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Gladiator Rumble: An Impossible Fight! [P, Komori] - Page 2 Empty Re: Gladiator Rumble: An Impossible Fight! [P, Komori]

Sun Mar 04, 2018 11:33 pm
oh and 15 AP because Im too lazy to train it otherwise
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Gladiator Rumble: An Impossible Fight! [P, Komori] - Page 2 Empty Re: Gladiator Rumble: An Impossible Fight! [P, Komori]

Sun Mar 04, 2018 11:37 pm
approved with a side of denied
Reizo Shōyu
Reizo Shōyu
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Gladiator Rumble: An Impossible Fight! [P, Komori] - Page 2 Empty Re: Gladiator Rumble: An Impossible Fight! [P, Komori]

Tue Apr 17, 2018 5:08 am
Well despite Reizo's not-so-best efforts to shake the bubble of water off, he simply could not. The Hozuki had bested him, at least in Komori's mind. In reality, however, Reizo had every means to escape the somewhat precarious situation. The bubble was resisted by strength, which Reizo had plenty to spare, and Komori was restricted by his speed and hand seals, which Reizo could outpace and had no need for. If one couldn't tell by looking, Reizo was a very convincing actor. The win meant nothing to him aside from the money, but to Komori the pride was everything. The blonde saw how the fame had gotten to his opponent and how he interacted with his fans. Even though he was certainly in the position to and had the capability to do so, the Jinchuriki couldn't rationalize taking away something so important to a friend.

Much like Komon had before, Reizo allowed the referee to call the fight in favor of Komori. Reizo did regret his decision it in some ways. Obviously Komori would learn nothing as the result of this and Reizo badly wanted to teach him a lesson. Some things, however, are more important than teaching that lesson. He realized that his friendship with Komori was one of them, and Reizo was worried that by defeating his friend in that arena, Komori's pride would never recover. Reizo did not want those feelings to foster any animosity between the two in the future, so he let it go.

Even though Reizo could've broken out of the bubble. Even though Reizo was fast enough to take out Komori before a handsign could be weaved- the ultimate downfall of many who are too reliant on their jutsu. Even though he could've locked Komori down in an instant and prevented him from moving or using jutsu. Even though there were hundreds or thousands watching who would immediately judge the fight in poor quality or taste due to its duration and thus associate it with him as he "lost" to Komori in record time. He knew that it was the right thing to do in the moment. The most important onlookers likely knew he had won because they know the nature of the jutsu Komori used, and he suspected Komori, although he may never admit it to himself, knew it too. Or at the very least that Reizo held back because the jutsu that defeated him was trivial for a taijutsu user to escape. Most importantly, Reizo knew himself that he at the very least could win, and almost certainly would've had he felt the motivation to do so.

And that was good enough for him.

444 + 2301 = 2745 words

2000/2000 words (50% teaching discount) to learn Ninjutsu spec
478 words to Evening Elephant to finish learning it
267/1500 words to Pivot (skill)

Gonna claim my free 6 Jounin jutsu here since I never did that (cuz I was waiting for Nin spec):

Water Trumpet
Water Wall
Hiding in Rain
False Darkness
Fire Dragon Flame Bullet (uses a Bijuu Element spot)
Needle Hell
Madrigal Kaguya
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Gladiator Rumble: An Impossible Fight! [P, Komori] - Page 2 Empty Re: Gladiator Rumble: An Impossible Fight! [P, Komori]

Tue Apr 17, 2018 5:43 am
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