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Just a Couple of Misfits Empty Just a Couple of Misfits

Tue Jan 08, 2019 2:59 am
The forest would begin to part, the large gates in the distance. He would turn to Ryal, confident that he had an idea of how he would go forward with the whole idea of a persona. Acting wasn’t his strong suit, but he would take Ry’s advice and just sort of ease into it. He had a name in mind, but hopefully he wouldn’t be interrogated right off the bat. If he was… well, he’d figure something out. “I guess it is time. Sink or swim, eh?” He would say, shifting his hand to his pockets and pulling out a head band, brandishing a village symbol of Sunagakure. "I'm from Suna. Got my invite real late like. That should work, eh?" 
Taishi would approach and stand before the gateway to Konoha, the new clothing finally starting to feel a bit more natural and less stiff. The Gates were manned by two guards, though one looked to be resting his eyes. It would seem as if the village had simply lax defenses, or perhaps their defeat from the monstrous Kiri had left them without proper forces to give a real guard shift. Taishi didn’t know for certain, but he really didn’t care about the reason behind it. They simply weren’t as well defended as expected, nor did they have any shinobi patrols or guards up until the gates. This was quite the boon for both of them, and hopefully their luck wouldn’t run out.

---Entering Konoha unless interrupted---
Ryalt’abi Shinkou
Ryalt’abi Shinkou
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Just a Couple of Misfits Empty Re: Just a Couple of Misfits

Tue Jan 08, 2019 10:18 pm
As the treeline began to become less sporadic and an intentional pathway could be seen up ahead Ryal transformed in to his new persona. From 6'3" to 5'11"; blue to blond, neck length with only a few strands hanging messily for bangs; white t-shirt covered by a black pullover hoodie; black pants; blue overcoat with black accents. The only thing familiar about his new appearance were the red eyes. While Rui Shindo lacked the red marks of Ryalt'abi he did possess the mark of a Kumo ninja with the villages logo engraved on the metal plate attached to the cloth wrapped around his left upper arm. A glance to his partner he'd return the male's words with a nod. "We got this." The golden eyed god would speak his first words as Rui to assuage the grey-ish man going over his cover. The voice was higher than normal yet still just as masculine. Before long the two were standing in front of the massive doors that made up the gate of Konohagakure and hopefully gliding right through.

[Entering Konoha unless interrupted.]
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
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Just a Couple of Misfits Empty Re: Just a Couple of Misfits

Tue Jan 08, 2019 10:48 pm
The Chuunin exams were in full effect, having just concluded the semi-finals. Now the last rounds were to be held. Due to the nature of these joint Chuunin exams with all four major villages participating, all Konoha shinobi were put on the job. It would not due to have Konoha seem to minuscule and unguarded. The attempt was a fruitless one however. The whole world knew of Konoha's domination at the hands of Kirikagure. If they did not, surely they would have found out sooner or later. It irked the Kaguya. He would rather be at a bar all things considered. But a job was a job and things needed getting done. Unfortunately he had not been one of the shinobi posted at the Chuunin exams stadium. As a result he did not get the opportunity to view the matches. He could only hear about them later on or check on the results on his brief free time. Instead he was put on gate patrol. Exhilarating. All the envoys from each village had already arrived with their participants in the exams. So the sight of two strangers walking from the tree line left Kotsuzui suspicious and excited. Finally something to break the endless streak of boredom. 

He approached the two figures before they reached the gate. At about 10 meters from the gate the bare footed Kaguya stopped. "That's close enough" he exclaimed as they would just be reaching a distance of about 5 meters from Kotsuzui. Give or take. Any further movement from the duo would be considered a threat and the necessary precautions would be taken. Right off the bat Kotsuzui couldn't sense any high levels of chakra coming from the two. But he knew better than that as they could easily be masking it. "What business do you have here?" he question as he studied the two, spotting their head guards as a sly grin formed on the corner of his lips.

[Interrupting entry into the village]
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Just a Couple of Misfits Empty Re: Just a Couple of Misfits

Wed Jan 09, 2019 2:31 am
Hmm, so it would seem as though they managed to call forth someone to address them. Such was good, as it meant that Konoha still had some life left in it. This was far better than it simply being a complete husk of a village, though it did force some complication on their entry. He would stop, as asked to by the man standing a mere 5 meters from him. 

Taishi would clear his throat before speaking to the large, red haired male standing between them and the village, "We are here in regards to the Chuunin Exams." Taishi would state, clearly, while pointing his thumb up at the head band. He didn't try to mask his voice or such, as nobody here knew who he was or could identify him, especially by voice alone. The man standing guard had this really creepy grin in the corner of his face. 

Taishi had no grin, or smile. He would just be there, completely straight faced. His greyish, stone like features were useful here, as they could make reading him a bit more difficult. Of course, he wasn't lying in this instance. He WAS here because of the Chuunin Exams. He made no hostile actions, though that creepy grin on this guys face was making Taishi want to remove it his grin or his face, really either one would work. 

He could speak a great deal more, but he really didn't feel like it. Plus, he had learned early on in his criminal career that giving those questioning you the least amount possible was typically in your best interests.
Ryalt’abi Shinkou
Ryalt’abi Shinkou
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Just a Couple of Misfits Empty Re: Just a Couple of Misfits

Wed Jan 09, 2019 1:40 pm
Being stopped 15 meters away from the gate Rui took in the appearance of the male who'd come to meet them. For some odd reason, the short red mohawk dude wasn't wearing any shoes but that didn't matter right now. The boy had asked why the two were there while giving them a weird smile. The male to his side had answered matter of factly and added a gesture to his headband, Rui wouldn't make such movements. From what he could tell mohawk's eyes worked and that was likely the cause for his grin being that Kumo had absorbed Suna. Nevertheless, nothing more needed to be added to the grey-ish male's response so Rui would wait to hear mohawk's reply.
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
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Village : Kirigakure
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Just a Couple of Misfits Empty Re: Just a Couple of Misfits

Wed Jan 09, 2019 10:44 pm
So the plot thickens. Kotsuzui eyed the two of them closely after he posed his question. His eyes darted over to the stone looking male as he cleared his throat indicating he'd be the one to answer. Just as Kotsuzui had expected, Stranger 1 said they were here for the Chuunin exams. As true as they may or may not have been there had to be more to the story. Kotsuzui was going to see how much he could figure out.

"The Chuunin Exams you say? A little late for those don't you think?" Kotsuzui rhetorically asked looking over to Stranger 2 with the Kumo head guard as they were now entering the final rounds. "The Kumo envoy arrived days ago. Why aren't you with them?" That was a serious question and the tone of his voice insisted that he expected an answer. That was problem one. Now for problem two as he looked back over to mister Stone Face. "Suna doesn't exist anymore. You guys were conquered and dismantled. Forced to flee or assimilate. If you're with Kumo here..." tilting his head over to Rui for a second "you'd be wearing the same headguard." This wouldn't be the first time they had people walk up to their gates claiming to be someone. 

The last time Kotsuzui was posted at the gates with the Hokage, they had someone claiming to be apart of Hoshi. She had been sent back to Hoshi and never heard of again. These two may have been offered the same option. But that Suna head guard has pretty much screwed them. So he waited for them to answer his questions and explain themselves.
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Just a Couple of Misfits Empty Re: Just a Couple of Misfits

Fri Jan 11, 2019 4:37 am
Taishi would simply listen to what the redhead had to say, his concerns directed at them, though since Taishi was the one speaking to him it would seem as though the guard was focusing his questions at the grey, wandering warrior.
“Well this is news to me. Go figure that the warmongers would ‘forget’ about those in the territories they had conquered.” Taishi would shift his head over to his partner while keeping an eye on the gatekeeper, “Seems they really do just want to keep those who aren’t true blooded Kumo shinobi from having the opportunity to raise in position. I guess we are but dogs to them, feeding off of the scraps while they feast like lords.” Taishi would turn his head back to the guard.  It was time he tried to improvise and avoid this gate meeting from being an unpleasant one. The DID have better things to do.
“I am fully aware of Sunagakure’s being conquered, as is the rest of the world, most of which actually falls under the rule of the damned village. And while those shinobi were assimilated, they didn’t all go to the same place. I mean, I’m no genius but even I didn’t think that we would all get packed up in the same wagon and shipped to one place.” Taishi would let out a single chuckle, finding himself hilarious despite the severity of the moment.
“The shinobi were split up to various outposts. It was honestly pretty intelligent of them, if you really care about my opinion. You see, splitting them up achieved two goals. It prevented too many of them in one place, keeping those conquered from getting organized… and it also manned their boring ass outposts with ninja that were in their eyes expendable and worth little.” Taishi would simply shake his head. “They honestly care so little that those in control of the outposts have little interaction with the primary village, so those highest in command there basically have free reign to do as they please.” His stone like demeanor would show no more happiness, instead returning to his plain, unmoving face.

“I was sent to Rain Country, to the outpost near where Amegakure once stood. The commander there was a cruel man, and refused to give any of us proper Kumo attire. He said there weren’t enough to go around, but in reality it was so that we failed to blend in. It was a reminder that we didn’t belong, never would belong, and were destined to a life of mistreatment. The commander didn’t want any of those not Kumo born to have the chance to rise in rank. It was counter to what he had been forcing on me, but I showed him that I was the most capable person there by besting the other candidates with ease.”
Taishi would look the man square in the eyes and ask, “So, does that answer all of your current questions? Maybe a few questions you planned on asking? I’m here for the Exams. Its already bad enough that we were left behind seemingly on purpose, but now we are being held up here as well.”
Ryalt’abi Shinkou
Ryalt’abi Shinkou
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Just a Couple of Misfits Empty Re: Just a Couple of Misfits

Sat Jan 12, 2019 2:45 am
Although the first half of mohwak's response was directed toward Rui, Taishi would be the first to speak again. Rui could see in his peripherals as the grey-ish brute looked in his direction but he kept his head and eyes forward. Whether or not this would aid in hammering home the credibility of the mistreatment of the citizens in Kumo's territories outside of Lightning Country meant little. Rui knew he wouldn't be able to follow the speech this man was giving. This had been the first time Ryal experienced this side of Taishi, it was a relief to know that the man could not only lead but effortlessly but people in their place. The boy before them looked barely legal but he was stern with his words and Taishi's inflection would not go unnoticed. Being the seemingly younger of the two Rui's response would reflect that, it would also be way too suspicious if he didn't speak. "I don't have a sob story to tell." He'd start. "Yes, the competitors and their escorts arrived days again but as far as I know Kumo weren't the only ones to show up without supporters."

"Besides, the finals are all I really care about. We wouldn't be here if we didn't have a representative that made it." A total bluff but Rui was nonchalant with a shrug while unwrapping a lollipop and placing it in his mouth. Even if mohawk could tell him right then and there that what he'd said was a lie the blond kid would accept that he misheard and leave. There was no reason for him to stay even if the other Kumo peeps weren't leaving until the Exam had one hundred percent ended, he didn't make any friends.
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
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Just a Couple of Misfits Empty Re: Just a Couple of Misfits

Sat Jan 12, 2019 4:58 pm
The Kaguya's eyes shifted over to the stone looking stranger as he was the first to answer his question, even though he had been questioned after the one with the Kumo plate. Nevertheless, Kotsuzui heard him out. The moment the stone kid began speaking, the slightest crack of a grin formed on the corner of Kotsuzui's mouth. One that took a keen eye to notice. But indulged the kid, letting him speak and ramble on. "No, I don't care about your opinion" Kotsuzui thought to himself as the grey skinned person went on talking about why he was left with his Suna head guard. The only real reason Kotsuzui had not stopped him from going on was because if he interrupted Taishi then the likelihood of Rui answering him were slim to none. He wanted to at least hear what kind of story the other person would come up with. 

To the relief of Kotsuzui, Taishi had finally finished his story explaining the Suna head guard. Finally Rui had spoken as well, explaining why he did not show up with the Kumo delegation. After they were both done the Kaguya ran his hand over his pink mohawk as it flattened beneath his hand and popped right back into place as it passed by. "Very nice stories" Kotsuzui began, eyeing both of them back and forth. "Well thought out, especially from you Stoney. But you couldn't fool me" Kotsuzui said as he tapped the left side of his chest with a finger. Right over the spot where the heart is. "Unfortunately for you guys, this gave it away." During each of their answers which were blatant buffs, their heart rates had increased as all hearts do unless the person has had specific training. Increase in heart rate leads to faster beating which leads to more vibrations. Vibrations the Kaguya picked up on with his bare feet.

"What's going to happen now is i'm going to escort the two of you into the village. From there, someone from the Kumo delegation will confirm if you are who you say you are. This can go either one of two ways" he said, observing the both of them as they likely knew where this was going. "You can come along nicely, or do this the hard way." A certain intensity had just sparked in the Kaguya's eyes. Almost like a fire just lit inside of him. He knew they were lying. The anticipating on how they were going to react was eating him up inside.

If they accepted then Kotsuzui would escort the two of them inside the village. If not then he would act accordingly. 

[Skill used: Earth Sight]
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Just a Couple of Misfits Empty Re: Just a Couple of Misfits

Thu Jan 17, 2019 10:19 pm
The large red haired man standing before them insisted that they had nice stories, but something gave them away. He would then point to his chest. At first Taishi was a tad confused. He knew that different villages were trained in different ways, but some sort of nipple-based lie detection technique? That was odd even to him. Was there like some sort of tingling sensation when an untrue statement was said in their vicinity? He would imagine that could be quite awkward. Of course then it dawned on Taishi that he likely meant something to do with his heart. Sooo, he knew deep down in his heart that we were lying? Was he just going off of a hunch? Their defeat to Kiri must have them in more of a panicked state than Taishi had originally thought. So paranoid…
“Well, there is no point trying to convince you otherwise, considering that you basically seem to have your mind made up about our stories. I’m really not sure why you think the ways you do, but so be it, I’ll comply with this farce.” Taishi would find himself a bit annoyed with the situation, but hey what can he do? Looks like he was going to have to resort to other methods. If Rui attempted to escape he would be surprised, but would try and aid his companion.

OoC: While I am certainly aware that Earth Sight allows you to sense vibrations even down to a heartbeat, I don't see any way that you could verify that we are in fact lying. No medical training, and no mention of such use in the skill itself. At best, you are going off of a hunch or gut feeling. Elevated heart rate can be attributed to various things none of which Konoha's "Daredevil" here thought it would be a good idea to rule out. 

If one were to continue on this logic train, Experience Fighter is shown to be able to detect heart beats. If no medical training is required (or any other training really) it could be assumed that any Jounin could use this same way of thinking on anyone that was lying (without Lost Arts of Kiri mind you). So in a world of ninja's and deception, everybody would be able to tell when anyone else was lying minus those from a specific village. I find this incredibly unlikely, and while I don't wish to hold the thread up and therefore am following along, I really would like to know if this is something that such a type of skill can do with any accuracy without additional training.
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