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Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

A Brother's Burden [P] Empty A Brother's Burden [P]

Tue Dec 11, 2018 1:12 pm
There were few shinobi of the world who didn't know about the Valley of the End. A battle between the two strongest shinobi of their generation that had scarred the earth itself. Honoured by the two statues that stood tall above the valley built in the likeness of the two combatants. Even now after centuries the statues remained standing, facing each other with the seal of confrontation. While growing up Takeo had always wanted to visit it. He had been in awe when he heard the tale. A clash between the greatest shinobi in history? What an epic it would have been. Now, twenty years from the day he had first heard the story he stood upon the head of the first ever Hokage, his eyes scanning across the valley as he took in every detail.

The verdict? Disappointing.

It was hard to think straight. The waterfall that formed the beginning of the valley itself was thunderous. Despite the statues remaining standing time had not been kind. The rock had started to wear away, making it difficult to even make out the features truly. Takeo was now staring deeply into the statue opposite him. That of the Uchiha who had been the opponent of the Hokage. While the Senju's featured had remained untouched it appeared as if some restoration work had been done on the Uchiha. The result was what appeared to be if someone had tried to change the original shape into that of someone else. The work was recent, likely ordered by a previous Hokage who shared the likeness enough for it to not require major reworks, a show of the vanity of the shinobi of Leaf.

Finally Takeo tore his eyes away from the remodelled face and toward the top of the statue's head. Removing his hands from his pockets he gave a sweeping gesture across the valley with his left arm. His voice carried itself above the sound of the water battering the rocks below. "What do you make of it brother? I could carve a larger piece out of the ground myself than this!" Takeo flashed the figure on the opposite statue a grin, though it may have been lost given the distance between them.
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A Brother's Burden [P] Empty Re: A Brother's Burden [P]

Tue Dec 11, 2018 2:59 pm
To stand in the aftermath of what had once been the greatest historical event was an interesting experience. Some could even argue that it was humbling to be in the very same place where great men, likened to gods, dueled without any inhibition for the others safety. A glorious bout of destruction and mastery, as all fights should be. Their very figures now stood against the test of time, forever remembered and reconstructed by their village as a testament to their legend and prowess. Such remembrance was.. Desirable.

He sat atop the stony mane of the one who had once gone by Madara Uchiha, a name that was etched into history as potently as the word ‘Shinobi’ itself. Xyxer never had a strong fondness for that cursed bloodline, all of the stories he’d heard of them expressed only distaste and isolation for that clan as they gained power through the suffering of others.. yet still their eyes were valuable, and they had been hunted like wild boars. The sacred protection of that clan had been squandered and forgotten, and now they were nothing more than a dysfunctional group awaiting slaughter or a glorious leader once more.

One leg was pulled into his chest with his foot flat on the legends scalp, his other folded horizontally so that he could rest comfortably with his foot lightly pressed against his ankle. In his youth he always knew he would venture to lands such as these, for it was in his blood and he would never be denied his rights. Father had whispered in his ear every day about the greatness he was destined for, the heights he would ascend to, the accolades he’d rack until it would be easier to recall what he had not done. Yet still, these legends were more immortalised than he, which was cause for mild unrest.

That was until he remembered that the village they fought for and against had been brought to kneel by the sitting tyrant. The icy mist of Kirigakure had rolled all the way from across the sea as vengeance wrought its cold hand around the throat of the dogs. Konohagakure was still to suffer for what the harm they had caused upon Old Kirigakure.. The isles beneath the waves that had once lapped upon their shore feebly. The village these legends hailed from would be molded by Kirigakures own, shaped into something he desired; it was his will.

A light breeze carried through the area the calmness of the forest as the erratic sound of nature made its way into the clearing. Birds sung their songs while insects communicated with one another, even the fish were jumping from their oasis as if to challenge the others to a contest. Rays of warmth carried down from the heavens to illuminate the tranquil display, lightly heating the skin of the twins while they sat atop the opposing statues in a relaxed silence.

It’s not like they wouldn’t get the opportunity to talk when they could very well do what they want whenever they please.

Heterochromatic eyes finally rested upon the form of his twin on the head of Hashirama, having been offered a wave by the man. Not to be rude, Xyxer returned the courtesy before his hand brushed through his primarily white locks, only thin streaks of blue now visible in the hair it had once dominated. Takeos gloating was very common to his character and it evoked a light chuckle from his brother, although it was doubtful that he heard it from the distance they found themselves at,
“Reality is often disappointing when compared to the tales, dear brother!”
He called out with a neutral expression, knowing that it was a waste of energy to feign emotion when his brother could not witness them.

A singular hand pushed down against the head of the dead man, serving to push the legend up from his perch before he took a few steps forward and dropped down from the heights to the top of the waterfall, chakra pooling around his feet as cushioning while he proceeded to stride towards the centerpoint where he anticipated to meet his brother. Once there, he’d hold his arms out towards Takeo for the brotherly hug he’d done ever since childhood, “I was imagining you’d still be in Kirigakure. I take it as you didn’t want to be away from your brother for too long?” The Mizukage snickered, playfully dragging his hand across Takeo’s scalp as he messed up his hair.
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

A Brother's Burden [P] Empty Re: A Brother's Burden [P]

Wed Dec 12, 2018 9:04 pm
His brother was different. Something had changed about him. It may not have been noticeable to others, but to Takeo it was as obvious as the return of Xyxer's former hair colour. A physical change was manifesting itself ever so slowly, but the man had changed in more ways than that. Takeo had first noticed the signs the last time the brothers had met. Maybe even before then. It had been a subtle and gradual shift. The abyss that had long consumed his brother for the previous years had begun to loosen it's grip. There was madness still there, if it were not then they would not be standing here now, but more of the brother he had known all those years ago was beginning to slip through.

A result of conquest? Was the man's desire becoming sated so soon? So many questions that Takeo didn't know the answer to. Time would soon deliver the answers to him of course, they always did. Just like nothing escape from his all-seeing eye Takeo would pry the information from his sibling in due time.

For now he would meet and greet. They hadn't had time to properly discuss anything recently. For one reason or another their time together had been brief. It was odd in a way. Having taken up the role as an ANBU of Kirigakure in hopes of connecting more with his family he now felt more separated from them than ever before. A false worry more than likely, though he would make a conscious effort to close the gap going forward.

When his brother moved from the opposite statue Takeo mirrored the movement. In the shadow of the giants of the past the two who could hold a claim for strongest in the world met upon the centre of the rushing water. He would hug his brother in return clasping a hand on his shoulder for a brief moment. A moment of peace between the two, it had been awhile since it had last been the case. "Alas brother, I am forever cursed with being unable to stay still for long." He grinned, turning to face the valley that lay below. Once again he found his eyes drifting along the statues. A neutral expression returned to his features while his hands found his pockets. "I went to visit a friend in Hoshigakure, unfortunately I was unable to meet her. I was passing through the country so decided to visit the final of the major villages on my list." Takeo explained when he turned his attention back to Xyxer. "Stories are always more impressive than the actual product I have to say."

An assortment of questions ran through his head. There was a lot to go through and likely little time to do so. While he had been allowed to simply walk into Konoha Takeo doubted that a meeting between the two would go un-noticed for long. Xyxer's presence in the country of fire was not news to Takeo of course. The exams being held at the moment were a testament to whatever he had done at the summit. Another sign of change. The fact that Kage had left at all, never mind in agreement with a universal exam, was proof enough that the way his brother now operated was a different beast all together.

A good starting point to begin with if any he thought to himself, "So brother. Considering where we are right now I take it talks at the summit went well then?" Takeo questioned lightly. It was best to get the boring details out of the way first as always.
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A Brother's Burden [P] Empty Re: A Brother's Burden [P]

Sat Dec 15, 2018 6:53 pm
A friendly gesture was exchanged between the titans of their respective combat forms; Takeo was considered a virtuoso in ninjutsu, whereas Xyxer was hailed a phenom in kenjutsu. The Tadashi bloodline couldn't help but exceed already high expectations in any field they delved into, some could even say that greatness was a curse bestowed upon them. Now as they stood before one another, their physical similarities slowly becoming more apparent in the visage of the Mizukage, there was an uneasy calmness. A tension that should be apparent when such goliaths of power meet.

After the hug Takeo maintained light contact with Xyxer before discarding the hand on his shoulder before he dug into his pockets, a bemused smirk flashing momentarily on Xyxers features at the mannerisms. Such a common action to do it was almost beneath them, or at least, Xyxer. Instead his arms folded over his torso while they stood out in the center of a valley crafted by violence.

It was peculiar that Takeo made note of visiting Hoshigakure despite his designation as an ANBU operative. How easily did that village allow outsiders into their midst if such a powerful shinobi was able to just walk in without affiliation? Did they allow him in out of fear? Xyxer was unlikely to find out, but his belief in the latter would prove a dangerous gambit for Hoshigakure. "That village is plagued by death, you'd do better avoiding it. The position of Hogokage has bounced among the heads of the dead: Denkiteki, Akihana, Kyousuke. It makes one wonder how long the boy Kage Valen will last." He read the names without much care for them, even Denkitekis lacked any tone of remembrance or even a hint of sorrow. The death of a traitor and a weakling was nothing to care about.

How Takeo. He decided to just visit a random village for a friend, and then enter another village solely because he hadn't been to it before. It was as if he still thought he was a wanderer and Xyxer could already foresee the grievances she'd voice to the amber eyed son about his brothers unwieldiness. "Mother's always so happy when you're in the village you know, Takeo, yet you seem to constantly evade her and then depart from the village." He suddenly changed the nature of the conversation with the jolting statement, continuing further, "It does a man no good to be away from his blood for so long, let alone his mother. You should do more with her, lord knows she wants to gossip with you." He finished on that subject, his eyes glancing off to the side of the valley just as Takeo had done.

Hearing the inquiry about the Summit brought a light chuckle from Xyxer. Remembering the day was amusing to him, the first solidified sign of his authority had been recognised when the blade of the Hogokage filleted his own bodyguard just from Xyxer rising. Kage killed their own out of fear of the Leviathan. For a moment a brief thought jolted through his mind; did he need Kirigakure at all anymore? Would his legacy be more dominant if he was a beast of no nation? As quickly as it came, it vanished. Another impulsive image painted.

Nodding his head he replied, "It went great for Kirigakure. The rest of the villages knew their place; polite and cordial. I commissioned the Chuunin Exams for everyone right here, they all agreed to the reasonable terms. I recognised a Missing Shinobi in Hoshigakures delegation and demanded his head - The Hogokage obliged with his own weapon. Left the others without much appetite for further discussion." Xyxer relayed the events of the night to his brother without much care, once more speaking freely and coldly on the topic of the pinnacle of betrayal that he'd witnessed. With that he had been able to paint another Major Village in a light he had desired, and now Kumogakure and Konohagakure's delegations thought differently of Hoshigakure than they had initially going into the Summit.
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

A Brother's Burden [P] Empty Re: A Brother's Burden [P]

Sat Dec 22, 2018 11:50 am
Takeo listened to his brother's response of Hoshigakure. His warning to avoid the village came as a surprise to him. Having visited many times over the years it didn't seem like a place that warranted avoidance. Takeo's eyes moved once more to the valley that lay below the two. Despite the let down from how he had envisioned it the man had to admit the view was still one to be admired. His brother's way of talking was archaic, the younger of the twins having been born several generations too late it seemed. Often did his prattle mean little to Takeo, falling upon deaf ears like most others he conversed with.

Then did the next sentence come piercing through the barriers into his mind.

His eyes widened as the name was uttered. All his thoughts, those that raged through his mind in a never ceasing storm, suddenly disappeared in a flash. His brother had uttered the impossible, yet more nonsense spewed from the mouth of the leader of nations. Yet still he questioned, "Akihana is dead?" Despite the absurdity of this claim his voice was shockingly quiet when he spoke. He felt a thumping in his chest, his heart rate spiking as the reality began to set in. "Akihana Akari? Dead?" His voice came out more clearly this time, cutting through Xyxer mid sentence.

Takeo turned to face his twin with a hollow expression. "She can't be dead. That's impossible." It was difficult for the man to think during this moment. All at once a thousand questions crashed into him like a wave. His eyes flashed yellow for a second as he evened his gaze on Xyxer. "How do you know that name? Where and who told you this?"
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

A Brother's Burden [P] Empty Re: A Brother's Burden [P]

Mon Dec 31, 2018 3:00 pm
His brother has lapsed into a coma from the looks of things. Lost in his own swirling ego once more. By the time Xyxer would snap out of his stupor the other Tadashi would not be within the vicinity. Having not received answers from here he would simply find an alternative.

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A Brother's Burden [P] Empty Re: A Brother's Burden [P]

Wed Jan 09, 2019 2:09 pm

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Village : Kemonogakure
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Wed Jan 09, 2019 2:10 pm
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