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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
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Another Day, Another Mission (Mission, Open) Empty Another Day, Another Mission (Mission, Open)

Sat Oct 20, 2018 4:48 pm
Mission Name/Objective:

Tadashi was walking, one letter in his left hand through one of the more populous towns in the Fire County, Tanzaku Town. One might say it's a haven or godsend for the ambitious sellers in the Fire County, or the very same place the spits out and steals money from the very same people who were ambitious and pretty much a blank canvas. It was about Evening time in the city, the fluorescent light of the sun, mixed with the orangish/brown horizon, gleamed through the busy city. Anywho, the crimson haired Genin passed through a bunch of people, men with black suits, coming to go to work with briefcases in their hand. Women doing the same thing that the men were doing, some showed off their extravagant designer's clothing, attracting some people from the opposite gender. To Tadashi's surprise, there were little to none shinobi, probably because it was Evening, almost nighttime, and most shinobi probably left Tanzaku Town to call it a day. After a few minutes of walking through the town, the crimson haired Genin finally found a place of interest after looking at hundreds of buildings. Ichiraku Ramen Shop. At that moment, his stomach began rumbling widely as he decided to walk in the shop, he had nothing else to do, so why not kill two birds with one stone? Read his letter and eat food.

When the crimson haired Genin arrived at the place, he was the only one in the room as he smelled the distinct odor of ramen. Tadashi walked up to the cashier man as he began to order his meal while looking at the menu he grabbed from the entrance. 

"Hi, sir! I would like to order Shoyu Ramen with a medium sized Green Tea." He kindly said as the man looked closely at the boy, primarily at his katana and headband as he decided on a price. 

"You're a shinobi, right? I'll lower the price by 100 Ryo."

"Wait, why sir?"

"Common courtesy, boy. I have to show respect to you guys. That will be 150 Ryo."

Tadashi's cheeks grew red as he sheepishly replied while giving the man the money, "Thank you, sir..." 

"We'll have your meal ready in about 10 minutes."

The crimson haired Genin sat down as he opened the letter, sent by him in the mail. The only real reason why Tadashi went to Tanzaku town and went to Ichiraku was that the mail told him to arrive here for some reason... The letter read,

Dear Tadashi Ishida Namikaze, 

This is a direct message from the Konoha Government, and you have been chosen to do a C-Rank mission with other people that we've assigned to do with you. The mission is about, villagers have been missing over the past few days during the night. In the mornings, their bodies were white and drained of all sense of life and color. We have theorized that the culprit is a serial killer, and your job is to stop the serial killer tonight by all means possible, dead or alive, apprehended or killed. The rendezvous location is at Ichiraku Ramen Shop in Tanzaku Town at Evening. Ignoring the mail will not be tolerated, and failure to try the mission, you will no longer be a ninja. 

Best Regards,
Konoha Government 

Tadashi sweatdropped, "Good thing I didn't ignore the mission. Whew.." He thought in relief. The crimson haired Genin would fold the paper in half, grabbing a pen and wrote on the halved paper horizontally, "Rendezvous Location." Tadashi placed the paper on the table so it could stand horizontally, beckoning people to sit with him, discussing their mission. As an action of kindness, Tadashi would place 300 Ryo in front of 3 seats that was around his table, for the people he had to discuss the mission with, and they could eat ramen together. His ramen and green tea will shortly arrive as he would proceed to happily eat it, waiting for his teammates.

WC: 763

Another Day, Another Mission (Mission, Open) Empty Re: Another Day, Another Mission (Mission, Open)

Sat Oct 20, 2018 4:50 pm
The market was bustling again today, Shinoskay had just gotten back in from his pilgrimage and journey across the borders, he was on his way to the library to catch up on more of the current events of the country and the continent. The lands seemed a lot less occupied these days, which was odd considering the many villages that had been destroyed not even 3 years ago. He wanted to see what had happened that he had missed so the central site of the worlds knowledge was the idea place to study this.

Walking through the sister village and seeing the bustling activity was still interesting. Once more the boy walked with a map and one of his rock clones both a meter to his rear as well as another 3 meters to the rear and off to the left a little so that the two could watch over the original as they sifted through the crowds of people before them. He needed the map because the sister village was nearly as large as Konoha itself, between the market and the world library one had a great swoths and varieties of people passing through. Particularly, since it had been a good year since the war, life had fully returned and swelled since the two directly neighboring villages had been visited by the bloody mists rains of death and destruction, in fact one could find many new Kiri people passing through now as well. The melting pot of culture bolstered by the unorthodox means of alliance between the land of water and the land of leaf and fire.

As the boy passed an ally way, something caught his attention, his honed shinobi instincts and training caught something in an ally way to his right, out of the corner of his eye, and just as he looked he saw someone catch on, obviously almost as equally honed to spot abnormalities like someone looking at them, and drop a person before turning and running. It only took the boy a moment to realize there had been blood on the fleeing persons mouth and that said blood had left a thick rope of mixed blood and saliva between the persons mouth and the now falling and likely dead persons throat. Shinoskay had not caught a good look at the fleeing murderer's face as he was too focused on the mouth but that didn't matter if the boy could catch the person to figure out what just happened. Immediately he moved to do just that, the clones with their slowly reaction and speed would quickly be left behind but otherwise would still move to try to keep up as the boy made a sudden and jaunted dash through the crowd to where the figure was. The moment he took to move at his max speed, he would also then activate his puppetry ability and send chakra threads through and into himself to further aid and enhance his body and movements. The crowd would seem to suddenly stop moving as everyone else had been casually taking on the day at an average speed of 2.... absolute nothing compared to what was now a speed of 165, this was still barely half the speed of the more skilled shinobi but compared to the masses of the average person it was beyond comprehension.

Despite the boys sudden speed, and his inability to catch the fleeing persons face, he could not out pace the man and quickly lost sight of him. The boy felt this was a bad sign and so just as he was able to clear the crowd and reach the mouth of the Alleyway he would stop. Going in alone, into winding terrain with many blind spots, against a faster and unknown threat where the threat has more familiarity of the terrain was just begging for death. The boy stared into the narrow pathway for a short moment before then glancing down at the discarded body, he was no med spec shinobi and his medical knowledge was limited but even he could tell that the body, eyes wind but inactive, laying their with the neck wound not spraying blood was dead.

Something about this felt like dejavu, it didnt make sense to him that he felt that way but for some reason it was there. He couldn't remember why he was even in Tanzaku village anymore, something about finding something... Something was in front of him, he could see a body with blood, there was a sense that something was running away and he needed to chase it but when he quickly tried looking around he couldn't see anything around him except for the crowed behind him and the body before him. Not even his Rock clone was there anymore... and then the sound of the crowed lulled and slowly silenced... and then as he tried to figure out where he was he found the world going dark...

then he woke up, the smell of ramen filled his nostrils and his stomach bid him to make way to it. He wasnt sure where he was but he knew there was something tasty nearby and that he really wanted it.

Rising to his feet, he felt an ache all over and a pain on his neck, it was strange but all he could think about was food. As he turned to make way to it, he reached up, sliding his hand under his hood, subconsciously to rub the spot that ached and felt a strange set of bumps their. He didnt understand it but he was walking towards something tasty so it didnt matter to him. Other things the boy didnt notice about himself is that the bottom of his mask had a 1 inch chip in it and was cracked in 2 directions. He also smelled slightly of vomit, dirt, and sweat but it was a weak scent... like itd been hastily washed away.

Slowly, the boy would open the entrance to the ramen shop before glancing in at the much brighter room then where he was coming in from... the light was taxing on his eyes but he wanted the food more and so he would continue in till he found himself sitting next to a crimson haired boy about his age.
Stat Page : The Executioner
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Another Day, Another Mission (Mission, Open) Empty Re: Another Day, Another Mission (Mission, Open)

Sun Oct 21, 2018 9:54 am
The crimson haired Genin would be quiet, but stuffing his face with the Shoyu Ramen. The ramen consisted of rich, beef broth with pieces of spring onion root of it, served hot. In the midst of the broth was yellow, lightly salted, but delicious ramen noodles that were drenched with yummy soy sauce. A lot of diverse vegetables such as onions, cabbage, and daikon radish were sprinkled in the broth with bamboo roots also added in the mix. On the left edge of the ramen bowls were fried pork cutlet with mayonnaise and fried cabbage sprinkled on it, and it was called tonkatsu. On the right edge of the ramen with dried seaweed, meant to accompany the ramen, called Nori. The green tea that Tadashi ordered, rested on the left of the ramen bowl, waiting to be drunken once cooled down. Finally, on the left of Tadashi's side was a savory, Okonomiyaki pancake with strawberries and maple syrup on top of it. The crimson haired Genin's taste buds, were, to say the least, delighted.

After a few minutes of Tadashi eating the food, the curtains of the Ichiraku Ramen Shop were opened abruptly, as a familiar white masked boy appeared, his mask a little bit cracked, and his outfit having an unpleasant look on it, most likely exposed to elements of human nature. The crimson haired Genin wouldn't notice until Shino sat, right next to him. The smell of Shino had a tint of repulsiveness, but it was just a tint, just enough to catch Tadashi off guard. The crimson haired Genin would slowly put his ramen bowl on the table and sipping some of his cooled down green tea. His head would turn to Shino as he still held the green teacup on his right hand,

"Out of all of the people who could have come, I never expected it to be you Shino. How's it been going, buddy?"

The crimson haired Genin would pause before hearing Shino's response, after the white masked boy's response, he would reply while gesturing to the coins in front of Shino,

"You can order ramen with these coins if you're hungry. Either way, we'll still talk about the mission." 

WC: 474
TWC: 1237

Another Day, Another Mission (Mission, Open) Empty Re: Another Day, Another Mission (Mission, Open)

Sun Oct 21, 2018 10:34 am
The people in the room seemed to murmur something, he couldn't quite understand what was going on or what they said but something, trained, inside of him told him they were murmuring about him. His seat felt beyond comfortable, like he hadn't sat in a while even though he had just got up from sitting on ground outside, something about him came off odd to the people in the ramen shop and he had a sense that it was his face.
While his eyes looked longingly at the ramen bowl next to him, in front of Tadashi, he would shift his hand from rubbing the strange lumps on his next to bring it to his own face to find there was something covering it... it felt familiar and comfortable but he saw in his peripheral that no one else had anything on their face and the murmuring made him feel like he was being rude or strange. Slowly, he would feel out how the mask was attached before then removing the mask, and then he would draw back his hood to reveal his silver streaked black hair.

Just in time, his stomach would growl audibly and he remembered what Tadashi had said, "shino?" he would then look down at the coins "Mission?" the only thing that made sense in the boys mind was that the coins would help his hunger, and like a good waiter the person taking peoples food order would recognize that the boy was settled and so they would approach "hello sir," the scent would surprise them a little but a quick glance at Tadashi and then the coins would re assure them he wasnt some moneyless homeless person before they continued, "what would you like?"

To answer, Shinoskay would just point at Tadashi's bowl of ramen and the waiter would nod before moving themselves away.
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
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Another Day, Another Mission (Mission, Open) Empty Re: Another Day, Another Mission (Mission, Open)

Sun Oct 21, 2018 6:22 pm
It was pretty much official to someone that Shino wasn't listening to anything Tadashi was saying, only staring longingly at the crimson haired Genin's bowl of noodle with broth and meat. Something that really surprised Tadashi was that the white masked boy took... well his mask off, revealing his angular face and silver-streaked black hair that was only shown during the time that they first met each other with Feza. Shino would also take off his black hood, further showing his hair. Then, further proving Tadashi's point that Shino was hungry and wasn't really in the best mind, was when the unmasked boy's stomach would growl loudly while he would be spurting out fragments of Tadashi's previous sentence. That showing also created new questions. The crimson haired Genin would think in mid-sip of his green tea, scanning the room in boredom.

"Shino has parents, doesn't he? If his parents were doing their job by keeping him well fed, why is he so hungry?"

Tadashi would hold on for that question later as he finished scanning the room. Not to his surprise, more people arrived at the Ichiraku Ramen Shop, when the crimson haired Genin was eating his food, and for some reason, they were staring at the table that he was at, more towards Shino. He would sigh at the almost child-like looks of the people. A few seconds passed, and a waiter with a notepad come across Shino, asking him what to order, and Shino would point to Tadashi's Shoyu Ramen dish. The waiter would scribble the order in the notepad as he left to inform the chefs.

The crimson haired Genin after thinking about it, now realized that the only way to have an actual intelligent conversation about the mission with Shino is to wait till his hunger has been nurtured. In the meantime, until Shino has gotten his food and has eaten it, Tadashi would begin finishing the leftovers of his ramen, the tonkatsu and seaweed now in the midst of the broth, rather than the sides of it. The okonomiyaki pancake would be finished last due to desert customs.

WC: 464
TWC: 1674

Last edited by Tadashi (Tracer) Namikaze on Sun Oct 21, 2018 6:41 pm; edited 1 time in total

Another Day, Another Mission (Mission, Open) Empty Re: Another Day, Another Mission (Mission, Open)

Sun Oct 21, 2018 6:39 pm
While waiting, taa and a small serving of rice was placed down for the two genin. This wasn't something most customers got but for groups, especially groups that weren't all coming in at once, this was used as a way to keep the table civil and happy so no one felt awkward and no one was sitting around waiting for food. The waiter, again, moved purposefully and to minimize his time around the disheveled genin to place the two portions of rice and tea before moving on to other customers. The smell wasnt as enticing as the shoyu ramen but it was still fresh and warm food and tasteful drink, realizing this was for him, Shinoskay would take a deep smell of the combined scents before gathering his tea first. As he took a hold of it, the warmth in contrast to his cold fingers would feel incredibly refreshing and he would relish the feeling by holding it a moment. His mind was still clouded by his earlier encounter, wherever had transpired, but he was slowly growing more comfortable again after having been out outside the village for the past two weeks.

A thought occurred to him, he wasn't sure why but he felt like there was something he should say or do for tadashi. 'Tadashi?' he would glance over at the genin he sat next to and look at them with a confused look as the name rolled through there mind. The realization that they couldn't quite pin the name to the face, but that they knew that the face and name belong, was strange. Then, fluidly but with a slightly confused tone, "thank you." In his clouded mind he couldn't really see why he felt it was necessary to say that but it also felt natural and calming all the same.
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Another Day, Another Mission (Mission, Open) Empty Re: Another Day, Another Mission (Mission, Open)

Sun Oct 21, 2018 7:12 pm
Tadashi slurped and crunched on the remains of the ramen, only leaving a small puddle of the previous ocean of beef broth. The crimson haired Genin pushed the pretty much empty soup bowl as he grabbed the okonomiyaki drenched which maple syrup with cut strawberries on top of it. On the left of Tadashi was a folded napkin with a fork and a knife, so he grasped the fork with his right hand as the sharp part of the fork stabbed into the fluffy batter that was cooked on a skillet. The fork picked up the pancake as Tadashi was about to bite his teeth into the sweet desert until a different waiter placed plates of rice and 2 cups of green tea on the table with a giant platter, holding the plates of rice and cups of green tea with little to no effort. When the plate was placed, Tadashi didn't feel that obliged to eat the rice because the ramen already filled him up, but instead, he grabbed one cup of green tea since his other cup that was accompanied with the Shoyu Ramen was already emptied.

The crimson haired Genin began drinking the green teacup with his right hand as he stopped midway when he saw Shino holding his appetizer as he said something briefly, but with a confused tone. "thank you." the unmasked boy said, this time, not in fragments which were something that Tadashi could understand. Tadashi didn't really understand why Shino was saying thank you, but he decided to roll along with it.

"You're welcome Shino, enjoy your food." He said with a warm smile and tone of voice. Maybe after then, they could actually get started with discussing and performing the mission.

WC: 374
TWC: 2048

Another Day, Another Mission (Mission, Open) Empty Re: Another Day, Another Mission (Mission, Open)

Sat Oct 27, 2018 8:45 pm
As shinoskay started eating, the strangest thing happened... it seemed the bite on shinoskay's neck led to his bloodline both cursing and attracting the entity terrorizing the people because the door opened and in stumbled.... yes stumbled.... something that looked like a man in a pancho like cloak, black spread from his mouth out to across his face and down his chest. This black looked like it grew on him as a cancer, or a black mold, veins spread from it to out beyond to the rest of the body showing that he was soon going to be fully covered by this.

It wasnt clear what this was from but it was clear it was destroying them, they were obviously struggling with life, made clear by raspy and labored breath as well as a desperate look in their blackening eyes with the right eye still half black, with blackened veins, and the rest was red showing that this infection would eventually spread to the rest of the creature.

Regardless of what the two genin did, it's stumbling would lead to it falling over right there in the diner, its body appeared to be very dense and heavy yet also very pliable because as it fell to its knees it cracked the floor... a low groan would escape its throat as it tried to growl but the infection had already overcome its mouth and throat so it was no longer able to manipulate that area enough to do so. Then, as its hand slipped from the door frame, it would fall forward with an almost flopped, belly flop into water, sort of slapping sound suggesting its skin was fatty and thick thick with liquids. Its head would thud on the ground and that part of the floor too would crack as a small squirt of blood would be squeezed from the creatures own mouth from its damaged throat. the impact having cause a wave of motion to condense in the upper region of its body to force the air in its longs and the blood from its throat out.

Within moments, it would fall over dead... and strangely that put an end to the mission

~Thread exit~
2026 wc
claim mission complete
Magnet release 434/1000
Spanking 500/500
Quiet Footstep 500/500
Wind Arrow 500/500

Last edited by Shinoskay on Sat Nov 03, 2018 12:37 am; edited 1 time in total

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Thu Nov 01, 2018 2:40 am
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Thu Nov 01, 2018 2:40 am
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