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Kicking the Hornets Nest [Kyson] Empty Kicking the Hornets Nest [Kyson]

Tue Mar 19, 2019 4:33 am
With a mighty cry a rather large hawk would announce its presence in the skies over Kumogakure. The majestic creature would circle the skies over the village once before starting its descent, large wings flaring out to reduce its speed as it came in for its landing on the open windowsill of the Raikage’s office. This creature was one of the many messenger hawks of Sunagakure, something that anyone would be able to recognise by the small engraved collar that the bird was wearing. It was clear that the bird was here for a reason, and that reason was obviously the neatly rolled sheet of paper that had been fastened to the birds leg. The rolled letter bore the official seal of Sunagakure and had been sealed with black wax rather than the standard red. Within the sealed scroll was a message, neatly written yet without great care if the somewhat slanted nature of the writing was any indication. It would read the following

“Your forces continue to disappoint me Raikage… are these pathetic cowards truly the best that the once mighty village of Kumogakure can afford to have hold their territory? After I slaughtered your forces in Rain Country I had assumed that perhaps you had the outposts manned by your weaker shinobi, which made sense due to the countries lack of economic value to your village.

But it has become clear that they were the rank and file forces of your village, and if that is the case then I must wonder whether you are truly powerful or simply the strongest man in a village of weaklings. I suppose I will get my answer when I attack Kumogakure itself, but before that I will force you to watch as your vaunted empire crumbles around you.

I wish you luck Sovereign of the Spineless, you will need it

Kenshin Uzumaki, Kazekage of Sunagakure.

P.S: I have been toying with your forces for the most part, hoping that if they knew I was coming or that if I held back my full power it would make the fights more fun or challenging for me. It did neither, so I will not be holding back any longer.

P.P.S: How is the Yamaguchi boy? After I tore his arm off he passed out and I left him to either bleed out or wake up and walk away. When I passed by a few days later there was no corpse near what remained of his mangled limb, only tracks heading towards Shadow Country. I wonder whether he still lives? Let me know will you, I would hate to find out he died before our rematch.”

Beneath most of the text was a simple storage seal created by Kenshin using the Generic Sealing Technique. Within the seal were three items, one was what appeared to be a lump of crushed, rotten flesh that smelt absolutely putrid, as if it had been left out in the sun for far too long. Considering that it was what remained of Max’s arm that description wouldn’t exactly be far from the truth. The other item was the severed head of the older man that led the forces of Sunagakure, whom he had later learned was Yusuke Sakamoto, the overseer that Kumo had chosen to lead over their forces in Wind Country. The third was simply another piece of paper, this one being blank save for a single word


The hawk would remain standing on its perch as the letter was read, and it would wait until it was either shooed away or given a return message.

WC: 602
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Kicking the Hornets Nest [Kyson] Empty Re: Kicking the Hornets Nest [Kyson]

Sat Mar 23, 2019 1:40 am
The Kage's office was empty once again. But just as he did when Maku was busy, he took it upon himself to finish the work that needed to be completed. But ever since the incident a few days ago, the village has been all over the place. Especially since the Raikage has not been around lately. Letting off a sigh as he walks into the office and gets right to it. The desk had stacks of paper piled up on both sides of the desk. As he took a seat and started with the stack on the right. Looking through the paperwork, he noticed a bird on the perch with a message. He assumed it was another message form the Hogokage. But judging from the bird, it a familiar look to it that he knew so well. Birds that were typically found in Sunagakure. 

A very confused face surfaced the young Hozuki as his curiosity tempted him to read the message. Took the message gently off the bird and opened it.  Before he decided to read the message, he was curious to know who was sending it. As he looked at the bottom of the letter, it was Mr. Spotlight himself. He was the last person he expected to the send a message, but at the same time he wasn't too too surprised. He began to read the message thoroughly, reading how he mocked their village. Has he unlocked the seal on the later. It wasn't what he expected, but it did sure ruin his day to get all that blood all over the place. And the fact he had to be the one to clean it up didn't make it any better. He saw what looked to be Max's arm and a head of someone he never seen before. He didn't even recognize the guy. He couldn't be one of their shinobi since Kumo never issued shinobi to stay there. Unless he decided to take it upon himself to disobey orders and leave the village. And if that was true, his fate was deserved. 

"I've heard quite a lot about you. Judging from your actions, you don't really seem like the religious type. I thought that was your village's thing last time I visited there. But anyway, we'll be here when you arrive, so don't make us wait too long Mr. Uzumaki. As for the boy you attacked, he's a strong promising shinobi. It'll take a lot more than that to kill him. 


P.S. Keep the head, cause that's... just disgusting." 

Kyson said as he decided to create a storage displacement seal on the letter he will be sending back. He's never did anything like this, since he never had a reason to send items through a scroll. But due to him being an Fuinjutsu expert, it would take him no more than a few seconds to learn. The head would be the only thing he would send back to him along with the letter. The message definitely caught him by surprise. But he will take Max's arm and send it to the villages Hospital. He wasn't really sure what to do with it or if Max would even want it since it wasn't in the best condition. But he'll let the hospital figure that out. "A rude message, a random head, and child's arm. Wasn't what I was expecting but it definitely messed up my day up." He said as he cleaned up the mess the blood form the head made.
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Kicking the Hornets Nest [Kyson] Empty Re: Kicking the Hornets Nest [Kyson]

Sun Mar 24, 2019 4:47 am
The Ragdoll would allow his silver eyes to scan over the admittedly beautiful scenery in front of him, the morning sun slowly rising over the massive natural walls that surrounded his newly claimed prize, the light of a new day chasing away the darkness of the night. He was situated atop the massive building that served as the heart of the villages shinobi forces and the main office of the Kazekage, a title that he had decided to claim purely to mock both Kumogakure as a whole and the Raikage personally. He had absolutely no interest in running a village, even if he suspected that he wouldn’t be a terrible Kage… but then again, he had also believed that Valen was the best choice for Hogokage after the death of Kyousuke. But regardless he was the man that held the title for the time being… even if the title itself was as empty as the shinobi forces of the village now that he had finally finished hunting down the scattered remnants of the defending force.

He had initially planned for a small test for his newest followers directly after the attack, but with the disappearance of Ida he had felt that it was safest to delay that plan for the time being, at least until he figured out what happened to the lost lamb. He had found the corpse of a defender at the base of a building near the village entrance and he was certain that neither his clones nor Kutari were responsible for it, but aside from that there was no trace of the masked girl. He had grown a little fond of the child over the few days that he had known her… but he hadn’t truly cared for her, nor had she been anything truly important to any of his future plans… it just meant that he was down a future pawn. But perhaps her disappearance had been a blessing in disguise, because as he had searched for the child he had noticed that most of the civilians of the village didn’t view him with any kind of disdain. All most certainly feared him, and most seemed to be both wary and sceptical of him, but with his forced takeover that was to be expected… but only a select few looked at him with outright hatred or anger.

As he pondered what to do next a familiar cry pierced the air, and Kenshin’s silver eyes would lock onto the form of the hawk that he had sent out to Kumogakure, a small smirk forming on his scarred face as the majestic bird began its descent. It would land on the railing in front of the silver haired shinobi and tilt its head at him, earning a light chuckle from the Uzumaki as he took the note that was tied to it’s leg. He had been expecting the Raikage to respond to his letter, but he was a little disappointed by the reply that he had received. His clone had listened to everything that had been said in the Kage summit and he had expected a much more vitriolic response from the mouthy Raikage… this response was just rather disappointing to the Missing-Nin, something that he suspected had been done purposefully.

He did find it rather amusing that he was disgusted by the severed head rather than the putrid pile of flesh and bone, especially since the last he had heard the Raikage had yet to ‘heal the wounds’ of his village as he had proclaimed in the Kage Summit. The last that he had heard the Corpse Fields of Youka still surrounded the village, the ever wailing victims of the tyrant that were all but swimming in seas of blood, pus and excrement. And to think, this deluded fool had called a simple severed head disgusting… The Immortal truly had to wonder whether the tainted air of Kumogakure was starving the man's brain of oxygen. He did appreciate the return of the Sunagakure natives head though, as he had come to view it as a trophy of his triumph over the pathetic fools that called this village home. Now the true question was whether he had it mounted to the wall of his new office or staked at the base of the gates like the other corpses.

As he pondered that question he would pen one final letter to the Raikage, using the back of the man's own letter as his paper, the somewhat congealed blood from the severed head as his ink and one of the countless threads that called his body home as the pen.

“You seem to have me at a disadvantage Sovereign, as I have heard absolutely nothing about you. I have heard a great deal about your predecessors, Maku the Conqueror and Mortarion, Lord of Decay, tales of their strength and ruthlessness… yet, I have heard absolutely nothing about you… the name Komori Hozuki is unknown both to me and the world at large. I truly do wonder whether you will be able to live up to the strength of your former overlords, but I suppose I will find out when I arrive at your gates.

I shall continue to slaughter your soldiers and dismantle your empire, but before that I must cement my rule in Sunagakure… so you and your soldiers are safe for now. I wonder what you will do with that information. Will you recall your people before they are senselessly slaughtered by a foe that we both know they cannot defeat? Will you try to bolster their positions by sending them reinforcements? Or will you launch an attack on me here in Sunagakure and try to end the threat to your empire once and for all?

There are a great many choices that you can make here, and none of them will be easy… because regardless of what you choose a price will be paid. If you evacuate your people you lose your empire, if you reinforce the outposts you risk losing more of your forces… and should you choose to launch an attack on Suna you risk everything.

Choose well Raikage

Kenshin Uzumaki, Kazekage

P.S: How goes the plan to cleanse Kumogakure of Youka’s Rot? During the Kage Summit you claim to have only taken the role of Raikage to help your home recover from the wounds caused by Youka… yet what has changed between his rule and yours? I am curious whether you truly care as much about your village as you claim, or whether you simply desired the power afforded to you by the title of Raikage.

P.P.S: Thank you for returning the head, it will make a fine trophy. Although I must admit that I am amused by your disgust at a simple severed head. It makes me wonder how you could possibly stomach looking at the village that you now rule.”

Kenshin wouldn’t bother sealing the letter this time, simply attaching it to the leg of the hawk and letting it head back to the Raikage.

WC: 1178


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Kicking the Hornets Nest [Kyson] Empty Re: Kicking the Hornets Nest [Kyson]

Sun Mar 24, 2019 4:50 am
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Kicking the Hornets Nest [Kyson] Empty Re: Kicking the Hornets Nest [Kyson]

Sun Mar 24, 2019 9:40 pm
Forgot to claim this in my last post, but claiming the title of Kazekage
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