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Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
Stat Page : Link
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

Meet and Greet  Empty Meet and Greet

Thu Oct 17, 2019 5:29 pm
Meet and greet
Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
Stat Page : Link
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

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Fri Oct 18, 2019 7:45 am
A bright day, the sun smiling happily in the sky. Sakuragi would get dressed and was ready for the day. He had been given a mission to guard the gate. Those who come through the gate will have to state their motives. Sakuragi had his break fast, yam and egg with hot tea. He then headed out to the village gate. He would walk past several route before he reaches the village gate. The street seem to be kinda crowdy today , there were a lot of market women women going about their businesses. Some little kids were playing on the street bare footed. Sakuragi watched nearly every scene as he walked, activating his byakugan here would have made him see everything at once, but he choose not to. He was more concerned about how his mission  at the village gate would go. He walked calmly past the market street and was now few metres away from the village gate. He would reach the gate in less than two minutes. The brown skinned black spiked haired boy  placed put his hands inside the pockets of his black jacket as he walked. Today is sure gonna adventurous. This is a mission that isn't difficult, all he has to do is to make sure that he guides the village.

He finally arrives at the village gate. He met a man at the gate.  His instinct tells him that he is a security, so he greeted him and stood at the gate.

Few minutes later, a young girl would walk through the gate, when she got to where sakuragi was  standing, she was asked her intentions for coming to the village . She simply smile and told him that she came to get some food supplies. Sakuragi pointed to the direction and they wave goodbye. Sakuragi was still standing at the gate. A very fierce guy was coming from  afar, sakuragi sighted him quickly because he was looking at that direction. The fierce guy was way taller than sakuragi was. Once the guy reached where sakuragi was, he would be stopped and asked where he is going to and why he has come here. Sakuragi greeted him politely, but guy look down on him because he muscular and taller than sakuragi. “Get out of the way boy” he would push sakuragi aside and continue walking. The man at the gate tried to stop him too but he did the same, he pushed the man aside. This got sakuragi angry. He hate people looking down at someone because of their size. Many people are like that. 

“Hey,  you asshole! Stop right there!!!” . The man upon hearing this, turned and looked at sakuragi “what did you just call me” he said in a very angry tone. “ I don't care how tall or muscular you are, I don't even care if you're older than I am, but unless you tell me what you're here to do, you will not allowed to pass” he said loudly . The guy got angier at the way the little kid talked to him. “ you're gonna pay for that!” he said running towards sakuragi and attempting to crush his face with a right hand punch . Sakuragi didn't even activate byakugan. The guy threw a straight hand punch at his face, to which sakuragi dunked under and dodge. Without hesitation, Sakuragi would use the momentum of rising back up and straighten his back to deliver a huge gentle fist strike to the guy's chin, which send him flying away several distance. The guy staggerly rose to his feet. He surely didn't expect such a little kid to have so much power . “Now, leave this place before I alert the higher rank shinobi of you. And trust me, you won't like what they will do to you”. The guy was now submissive and doesn't want to get into anymore trouble. Overwhelmed by the boy's power, he slowly walk out through the gate. Sakuragi saved the day. The man watched in awe of the boy's strength, sakuragi design some document with the man. A proof that he had completed his mission. He walked home unscratched and happy for the success of the mission. 

TWC: 704

Adding 199WC to Revolving heaven (2301/2500)= 2500/2500

Adding 505 to Gentle fist palm bottom   505/1500

Claimed 1 stat + 600ryo + 1 AP
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

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Fri Oct 18, 2019 6:42 pm
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