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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
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Another entry? [Suna entry topic] Empty Another entry? [Suna entry topic]

Mon Jul 26, 2021 9:59 pm
Blair had finally arrived.

The pale Tau panted deeply as he came over a large dune to see the large walls of the village he'd been searching for since, like, a week ago. Blair honestly wasn't sure how long it had been since he'd passed out and nearly died several times on the journey here. Not that it mattered now, since he was finally here! With a burst of energy from some eldritch depths deep inside of him, Blair started to happily strut the last 200-meters or so towards the gate with a big cheesy smile on his face. Not that anyone would be able to see it, since he had chosen to wear a very... Odd collection of clothes for his journey towards Sunagakure.

You see, Blair was an albino. Like, a minute of the sun would give him sunburn if he wasn't careful. That was what happened in milder climates like the Leaf Village. Blair dreaded to think what would happen if he wore what he usually did in a freaking desert. His skin would probably slough off and he'd be a walking skeleton by the time he actually arrived at the gates. Heh, what a weird and morbidly funny thought. Was he going loopy from exhaustion and dehydration? Possibly, Blair wasn't an expert on these things. Anyway, back on to the topic of Blair's current wardrobe...

Blair was wearing a thick black turtleneck underneath an even thicker coat, with winter gloves, several layers of jeans, a balaclava, a beanie, and a darkened skiing goggles. All in the hopes of protecting his poor skin from the overbearing sunshine. It was a medical marvel that he somehow hadn't died yet. He also hadn't had a glass of water in days. He tried to lick his lips at the thought of having some water but just ended up with a mouth full of balaclava fluff. He coughed and spluttered and finally, without much fanfare, arrived at the gates of Sunagakure.

WC: 330
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
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Ryo : 330650

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Tue Jul 27, 2021 12:30 am
Mizuki had been making routine visits to the gates in the past weeks, as she often could be seen scouting the edges of the village itself every night - she was often noted conversing with the guards. Wanting a first hand account of any entries and exits from the village, normally she wasn’t this heavy handed but since her return from Hoshi she was on high alert at all times. The stress itself would make any other shinobi age with the weight alone, but with her clan’s unique bloodline she never looked a day over 21 or so - though at this point she was at least 60 or so if she guessed correctly. 

Running her hands through her deep back hair she looked over the records that one of the guards had handed her - only half listening to the woman drone on about how quiet it had been lately. When at the edges of her hearing came a hard pounding of an overexerted heart, snapping her eyes up to the point the heartbeat was coming from she held up her hand to silence the woman in an instant. “Quiet lately huh? Then who is that?” A few more moments passed before the most over adorned being coming over the ridge to sputter into the guard tower - they seemed to be wearing every item of clothing they owned. 

Coming out of the tower she spoke loud enough for the… boy?... to hear her, “You’re going to get a heat stroke wearing all that.” Thrusting the clipboard with the roster at the woman behind her she stepped out of the guard tower and approached the stranger - she was wearing her usual outfit of shorts and revealing bodysuit, though this time her hat was pushed back and sat on her back. As she reached the person she took out her flask, it wasn’t water but honestly any liquid at this point would be better than nothing she supposed. As she neared him enough to get a better idea of what they looked like it seemed it was either a very emaciated male or a very young yet tall girl. “Drink this before I have to drag your unconscious body inside.” The flask she had outstretched in her hand was filled with Gin and a bit of lime.
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Another entry? [Suna entry topic] Empty Re: Another entry? [Suna entry topic]

Tue Jul 27, 2021 3:03 am
Ah, it appeared a lovely woman was going to be allowing him the privilege of entering the village. How wonderful. As she exited the tower Blair had a pretty hard time actually making out any specifics of her appearance through the ski goggles and blurred heat-stroke vision. However, don't ever let it be said that Blair wouldn't always be able to distinguish a pretty lady through any kind of life-endangering afflictions. He felt a headache coming along from that mess of a sentence but ignored it in favour of doing a deep, extravagant bow towards the approaching woman. Right foot forward, left foot back, right hand on the chest, and left hand in the air. He held the position just long enough for it to be weird before shooting back up straight at the woman's comment.

Heatstroke? Yeah, that sounded about right, he thought. He took a moment to take in the area around the guard tower. It seemed to be in shade... For the most part, maybe he could finally do the world a favour and bless it with his appearance. He was tempted to just let himself pass out, though. Being bodily dragged through the streets of Sunagakure sounded like just the kind of fun venture that would draw the attention he craved. Alas, reason won out in the end and he decided that perhaps that wouldn't be the best way of introducing himself to the city that he wanted to make his new home.

When she offered a flask of what could only be water, Blair would proceed to take the beanie, goggles and balaclava off his face in the most extra way possible. How anyone made such an odd move look as good as it did was anyone's guess. As his right hand scooped off the three separate pieces of headwear in one motion, his left would come up to run his hands through his now thoroughly messed up mane of hair. With his sweaty hair scooped off his face, the question of his gender would only become more unclear.

"My apologies, I was just feeling a bit chil- Ack!" Halfway through telling a really bad joke Blair's vision finally cleared up enough to see that this wasn't just any lady, but the Kazekage herself - although it was somewhat obscured, he knew what a Kage's hat when he saw one. Instead of making a further fool of himself, Blair had managed to interrupt his joke by quite literally punching himself in the chin. He remained quiet and dumbly accepted her offer of the flash without another word.

Blair took one very short swig of the flask but immediately regretted it and pulled it away from his face. Eugh, was that gin? Blair hated Gin! He was so hungry and dehydrated, however, that he felt that short sip go straight to his head with barely a chance to react. He swayed on the spot for a moment, before wiping his mouth and downing the rest of the flask in a few short seconds. The problem with doing this meant Blair's already low inhibitions nearly completely disappeared.

"Tryna get me dru- agh!" He punched himself in the chin once again to stop himself from saying something that would get him killed or at the very least slapped in the face. Bad Blair! Leave the poor woman alone. Rubbing his sore chin, Blair cleared his throat apologetically. He languidly extended a hand towards the Kazekage, in hopes of a handshake. If she accepted then he'd give one of his big, teeth-filled smiles and say:

"The name's Blair. Pleasure to meetcha!"

WC: 606
TWC: 936

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Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
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Another entry? [Suna entry topic] Empty Re: Another entry? [Suna entry topic]

Tue Jul 27, 2021 9:51 pm
The smallest smile would tug at her lips as she watched this new person stop themselves - not just verbally but physically- with punches to their jaw. They are always so strange… Their face gave no more clues to their gender and neither did their voice, maybe more masculine if she had to guess but its not uncommon to have a deeper voice as a woman. They weren’t of her clan, that was for certain, the steadily increasing heart rate was proof enough of that. The smile formed into a full smirk as they winced at the drink inside the flask, she had outgrown water a decade ago - too many things she wished to not think about. 

Though she was pleased to see him knock back the whole flask despite the initial aversion to the drink. God was he pale, paler than her by far and he sported red eyes as well - at least the complete covering of his body with the absurd get up made a bit more sense. Come to think of it, when was the last time she came across an albino person anyways? She got caught up in her memories for a moment before noticing their hand was outstretched at her. A polite greeting but an unwise one if she were of hostile intentions. Taking their hand in hers she would firmly shake it before pulling them in closer, “Be careful who you outstretch your hand to young one, not everyone will resist the urge to place something on you.” Releasing their hand she would pat their shoulder gently in a sign of good faith. 

“I’m Mizuki Ohta, Kazekage of the village you are attempting to enter, if my assumption is correct.” She would shake her head at the wobbly legged wanderer before passing by him, waving him inside the guard tower. “Come on then, we have to get some paperwork squared away first.” Inside the tower she would have the guard fill out a new ID form for the newcomer, leaving the form blank on visitor or Suna Shinobi - before handing it over to Blair. “Since you are already speaking to me we might as well get this question out of the way, are you entering as a visitor or a prospective Suna Shinobi?”

If they were to say Suna shinobi she would nod and reach into her pocket to extract a ring of keys - luckily she had been around the village earlier checking on vacant homes so she still had all the copies on her person. She would hand one of them that was labeled ‘E-3’ for East Sector street 3. “This will be your home for your duration of stay in Sunagakure. A few rules, don’t attack another shinobi in these walls. There are arenas and training grounds for such things if you must, though do avoid the last two on the outer reaches as they are reserved for higher ranked individuals. Other than that, mission boards are updated regularly if you are interested in some extra money. See ya around Blair, oh and keep the flask.” With those last words she would sink into the ground again - leaving the guard with her mouth open as she basically just left in the middle of their briefing.

Entering in Blair
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Another entry? [Suna entry topic] Empty Re: Another entry? [Suna entry topic]

Wed Jul 28, 2021 10:05 am
Blair would make a small yelping noise as the woman took his hand and pulled him in closer. Was it already so soon? Had his wily charm already gotten to the Kazekage? Even Blair didn't move this fast! Alas, it was just the young Tau misinterpreting the actions of another once again, it wasn't a kiss like he'd expected but rather some actually pretty good advice and a gentle pat on the shoulder. Which, surprisingly, was much more meaningful to the pale boy. He'd never had any positive female authority figures in his life to offer advice and maternal physical contact, it felt... Odd? But also nice. He felt something warm spread through his torso. Was this what it felt like to be liked?

Oh wait, never mind, it was probably just the gin spreading through his body.

He, shakily, followed the Kazekage into the guard building after she'd gestured him in. He was experiencing first-hand that feeling one gets when they first move after drinking a large amount of alcohol, and the world was starting to shake a little bit. It wasn't the best state to be doing something this important in, but it wasn't like he could magically fix the issue. He'd just have to suck it up as he'd always had to do in life.

Blair remained quiet whilst Mizuki and the guard sorted out all the paperwork for his entering of the village, not trusting himself enough to not say something stupid. He was bad enough whilst sober he didn't want to chance it while he was as tipsy as he was. Thankfully it didn't take long so he didn't have to stand and mill about awkwardly for an uncomfortable amount of time. When the woman asked the question about whether or not he wanted to be a shinobi of Suna, his attention peaked. It really should've been a question he answered while sober, but he'd been thinking about it a lot on his journey. He'd been wandering alone for a long time. It was time to find a place to settle and actually start to do something with his life.

"Prospective shinobi." He answered seriously. He almost appeared to sober up for the scant few seconds that he answered but it was hard to tell with Blair; the way he acted made it hard to tell just what was going on in his head sometimes. He accepted the pair of keys politely and pocketed them in one of the many jeans he was wearing; he'd find out which one later. Speaking of clothes, he'd have to completely refresh his wardrobe once he got inside. No way was he going to continue wearing this many layers.

Blair watched in amazement as the woman just sank into the ground after allowing him to keep the flask and enter the village - also the first gift he'd ever received. Damn, he wanted to learn how to do that. It'd be fun just appearing from the ground right next to people to give them a little scare.

"Cool." He whispered to no one in particular. He gave a grin and a small bow to the remaining gate guard and began the journey through the long entrance. Starting a new chapter of his life called for a celebration! Drinks, dancing, and a night without rest. He wondered what the nightlife was like in the Village. Regardless, Blair was going to give his best shot at, as they say, painting the town red.


WC: 578
TWC: 1514

- 15 Stats into Speed
- 1000 words for Black Threads to make them C-Rank
- 250 words for Genjutsu Release and 250 words towards mastering it.
- Entrance into Suna with permission
- Suna colours

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Wed Jul 28, 2021 12:29 pm
Mizuki Ohta
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Sat Jul 31, 2021 1:21 am
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Sat Jul 31, 2021 5:03 am
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