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Someones Knocking at the Door Empty Someones Knocking at the Door

Sat May 11, 2019 3:39 pm
The raging storm that surrounded the archipelago of the Island Country roared on off in the distance, filling the Hiyu's ears with a sound similar to a rushing waterfall. The this mist hung over the ocean air, leaving the Hiyu's nostrils filled with its salty sent and his clothes every so slightly damp. A stark contrast to the blazing desert of Suna that left your nostrils crisp and flesh rinckled and unable to retain any moisture. He had once called those scorched lands his home. He had been born among the dunes and found a life he thought was worth living with the shinobi of Suna. But Suna was weak. If only Nobunaga had been able to see that. He was blinded by the valor and leadership of Koroshi and chose to faithfully serve the pacifist. However he left Suna broken, unable to defend itself and waiting to succumb to those who would seek to take advantage of his short-sightedness.  It was an inevitability, the nature of Suna had created a weakened shield. Nobunaga, who believed himself to be battle hardened and able, was softened by his upbringing in Suna. The entirety of the village succumbed to such a sate which lead to their destined downfall, a downfall that dropped Nobunaga right into the hands of the conquering empire whom revealed his weakness to himself.

He was forced to submit to the Warlord of the Rot Fields, a flamboyant, materialistic man who oddly had no qualms with letting his people live among the sludge and swamps that drenched their lands in retched stenches and bubbling puss. How anyone could call that place a home bewildered the brute. Lord knows that place was never his home, nothing more than a prison. He dutifully served his leader, completing his sentence during his captivity within its degrading walls, introduced to nothing by treachery, betrayal and despair. Kumo bread darkness, depression and hopelessness. It was a plague among the earth, a tumor among a naturally beautiful mountain landscape, once filled with pristine rivers and flourishing wild life.  His sentence among that hell hole had been cut short after his encounter with the devouring Leviathan.

A deal had been made, a battle lost and now a debt owed. The path from his home to a rotting village to a stormy oasis all lead to this very moment. The moment where the self styled aegis could truly fulfill his deepest desire, only this time he would be doing it as Kiri's Wolf Operative. The web of destiny had lead Nobunaga throughout his entire life to this place, this moment, for this task for a reason. For the first time in his life, he had the opportunity to truly become a worthy aegis, one the world needed. He had forsaken all his wants, needs and desires for the opportunity to bear the burdens of the world upon his shoulders. How odd to be granted such an opportunity by a man deemed to be among the most vile and worse people who walked this earth. Perhaps those beliefs were true, however they were not accurate. A piece of the puzzle was missing, a piece that Nobunaga was going to bestow upon the rest of the world, reveal to them the truth which he had learnt.

The means justified the ends. The reign of Kiri had drowned the world in a tsunami and in its wake brought peace to its people and many more. Nobunaga was now a servant to that cause, a cause that would allow him to spread that peace. In doing so, he could protect the world, dutifully and honorably guard the realm of men as their shield and slice down all those who would seek to interrupt that peace as their sword. There was no greater calling than that.

The difficult part would be to get the world to see his mission as he did. At first, Nobunaga would have given his life to stop a servant of this village. He essentially did exactly that when he challenged the Kage among the snow tipped forests of Konoha. His servitude was offered in an attempt to bring an end to what he thought at the time was the biggest thread to the world, a man he fundamentally thought to be opposed to everything he believed in. However, the two were not so different and with the changing of his lenses, Nobunaga viewed the world and his mission in a whole new light. 

That light would be revealed to the rest of the world. With his hand poking through the slit in the middle of his newly acquired black cloak, Nobunaga's rough hand rose, casually remove the ANBU mask adorning his face. Revealing his grizzled visage, the stoic and always stern guardian stowed the mask away with the slit of his cloak, along with all his other shinobi gear hidden under his cloak such as his newly acquired hammer, armor, weapon pouches and the rest of his gear. Besides his hooded visage, all that could be seen was his icon great sword, hooked to the leather black strap that circled under his armpit and around his chest. Casually, he rotated his shoulders, allowing his body to get accustomed to the armor Xyxer had so kindly granted him.

"Are you truly ready for this task?" The feminine-esque voice of the creature locked away asked. It was privy to all of the Hiyu's thoughts and this the pact he had made with greatest conqueror known to man. "Saiken... you should know better than anyone. This is my calling, my chance... We've been gifted with an opportunity we could only dream of. Even your predecessor could not conjure such an opportunity. It is our duty to see it fulfilled." Even in his mind, Nobunaga's words were calm and collected, unfazed by any external or internal factors. "I mean more, are you truly ready to encounter him. You know he's going to be there." A moment of silence separated the Hiyu's response to his inner companion.  "Destiny wills it. Therefore it will be done. Are you ready?" The six tails of the mythical creature stirred from within, making its world shattering chakra known and coming alive. That told the towering Hunter Operative all he needed to know. Both of their destiny's had led to this very moment and they knew it.

999 to learn Corrosive Gas rest of the words linked in bio
34 left over into Lost Arts of Kiri

Exit when Xy does

Last edited by Nobunaga on Sat May 11, 2019 8:39 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Someones Knocking at the Door Empty Re: Someones Knocking at the Door

Sat May 11, 2019 4:01 pm
Opportunity was a delicacy that many mishandled. Some would bite at the hand that offers it with all the glee of a rabid dog, only to be denied its juices, while others would sniff it with apprehension and distrust, unable to see the gesture for what it was. To allow your people access to opportunities was a great way to keep them loyal, granted they didn't become too ambitious with how much they receive. The Mizukage made his way toward the figure in the distance that observed the almighty storm. He was certainly in no rush.

Once he made his way towards the side of the ANBU Operative blessed with opportunity, his hand reached out towards his shoulder. Resting there, there was an influx of chakra once again, yet more peaceful than it had been the other time. "Conserve your strength, I'll transport you." As Xyxer spoke, the chakra wrapped around the figure of Nobunaga, engulfing him with its brilliance before Shogun regurgitated him elsewhere.


Teleporting Nobunaga to Kumo Village Gates, cba doing the AP since it isn't that relevant
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Someones Knocking at the Door Empty Re: Someones Knocking at the Door

Sat May 11, 2019 8:59 pm
Approved Nobu & Xy <3
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