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Benjiro Senju
Benjiro Senju
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Records
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Here there be dragons. (Entry) Empty Here there be dragons. (Entry)

Yesterday at 12:51 pm
Benjiro walked through the forested lowlands that comprised the Land of Lightning, enjoying the singing of the birds as they flitted by. He paused to watch two birds flit back and forth, fighting in the air over some imperceivable border that only they knew. He would have made it to the borders much quicker if not for that interlude, and he spent the next few hours watching the birds and their epic battle. He wrote some, in his journal.

The lowlands of the Land of Lightning are surprisingly full of lush forests and vibrant wild life. One would be forgiven if he thought he were in the Land of Fire, and yet-

He looked up at the large mountain range looming over this land like a stern and judgemental father.

And yet the mountain ranges loom over this land, casting a large shadow that reminds anyone here that they are in the Land of Lightning. Their mountains are magnificent but deadly mazes of ravines and caves, it is not hard to understand why rumors of dragons in this land have formed, this land feels like it was made for creatures far larger than we will ever be. Currently I am exiting the lowlands and embarking on finding the village of Kumogakure, a village nestled in the unforgiving crags of the mountain range. Will report back tomorrow with more discoveries. -Benjiro

With a flourish, Benjiro signed his name at the bottom of the page and dated it. He stared back towards the tree line once more, admiring the beauty of the old growth wood once more before turning and starting his trek into the mountain range, already the sweat was forming as Benjiro could feel the elevation rise.

He finally reached the village of Kumogakure, pausing to both catch his breath and admire the grandeur of the gate before him, which loomed above him like a tidal wave of stone. He took a breath again, composing himself, before walking closer and hailing whatever Guards this village had.

He spoke loud but gently so as not to appear aggressive. The little he had learned about the Land of Lightning was that they had a militaristic philosophy, and he didn’t want anything to lead to confrontation.  

“Hello! I seek entry into this grand village, is anyone there?”

He said confidently, looking up and around the gates for whomever might be in charge. the stone began to feel claustrophobic as it towered over him
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