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Gladiator Rumble: An Impossible Fight! [P, Komori] Empty Gladiator Rumble: An Impossible Fight! [P, Komori]

Fri Feb 09, 2018 10:26 pm


The announcer's voice echoed throughout the stadium.

Reizo glanced at the crowd from within his corridor. There must've been thousands of people there, although there were certainly empty seats. It wasn't quite as full as the brotherly brawl had been, but that fight had more of a narrative driving it. Such attendance couldn't be expected to be replicated.


The fiercest melee competitor in all of Kumogakure! Known for slaying the 2-tailed bijuu during the 6-hour war, this Jounin successfully defended against the GREAT MAKUKAGE AND OVERLORD MORTARION as only a Geniiiin!



Hmm, the circumstances of these feats have been greatly exaggerated. I would hardly call those feats worth celebrating, Reizo thought to himself, walking out of the dark corridor from his corner. The crowd erupted into cheers. Reizo waved with both hands to the spectators in the stands, bowing once in each of 4 cardinal directions with his right fist resting in his left hand as he made his way to the center of the arena.


This Jounin has captured the hearts of all with his charm and wit! His meteoric rise has inspired hundreds of new recruits and is touted by many as the primary factor in restoring Kumogakure to greatness! He too fought and captured the 2-tailed bijuu, and boasts charming good looks to boot!

With an undefeated record,


The crowd went wild with cheering and fanfare, far louder than they had been for Reizo. It was clear who the more popular Jounin was. Reizo simply chalked it up to him being far more present in the village. Who even writes these scripts? But he's really undefeated, huh. I guess that shouldn't be too surprising; there aren't many others on our level. Still, this is the worst possible matchup for me. What bad luck. If only we could've settled this a little later after I'd learned some actually useful jutsu, Reizo thought to himself, already cynical of the outcome. Still, he would try. It was a borderline impossible fight to win; he had few means of dealing with Komori's Hydrification, and all of his damage relied on getting up close, which would be extremely difficult. After all, Komori was an expert at running away.

426 words
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Gladiator Rumble: An Impossible Fight! [P, Komori] Empty Re: Gladiator Rumble: An Impossible Fight! [P, Komori]

Sun Feb 11, 2018 4:17 am
Upon exiting the tunnel and walking into the arena, Komori basked in the favor of the crowd as they began cheering. “THE MAN!” Komori stood with his arms opened wide. “THE MYTH!” He opened his eyes and took in the sight. “THE LEGEND!” With that, he raised his hand into the air, a bolt of lightning appearing from the sky and striking him. Since it was made of his own chakra, it did not negatively impact his bloodline. He flashed a charismatic grin to the crowd, waving to those in the stands that he recognized. He also winked at Saya because he had a theme here and needed to keep going. He noticed the bandages on Komon, as well as a girl he did not immediately recognize. But she was hot. Hey, bro,” he said telepathically to get his twin’s attention. Assuming that Komon looked at him, Komori would mouth the word ‘dibs’, a callback that he should remember.

Only then did Komori turn his attention to Reizo, talking through his telepathy seal, although Komon and others linked would be able to hear their conversation. Hey, buddy. Remember the whole me turning you into a jinchuriki thing? I may have some pent up feelings about that I’m looking to release. Sorry in advance.” Komori flashed a cocky smile as he brought his hands resting behind his head, his elbows bent as he showed off how relaxed he was after seeing his opponent. Hell, he had even opened with a jutsu and wasted a bit of his chakra to boot. The price he pays for being flashy. His carefree attitude showed in his body language. “So, a week in Kumo and you’re already hopping in the gladiator matches? I gotta warn you man, this is kinda my thing.” He nodded to gesture to the audience surrounding them, particularly his fanclub that boasted Komori (TM, Patent Pending) merchandise. “They seem to love me. I like it here.” A more intense look came over his face, his smirk somehow more challenging and annoying than it was normally. “So you understand why I can’t let you walk out of here the victor, right?” Behind his head, Komori used one of his free hands to subtly sign four handseals before rubbing his neck, placing down a chakra storage seal with a power of 60. Finally. Someone without byakugan or some other sensory thing. Komori had certainly had his fill of stuff like that. What’s next, is he going to have to argue about sitting on his opponent? That’d be absurd, but one hell of a way to win. Regardless, Komori stood pridefully, daring Reizo to make the first move.

WC: 473
AP: 1158 - 20 Lightning Rod - 30 Chakra Storage Seal = 1108
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Gladiator Rumble: An Impossible Fight! [P, Komori] Empty Re: Gladiator Rumble: An Impossible Fight! [P, Komori]

Sun Feb 11, 2018 5:25 am
The defending champion, Komori, arrived in the arena. Reizo, of course, knew who his opponent would be because he could sense Komori from dozens of miles away. He caught on to his opponent's fanfare and scanned the crowd to see who he had been staring at, but he couldn't make out the faces from this far away. He figured one had to be Saya because he could sense her chakra, but without activating his Mind's Eye there was no way to distinguish her location among all the thousands of other chakra signature. As it didn't require any handseals, Reizo didn't see the issue with using it before the match had started. Besides, it wasn't like anybody would know, and he wasn't using it to get a heads up on his competition as the Mind's Eye was really only good for sensing people if he couldn't see them. Activating his Mind's Eye, the blonde quickly deciphered Saya and the others' location in the stands. She was with Komon, Max, and some girl he'd never seen or sensed before, although she seemed to be a fairly high ranking shinobi in her own right.

The Jounin was a bit startled by hearing Komori's voice in his head. Was he trying to trash talk? Then he listened carefully to his comrade's words and was perturbed. This is trash talk? No... his chakra didn't change at all. So he really does have regrets over it. Can't say I blame him- I was out for months while Senshi... no I mustn't think of that right now. Komori is my enemy right now, I can't let his words foul up the fight, Reizo thought to himself, still a little shaken by the truth. The blonde ignored most of what the Hozuki had taunted. His eyes were fixated on his opponent; the Jinchuriki's eyes narrowing as he set himself into his "combat mode".

Right then, Reizo felt a distinct drop in Komori's chakra. How could that be? All he did was put his hand behind his head... no hand signs or anything. Hmm, it must've been a fuinjutsu of some sort then. Do you know anything about this, Cat? Reizo thought to himself, directing the question to the beast within him. You're fighting him?! KILL HIM. HOW DARE HE THINKS HE CAN SEAL ME! Never ask me for help ever again. I'm only going to help you because HE is your opponent. Do you not remember when we fought? He could form hand signs with one hand, and some with none at all! I ordinarily wouldn't have paid any attention, but it was a rather unique ability, the 2-tailed bijuu would say. I see. So that's what his hand was doing behind his head. Thanks, the blonde responded.

The gong rang to signal the start of the fight, and Reizo already had a strategy in mind. He knew Taijutsu was practically useless against a guy that could turn into a puddle, but he had to try. No matter what, he had to make it clear to Komori that he, not the Hozuki, was the right choice for the Bijuu. Still, this would've been much easier had he learned ninjtusu.

The instant the gong rang out, Reizo knew he'd have to close the gap as soon as possible to prevent Komori from setting up his rain. He recalled Komori always preferring to fight with it, so it seemed entirely necessary to stop that jutsu from being cast. Activating both of his tattoos, Reizo began the fight at his full strength. He couldn't afford to hold back against somebody who could set traps up, just as he likely already had. With only 15 meters between the two, Reizo immediately drew from his weapon pouch and began running (97 speed) toward Komori. In one motion, he drew and flicked 2 shuriken at Komori's center mass, just above his belly button using the shadow shuriken technique (232 speed, 123 sharpness). He figured Komori would dodge it in some way, but the point was really just to get things moving as soon as possible. The less time spent waiting, the better it was for Reizo. He needed to close the distance, and FAST.

700 + 426 = 1126 words

Stuff used:
Combined Seal of Speed and Strength (195 speed, 170 strength, 300 RT (195 + 60 + 25 + 20)) -100 AP
Shadow Shuriken Technique (+10 throwing speed, -10 RT for Komori) -10 AP
Mind's Eye -40 AP

664 / 814 AP remaining
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Gladiator Rumble: An Impossible Fight! [P, Komori] Empty Re: Gladiator Rumble: An Impossible Fight! [P, Komori]

Sun Feb 11, 2018 7:25 pm
The tattoo on his back glowed with a cyan hue as Komori dropped his arms quickly, allowing for the non electrified kunai to pass straight through his watery form. His speed now at 195 and his reaction time at a beautiful 300 (125+60+25+70+20) but 290 after the lame D rank. Komori yawned as they passed through his torso, taunting him further. “Is that all you’ve-” Komori readied himself as Reizo charged him, the Hozuki’s right hand lit up in lightning chakra, extending only a sole finger that contained a power of 95. The middle finger. At a speed of 125, Komori extended his arm forward for Reizo to crash into, unless he could pivot or something in his charge. “-got!?” This last word was said with extra emphasis as Komori actually had to exert his chakra reserves, since his opponent popped a booster at the beginning of the match.

Assuming Reizo wasn’t a total moron and charged headfirst into a jutsu, Komori would take his opponent’s hesitation to kick off the ground and jump 5 meters backwards until he reached the wall. There, he would sign a half handed clone seal, causing a shadow clone to appear behind him and in the stands 2 meters away. His clone, now outside of the arena, proceeded to walk over towards his friendos, ready to watch the match from a different perspective, his existence only remaining unless Komori needed more AP. If questioned by Reizo, Komori would just smirk as a puddle of water appeared at his feet, where 15 bubbles rose at a speed of 40, all hovering around him at seemingly random places. Komori caused four of the fifteen to fire at Reizo, one aimed directly at him, two aimed a meter apart from the middle, covering him on either side, and one aimed above in case he tried to jump.

WC: 793
AP: 1108 - 50 Senshi Tatoo - 5 hydrification - 55 Raiton: Hell Stab (1 finger) - 30 Shadow Clone /2 = 483 each
Komori: 483 + 60 CSS - 20 Water Balloon = 523
Clonemori: 483 

Last edited by Kōmori Hozuki <3 on Mon Feb 12, 2018 12:12 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Took away the resting AP from the clone)
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Gladiator Rumble: An Impossible Fight! [P, Komori] Empty Re: Gladiator Rumble: An Impossible Fight! [P, Komori]

Sun Feb 11, 2018 9:41 pm
It appeared as though the shuriken attack was futile as they phased right through his comrade's water body. It was an expected response, but Reizo wanted to be sure that such an ability was still the case with Komori. He had been away from the village for quite some time as it were. While Komori was certainly demonstrating a proficiency for ninjutsu with his lightning jutsu, his choice to stand still to counter attack would not fare well vs the now full speed blonde Jounin (195 speed). It would be trivial for Reizo to react to the standing Hell Stab for two reasons. The first was that, through the power of the Mind's Eye, Reizo's focus would immediately be drawn toward the Hozuki's middle finger where the chakra was amassing. Secondly, Reizo's capped RT would allow him to act on this. The blonde would be sure to remember how Komori's chakra had performed this jutsu for later. This was a great opportunity to study and learn ninjutsu, after all.

The distance was already pretty close as the Jinchuriki approached, so it might've been possible for Komori's trick to work had Reizo not further increased his speed with the initiation of his Taijutsu, which he would use to dodge the attack.

To Komori, it would seem as though Reizo had disappeared; in reality, the boy would duck and get extremely close to the ground, less than 1 foot away from his comrade, using his left arm and left leg to stabilize his body as he launched a kicking uppercut  with his right leg (215 speed, 190 strength) directed at the Hozuki's right elbow and upper forearm, which had been fully extended for his lightning attack. If it connected, the village's water-bearer would have his right arm nearly amputated with the explosive force of the kick, shattering bone and certainly making the arm useless for the remainder of the fight.

That was part of Reizo's main objective in this fight. Now that he knew Komori could use jutsu with one hand, the fight would be much easier if the Hozuki had to choose between using a jutsu, fighting, or wielding a weapon. It would knock down his versatility greatly, and make especially strong jutsu much harder to use during combat.

The blonde's attack was not finished yet, however. Assuming the attack connected (whether Komori would hydrificate or not, but not if Komori had dodged in some way), Reizo would immediately recoil from his attack, pulling his right leg down, and perform a half-barrel roll to his left (clockwise from Komori's perspective), continuing to use his left hand to stabilize himself. Roughly halfway through the roll (all of this happening at 195 speed), Reizo would get on his left knee, freeing up his hands for handsigns. While on his knee, his right leg would finish coming down to provide more power needed to finish the spin and stand in one motion. Simultaneously he would perform the Dog handsign (195 speed), allowing him to charge electricity through a bladed weapon of his choice. Gripping his tanto sheath (which was on his back, over his right shoulder) with his left hand, he would draw it with his right, charging it with lightning as he stood. He would then swing it up diagonally from right to left (so Komori's left to right), slashing up from Komori's hip up to his opposite shoulder if he did not find a way to deal with the attack (215 speed, 151 sharpness; using the larger of the two boosts instead of summing them as I think that's how the rule works?). Because the two were so close now, this would be an extremely difficult maneuver for Komori to avoid without some other speed assistance, especially because it was an attack faster than he could move and he couldn't hydrificate.

639 + 1126 = 1765 words

Mind's Eye -40 AP upkeep
Combined Seal of Speed/Strength -50 AP upkeep
Leaf Rising Wind -20 AP
Raiton: Kunai Cutter -10 AP
Battojutsu: Quickdraw -20 AP

664 - 140 = 524 AP remaining

OOC: Sorry for the run-on sentences, just trying to be as specific as possible.
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Gladiator Rumble: An Impossible Fight! [P, Komori] Empty Re: Gladiator Rumble: An Impossible Fight! [P, Komori]

Mon Feb 12, 2018 12:43 am
Good thing Reizo saw the finger. But with Komori’s RT back at 300, the taijutsu technique from the blonde jounin meant nothing to the Hozuki; it was a technique he had learned back when he was a genin, he was not going to be caught off guard with it. The lightning on his hand died out at the same speed that his arm, and only his arm, turned into a liquid at a speed of 300 which clung to Reizo as he passed through it. Komori would dash to the left, 3 meters further away while simultaneously signing the clone seal, this time making his clone go into the audience. Was he wasting AP just for shits and giggles? Who the hell do you think you’re dealing with, of course he did. With a mere thought, the chakra storage seal activated to replenish his stamina a bit. The liquid arm that Reizo had taken with him would gather into a bubble converging on his face at a speed of 84, interrupting him from getting off his techniques, unless he reaaally wanted to risk it. This was just to get the jinchuuriki away and serve as a momentary distraction. Without prior knowledge of the move, the bubble on his face would begin to drown him, causing him to gasp for air. Komori would take his opponent’s momentary stun to begin signing four handseals at a speed of 195, all the while a pool of water appeared at his feet. From these two techniques, 15 water orbs and 4 one foot wide, six inches tall orbs of lightning. They had already begun to be fired as Komori spoke.


The nineteen orbs would fly towards Reizo across their short distance of 4 meters at a speed of 40, the water balloons brutally thudding into his body with a power of 40. While the water balloons served as a distraction, lightning orbs would each reach a direction (front, back, left, right) within a meter of Reizo before detonating in 2m wide explosions from all angles. Komori raised his one of his hands into the air at Reizo, prepared to take a shot if the jounin were to jump or dodge, while the other hand held the tiger seal, the Hozuki kneading chakra in the pit of his stomach and preparing for Reizo’s counter.

WC: 1186
AP: 998 timelined - 69 Drowning Water Blob - 30 Shadow Clone = 899/2
Komori: 449 + 60 CSS - 20 Rat Violent Quake - 20 Water Balloon - 5 detonation - 25 tattoo upkeep
Clonemori: 449 and exiting the thread
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Gladiator Rumble: An Impossible Fight! [P, Komori] Empty Re: Gladiator Rumble: An Impossible Fight! [P, Komori]

Mon Feb 12, 2018 1:42 am
As expected, Komori relied on his bloodline to bail him out, again. Must be nice to have one, especially one that completely nullifies 2 specs without lightning element. Reizo knew that this would happen though, and he was happy that he had negated Komori's attack and prevented him from using the arm temporarily in one move. The blonde was a little peeved when he saw the Hozuki just try to run away without using any jutsu, however. It seemed rather disrespectful, but he knew that was all the boy was good at anyway. Reizo wasn't going to let him get away, not when he had gotten so close to begin with.

Recoiling his right leg as detailed in the previous post, instead of drawing his tanto and weaving the handsigns for the Kunai Cutter as he had planned, the Jinchuriki reacted to Komori's escape attempt. As he swiveled, he channeled far more chakra into his right leg to increase the speed at which he was moving. Just as Komori had started to flee (so still within 1 meter), Reizo would increase this leg to ludicrous speeds (255 speed, 227 strength [170 + 115/2]), kick upward, and create a large vortex to encompass Komori, preventing him from moving whatsoever (120 power vortex). He would make Komori regret not only trying to run, but trying to do so without any handsigns. Now, he wouldn't be able to use any, as his pathetic strength simply wouldn't be enough to allow him to escape.

Still, Reizo was cautious, and knowing Komori didn't always need hand signs bothered him, so he deliberately made the vortex so that it would keep Komori within 1 meter of the ground at all times instead of kicking him 20 m- the max the jutsu would allow. The Full Moon Elephant was a very malleable jutsu in that regard. This way, he could keep the airtime of Komori to a minimum (because that would only be done at 120 speed, way too slow) and keep his speed at its maximum. This is much faster than the water blobs, if Komori even managed to get them to attack at this time, so those would be irrelevant.

Reizo would prepare his final strike, weaving the Tiger and then Dog hand signs (255 speed) to channel lightning through his hands. He'd strike Komori with a "straight" to his chest (255 speed, 227 strength; again taking the higher of the two buffs) with his right fist. He would aim to connect Komori as he was being lifted up. This would minimize the time the Hozuki had to react, and to minimize the 120 speed slowing of the vortex as it rises him up. In reality, that 120 speed would be meaningless because Reizo himself was doing everything at his improved speed of 255 thanks to the Full Moon Elephant. Of course, the strength of the punch was just a figure of speech at this level of power- it's enough to power through the vortex, and whatever else Komori plans on doing to defend himself, but after breaking any barriers or whatever, Reizo would pull back enough as to not kill his friend. If this attack goes through, Reizo will win.

536 + 1765 = 2301 words

Mind's Eye -40 AP upkeep
Senshi Seals -50 AP upkeep
Full Moon Elephant -45 AP
Raiton: Jodan -15 AP

554 (Quickdraw and Kunai Cutter got timelined) - 150 AP = 404 AP [Komori not found]
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Gladiator Rumble: An Impossible Fight! [P, Komori] Empty Re: Gladiator Rumble: An Impossible Fight! [P, Komori]

Tue Feb 13, 2018 12:10 pm
Aight, pal, let’s get to it.

Komori stepped off to the side, his drowning water bubble already taking effect as it had immediately begun activating before Reizo was able to hit the ground after the kick. Komori activated his Hydrofortification ability, soaring his chakra up to stay on par with his speed. The moment he noticed Reizo trying to ignore his technique, Komori had already begun using both hands while Reizo was still in the air from his kick, due to his super awesome 300 RT, he had already individually signed the clone seal with his right but due to this newfound information, the ram seal was signed with his left, without the need to lift his arms or anything at a speed of 195 each seal, as both jutsu were signed at once. Seeing as that Komori’s hands were moving at an equal speed to Reizo’s roll, and he was able to sign them off before the roll even began, he was able to put a two meter distance between them. While his bubble had already begun to encompass Reizo’s head during his roll, threatening to drown him, water sprayed forwards from Komori's mouth at a speed of 120, which was just fast enough to propel himself backwards twenty meters into the air, even accounting for the speed of the kick, Komori was already off of the ground by the time Reizo started the jutsu. Unless of course, Reizo chose to continue to ignore the drowning water bubble and fall unconscious. The Hozuki was left standing on top of a pillar of water and away from the kick that never came since he was over a meter away and the first kick would not be able to connect, therefore escaping any vortex, as his attack had fired off beforehand. Before Reizo was able to manage to kick, since for some reason he had decided to start the attack while starting from a kneeling position on the ground after his roll, as detailed in his last post, Komori found enough time for his damn clone to go have fun while also setting himself up to neutralize an entire spec.

Now 20 meter waves spread from his pillar with a power of 120 at a speed of 120, which would occur as Reizo might still try for his kick or be rendered unconscious from ignoring Drowning Water Blob, emanated from his pillar, pushing back everything within a 25 meter radius. Even if Reizo could brace the waves, he would not be prepared for the sphere that immediately began forming from them, the sphere having a diameter of 50 meters, or the length of the arena, leaving Reizo with nowhere to go. If he tried to launch himself at Komori as the sphere finished forming, he was an easy target. If he tried to run, he would find himself trapped 10 meters away from the nearest wall, which was more than enough time for Komori to strike. This was kinda rude too, Komori had been going easy on him.

Since Reizo blatantly ignored the bubble originally placed on him back when he kicked the arm, it would have succeeded in drowning him since he refused to acknowledge it, rendering him unconscious, especially as he was now trapped in an even larger underwater bubble. 20 meters away from where Reizo was, Komori had plenty of options here, especially since he could merge with the bubble if he wanted to, preventing himself from being able to drown or really be hit. Komori simply chose to fire off a single inch long bullet made entirely of water at a speed of 119 with a power of 119 in case Reizo was somehow still conscious, which by all means, he should not be. The bullet would sore through the water with ease as it would reach its target and pierce him through the shoulder. Since the kick would not go through, Reizo would not win. Which meant that Komori would have won, instead of dragging on the fight and making it flashier as opposed to going for one taps.

WC: 1869
Komori: 509 - 100 Hydrofortification - 45 Great Exploding Colliding Wave - 59 Shark Dance - 40 Water Gun = 265
Clonemori’s off in the spectator thread chillin’
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Gladiator Rumble: An Impossible Fight! [P, Komori] Empty Re: Gladiator Rumble: An Impossible Fight! [P, Komori]

Sun Mar 04, 2018 11:30 pm
(Reizo told me to go ahead and 468 hour him)

Komori totally kicked his butt and all the girls in the audience swooned as he collected his prize money.


1869 words towards Charm of Chakra (6247/11750), 4k ryo, 2nd win ig
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Gladiator Rumble: An Impossible Fight! [P, Komori] Empty Re: Gladiator Rumble: An Impossible Fight! [P, Komori]

Sun Mar 04, 2018 11:31 pm
approved my guy
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