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Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic) Empty Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic)

Sun Oct 07, 2018 11:03 am
Saln had just gotten out of school, a long day full of lectures and notes... Nothing too exciting, merely learning the nature of chakra and it's many uses, though he did get to seem some exciting examples from the teacher! Clone and transformation... These were the fundamental ninja arts, the very BASICS of them and still he needed to learn them! He walked out that day in his hoodie and blue scarf, his back-pack hanging loosely from his shoulders as he made his way to the training grounds. He hadn't... actually... been there before, the little kid training mostly in his own back-yard with his father, getting his physical prerequisites up to snuff. Despite his dreams of specializing in the martial arts, Sal had been somewhat... lacking in these regards... While he certainly had the strength for an academy student, he somewhat lacked the speed and stamina to keep up with the rest of his classmates during basic physical training... Often times he would lag behind his school-friends, sometimes being passed TWICE during the running segments!

Still... he never gave up! Just as he wouldn't now! Borrowing a pair of scrolls from the school library, Sal sat himself down in the center of the grounds, the place scattered with a few other students having to do their homework, just as he had to! They had to learn a few jutsu and display them in class in a few days... and he planned to be ready tomorrow!

"Oooooooohkay...." Sal muttered softly, gently slipping off his pack and pulling out one of the scrolls. "Clone technique... I wonder if dad's home yet... I bet he could help me..." The red-eyed boy glanced up at the sun for but a moment, checking it's height in the sky... no... not yet... Maybe some time around noon... That meant he had a couple hours to learn this himself... "I bet I can do it! The signs... Ram..." He muttered, his hands folding into the signs as he spoke them. "Snake... Tiger... That's not so bad! I guess Teacher just made it seem harder with how fast he moved!"

Quickly rolling up the scroll, Sal stuffed it back in his pack, not wanting the early-morning dew to stain the schools property, before standing firm! Right... what was it again...? Oh right!






Saln blinked, confused... He jumped back to his pack, fishing out the scroll again to read it's contents... Those were the correct signs... Maybe he wasn't doing it fast enough? Sal quickly stuffed the scroll back into the bag again before weaving the signs once more!


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Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic) Empty Re: Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic)

Mon Oct 08, 2018 12:05 am
Another day of training, another day closer to achieving the unspoken promise Suzume had created not too long ago. Going back on it wouldn't have been an option, and besides, giving up would also then forfeit all the small joys along the way. Maybe today would unfold one of them. Or, on the contrary, be a total drag. Before jumping into the big stuff, it would be necessary to maintain the small stuff. For the sake of nostalgia, Suzume chose for her training exercises today be what she had be taught to graduate the academy. Even if the classmates she had learned these techniques with weren't around any longer, it simply felt nice to experience those times again. 

The clone technique was always a classic. She remembered about how much of a struggle it was at first. Controlling your chakra and getting it to function the way you needed it to was half the trick. But, for Suzume, she had moved on to bigger things...and so now performing the clone technique was as simple as focusing her energy and then forming the hand signs. Ram, snake, tiger... ah. The good times. Before a shinobi had to worry about fallen comrades. Where you could fake a high five as a way to tease a friend with a clone jutsu disappearing once they fell for it, while then standing behind them to say "Behind you!" and have them walk into an actual high five after they turned around into it! That prank never got old. Especially if the same person fell for it more than once. 

All jokes aside, Suzume had plans. Big plans. And not enough time. What made it that she didn't have enough time? Who knows, but the sooner things got done the better. More time for naps. Here at the training ground, there appeared to be some innocent newbie. Was it fair for Suzume to think this way? Maybe not, but if this kid was struggling with the clone technique then he certainly had to be more new than herself. With a sly smile, Suzume formed a clone. It was much easier than she remembered. She had the clone walk up to the boy, who was repetitively rushing through the clone technique without focusing his chakra first. "Hey. Boy." 

[WC: 382 and -5 AP for Clone Technique]

Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic) Empty Re: Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic)

Mon Oct 08, 2018 9:06 am
It was a simple mistake for anyone who was new to the practicalities of the Ninja Arts. Saln had never really practiced his Ninjutsu as much as he probably should've, too focused on his martial arts was he... He knew Taijutsu still used chakra! He'd been listening in class but... he didn't know... this was different! Sal didn't quite understand what it meant to channel chakra and all that through his hand-signs!

Still, like a good, determined ninja he wanted to be, Saln weaved his hands over and over and OVER until they ached... eventually, he had to stop for fear of his fingers falling off! His chest rising and falling heavily, the little boy PLOPPED down in the cool, wet morning grass, his large sanguine eyes staring out over the grounds in thought. What had he done wrong...? What had he forgotten? Teacher was so casual about doing it, merely weaving some signs before his double appeared outta thin... smoke! There had to be some piece of the puzzle... something he was missing... Well, the only thing he could do was return to the visual aid that was his scroll, fishing it out once more from his pack and cradling it in his hands. Before he could open it, though, a strong "Boy" Caused him to JUMP in surprise, the voice coming out of NOWHERE! One could always tell when someone called for them, even when they spoke not your name nor looked in your direction... He could just SENSE that whoever was calling out for a boy... it was directed at him...

"Uh..." He muttered, glancing over his shoulder, his blue scarf covering his mouth and muffling his words. "H-hi...?"

His sanguine eyes WIDENED at the sight before him, a girl... no... TWO of the same girl standing right behind him, smiling! Sal quickly whirled around and the end of his scarf with him, the little boy staring up at the girl with excitement glimmering in his gaze!

"Hey! How'd you do that?" He asked, glancing from face to face. "I wanna do that!"

TWC: 790
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic) Empty Re: Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic)

Tue Oct 09, 2018 10:56 pm
So it was an eventful day. Some leaves covered the ground, and the footsteps of yen merely crunched as he slowly walked through the village.

There was a cool nip in the air. As it should be. The seasons changed and so did the intents, and the desires of shinobi around. The aburame merely wandered in now a black cloak and a black hat nowadays. 

What was sunshine that made him smile. Was merely a light from dawn to dusk now to him. He was glum and rather grim these days. Not taking as much chances. And his heart not open as much as it once was. Still he was the mysterious yensung. 

His small frame passed near the training area. As he merely wished to complete a little training. A habit he picked up  more frequently since the death of his wife and children. He had nothing left at home to enjoy. So the usual flexation of chakra was his occupation for the time being.

 On the way there he stopped by the graveyard and merely paid the graves of his family, and salzems a visit. A habit as it really was the only thing he did to grant him some company. He even ate there a few days to not feel so distant. Amid thoes times he only visualized the eternal possibilities of what if's and could've been. But the moon and shadows of tombs became the reality of  what is now and shall be.

Another night of waking up and clutching the pillow. He only realized that his mind was another waltz of darkness and despair. Yet he hid it behind the silence of his walking, and the maze of his speech.

Still now he quietly observed the induviduals in the grounds. There was a time he spent well. Watching the varied geninn work hard to reach their goals, but today there was an odd pairing. An young and rather inexperienced induvidual arrived. Perched in a tree yen caught a starking sight that the boy looked familiar.

Almost like looking at a ghost... or a childs reflection.... very rare to run into such induviduals, but could be a fluke...

Yen thought as he quietly noted the boy looked like some child version of his departed freind. But he was acceptive of the reality. After all he stabbed salzem in the gut, and within that time stood over the corpse in internal agony. He even knew from what he knew of the pain. It only reminded him how much his home degraded. 

I tried to save kasai... only now to find i was to stab my best freind.... at least here. I will not let failure taint my path... even i cannot see it in the grey mist.

Yen thought as he noted the girl he had seen a few times. Suzume playing around with the clone technique. 


Yen thought as he quietly watched within the shadows of the branches. As he was within the trees even the academy student and the geninn would feel the large prescense of him. Perhaps the chill on their skin due to his chakra fluxing around.

Lets merely watch for the time being.

Yen thought as he quietly observed the duo. From the tree line behind the little sal about 10 meters.

Wc: 551
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Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic) Empty Re: Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic)

Wed Oct 10, 2018 10:46 am
Maybe Suzume could show the kid how its done. She had never really taught anyone anything before, though. But how difficult could it be to teach a technique she did so easily now? The frustrating part of getting your chakra to be controlled would be all up to the kid, not her. She already did it once, having to do it again would just be unnecessary. Besides, a first is a first...doing anything for the first time is usually difficult one way or another. That was just the learning process, as Suzume told herself while beginning to show him.

"You see, you're rushing through the hand signs without focusing your chakra into what you're trying to do here. Your hand signs are all correct, but what you need to do now is channel your energy into it. It's easier said than done, but the only way to achieve it is to take it step by step instead of forcing it all at once."

She recalled being taught it like that. That was the basis for any skill that required chakra to use it. At least, for what she had experienced....which wasn't much. Was it wrong for her to try and help the kid out? It would have been ashamed if he just stayed here all day doing the same thing over and over without the expected results occurring. It would have been more ashamed if she just let him repeat that, when she knew she could help....if what she did say helped anyways.

Worst case scenario, he could go to someone who knew what they were doing better than her. After a while, she did notice a familiar aura  in the distance. She couldn't tell who it was, just that they were there. An old classmate? She glanced over in the direction, but they seemed to have been hidden among the trees. She shrugged it off, as this was the training grounds and so whoever it was they most likely didn't want to be bothered.

[WC: 335]

Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic) Empty Re: Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic)

Wed Oct 10, 2018 8:58 pm
"OH!" Saln exclaimed, gently tapping his fist in an open palm in an expression of understanding! It was so CLEAR! Of COURSE that's what he had to do! "...So... how do I do that?" An obvious question if ever there was one! It was like telling someone what they were doing wrong... then completely neglecting to tell them what to do right! Keep in mind, Sal was just a mere academy student, learning the bare-bones basics of what it was to be a ninja! What's more was that he was but a child... There was bound to be some information the teachers taught that would slip through the cracks! He remembered something about... spiritual energy and emotions and such but he couldn't remember any exact details. Did he just... throw his hands together and will it out...? Could it really be that easy? Like most other people, he always thought the trick WAS the handsigns and that was it! You know... the magic words to speak the spell! He didn't know he had to summon up the mana too! Of course... that made sense though. No point in pulling the trigger on a crossbow when there wasn't a bolt in the notch, right?

Saln's big red eyes caught those Suzume drifting off over his shoulder, the little boy tilting his head in curiosity before turning his gaze back, towards the treeline to see... nothing. Little did he know, a mysterious hatted figure sat amongst the leaves and branches, watching him with a certain interest... personal perhaps. Whatever his motives, Saln remained unaware of them as well as the person who carried them. The little boy's gaze scanned over and over the area, spotting nothing... Maybe she saw a bird or something... Must've been something real pretty to distract a ninja like that!

"I'm Saln!" He greeted with a wide smile once he turned back to face her, his wide grin covered up by his blue scarf, the joy purely in his eyes. "I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier! I was kinda distracted and stuff... Kinda like how you were just now!" His smile widened a bit, the curves of his mouth poking out over the soft, fuzzy blue fabric.

"I'm sorry if what I just asked was kinda... ya know... obvious..."

TWC: 1,171
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Ryo : 1500

Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic) Empty Re: Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic)

Wed Oct 10, 2018 10:39 pm
This looked to be interesting to yen. As his usual thought of quiet observation would lead to his inevitable nap. By of course slipping his hat over his eyes.

These two proved some entertainment. Looked like they were speaking on the basics of chakra control. An particular specialty he took great pride in. With being the genjutsu maestro.

The thoughts of his knowledge on the subject would come into play. But first the girl should get this done well. Surely and well. After all. Leaders teach even if caught off guard. A definite point to thoes seeking a higher asperation in their shinobi career.

In this case yen kicked back and watched the two. For he was willing to watch a little longer. Yens mind merely diving deep into its reaches. As many had the heart to accept chakra, but how many strived to understand how it worked with them?

An age old question. Because while one may use it for offense, another saw it for defense, while a third may see chakra as the support of tbeir abilities. From clan and generational secret techniques. Tko the bare back basics in academy and chakra theories.

The world had a way and accepted the notion of ones own power through their body, and chakra

ah one in the same no matter how one is raised, or what they see

Yen thought as he smiled softly


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Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic) Empty Re: Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic)

Fri Oct 12, 2018 8:52 am
The kid sure did have spirit, she had to admit. Much more than herself at the moment, still caught on the mourning of having to watch a comrade be killed in what could have been considered a most unnecessary manner. A comarde she barely knew, sure, but he was a comrade she would have liked to get to know. All taken away, at a moment's notice. Was it typical for a genin her age to think like that? To her, seemed to be a mentality for much more experienced shinobi. 

After spacing out for a minute or so, wallowing in the event, Suzume shook her head to chase the saturnine memories away. "Oh, right. You wanted to know how to get your chakra to work with you." She hoped that focusing on her attempt to teach the kid would distract her, if even only for a little while. "Oh, yeah, uh, my name's Suzume. It's fine you ask questions like that, everyone has to start somewhere. And this is probably one of the most important skills you will have to build upon. Better to ask the questions you may think are dumb than to keep wondering, right?" At this point, Suzume felt like she was just rambling on and on to this kid. Mostly out of nervousness of having to focus on teaching while also having an overhead of gloom upon her. 

"Ah, well. Anyways, to get to the about before you attempt that technique again you first focus on channeling your energy throughout your body? So...start with your toes...then to your knees...up to your elbows, until you reach the top of your head. One area at a time." This was Suzume's first suggestion, as this was the process she had taken when she was in his shoes. 

On another note, the chakra signature she had sensed didn't seemed to be to active. If someone were training, wouldn't theirs be more impactful? But this one was just... stagnant, is how she decided to describe the unknown watcher. She contemplated checking out what the deal was, but they weren't causing any harm, at least not right now, so she stayed with the kid who was trying to learn.

[WC: 368]

Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic) Empty Re: Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic)

Fri Oct 12, 2018 4:37 pm
Well... With their mysterious watcher going ignored, Suzumi introduced herself, much to Saln's enjoyment! Heh... That's a nice name, Suzumi... Almost sounded... he didn't know... Gentle...? He couldn't think of the right word exactly... but it made him more comfortable to know the name of the person teaching him. She didn't seem to be much on the personality side though... All business some would say. Any personal quirks she possessed, Suzumi seemed to keep quiet and to herself. He could understand that, he supposed. Not many people were as open and free with their emotions as he is! After all... When you go to join the military, people you know and like tend to get killed. He knew that just as well as anyone, seeing as his model had just been killed not too long ago. The mere thought of Salzem's death brought Saln's smile withering down... The two ninja there seemed, if for a moment, to lament the death of their friends and comrades, taking a moment to contemplate the nothingness of oblivion before returning back to reality!

"Oh... Okay!"
Sal agreed, nodding as Suzumi dismissed his concerns over his question! Yeah! She was right! It was best to ask those questions so that you didn't screw up when the time came to actually preform! Improvising was good, but not when you had knowledge at your fingertips instead! With that, they would get back to the training... if one could call it that. Why would one have doubts...? Because the instructions were so simple, it was a marvel Saln had even forgotten them! Energy control was something anyone knew picking up the basics of martial arts. It helped with precision, the power of your blows and to make sure you didn't waste energy! Deep breaths, concentration... as difficult as it was for a boy his age to attain these things, Saln had grown to learn them... So all he had to do was channel his energy through him... weave the signs... and that's it...? Wow... Huh! If ninja-ing was this easy, then... well... uh... Things would happen! A lotta things!

"Oh... Uh... Okay!" Saln exclaimed, closing his eyes and allowing his energy to flow... it came slowly... but steadily. He took a deep breath... IN and out... Before his hands began to weave the signs...





In a cloud of smoke beside him, a mirror duplicate of Sal appeared, the little boy opening his eyes to see his achievement!

"Wow! I did it!" He exclaimed, clapping his hands together happily, his clone mirroring his movements but lacking any of the sound that came with it... Huh! Curiously, he reached out to touch his duplicate but the instant their fingers connected, it disappeared in another cloud! Saln blinked, surprised... but he still smiled! Turning his gaze back to Suzumi, he held out his hands, expecting her to take them!

"Thank yooou!" He grinned, his smile once again obscured by his scarf. WELL! With this new knowledge in hand... Saln knew what else he could do! There was another scroll in his pack for "Transformation" but if it worked anything like the Clone technique, he'll do that one lickity split! "Hey! Hey! Watch this!" He asked, closing his eyes and weaving new signs... His chakra pooled throughout his body, filling him with energy... An image of himself several years in the future... 17... 18 maybe filled his mind...




"Transform!" He declared and he was enveloped in a cloud of smoke! Who emerged from it... He might look uncannily familiar to Yen... He stood at least a foot and a half taller, his body wider but also toned, his hoodie much longer and black to fit his older appearance, his scarf around his neck a deep blood red. Saln's hair was longer, wild and seeming to resemble his hero's. He wore dark black pants tucked into black boots his hands were stuffed in his hoodie pockets as he glanced in Suzumi's direction all cool-like as if embodying his model!

"So." He muttered, his voice much deeper... but smooth. "What do you think?"

TWC: 1,857
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic) Empty Re: Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic)

Fri Oct 12, 2018 5:16 pm
It was quiet something. A few choice words from the girl and it seemed to have clicked like a puzzle.

hm now that is good to see... she would rather describe by small motion and more words. Yet i wonder if its because of inexperience, or perhaps she is preocupied mentally.

Yen wondered as the boy with quick ease managed to both make a clone, and perhaps it was the rush of heat from the suscess. Like a gambler on a streak he had suscessfully transformed into a dead resemblence of sal.

For a split second his thoughts waivered. It slwas likebseeing the back of the former. Yet his left hand twitched slightly. Subconciously he was hurting. Deep behind the gears of knowledge there was a tiny man that shivered, but even he knew the truth.

With that his hand stopped shaking. It merely looked as if it was a twitch to remove a fly. His single eye did not betray the instant of weakness. His bulkwark returned. For he smiled.

who knewcyou had an admant admirer sal.... surely it is why you were always the better one. So few could unserstand my methods. The few who did in the end perished.... including you old freind

Yen thought as he nodded with a smile of approval. It was time he spoke up as he crossed his right leg over his left like lounging in a lawn chair. Of course they would hear his voice, but one would need to come closer to see him.

"Looks like you are close to ready for your first big roadblock pal."

Yen spoke with an amused tone. Yet he simply sat there in the tree branch quietly.

"So what kind of ninja do you wish to become?"

yen asked with an honesty that was curious to see where this boy wished to take his career next. some aspired to be medics, others warriors, while yet others jack of all trades.

Wc: 330

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