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Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
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Powers of maturing genin (Cole, Satoru) Empty Powers of maturing genin (Cole, Satoru)

Tue Feb 13, 2018 6:29 pm

The Tsume and Haku duo wait for the arrival of Satoru and Cole, all ready for the next level of chunin. Of course they couldn't just demand it. They would all have to earn it some how. That's what the group's goal was for today. Hakucho had left them all a letter to meet him at the water gardens at noon. It was morning still, nearing closer to noon, so the two still had time. Tsume was excited to see if they'd do something important today, something to get their names throughout the village. Hakucho had the same thoughts. Tsume looked at his buddy, with was on the railing of the Gazebo they were meeting by. "Just imagine being chunin, Haku. We'll soon get beyond that and maybe become right hand men to the kage himself." Haku shrieked in agreement. It seemed like a childish dream, but if you think about it, childish dreams are what fueled the future.   

WC: 159

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Travin Iburi
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Powers of maturing genin (Cole, Satoru) Empty Re: Powers of maturing genin (Cole, Satoru)

Tue Feb 13, 2018 10:19 pm
Cole was looking over his notes that he had taken in his experiments with the poison that the scorpions created. He was still trying to duplicate the poison for his own use, and he was looking at being able to create the poison in his own body, but it was still too far away and not quite in his reach just yet. Cole then heard the sound of wings flapping in the air and turned to see that a hawk had landed on his window seal. He walked over and opened the window and the hawk dropped a letter on the seal and took off still with one letter in his beak. Ok, cole thought to himself as he picked up the letter and opened it. It was from tsume and it had asked him to meet up for a mission that could possibly give them a chance to become chunin. It also mentioned that Satoru would be joining them for the mission as well. Cole had met Tsume before but didn’t know much outside of the fact that he used his bird as a combat pet. However, Cole had spared with Satoru and he knew him pretty good. The last time that they sparred though Satoru didn’t stand much of a challenge but now that the exam was over cole was wondering just how strong that Satoru had gotten.

Cole got up and walked over grabbing his white and blue jacket and sliding it on. Leaving his left arm hanging out and putting his belt on to hold the jacket closed. Cole grabbed his notes back up from off of the bed that he had sat them on to go and open the window for the hawk. Cole folded the notes up and slid them into his hiding spot in his room. Cole them stepped out of the window and closed the window behind him. Cole then jumped off the ledge and sprinted at a swift pace of 90 to the meeting place.

Arriving just a few minutes before noon cole would look around and see the hawk. The hawk was standing on the shoulder of Tsume and Cole walked over to him waving as he closed the distance. Cole was wearing his normal clothes (avatar/gin tanma) with his backpack on his back that was over the sheath of his katana. Were the handle showed over his left shoulder, and he had his a wrap of kunai around his right leg slightly hidden behind the bottom of his jacket.

Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
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Powers of maturing genin (Cole, Satoru) Empty Re: Powers of maturing genin (Cole, Satoru)

Wed Feb 14, 2018 10:53 pm
This day starts no different from most of Satoru’s days. He finds himself getting out of bed and ready for the day about an hour before noon. Some find it to their liking to wake up earlier and experience all of the hours that morning has to offer. Satoru is no such person. He takes all of the sleeping hours he can get in the morning because he usually stays up late advancing personal work such as developing jutsu. In fact, as of recent, his most concentrated area of study has been upon the creation of a new nature transformation which plays to his strengths while covering his weaknesses. A young man with a severe hatred for his own lack of strength, Satoru’s nigh obsession with obtaining power drives him ever forward in this regard.

But the note from Tsume was received. And it was quite easy actually seeing as how Satoru now occupies one of the guest rooms in Tsume’s home. From this new living space, he departs for the Water Gardens wearing his generic clothing: gray top with a short right sleeve and a long left sleeve that descends to his hand. His pants are a darker gray in color and are long enough to cover his ankles. The rest is simple for shinobi in general; sandals, gloves, and a headband. Recently, Satoru has been accepted as an official member of Hoshigakure’s ninja forces and so he wears the village’s forehead protector. However, as always, his Amegakure headband remains on his person in his ninja pouch.

Cole and Tsume along with Hakucho are already gathered. Satoru is later but not past noon; he does make a point to be punctual if not early. Though he would rather be asleep, Satoru is here mentally as much as physically.


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Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Powers of maturing genin (Cole, Satoru) Empty Re: Powers of maturing genin (Cole, Satoru)

Fri Feb 16, 2018 5:28 pm
The message was reached them and Satoru Nara and Cole Kaguya arrived. First to arrive was Cole and then Sat shortly after. Tsume greeted them, "Good morning to you two," He says with a smile, "I hope we have some fun today." Tsume continued by saying "I'm sure you two know, as the letter explains, our goal is to become chunin." Tsume wanted to sound formal for the two as he was the one orchestrating the meet up. Hakucho thought it was funny. "I've heard some rumors of some big beef between some ninja and priest." Tsume then reviled his plan then, "Hopefully, stopping both sides from hurting each other will get us recognition of become chunnin." he then smirked and chuckled, "Either way we have to stop them from hurting each other." Tsume hopefully had the respect of his peers enough for them to hear him out. If they agreed to help Tsume would lead them out deeper to the center of the water gardens where the battle was to supposedly take place. 

Arriving at the center of the water gardens, the battle was already going on. This caught Tsume and Haku off guard as this was earlier than what was rumored. That didn't mean much though as it was still their mission to stop the battle without hurting them. Hakucho flew off his shoulder and Tsume transformed him in to a clone of Tsume. "Separate them," He told his partner. Hakucho nodded and headed towards a crowd of fighters. Tsume also went into a crowd. The battle was large enough that all four of them would need to work together to stop his horrible act of violence. Tsume didn't like the religious that much, but he knew that this was the worst way to go about this. It would spike some thought in him. 

WC: 306
TWC: 465
Travin Iburi
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Powers of maturing genin (Cole, Satoru) Empty Re: Powers of maturing genin (Cole, Satoru)

Sat Feb 17, 2018 8:42 am
Cole arrived shortly before Satoru would, and would exchange greeting with all three of them the bird included. Cole would follow Tsume’s lead on the mission as he did not mind following, as long as the calls were good otherwise he didn’t mind voicing other plans but so far Tsume was on point. After a minute of being filled in and getting the cliff notes the three was off. There was suppose to be a fight breaking out between some ninja and religious people. Cole was hoping that for the sake of the people that it was low ranking ninja or they wouldn’t really stand much of a chance. From what he had seen and heard the religious people of Hoshi was fairly weak, and before the ninja got hear relayed on their armor. Which has been incorporated into the ninjas and disbanded. Meaning that most of them probably have no training whatsoever in the art of combat.

The three arrived at the destination but the fight had already started, and it didn’t look too good it was basically a slug feast at the moment. The Religious people were holding their own for now, but all it would take was for some fire user to throw a fireball and half of them would be roasted. They couldn’t let that happen it would cause major problems for the village and create an even bigger void than there was now. If the village was to ever become hole with everyone on the same page than they could not allow this to happen.

Tsume was the first to take action as cole and probably Satoru was waiting to see how he was wanting to handle it. The hawk flew out and transformed and the three followed with Tsume yelling to separate them. Cole ran to the ninja leaving the religious people for the others to push back. Cole wouldn’t have to be as careful with the ninjas as they were a lot more sturdy than the others. Cole would run into the crowd of people and scream “STOP THIS MADNESS” while grabbing one of the ninjas by the back of his collar and throwing his back over the ground.  Cole would grab another that seemed to not listen and threw him as well. He threw them into the bushes so not to hurt them but to make it was it didn’t feel to good either plus it got them stuck for a moment.

(WC-410 TWC-831)
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
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Ryo : 10650

Powers of maturing genin (Cole, Satoru) Empty Re: Powers of maturing genin (Cole, Satoru)

Sat Feb 17, 2018 6:44 pm
With all three of them having arrived, Tsume felt it appropriate to reiterate the task at hand. The three of them: Cole Kaguya, Tsume Chokyoshi, and Satoru Nara were to perform an act which would make them worthy of being considered for the rank of chuunin. Satoru listens as Tsume explains that the two polar ideals of Hoshigakure, the shinobi population and the religious population, have been experiencing increased friction. In particular, proponents of both sides are to soon confront each other in the Water Gardens. With this being rumored to happen, it follows that danger will be prominent. Easily, Satoru gets what Tsume is laying down. The purpose of shinobi in Hoshigakure is to protect the people within these walls. How would some genin look if they were to take it upon themselves to maturely control a violent outbreak? Like chuunin. They would look like chuunin.

The plan is clear and the gang's all here. To obtain the rank of chuunin is as personal a motivation as it surely is for both Tsume and Cole. For this reason, Satoru is prepared to exert his presence to fall upon the radar of the rest of the village’s higher-ranking shinobi. This way, as Tsume suggests, a promotion will be that much closer to reality.

Satoru, Cole, and Tsume make their way further into the Water Gardens in order to stop whatever violence is to occur before it starts. Yet, when they are deep enough, they see that the struggle has all but begun.

In one side of the crowd stand the village’s religious followers. These love peace and despise the shinobi for their use of chakra. To them, chakra is unholy, allowing humans to perform spectacles one might call miracles. The work of God they believe such abilities to be rather than something human’s should put to use with their own hands.

Opposite the clergy and their followers, the shinobi who defend Hoshigakure stand just as heated. They likely feel unappreciated, unrecognized for their work to keep the people within the village safe. Being a shinobi himself, Satoru would be expected to feel the same way. It may be that when the three of them, Tsume, Cole, and Satoru, enter the fray in an attempt to end the conflict, the shinobi side may question their opinion. Why do they not feel the same way, unappreciated, unthanked? This is a question each must answer for themselves.

As for Satoru, his reason is clear to him. He simply is not phased by whether or not he is thanked for his work as a ninja. He does not do it for thanks in the first place. Rather, having this conviction from a younger age, his purpose for continuing ninja work is to empower himself. Weakness is his fear, his dread, his enemy, his obstacle. It is to be confronted, thrown out, defeated, overcome. He refuses to be a speck of dust in a world of boulders who define their own destinies. He refuses to be carried by the wind while there exist those who themselves shape the wind simply by existing.

This ambition is to be explored further later, its definition is not necessary at the moment.

Satoru’s actions are these. He performs the rat seal and extends his shadow forward. Before it attaches to any other shadow, it splits into three. The targets for this shadow imitation jutsu are the shinobi of course since the priest may be offended at the very thought that chakra would be exerted upon them. Three of the shinobi in the front of their pack are struck with the shadow imitation jutsu and walked backward until they stand at the back. This would be repeated for who ever is about to inflict damage on any other person.

While this measure to prevent violence is implemented, Satoru also gives the crowd a piece of his thoughts. “For a people who are against violence, you seem to be quite inclined to fight here. And for a force entrusted with the protection of Hoshigakure’s citizens, you are very ready to inflict harm upon these defenseless clergy members.”

That’s about all Satoru is prepared to say so he shuts up after those words.

Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Powers of maturing genin (Cole, Satoru) Empty Re: Powers of maturing genin (Cole, Satoru)

Sat Feb 17, 2018 9:55 pm
People left and right were swinging fists, stepping on each other. Shinobi held the upper hand but luckily they came just in time for nothing like that to happening. With Tsume, Haku, Sat and Cole having enough of the power to separate the two group, there was now a clear divide between the two. They just stared each other down, before Sat started his speech with the four being between it so that they couldn't hurt each other. 

Satoru gave his thoughts to the priests, saying they are quick to throw fists with people that are just trying to defend them. A representative from the group of priest yelled back in response, "These demons destroy villages, killing millions! They are unlawful and have the power to destroy the world!" A cheer from the priests rang though the water gardens. This unset the shinobi and caused another angry outburst. "We risk our lives to defend you, defending Hoshi! You thank us by beating and killing the weak!" "Killing you heathens will at least suffice to how many of you killed." They brought up a couple of examples. "Citizens in Suna, Konoha and countless more villages, innocent people have been killed, families torn apart, and orphans are made everyday because of your stupid wars to compare dick sizes!" The profanity shocked Tsume a bit coming from a priest. "Shinobi died in those wars too!" Fired back the shinobi. "It's a start," the priest said out of the blue. That riled the shinobi back up and they were about to take charge again. But they stopped dead in their tracks after Tsume drew his blade and placed it in the ground. "Enough! anyone that crosses this line will get taken down!" Tsume was getting sick of it all. "Neither of your groups are helping the problem, You're just making it worse." They were acting like children over something so serious. The shinobi and priests were silenced for a short while. Then a shinobi with blonde hair walked up faced Tsume. "Why should we listen to you?" He asked in a threatening tone. "Don't test me." Tsume said back, showing some authority. They were all lower leveled than the four of them. And if they weren't, then they would of fought right though the four of them.   

TWC: 848
Travin Iburi
Travin Iburi
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Powers of maturing genin (Cole, Satoru) Empty Re: Powers of maturing genin (Cole, Satoru)

Sun Feb 18, 2018 7:51 am
All four of them now in the middle of the pack of wild animals that we call priests and ninja. They had created a line in the middle and dared anyone to cross it. Satoru gave his thoughts on the situation and Tsume got into it with a fellow shinobi. Cole stood there for a few seconds after they were done and had created the gap in the two groups. He really didn’t know what to say and didn’t want to start the fighting back up. What he really wanted to do was just knock everyone out and sort it later, but that wouldn’t look too good and almost anyone could have done it that way. Cole remained silent for a while as everything was going on around him before he spoke.

“We are people to” he said as he walked out into the middle and raising his voice over everyone else. “My family was killed and it was not by the hands of a ninja. It was by the hand of ex-members of Hoshi who dislike the royal family. Yet instead of hunting them down and abandoning my duty as a ninja I'm still here protecting the very people that want to do the same thing to these families here.” cole would take a deep breath before continuing. “Think about your family do you think they want your death to be the reason there was a civil war in Hoshi” Cole said while walking to the priests before turning around and walking to the ninja, “and do you want your family to know that you were one of the ones that slaughtered a bunch of egotistical priests and started a war. I think not” cole would end with as he returned to his starting point in the center of the split and waiting to see what everyone was going to do.

(WC-313 TWC-1144)
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
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Powers of maturing genin (Cole, Satoru) Empty Re: Powers of maturing genin (Cole, Satoru)

Mon Feb 19, 2018 3:55 pm
It would seem as though some of the ninja and priests have come to their senses through the words and actions of Tsume, Cole, and Satoru. The goal of their coming here was to prevent a violent outbreak which may lead to injury and this goal is being accomplished quite well. However, the ordeal is not quite over with.

Satoru withdraws his shadow from among the crowd of shinobi. He is grateful that none of them possessed strength enough to resist his shadow imitation technique. Lately, there have been so many physically oriented ninja that Satoru’s unique clan jutsu has been made useless and dejected. But this is aside the point.

He stands a little bit away from the commotion and watches Cole and Tsume finish up the job. Not being one to talk all that much especially to a lot of people, Satoru feels as though the best he can do is lend support to his allies. To do this as best as he can, Satoru summons two shadow clones of himself. The reason he does this is in case the job turns violent once more. The reality is that the team is four: Satoru, Tsume, Cole, and Haku. The crowd of ninja is not vast but sizable, more than twice the size of Satoru’s group. This does not even count the priests. Up until now, Satoru has been ignoring the fact that if all of the ninja were to gang up on them, they would not last indefinitely even though the crowd is full of lower level ninja.

Through this time, Satoru does not speak, having nothing to say on the matter before him. His only thoughts are to expect the worse and prepare for it without looking like he wants a fight. When some ninja look at him suspiciously due to his conjuring of two shadow clones, he puts his hands up slightly in such a way as to say with his body language “it’s cool, don’t worry”.

With all options on his side taken, Satoru awaits the resolution of the conflict.

Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Powers of maturing genin (Cole, Satoru) Empty Re: Powers of maturing genin (Cole, Satoru)

Mon Feb 19, 2018 11:44 pm
Violence is always present, this case was no exception. Luckily, Sat, Cole and Tsume were doing a good job at keeping the violence down. They still stared each other down while Cole was now the one to talk about how his parents were killed in some kind of rebellion. He started addressing the crowd more, making some people question themselves. The anger of some faded as they thought it through, while other kept the fire blazing. "My family got killed by a couple of no good ninja demons that only sought to conquer with the power they possessed." Someone from the crowd of priest said. "That doesn't mean we'd kill your family," another voice said from the ninja group. In Tsume's mind, they both made up pretty good points. 

Tsume spoke up again. "Mass amount of violence will only defecate both of you, no matter who wins in the end." He contiued to preach a couple more things. "If fighting and killing each other was the way to do things, then we'd all be in danger." He directed again to what Cole said, "Think about your family, not just the ones today, but the ones of the future." 

These words seemed to sooth the anger a bit. A couple of priest and shinobi started to stray away from the crowds and back to their homes. This continued until there was about 5 on each side. The one that seemed in charge of the priest side turned away and signaled for the others to turn away.  They did so slowly. The shinobi did the same. All but one. He looked at the group before him, it was the blonde one from before. "Do you think the civil war between ninja and religion will every end? It won't, it will contiue to our kids and their kids and so on."  He sighed, "Basically, their will never be peace between the two." He turned around and started to head home. What a depressing life he must live. 

TWC: 1182
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