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Roku <3
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Like a Monster with How I Murder[Mission Complete] Empty Like a Monster with How I Murder[Mission Complete]

Thu Apr 26, 2018 10:45 am
Rolling down the road at the pace of a couple lumbering oxen was a shabby covered wagon, with roughly hewn wooden framework and a stained sheet dotted with rips and holes to serve as the only source of shade. The weather was rude and just as bipolar as it was intense. Lately, it had been fluctuating between mildly wet and windy days like a proper spring and freezing temperatures with no humidity but ice coating the ground and varying degrees of snow (there was always snow anymore, especially here); luckily, the day for this particular heist was one of the former, and it had been a few days since the last big snow. Real spring was beginning to show up, and honestly, it made Roku miss the snow and ice. But there were clouds moving in, and the clever young shinobi saw in them a way to mask his escape. Sitting in the front of the cart, reins to the oxen in hand, was a smugly smiling old man with a face reminiscent of some manner of rodent or lizard. It was a look of pride in his own shrewdness, the transportation being rather unpleasant but cheap and therefore something to be pleased with; to the merchant, as he was a somewhat malicious man, the misery of his two hired thugs was another factor keeping a smile on his face, as his thrifty decision had also brought about the complaints of two larger men that lent a distinct feeling of superiority to an even more distinctly inferior being.

In the rear of the rocking vessel were the larger men mentioned previously, one in a constant state of complaint and the other in grim, stewing silence. Whatever grievances were aired, they were too low in volume for either the driver or the stalker tailing the wagon to observe. Although he seemed to be a person much unlike his employer, the man with the unending voice had a face similar to another animal. A bird, like a cross between a turkey vulture and a hawk. His companion, for they were in fact partners, had no resemblance to any animal other than the one he actually was, instead in possession of an oaf-like face that belied the intelligence that lay behind his steely gray eyes. More worrisome. They were simple fighters, each having used their blade to some effectiveness as plain mercenaries, and neither had a name that Roku knew or cared to find out. Therefore, to his concern, the one on the right would be named Jack because of a loud child he had once known (although the more accurate term would be “stalked” as the young Jack had never known Roku), and the other one would be named Rudolf because that simply felt like a name that fit well enough, and the boy had never actually met someone with such a name. The latter of the pair banged on the floor of the cart a couple times, loud strikes that shook the entire cart more than he truly deserved credit for, and instantly silenced Jack. The rather hefty man hopped out of the cart, walking to the tree line on the right side of the cart and partially dropping his trousers. It was an opportunity, a lucky circumstance that could not be allowed to slip. He had walked to the southeast side of the cart, and Roku approached from the northwest. A bit of forethought on who he would like to fight least had made this decision, and another bit of brainpower went to transforming into an old fat cat before trotting out of the treeline to peek at the old man in charge of this misadventure. The merchant’s expression morphed from one of minor surprise to loathing and then to shrewd greed before he left his cart to attempt a catnapping.

In his disguise, the ninja would lead the merchant just a few feet from the treeline and out of sight of the two hired spooks, one of which was on his way back to the cart; his bladder was not infinite, although if it were, that would have made for an excellent way to waste some time. The cat leaped toward the man with a surprising agility, turning back into a human adolescent as he did so; the pounce turned into an uppercut with surprising forward momentum. The senior let out a loud cry before a blow to his solar plexus silenced him, and he keeled forward to lay on his back, a pale boy staring coldly down at him. That burst of noise would attract his bodyguards. Roku found himself at a split second decision, whether to render the already harmless and beaten merchant unconscious or to kill him and remove him from the equation entirely. The old rat-like fellow began crawling away, wheezing out the occasional inaudible cry for help, and Roku silenced him with a swift kick to the back of his cranium. It would be a waste of time and effort to kill him, especially as he did not quite possess the power to do so without drawing excessive attention. His hand flew up to the for a Tiger seal again, now transforming into the unconscious old man with a new set of deep red scratches on his face before letting out a small scream. The thugs had already started into a quick jog, their concern less than pressing, and the disguised boy scampered out of treeline with alarm in his voice. “Cat! A demonic little feline! Kill it!” Roku waved wildly in a direction south of where the actual merchant lay, directing the larger men to end his illusory attacker. Rudolf, seeing the duty as a minor responsibility, set off walking in that direction; it could not have run far away, after all, and if he did manage to kill it then there may be a chance to demand extra money for murdering a critter. His partner turned to beckon him back, his softness for such domestic animals granting their true assailant another second of opportunity that would not go to waste. The illusory merchant’s hands shot up to form another hand seal as Jack began to complain to his fellow about the pointlessness of kitty killing, the false image evaporating into a swirl of gray smoke as a solid rock cane shot up from the ground to the young ninja’s hands. And the noise of the breaking deception, muted though it was, had been more than enough to let the combatants know that they had been caught in a disadvantageous spot.

The boy, now a boy once more, used the element of surprise to take a starting advantage. His cane would find its first use as a long distance weapon, being hurled to make contact with Rudolf’s already somewhat smashed nose. He had just turned to scold his companion when the cane flew, and the crunching contact it made was sickening and satisfying. Rudolf fell a couple feet backward, his head hitting the dirt with a thud that said he would be still for at least a moment. It would not remove him from the conflict, but it would keep him... occupied. Jack, alarmed but not stunned, would draw his sword and take two long strides toward his young target. Roku utilized the one advantage he would have against either of these two fighters, his speed, and closed the rest of the distance, darting ahead to leave only a couple feet between the two. The mercenary fighter raised his katana, preparing to split the young fighter’s skull in two; with a frighteningly blank stare, just as the sword was nearing the man’s face and his arms obscured his vision for but a moment, Roku leapt directly toward him, head drawn back for just long enough to see a look of shock and confusion cross Jack’s face.

And right before the sword started to fall, a blur of black and white headbutted the man directly in the nose.

Now Jack fell, his sword dropping from his hands but his arms wrapping around the boy. Rudolf was already back on his feet and running toward the ninja with malice in his eyes, blood running from his broken nose, and his katana drawn. Roku planted his knee into the immediate foe’s stomach, loosening his grip so the little shinobi rolled forward to grab the katana and charge toward the larger man.

It was at this moment that Roku realized he may have gotten himself into a little bit too much trouble; he was starting to breathe hard, and although any of the blows he had landed thus far would have given himself a hard time, his enemies were larger and definitively tougher. And, without surprise, flooring them again would be a challenge.

And the katana was heavy.

Rudolf was grinning maniacally, murderously, as the young boy ran toward him with a man’s sword, hardly bringing the tip up for a proper stab; this was, in fact, the first sword that Roku had ever had to hold, and his issue was less with the weight as the distribution of it. The far larger man rather easily batted the katana to the left, sending it flying out of the missing ninja’s hands. Rudolf followed up the disarm with a backhand that seemed almost casual, one hand leaving the blade as it swung like a baseball bat. Roku caught the full force of the flat against his cheek and temple. That was not the first time Roku had been knocked into unconsciousness by a grown man, but it was the first time he had been sent rolling across the ground from it or started bleeding. A gash had opened on his head, four inches starting from his hairline and deeper than he cared to know.

As he snapped back into consciousness, the first thing the boy saw was the massive menacing man moving to make mincemeat of him, the katana that had laid him out once coming down toward his lower body. He pulled his legs to his chest and rolled under the covered wagon, watching the tip of the katana drive into the dirt only a foot away. A reprieve.

The pain searing across his head made him feel like ripping his own skull in half, the adrenaline melted fear and pain and rage into one feeling, and his cold exterior finally clicked off; normally, Roku would lose his cool and attack in a ferocious manner, but he had already been pushed past that point of normality. Reasonable thought left him, and his skin started to pulse and boil with writhing tentacles just millimeters underneath. And then the cart shot forward, the beasts of burden taking off with panic.

The sun blinded the boy, burning his sensitive eyes now that his shades had been knocked off, and a high pitched shrieking scream prefaced a noise similar to a small explosion. The terrifying combination ripped through the forest, and black tendrils shot from his chest and arms. Rudolf, still in peripheral vision, looked utterly horrified. The fighter dropped his sword and screamed, a noise of pure and honest fear that overshadowed his fleeing footsteps, but he was hardly two meters away.

He stood no chance.

Roku kipped up to his feet and raised both arms to his prey, long jet fingers puncturing through the man’s back before he had taken more than a couple steps, and blood spattered the ground along his intended escape route. Rudolf was frozen for but an instant, suspended in place as his vitality dripped to the ground, before the tendrils tore him apart and only gore was left. The beast-like juvenile was almost blind, but he already knew where the other one was; Jack was responsible for provoking the oxen to move, and he was undoubtedly retreating. His screaming lead to his demise, as Roku turned to point one hand toward him.

This one almost made it, fifteen meters away before the first tendril wrapped around his neck. Instead of giving up and dying quickly, the poor soul wildly swung his katana into the thread of death; much to his surprise, after an instant of resistance, it was cut and the pressure that had just started on his neck released. Roku would not be so slow again. And the boy’s other seven tentacles pierced him one at a time, through the shoulders and then the legs and then the stomach, before pulling the man to only a few feet from his murderer. Roku watched him die, thirty seconds of life slowly fading out of him. Jack’s final sight was a gleeful expression slowly replaced by a cold, menacing smile.

The tendrils retracted, one whipping out to retrieve his shades before sliding back into his body under his ribs. They were not broken, only bent… Calming down a bit made Roku realize how bad his injury was. Once more, his hands moved to his chest, wavering slightly as they formed one more seal, and he flickered into the back of the wagon that now moved at a less panicked pace. Roku stumbled dizzily to the front, taking the driver’s seat and tying the loose reins around the side of the seat.

The damage he had sustained was not lethal. His skull was fractured, and he definitely had a concussion. But he would live, and he would get better. In the times between his blurry rests, exhaustion mixing with injury to bring him several necessary spells of unconsciousness, he would find a small flat road to take, leading him away from the cart’s original destination. Better that the former owner’s goods didn’t reach their destination under new custody. Best to be out of the way.

The moon had risen high in the sky, and Roku needed to rest. He would attend more aptly to his injury when he had the chance; supplies to do so were certainly in the cart, and the morning would be time to move anyway. His job for the day was done.

Claiming 1000 ryo and D-Rank

Pt. 1

Starting Off Wrong Pt. 2

Jack’s Stats
Health: 10
Chakra: 4
Stamina: 15
Speed: 9
Strength: 12

Rudolf’s Stats
Health: 14
Chakra: 0
Stamina: 11
Speed: 7
Strength: 18

Last edited by Roku <3 on Fri May 04, 2018 8:52 am; edited 1 time in total
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Like a Monster with How I Murder[Mission Complete] Empty Re: Like a Monster with How I Murder[Mission Complete]

Tue May 01, 2018 11:40 am
Can you link where you did Part 1 please?
Roku <3
Roku <3
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Like a Monster with How I Murder[Mission Complete] Empty Re: Like a Monster with How I Murder[Mission Complete]

Fri May 04, 2018 8:52 am
Edited thusly
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Like a Monster with How I Murder[Mission Complete] Empty Re: Like a Monster with How I Murder[Mission Complete]

Fri May 04, 2018 2:43 pm
Approved of 1000 ryo, D rank mission complete, 3 AP (Don't forget that bit), and promotion to D rank MN
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