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Satomi Furukawa
Satomi Furukawa
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I'm Game! [p/io/Miyamoto] - Page 2 Empty Re: I'm Game! [p/io/Miyamoto]

Sun Jun 18, 2017 4:00 pm
Aside from some minor cuts and scrapes to his left hand and arm from his decent down the wall Satomi was no worse for wear as he caught his breath. Satomi didn't particularly know how much chakra he had, he wasn't even whether it was even possible for one to objectively measure such a thing. What he did know was  that he felt like he had a lot and it seemed to work in his favor more often than not. Even so, dealing with Makkuro's genjutsu had left him weakened as he stood there bracing himself with his hands on his knees as he leaned over as he recovered. His eyes widening in astonishment before narrowing as he grumbled to himself, watching Miyamoto emerge from the earth wall. “Seriously!?” Satomi perked straight up, his fist balled and ready to pop his supposed teacher one as he explained why he was out here and by extension the reason why he just had to scale a 20 meter tall wall while Miyamoto could just so easily pass through it like some kind of subterranean rodent!

“Yeah! You can teach me how to be a cool-headed jerk like you!” Satomi huffed just as a shower of dirt and debris bounded off of him upon Makkuro's own entrance. His eyes crossed as focused on a fuzzy object dangling from the top of his head, reaching up he plucked up the pink blob with a sigh. The worm wiggled lackadaisically between as it placed safely back on the ground. Before Satomi could express his displeasure with Makkuro as well the shinobi was gone with the wind, leaving him alone with Miyamoto, the worm, and the still looming question. “Like teach me that walking through wall thing!” Satomi pointed wildly at the chuunin with a stern index finger extended for maximum affect as she noted Miyamoto's use of the Hiding Like A Mole jutsu.

Word Count: 372/3682
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
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I'm Game! [p/io/Miyamoto] - Page 2 Empty Re: I'm Game! [p/io/Miyamoto]

Mon Jun 19, 2017 12:54 pm
Miyamoto listened to his student as he was nearly offered a fist by the young Satomi. With a chuckle Miyamoto looked around, noting the wall did indeed have clumps of soil and raw earth with a sigh he was thinking that it was not his best work. Not much could be done except to refine the technique and keep practicing. With a sigh he noted how the tachibana’s new addition would cause a problem possibly in the future...the trees bent and broken as the wind seemed to stop due to the wall. When Satomi began to speak once again, his attention came back to his student. The first thing about asking him to be a jerk was funny, though not completely uncalled for he did just subject Satomi to psychological torture. Then when asked if whether or not Miyamoto could teach him the technique did Miyamoto crack a smile.

“The act of using the technique to push through other earth techniques is difficult, but doable providing you have the amount of chakra to do so. I will teach you how to hide like a mole, so that way you can add a little variety to the next time we have a teaching session…” Miyamoto began as he walked about a meter away from Satomi as he looked to his student.
“No hand seals to this technique, all you need to do is focus on moving the earth chakra throughout your body and imagine yourself sinking into a pool of water. If you are able to do this, then the next part will be a breeze. Show me what you got!” Miyamoto instructed before showing the technique off himself.

He appeared behind Satomi in the doorway Makkuro created. Blocking the way back to the village.

Satomi Furukawa
Satomi Furukawa
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I'm Game! [p/io/Miyamoto] - Page 2 Empty Re: I'm Game! [p/io/Miyamoto]

Mon Jun 19, 2017 7:19 pm
Satomi couldn't help but to crack a smile of his own, Miyamoto's enthusiasm for the arts seemed to be contagious and only buffed the young genin's own desire to become a great shinobi in his own right. Though there was a tiny part that still wanted to give his teacher a throttling on the noggin, though it wasn't like Satomi was holding on to a grudge over one completely over the top training session. Nope, not at all. Honestly the feeling would pass not much later as he adjusted his posture from his partially tired slouch to something more suitable to take on his next lesson, standing up right with his feet together and arms crossed across his abdomen as he mulled over the explanation for how he should tackle the new jutsu. Meanwhile his eyes followed the chuunin to where stopped under the crudely constructed archway that was entirely made possible by a joint effort from both Miyamoto and Makkuro. Satomi liked the older shinobi's confidence, it would be a shame if collapsed on him.

“I'll get this one too, no problem!” He would suppress a giggle at a less than cordial thought at Miyamoto's expense, instead he turned that focus to something more constructive as he concentrated on distributing his chakra throughout the entirety of his body. Given that his one and only chakra type was Earth he thankfully need to worry about sorting it from another type, though no doubt with the improvement in chakra control the training he had received as of late has allotted him, even that might have only served to give the boy trouble. Summoning it up was however only half the battle, the other half was to get it evenly distributed though his whole body. It's a task he had only ever attempted once and resulted in him needing to scrub his bedroom from top to bottom to get all the dirt and bits of food off of everything, needless to say it wasn't successful display.

The genin found himself growing comfortable with how his chakra swirled throughout him and moved to the next step. He visualized himself standing atop a calm body of water, for kilometers in every direction the forest became an ocean. Satomi had never seen the ocean in person, but his father had plenty of pictures of his own trips along the continent's coast. With the infinite power of a child's imagination, the imagery in his mind turned out to be considerably relaxing if nothing else. Perhaps one day I'll be able to see all the places from his photos in person. The soil began to feel soft under his feel as he tried to imagine himself slowly submerging himself in the endless blue, but his mind would began to wander again back to the photographic journal his father kept. As his mind wandered, however, so did his chakra distribution waver. Even so the genin began to sink into the soil below, but something felt off. The world seemed a little lopsided to Satomi as he lowered his eyes to discover that he had in fact had made progress. With one foot. The boy flailing at his partially submerged leg as the break in focus had stopped the jutsu break as well.

“Oh, hey, no! Now I'm stuck!” Satomi shrieked as he clawed at the dirt like a dog digging up a bone, in a way it was true too, just the bone was still attached to the frantic child. “The stupid ground is eating my leg!” He sat with a huff and a grump, a sharp frown on his face paired nicely with the wrinkles of his furrowed brow. Satomi let a moment pass to recompose himself before he took a deep breath and refocused his frustration to channeling his chakra too his leg allowing the goofball genin to retrieve his leg from dirt's clutches. He would take a moment to take a brief inventory. Satisfied with the same number of limbs he started with he hopped up and gave a few strong stomps of the rescued leg. “Not toooday, ground!”

What kind of ninja would he be if he managed to maim himself with his own jutsu like that? Thankfully he wouldn't have to find out as his flustered color of his cheeks faded, turning to eye daggers at Miyamoto—Mr. Oh-so-cool. “Not a word...” Satomi wagged his finger scolding at his instructor with a huff. “Unless... you could offer advice. Maybe...”

Word Count: 747/4429
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
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I'm Game! [p/io/Miyamoto] - Page 2 Empty Re: I'm Game! [p/io/Miyamoto]

Thu Jun 22, 2017 12:52 pm
Miyamoto watched his student for a good five minutes as it seemed he was working out the kinks of the technique in his own time.  When Satomi was finally able to begin sinking into the earth however, Miyamoto noticed the panic before he finally stopped and looked up at Miyamoto while being stuck into the ground.  It was humorous to watch as Satomi looked like a kid that just discovered mud and was trying to free himself from the grasp of the earth.  When he was told not to say a word, Miyamoto offered none to make fun of his student, he just had the look of a stern focused teacher.  When Satomi asked for help on the technique Miyamoto nodded.

“You just sink yourself into it, the earth is our friend, our guardian, our life.  All you have to do is trust the earth and believe in yourself to sink beneath the solid earth.  Once you do you will come to your senses and know exactly how the technique works.  That is all I have to offer you Satomi.  This technique may seem like being buried alive, but you will not feel any pain, so do more lollygagging.”  Miyamoto said with a stern tone as he looked at Satomi.

He remained in the archway of the earth wall as some of the dirt fell onto his hair and clothes, yet he did not budge.  He was like the very earth he spoke of, firm, yet with a soft undertone that showed that he cared.   The wind blew through as the breeze moved Miyamoto’s clothes and gave Satomi a cooling breeze so that it might ease his mind.  After a few minutes of watching Miyamoto would pluck a stone from the archway and then activate his rock fists.  There was something he was planning, and it showed as he tracked Satomi as he moved.  After he would begin to sink, if he would.  Miyamoto would move at a speed under the reaction time of Satomi to attempt to strike at him as he would yell.

“GET DOWN!”  He would command wanting to see how Satomi would react under pressure.  If Satomi were to achieve the technique he would follow through as Satomi would soon find out, but if he did not then Miyamoto would speed up and flip over the kid and continue on with the punch as he would strike nothing but air causing the air to whistle as he was so fast.

WC: 400/3,390
Satomi Furukawa
Satomi Furukawa
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I'm Game! [p/io/Miyamoto] - Page 2 Empty Re: I'm Game! [p/io/Miyamoto]

Thu Jun 22, 2017 10:16 pm
Satomi was stuck between a rock and a hard place as his descent into the earth halted. An adorable frown on his tired face as he hammered his fist on the surface of the forest floor. The young genin had used a lot of chakra to break Makkuro's genjutsu earlier and it was starting to show, even as he latched onto Miyamoto's words he found it hard to summon up the chakra even necessary to put it into practice. Trust in the earth... He repeated over and over in his mind as mighty yawn roared from the youth. Satomi's exhaustion was only compounded by how long they had been out there in the nature preserve, the sun having settled on the horizon. The boy seemed completely oblivious to the chuunin's actions as he fought the urge to nod off, the ground felt oddly comfortable.

Just as he had accepted his situation and grown accustomed to his new life as a shrub the cool evening breeze washed over his face, the gentle caress was enough to bring him back to reality just in time to see his teacher charging right for him, apparently deciding on a more heavy-handed approach to his training!

“Son of a--!” Satomi squealed, the fist whistling over his head as the boy was completely swallowed up by the ground in his panic. He had embraced the earth and the the subterranean world had in turn embraced the boy, it was only a shame that he couldn't see a thing. Instead he would trust his instincts to lead him back to the surface a minute or two later as he adjusted to being able to move on every conceivable axis. He was reminded again of the ocean except he didn't need to actively push himself, but let the ground take him where he wished to go. Despite his immediate excitement, when Satomi emerged it was slow and rather lethargic as he appeared under the arch way in the wall now behind Miyamoto. “I... I did it.” A big goofy grin stretched across the boy's face just as a large stone dislodged itself from the top of the arch to land squarely atop his head before sliding off and thudding loudly on the ground in front of him. Satomi falling backwards from the impact, landing on his butt before just laying on his back and staring at the sky. His view of the twilight interrupted by the silhouette of a bird crowing as it flew overhead. If Satomi didn't know any better he could of swore it was mocking him.

Word Count: 433/4862
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

I'm Game! [p/io/Miyamoto] - Page 2 Empty Re: I'm Game! [p/io/Miyamoto]

Fri Jun 23, 2017 12:29 pm
He followed through with the punch and as predicted, Satomi was able to quickly figure out the technique in order of necessity and was able to barely dodge the oncoming attack.  With a single swing of his arm and a step out of his normal fighting zone was he over the area where Satomi had dived into the earth for refuge against the attack.  It was satisfactory and nothing more, the young kid was growing at an even faster pace than Miyamoto had, which made him feel both proud and jealous at the same time.  There was no doubt the student would eventually become the master at some point, but it was rare to have TWO child prodigy in a village in nearly the same generation.  When Satomi popped up behind him though he let go of the feelings he had and came back to his senses, they only had the current time that they were in and as such there was not time to dwell on petty things.  When Satomi declared his victory in the archway it was a defining moment that any shinobi should be proud of...until a piece of earth gave way and clocked the kid on his head causing him to fall over.  As the kid fell to his butt then laid down Miyamoto took the hint that it was indeed getting late for the kid as he walked over to the prodigy.
“Keep progressing like this and there won’t be a need for a teacher anymore.  Nevertheless...great job Satomi, what you did was no easy feat for even a Genin.  We will call off the rest of training for you for the evening.  There is no need to wear you out and overexert yourself.”  Miyamoto would say slowly as he was not sure if Satomi had received some sort of wound from the section of earth that fell onto him.
He looked at the area just as he had done several times already and with a heavy sigh he went to the earth wall and touched it softly admiring the job he had done.  Practice and meditation do indeed pay off, but he felt as if he had missed something during that entire time.  He was supposed to be learning the earth wall technique but as he thought about it more he remembered a conversation with his sensei Kyousuke Snow.  He was told that if he was strong enough as a shinobi he could make himself virtually invisible both by sight, and by sensing one's chakra.  He finally remembered after a few seconds that he had been purposefully been hiding his chakra, trying to suppress it ever since the day of training had started.  The Chakra Suppression skill was one he desperately needed to master in order to become a master shinobi in this world. 
As he was in thought he realized that he must have been standing there looking like a weird mute from a monk convent as he had looked at Satomi then to the wall.  He had just spoke about ending the day’s training and yet he was standing in silence trying to figure out if he had suppressed his chakra or not.  He looked at Satomi and then offered his hand up.
“Sorry about zoning out there I seem to always do that around you, anyway before we leave please tell me something.  Were you or are you able to tell that I have high chakra at this time...or are you not able to do that at this time?”  He asked the young Satomi as he waited to have his hand grabbed so he could help the kid up.
If Satomi were to answer regardless of the answer Miyamoto would kindly smile before looking at his student and begin walking back towards the village.  The day was getting late and he wanted to eat before explaining to Daichiro about the wall and the fact that their usual meeting place was on a rather publicly known trail.  That would be sure to bum out the Wolf Boy.
As usual Miyamoto would walk Satomi home to make sure nothing happened to the kid on his way back, he knew the kid had strength, but he never really had a mentor like this when he was a Genin so he was going to make sure to try and leave an impact on this kid for the future generations.  When they arrive Miyamoto will congratulate Satomi once more and bow to him before turning again to head off to find some food before his late night sparring with Makkuro and Daichiro.  He would try to suppress his chakra signature as he would walk away so that he could blend into the night and virtually disappear in front of Satomi.


Earth Wall Discounted WC 2,250/2,250
Genjutsu Release Discounted WC 375/375
Chakra Supression Skill Discounted WC 1,500
Iron Fortress Towards Goal WC 65
Satomi Furukawa
Satomi Furukawa
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I'm Game! [p/io/Miyamoto] - Page 2 Empty Re: I'm Game! [p/io/Miyamoto]

Fri Jun 23, 2017 7:19 pm
It took a moment for the boy to come back to his senses, even then the world spun around him as Miyamoto attempted to communicate with him. The slow pace he chose to purvey his words was much appreciated by Satomi as he slowly sat up, his eyes just a little cross-eyed as he tried to focus in on the chuunin. He agreed with what he thought he comprehended, at least he hoped that Miyamoto was suggesting the the pair call it good for the night. Little his teacher know, Satomi was both inspired and jealous of him as well. He put 110% into everything he did because he wanted to be as strong as he viewed Miyamoto, even taking a moment to admire the wall with him in the passing silence.

It was only a brief moment of appreciation however, far shorter than Miyamoto admiring his own handiwork. Admittedly it was a little bit awkward as he waited for him to return from the clouds. As awkward as it may  have been, Satomi got it, he understood getting lost in one's own thoughts. The tired genin mustered up a kind smile for his teacher once he seemed to be back from his trip, waving his hand dismissively. “Silly.” He jovially teased the older boy as he reached out to accept the help to his feet.

Satomi would perk up after brushing himself off; it wasn't every day that Miyamoto had something to ask him. Honestly he hadn't even thought about it, but having it brought to his attention, he did remember a strong feeling earlier around the time that the massive earthen wall would have been created. The very wall that he slowly shuffled out from under just in case it tried to make another assassination attempt. It was quite a familiar feeling and the more he thought about then the more it felt like he could tell it was Miyamoto, at least subconsciously. Was he really so strong that he could feel the presence of his teacher's chakra that far away from him? Even then Satomi couldn't feel anything from Miyamoto as he stood arm's length from him, but that wasn't particularly unusual—or so he thought. He couldn't recall a time he could sense anyone's chakra before today.

The boy would narrow his gaze as he sized up the chuunin, if he asked him about it he must have had a reason for it. Not wanting to leave the raven-haired boy disappointed Satomi took a deep breath before concentrating straight ahead, it was almost like he was trying to stare directly into Miyamoto's soul as he searched. He wasn't entire sure what he was searching for, but intuition told him it would be similar to the feeling from earlier. That was if there was anything to sense at all, since Satomi was unaware that the other shinobi was actively working to suppress his chakra. It didn't even cross his mind as he fought the call to slumble, his arms hanging loosely at his side as he dared to let his eyes close to remove any visual distractions as he looked for a proper answer for Miyamoto. There was just nothing, except cute little woolly sheep hopping over fences as he nearly nodded off. Shaking off the warm embrace of sleep, his eyes snapped open to pull in all the visual stimulation they could, maybe closing his eyes was a bad idea after all.

Satomi was the silent awkward one this time as he just stared hard at Miyamoto, his eyes focused mid-chest straight ahead of him as he tried to remember what he felt before. It wasn't a physical feeling, but one  more of intuition. It was similar to the feeling he would get whenever he knew someone was behind him without needing to even look.

If this was training for something, Satomi wasn't happy about it. Especially not after Miyamoto had agreed to go home. A frustrated huff passed his lips before he turned to chewing on the inside of his right cheek, a habit he displayed whenever he was in deep thought or concentration. Another minute would pass as he fought to keep himself awake.

Huh? That feeling. Just now. Satomi perked up, his eyes widening. It was just for a moment and it was faint, but he felt it. It was just like before. He would latch onto that feeling and pull at the tread to see where it lead him, concentrating on the very faint feeling until it became something more concrete. His eyes sharply focused as though he could physically see the aura he felt emanating from Miyamoto, however despite trying to uncover more he couldn't seem to sense more than just a minute trace of the chuunin's chakra. He'd describe it close to what he felt when he feeling his own chakra swirling after a good night's rest, something he hoped to be doing soon enough. Silly, there was no way this was all the chakra somone like Miyamoto had. Not someone that create massive walls from the ground like he witnessed. Was this why he asked him about his chakra, was he doing something to suppress it? Satomi's mind was too far gone to understand the reasoning behind it, but at least he finally could give his teacher a confident answer.

“I... can feel it. But it's like-- like mine.” Satomi's words came slow and would trail off as he muttered. “I think you're hiding... your real strength.”

Letting his guard down for just a moment was all it would take for powerful yawn to stretch the boy's jaws wide, it was almost obnoxious how loud it was. Satomi just hoped that his answer was satisfactory, because as much as he enjoyed Miyamoto's tutelage, there was a bit plate of curry with his name on it at home and a father to tell all about his day. Hopefully he'd be able to enjoy both before he'd pass out.

Regardless Satomi was grateful for the escort home, especially knowing that Miyamoto could have ducked out right after training to go about his own business. The two parting with mutual bows and some well wishes and a wave from Satomi as she watched the boy walk off into the night, the genin taking one last look over his shoulder as he felt his teacher's chakra vanish from his perception completely. A small smirk curling one corner of his lips as he turned back around to head inside for the night; just when he felt like he was finally getting to know Miyamoto, he found just another way of being mysterious. Oh how Satomi wished he could be that cool!

Word Count: 1117/5307


Stat Points Claimed: 26

Jutsu Claimed: 2
Genjutsu Release Discounted for training with someone who has it.
Hiding Like a Mole Ditto

Mastery Claimed: 1
Genjutsu Release No Hand Seal Needed
(I'm not sure if I can learn and master a tech in the same topic, but I'm pretty sure I at least tripled the required word count for it learning it. If not, oh well. I figured it couldn't hurt to ask though. <3)

Skills Claimed: 1
Chakra Sensory Discounted for same reasons as jutsu.
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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I'm Game! [p/io/Miyamoto] - Page 2 Empty Re: I'm Game! [p/io/Miyamoto]

Sat Jun 24, 2017 9:33 pm
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