or weak like the sheep.  Which is it kid, what are you in this world?"  Makkuro would yell out, the heat of the ball of fire would be battering the area, causing the leaves to crackle and die, the mud to become like smooth old earth, and any living things would immediately flee the area.  Yet for all of this spectacle, nothing was catching fire.  

Satomi Furukawa
Satomi Furukawa
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I'm Game! [p/io/Miyamoto] Empty Re: I'm Game! [p/io/Miyamoto]

Tue Jun 13, 2017 8:59 pm
Satomi was still cleaning soot off of his face from tripping that pit trap's trap. Next time he would make sure that the next trap wasn't also a trap within a trap and for good measure he'd make sure the second trap wasn't trapped too. Even if it was traps all the way down no one was going to get him again! Nonetheless he was still making headway along the path, his irrational mood heard in his footsteps as he practically stomped through the forest. It was in the distance that he heard an unfamiliar voice call out to him. Satomi lowered the cloth he was using to scrub his face, peeking out to spot an equally unfamiliar man. Satomi was confused: Who was this man and why did it seem like he was expecting the young boy to be there?

Sold out? What is he talking about? He stared dumbfounded at the stranger, Satomi may have only been a child, but even children had their limits as to how much bullshit they were willing to take in a day and that last prank had just taken the last bit. “Are you the tool who's been setting up all these traps!?” He called out to the figure. “I've got some words for yo--”

Satomi was cut off by the man's boasting about how a 'little kid' would handle a tight situation. He wasn't one to judge, but Satomi felt that he was probably a bit too young and frankly out of the stranger's league for anything like that and that the man should probably stick to 'Make-Out' novels. Unfortunately for the snarky boy, the man appeared to be a shinobi himself and from the looks of the slice of hell he summoned, he was quite serious on his threat.

It was in those threats that something familiar found his ears, a name, Miyamoto's name. What did Miyamoto have to do with this? Did fellow shinobi from Hoshigakure actually sell him out? If he did, then why? And to whom? What did he have that someone was intent on killing him over? The questions came as fast as the tide of hell above him, the intense heat was blistering—literally. He could feel his skin roasting and bubbling just from the sheer heat of the jutsu as it gradually descended upon them.

Satomi knew that the body was 60% water from some basic academy trivia and it felt like all of it was beginning to boil like a tea kettle as he stood there, frozen, completely at a loss of what to do! “WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!?” Satomi cried out, his voice a shrill mix of pain, confusion, and dejection “Whatever you want it can't be worth this much destruction!” He pleaded, but could such a person really be reasoned with? Diplomacy was always Satomi's first go-to method of solving a conflict, but it felt as if his words fell on deaf ears. One thing he didn't understand, however, was the talk about lions and sheep? How was he suppose to know which one he was and why did it matter to this mysterious shinobi? Why couldn't he be both? A gentle as a lamb, but more than able to be as fierce as a lion when needed.

His pain only grew as the hellscape only drew closer, his mouth parched and body just felt dry as his flesh singed. At least he hadn't burst into flames yet. In fact, nothing had. For as intense and unbearable as it was, the flooding hellscape hadn't actually caused a single fire. But how? It was like the sun was right there on the planet. Was it a dream? Maybe that trap knocked me out. Or this is all a hallucination. The gears began to wind faster in the child's head as he dared to take a step towards Makkuro. And then another.

And another.

It was all coming together. “It's genjutsu, isn't it!?” He called out to the man. “My body's burning, the world around me is melting, but the only fire is the one you started in me when you decided to pick on me!” Satomi snarled as a surge of chakra built around the boy as he grew confident in his assessment. "Lets just see if I'm right...” Satomi's surge of energy was released all at once as an attempt to disrupt and break what he hellish jutsu, his skin feeling like it could just melt off the bone at any second as he marched towards the bringer of hell upon him. It was a risky calculation, if he was wrong he'd have an early visit with hell. If he was right, it was going to be Makkuro who would have hell to pay.

Word Count: 794/1747
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

I'm Game! [p/io/Miyamoto] Empty Re: I'm Game! [p/io/Miyamoto]

Wed Jun 14, 2017 12:46 pm
Makkuro listened to the words of Satomi, meanwhile he allowed the ball to drop even more as it felt as if the sun had indeed descended down into the canopy. A look to Satomi would alert Makkuro to the panic and confusion inside the boy. He had every intention on bringing his Genjutsu in full, to incapacitate the boy, for how else are you to learn if not through adversity and pain. He kept the hand seals up as he began to walk towards Satomi, the wind blowing through his cloak gave away his slender figure hidden under the large billowing cloak. When Satomi began to speak more as if he was causing destruction of a wide area the grin of a madman showed on his face that seemed to only be amplified by the blazing hellish ball in the canopy.

“You are stalling! Time to die kid, and time for me to claim my one thousandth kill! You should feel lucky to have been snuffed out to the master of the blazing star chakra!” He proclaimed as he stopped about halfway and the ball was barely ten feet overhead now. It was soon to be all over.

Meanwhile Miyamoto could hear the yelling down the trail as he could not help but smirk. He remembered when he too was caught in the genjutsu that man possessed. He truly was a mad genius. Satomi was only a kid though, so it could be troublesome if anything bad were to actually happen. Miyamoto performed the signs needed for the Shadow Clone technique as e heard the sudden gust of wind as the pleasant smell of earth filled his nostrils. He did not even need to explain the situation. His clone dashed off to watch the scene of Makkuro versus Satomi.

He focused again on molding earth chakra as a soft cool feeling as if his hands were being pressed into freshly tilled earth. He sighed in satisfaction before thinking on the technique once again.

“The earth wall could be used to capture an enemy or vip, keeping them enclosed or cut off from escape or damage during that time. Also it can be used to create a barrier between a blow that would normally damage me. Could use it to train students as well in how to react in a combat situation.” Miyamoto said as he focused more on to chakra control and manipulation.

Miyamoto’s clone would reach the scene of the fight as he would be caught in the ensuing genjutsu. The heat radiating off the ball was intense, but even so Miyamoto’s clone knew it to be an illusion, he kept quiet as he was in the canopy and currently engulfed in the ball of fire. It brought no damage, save for making it harder to breathe. He watched his student to see what exactly Satomi would do. Was his chakra strong enough to break through the genjutsu, or would he become overcome and Miyamoto’s shadow clone have to call the training off for now. He would wait a few more minutes to see, but nothing more.

Satomi Furukawa
Satomi Furukawa
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I'm Game! [p/io/Miyamoto] Empty Re: I'm Game! [p/io/Miyamoto]

Wed Jun 14, 2017 4:41 pm
release safeties. engage battle music:

Working in his father's kitchen he had faced sweltering temperatures, but even having been licked by the flames of the restaurant grill was like sitting in a hot spring compared to to what he was feeling now. His lungs burned with every breath, his skin felt taught and stretched over his bones and muscles like moisture was being boiled out of. It was worst than standing on a grill, it was like standing under the broiler. He  had been so confident that it was all just an illusion, but his attempt to dispel it had gone unfruitful as the blazing shinobi began to step towards Satomi to close the distance. This boasting was almost as insufferable as the hell he brought upon the land.

Blazing Star Chakra? What's that!? Satomi huffed and wheezed as his stride shortened with each breath. Was that how the ninja was able to create such a powerful jutsu and kill nearly a thousand people? It still didn't make any sense to him though, it loomed less than a story overhead and still nothing was on fire.

This has to be genjutsu.

But what if it's not?

Does it matter?

Is this what all shinobi deal with?

This is the life you lead. Are you going to give up?

“I'll never give up!” Satomi growled, his seared throat feeling like it was being shredded in the process. He was done arguing with himself, it was time to step up or shut up. You're the one that's going to die here! Satomi raised his hands in front of him as he folded the right over a fist made by the left. He rested his chin on his outstretched thumbs as his lips and nose settled against his folded hands as his he stopped moving forward completely. The young boy's gaze fell half-lidded as he stared down Makkuro, the child's cheery and jubilant attitude having been scorched away.

His body grew heavier with each breath, but wasn't about to let some hothead cook his goose. It was time to cast aside any doubt as he allowed himself to close his eyes completely, dredging another surge of chakra out from deep within. Considerably more of it had been conjured forth this time as Satomi prepared—either he would break the genjutsu or it would break him.

Satomi's eyes shot open, wide and confident as he stared across the nightmarish terrain, his folded hands shifting to form the Tiger seal. His eyes glared around his extended digits he watched Makkuro closely for any signs that might signal another attack. “Your genjutsu wo-won't work—” His panting grew labored. “—won't work on me... anymore! GENTSU... RELEASE His declaration was followed by an intense burst of chakra from the small child of considerable magnitude as unleashed the torrent of energy against his foe's jutsu. The whole scene rippled violently like a rock being tossed into a lake, Satomi's chakra tearing hell itself asunder and peeling it back to allow the forest to reemerge looking as it had before the moment he locked eyes with Makkuro. The Sun was once again the only star in the sky and it was millions and millions of miles away and only a cosmic chance of being a threat to him and everybody else on the planet. The relief was felt almost instantly as the fresh air filled his lungs, a few deep breaths helped rejuvenate the exhausted boy.

Sopping wet threads of gold clung to his forehead as the cool breeze lapped at his skin, he'd brush the blonde fridge back behind his ears as he struggled to straighten his spine and upright himself once more. As the Sun returned so did Satomi's trademarked gap-toothed smile. He didn't know who this 'Blazing Star' shinobi was, but he was about to put his lights out. Finding his second wind, the child of Hoshigakure bolted headlong at Makkuro with his fist cocked. He didn't know how much chakra he had left, but he was ready to finally unleash his own fiery fury in the form of a fist or two as he approached striking distance of the enemy shinobi. Time to send YOU to Hell!?

Word Count: 696/2443
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

I'm Game! [p/io/Miyamoto] Empty Re: I'm Game! [p/io/Miyamoto]

Wed Jun 14, 2017 6:09 pm
Miyamoto’s shadow clone watched as Satomi struggled for a moment. There was a time of inflection just as the blazing ball would be right over Makkuro’s head, then Satomi seemed to get the hang of what was going on. When the genjutsu was released Satomi looked worn out, but not out. When he said he was about to send Makkuro to hell is when he finally decided enough was enough, but before he could make any sort of movement, Makkuro had already done so. He used the body flicker technique to appear behind Satomi as he grabbed the boy’s wrist.

“You did well Satomi, this was all a test from a familiar face. He is up ahead training of course, working on a new technique. If all goes according to his plans, which you...well you got through that c rank genjutsu with ease. So he may still be training. If you would like to punch somebody, I can take you to him?” Makkuro said enthusiastically to young Satomi as he hoped the kid would listen.

The shadow clone grinned at this development before canceling out the technique overall so that Miyamoto would have all this knowledge. It made him grin as well as he stood up from the branch and leapt from the tree branch down to the ground with ease. As he landed he felt the earth beneath him give just enough to cause some dust to fly up and away from the impact. He felt good, the shadow clone was no longer making him feel winded, and he believed to have a pretty good control over the earth chakra beforehand, and now he was even able to visualize it in his hands as if it were malleable clay waiting to be worked by the skilled hands of a potter.

Miyamoto took a deep breath before beginning with the technique. Tiger, Hare, Boar, then Dog in slow succession so that he did not mess anything up. He would weave the chakra in his hands and then he would push his hands down into the earth causing a small section of the ground to rise up to his elbow. With a quick movement up he would redo the same process again with a greater amount of chakra in turn and as he slammed his hands into the ground the earth immediately around him shook before a wall rose from the earth about the length of his forearm and as tall as they would touch his knees. It was nearly half a meter thick already and Miyamoto knew he was nowhere near reaching completion yet he continued on getting faster each time as the wall grew higher and longer with each attempt.

After about seven attempts Miyamoto would be breathing a bit heavy as he kneeled on the ground, sweat beads were pouring off of his face and onto the ground causing small splashes of mud to splatter his hands. The steam that poured from him was not from becoming sweaty during a cooler day but from his natural chakra leaking from him causing the air to become hot around him and his body temperature to rise several degrees.

“Damn...a bit more in depth than I thought it would be. Still to have grasped this much in a short time shows that I have some sort of understanding of it.” Miyamoto said to himself as he caught his breath and he punched the ground causing a small divot to form where he struck.

He stood up and with a quick series of strikes the walls around him crumbles into chunks and dust as it formed a heavy cloud around him and the immediate area around him for two meters. He then performed the technique going through the hand seals as quick as he could before amassing a massive amount earth chakra into his arms and hands before slamming them into the ground. The wall that formed was one and a half meters tall and about three quarters of a meter thick as it looked like a massive wide shield or the beginning of a smooth house.

“Still not quite enough...damn...I gotta get the hang of this, the mission coming up really does require me to be able to pull out all the stops if I need to.” He said before he collapsed onto his ass and pulled a water bottle from his cloak that was covered with dust. His mouth was dry as he unscrewed the cap and took a long drag of water from the bottle.
“Oh well time to get back to work, Satomi and Makkuro should be here soon then I guess I will have to get punched for what I did.” He said with a laugh before tossing the water bottle to the side and destroying the wall he would be left with a scared section of earth before him.

He stood up and with newfound vigor he performed the hand seals for the final time as he faced the entrance of the trail. He slammed his hands into the ground before exploding his chakra out as the wall formed in front of him quickly. The ground rumbled and roared as a wall that reached into the canopy caused the sky to give way as the wall carved into the forest. As far as he could see to either side of him the wall extended out. He whistled as he looked at the wall wide eyed.

“Uhhh...well I should have probably kept it a bit toned down....shit I hope Makkuro does not have too much trouble.” Miyamoto said scratching his head.

Makkuro would have led Satomi had he agreed to follow him to the source of the new roaring and rumbling. His face was that of not confusion but as if to say “what now…” It was apathetic but he pressed on until he reached a section of the trail that was covered in branches and downed limbs, and a quick scan later revealed the wall.

“God damn you Miyamoto...what the hell did you do this time.” Makkuro would say as he would examine the scene not to sure of what to tell Satomi.


Earth Wall 2,250/2,250
Satomi Furukawa
Satomi Furukawa
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I'm Game! [p/io/Miyamoto] Empty Re: I'm Game! [p/io/Miyamoto]

Thu Jun 15, 2017 5:05 pm
He could almost feel the heat radiating from Makkuro's face as his white-knuckled fist closed within an unmeasurable distance of its target before there suddenly wasn't a target anymore. In less time it took for Satomi to blink, the shinobi who was contracted to kill him just disappeared. Having put all he could muster behind the charge and punch, the boy's momentum helplessly carried him through the would-be point of impact. His eyes widened however as he was suddenly stopped cold, his confused gaze turning to focus on the hand firmly wrapped around his wrist. His eyes followed the arm back to its owner, the same ninja who had just seemingly vanished a moment ago. H-He's so fast... Satomi's body stiffened as he readied to throw another strike with his still free hand before Makkuro's words registered with the steaming academy student.

“It was a-all a test?” Satomi's words were as shaky as his stressed and exhausted boy. Both the boy's arms relaxed followed by the rest of his body. If this was all true and it was just another one of Miyamoto's training exercises, then perhaps he would have to slug his teacher one when he caught up with the chuunin. For a brief moment, however, Satomi glanced up at Makkuro with a suspicion. He really didn't want to fight any more, besides he wasn't even sure he could had taken the obviously much more experienced shinobi even if he still had all of his chakra left. “This better not be another trick...”

Satomi allowed himself to be lead ahead, but he made sure not to walk so close and always one step behind Makkuro just so he could keep an eye out for any telling motions that he may try to pull a fast one on him. With his attention focused on his escort, he barely felt the quaking of the earth beneath them as they approached their destination. That was until there was a shudder of such magnitude that it made Satomi nearly stumble over onto his face. Fortunately he was able to catch himself with a bit of strategic flailing as he hobbled past marred trees and their severed appendages littering the trail, righting himself in time for him and his former torturer to come upon a large wall of stone and earth impeding their further travels. Satomi's face contorted in a rather unflattering display of his inner disapproval as he watched a worm unearth itself from the freshly exposed subterranean soil as if to ask the boy what just had happened. Sadly for the earthworm Satomi was incapable of speaking worm, that an he didn't actually know himself.

Makkuro's outburst on the other hand implied that he might have had a strong indication as to who was responsible for putting up such a ridiculous road block. Satomi remembered there being mention of his teacher training here in the forest as well, so it wasn't that surprising that the earth-formed barricade could be his doing. Satomi could tell that his chaperon was at a loss for words as the pair scanned end to end and all the way to the top, Satomi getting a big stupid grin as he reached to place his hands on the exposed surface of the wall. He found it to be quite rough with plenty of places for his young slender fingers to grip, he'd just have to continue the hard way if he wanted to sock his teacher.

Of course it didn't even occur to him to ask Makkuro if he could do anything to help as he left him on the forest floor to scaling the earthen structure. The wall was much more fragile than he expected before he started the climb. It wouldn't take very long for the boy to come sliding right back down as the wall just disintegrated under his hand, his fingers dragging through the soil at least letting him control his unexpected descent. Satomi was perturbed to say the least, was this another test of Miyamoto's to train him? Well he wouldn't fail no matter what his teacher threw at him.

As determined as ever, Satomi leaped into a nearby tree partially uprooted by the emergence of the wall, its broken and maimed branches still intact enough to allow him to scale it to the top and up to the top of the wall. “And Satomi from the top rope as the crowd goes wild!” He celebrated, clearly bursting with pride as he raised his arms triumphantly before leaping off the wall to repeat his previous slide down the wall. This time it was much more terrifying, inducing a shrill cry from the boy as he made his partially controlled plummet from the treetops to the ground, the only thing keeping him from a free fall was how well he could cling to the wall itself. It as only after he was planted on solid ground once more that he spotted Miyamoto sitting there, looking like he'd been rolling in the dirt. Whether his chaperon would make it too didn't was the last thing on Satomi's mind as he stomped towards in a huff. “What's the big idea!?”

Word Count: 867/3310
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
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I'm Game! [p/io/Miyamoto] Empty Re: I'm Game! [p/io/Miyamoto]

Sat Jun 17, 2017 11:46 am
Miyamoto watched the wall as he activated the Mind Eye of the Kagura. He was able to see Satomi and Makkuro on the other side of the wall with ease due to the technique, and without much trouble he saw Satomi begin to climb the wall. Miyamoto chuckled loudly as it echoed off of the wall. Placing his hand upon the wall he would activate the hiding like a mole technique as he seemingly phased through the wall. Face to face with Makkuro he would wave half heartedly.

“Seems that my student apparently gave you a run for your money…” Miyamoto started off with his ever so friendly greeting.
“However...I have no idea why he decided to climb a twenty or so meter wall...oh well, want to wait on the other side?” Miyamoto asked Makkuro. With a nod, Miyamoto performed the same technique as he walked onto the other side of the wall.

Makkuro with a sigh let loose a technique that swept through the forest at an alarming rate before he thrust his arm towards the wall as the earth wall was carved out by invisible blades. Miyamoto on the other side yawned as bits of rock were blown against him. Pebbles bounces against the earth below until a doorway was carved out of the stone. Makkuro joined Miyamoto on the other side in no time just as Satomi landed and asked Miyamoto what the big deal was.

“Well I decided that if you were going to be out here learning...I might as well try to do the same. Besides it looks like Makkuro did not kill you, so you must have a high chakra well inside of you. Keep practicing and you will be able to do something like this…" Miyamoto said motioning towards the wall.
“With is there anything else I can teach you now that you are finally here?” Miyamoto asked, even though he looked like a little boy that spent too much time out in the muck of the earth he seemed at home.

Makkuro watched the two before finally waving and walking back towards the village through the created doorway.

“Enjoy your training...I am going to go find a book and curl up beside a fire. Bye…” Makkuro would say as his words rung out as if they were an echo, he had used some wind style technique to move through the area at a high rate of speed as the wind in the area suddenly kicked up before finally dying off.

Miyamoto would look to Satomi, waiting for an answer.

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