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Takeshi Hyuuga
Takeshi Hyuuga
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Byakugan training Empty Byakugan training

Tue Oct 22, 2019 10:49 am
Tekashi was brushing his teeth one morning and he couldn’t help but look into his own eyes in the mirror. “You have these weird eyes, but you don’t know how to actually use them. Doesn’t that kind of confuse you?” Ryuu asked Tekashi. “Yeah, I know how they work. But I haven’t a clue how to actually make them work.” Tekashi responded with a puzzled look. Tekashi finished brushing his teeth, but he couldn’t help but to look into his eyes, his mind began to wander. “I wonder if your dad knew how to use them.” Ryuu wondered. Takeshi still didn’t know much about his father. “I’m sure he did. I know we moved here when this village was coming up because he was a great fighter.” His mother had told him that one night when she was drunk and passing out. 

    “Well you know what, Ryuu?” Takeshi asked. “What?” Ryuu responded. “We are going to learn how to use these dang things.” Takeshi grabbed his gear, threw on his clothes, as tattered as they were. Grabbed his weapon pouch and walked over to his front door. Before opening it, Takeshi glanced at the sign he hung next to the front door. “I will prove her wrong. I will become something of worth.” Takeshi read the sign aloud. “I won’t fail. I will become worthy of life.” Takeshi reminded himself. 

    As Takeshi was walking through town to get to the training grounds, Ryuu chimed in. “Hey, so you are headed to the training grounds to work on your Byakugan. But you don’t know how to use it and have no teacher? What exactly do you plan on doing when you get to the training grounds?” Takeshi stopped walking and hung his head. “I don’t actually know.” Takeshi thought for a moment, “Maybe the library will have some info on it?” Takeshi changed directions and headed over to the library. 
    Takeshi walked into the library and walked over to the front desk, when the librarian greeted him. He greeted her and asked her if she knew of any books that would help him with his Byakugan. She nodded and pointed him in the direction of shelves that were covered in books. Takeshi wasn’t a very big reader, but he wanted to learn all he could before trying to train his Byakugan, so it was worth it. Takeshi grabbed a couple books and went to a table to begin reading. Takeshi read for an hour or two before returning to the front desk and asked if he could take the books home. She obliged and Takeshi headed back out of the door and over to the training grounds.

    “So you perform this hand seal?” Takeshi asked himself. Takeshi was still unsure as to how to use the Kekkei Genkai that he had received from his lineage, but that wasn’t going to stop him. He continued to read, and continued to practice. When the sunlight began to run out, he decided to pack up his things and read for a little while longer at the training grounds. “I will figure this out. No matter what.” Takeshi kept reading his books from the library.

Word Count: 534
Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Byakugan training Empty Re: Byakugan training

Tue Oct 22, 2019 12:07 pm
The brown skin hyuuga boy was sitting on a tree, eating hamburgers. He had ate the first two hamburgers that he brought along with him and now he's eating the third and the last. He got here a bit early, not too early, as the sun hasn't started to smile when he got here.Sakuragi was in a small evergreen forest. The atmosphere is an inspiration to him. There were flowers of beautiful colours, butterflies of different sizes and amazing colour. This was nature at it best. He loves this place.  Sakuragi wore a black long hand jacket , a white v neck inner Shirt, black short, black shinobi sandals, his village forehead protector sat on his head as it was firmly tied around it. 

Apart from being a ninja, sakuragi is also a poet. He had been there studying different art of poetry, this was some of the things he loves to do in his free time. His friend and team mate kuniko hyuga had once asked about what he enjoys doing during his free time. Studying and writing was part of it. He had just finish reading a poetry book. He wanted more knowledge about poetry but he isn't going to get  any knowledge here, only inspiration. He decided to go to the library and check for some books, if he could find any. He jumped down from the tree and landed safely on his feet. He had been sitting on the branch of the tree and the tree wasn't too tall, so there was no way he could injure himself when he jumped down. Moreso, he learnt the surface walking tree climbing tech while he was in the academy, it may be weak but it's very helpful in situations like this. 

Once sakuragi landed safely to the ground , he would brace his mind, and walk to the library. There, he believed he would find what he came for. He walked past a boy that had similar pupiless eyes like him. It seems this boy is an hyuuga too. He had the village forehead protector on his head, so he believed he was from hoshi  and not just some traveler. He realised the boy was too focused reading a book. Once sakuragi walked past him, he would activate his byakugan, with his back facing the boy as he walked. The book he was reading clearly shows he is a fellow hyuuga, he saw everything he was reading. He was studying about byakugan. He would deactivate his byakugan , summoned courage and walked up to the boy. It's not easy walking up to strangers like that. “Hi, I'm sakuragi. Do you need help with something?. I can help if you won't refuse me” , he wasn't sure if the boy would welcome him. Sakuragi occasionally walk up to strangers to offer help, this is not is thing and if the boy would refuse his help, he wouldn't care an inch. He would just go on to get the books he came for. 

Twc: 503
Takeshi Hyuuga
Takeshi Hyuuga
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Byakugan training Empty Re: Byakugan training

Tue Oct 22, 2019 1:13 pm
[size=31]“How’s the reading going?” Ryuu snarkily asked Takeshi. “Fine, I guess. I know about the Byakugan, but knowing and performing are two very different things.” Takeshi began to feel frustrated that he had this potential and ability, but didn’t know how it actually worked. Takeshi hated not being able to figure something out, throughout the academy he felt that he had the answer to everything. Mainly because he had researched to the ends of the earth to find the answer to any question. If there was something that he couldn’t figure out, or if he got a question incorrect on his exams or homework. The consequences with his mother would be quite dire. Even after her death, his studious ways continued. He still wanted to be the smartest and the best at everything so then hopefully people will like him. As delusional as this sounds, it was the best thought he had. Even if it only attracted one person towards him as a friend, that would have made all of the studying and research and countless hours reading worth it. [/size]

[size=31]    [/size][size=31]To try and learn as much as he could about the Byakugan, Takeshi was reading his book when he noticed another Hyuuga member was walking by him. He paid it no attention for many of them pass him by with nothing more than a sideways glare. Takeshi continued to read as the ninja walked by him. Then the ninja spoke to him. “Hi, I’m Sakuragi. Do you need help with something? I can help you if you don’t refuse me.” These words swirled in his head and made his stomach begin to ache. “Whoa dude!” Ryuu told Takeshi, “this guy is talking to you. Doesn’t that make you worry?” Takeshi slightly agreed with Ryuu. “Quiet. This one seems different. No one has actually asked if I needed help since the Academy. Plus, I do actually need some help. I’m not getting very far on my own and my research.” Takeshi quickly realized that he had been silent this whole time, and this Sakuragi was just waiting patiently for an answer. “I’m going to talk to him, don’t make this weird Ryuu.” Takeshi then stood up and faced Sakuragi. “Hi… Im Takeshi… Do you know that?” Takeshi figured that this Sakuragi probably just didn’t know who he was and what he did. That would be the only reason why anyone would ever really talk to him. [/size]

[size=31]    [/size][size=31]Word Count: 506[/size]

Last edited by Takeshi Hyuuga on Thu Oct 24, 2019 1:43 am; edited 1 time in total
Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 11500

Byakugan training Empty Re: Byakugan training

Tue Oct 22, 2019 2:11 pm
It took sakuragi a lot of courage to walk up to this stranger to offer him his help. It seems the guy was reluctant to even talk back to the boy. Sakuragi wasn't so sure of what's going on. Is he deaf and dumb? Or did he actually heard him speak and he didn't want to reply?.  Sakuragi wasn't so bothered about the outcome of this. It wouldn't affect him in anyway if the guy later refused his help.  He just stood there, waiting for a response as he fixed his gaze on the studious boy. The boy stood up and told sakuragi his name but ended his statement with “you know what...” and paused for a while. What's  wrong with this boy? He is trying to be stupid or weird?.  A lot of questions ran through his mind at this moment. Perhaps the boy was gonna ask him a question or he was gonna say something. 

Sakuragi asked a simple question, do you need help?.  He expected a simple answer. A simple question always deserves a simple answer. Instead, the boy told sakuragi his name and his you - know - what thing. Whatever he was gonna say, he had better say quickly. He continue to stay mute like this without a a real response, as to whether he needs his help or not, he would think otherwise. Sakuragi spoke up to the boy after his you know what thing, “ what's wrong? Do you need help with speaking or what is that you wanted to tell me? ” he didn't see it as being rude to talk to the stranger boy like that.  There are a lot of things he didn't care about, a lot of things that wouldn't bother him an inch. He would pause for a while before he talked again “ Well, if you don't want my help ,I can as well leave ” . Though he wasn't gonna leave like that in actual sense, he said that so the stranger boy would say whatever things he wanted to say. Perhaps the stranger boy was shy or afraid of the brown hyuuga boy. Sakuragi had never met another brown skin ninja, thus, he has a uniquely weird skin colour. But whatever is going on through the stranger boy's mind, he would patiently allow him to speak, giving a very listening ear to whatever he has to say. 

TWC: 905
Takeshi Hyuuga
Takeshi Hyuuga
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Byakugan training Empty Re: Byakugan training

Tue Oct 22, 2019 6:11 pm
[size=30]    [/size][size=30]“What is this guys talking about? Need help speaking? You said exactly what you wanted to say. I don’t know about this guy, Tak.” Ryuu asked Tekashi. “Yeah I don’t have an answer for that either. That was kind of… weird. Maybe he misheard me? That’s got to be it. But hey, if he’s still talking to me I am sure that he doesn’t know who I am or doesn’t care. Either way, he’s good in my book and it’s fine by me.” Tekashi then spoke to Sakuragi. “My apologies, I believe that we have some miscommunication. I am Takeshi Hyuuga, the guy who killed his mother. I wanted to be sure that you knew who I was because most people don’t actually speak to me, they treat as some monster for what had happened between my mother and I. I wanted to be sure you knew who I was.” Takeshi was then interrupted by Ryuu. “Yeah, I am sure that wasn’t way too much information. Good job Takeshi.” “Quiet you.” Takeshi shushed Ryuu. [/size]

[size=30]    [/size]
[size=30]    [/size][size=30]This was the first person to speak with Takeshi in months. Takeshi didn’t really know how to speak to others anymore. He always gets so uncomfortable around them these days, after that night Takeshi had ostracised from the community. “Thank God someone finally either doesn’t know about what happened or doesn’t care. I have been needing someone to talk to.” “What about me?” Ryuu whined. “You know you don’t count. You’re just inside my head, I mean someone to actually talk to.” Takeshi explained. “Fine.” Ryuu whined again.[/size]

[size=30]“To answer your question yes I do need help. I am just beginning my learning of the Byakugan. I know some about how it works and what it does, but I haven’t a clue on how to actually use it. I got these books from the library, but reading has only gotten me so far. I was hoping to find someone else from the clan that could teach me how to use it, but so far no one will speak to me from the village, let alone the clan. Do you know anyone who could teach me how to use our Kekkei Genkai?” Takeshi set down his books and hoped that what he had said was clear this time. With all the problems Takeshi has with speaking with others, not speaking clearly is not something that he could afford. He then eagerly awaited for Sakuragi’s response.[/size]

[size=30]Word Count: 410 [/size]
Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 11500

Byakugan training Empty Re: Byakugan training

Wed Oct 23, 2019 11:35 am
Sakuragi was a very sharp listener, but a very sharp listener could be quick to hear wrong at times. The moment  the other hyuuga boy started having expressions on his face,  sakuragi immediately knew he heard wrong or said something wrong. What could he had heard or said wrong?.  Though he thought of this things, he wasn't bothered by them. The brown skin hyuuga stood there and await a response from the other guy.  Suddenly, this studious hyuuga boy would introduce himself as the one who killed his mother. Sakuragi was shocked but didn't wanna show it. He tried to be as expressionless as he could when he had the boy said he killed his mother. His eyes narrowed and his arms folded. Was he for real or was he joking about that?.  This made sakuragi thought maybe he heard wrong again. “ So you really killed your mother huh?. And you said people don't talk to you huh? and you said I'm talking you because I don't really know you huh?.  It was like asking the boy a thousand question in a minute. Sakuragi was almost not even knowing what to say. “ What made you kill your mother, asshole???!!! He stood there expecting some serious answers from Takeshi. 

“Yeah, fucking yeah.  I can help you with your byakugan” he said as he activated his own dojutsu, the veins around his pupiless eyes bulged out.  “ I knew you needed help because I used byakugan to analyse what you were reading when I walked past you the other time. But if I would teach you the byakugan, we would have to leave this place ”. 

What kind of boy would kill his mother? . Sakuragi still couldn't get a hang of it. Was he talking figuratively?.  Sakuragi was orphaned at child birth. He never had a parent , except for his grandma who had been taking care of him his entire life. How could Takeshi kill such a precious soul. Sakuragi would  observe sharply to how Takeshi reacts , thus, he would know what to do depending on Takeshi response and actions. 

TWC: 1258
Takeshi Hyuuga
Takeshi Hyuuga
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Byakugan training Empty Re: Byakugan training

Wed Oct 23, 2019 1:53 pm
Sakuragi understandably seemed shocked by the news of Takeshi killing his own mother. Takeshi watched as Sakuragi’s face began to change. His eyes narrow, and his arms folded. “Yep. Knew this was coming.” Ryuu said. “Yeah, but you know what? It’s an understandable reaction. People have very close relationships with their parents, I just wasn’t that lucky.” Takeshi said in his head. At this point, Sakuraga was beginning to bombard Takeshi with questions, as many people do. Luckily for Takeshi, Sakuragi actually seemed to wait for Takeshi to answer his questions. Whereas most people would decide to ask the same questions and walk off, figuring Takeshi was not worth speaking to. Takeshi waited for Sakuraga to finish his questions and his talking about helping Takeshi with the Byakugan. Then when Sakuraga was done speaking. Takeshi explained what had happened.

“Hear that!? He wants to hear your side of the story!!” Ryuu was excited. “I know, but hey, I got this one okay? I need you to be quiet.” Takeshi requested. “Okay, you got this Tak.” Ryuu relented. Takeshi looked at the man with the name Sakuraga, and began to explain what happened that night. “My mother was abusive.” He paused to show all of the scars that covered his face, arms, and legs. “She would beat me and hurt me. She kept me away from the ninja academy for years after I was eligible to go because she didn’t want me to tell anyone what she was doing to me. She would have me stand in the middle of the living room naked, just so her and her friends and our family laugh at me. She would beat me with whatever implement she could.” No matter what I brought home, whether it be an exam with a 100% or a permission slip to go on field trips, she would find a reason to fault me for something and beat me for it. This would happen every single day of my life. She convinced me that I am worthless. She convinced me that I was not worthy of the very air that I breathe. She convinced me that I was useless to the world. I hated myself, every single day of my life. Dreading the moment I woke up, knowing that I had not died in my sleep the night before.”

Takeshi took a breath, trying to control his emotions. “The night of the incident was the night of my graduation from the ninja academy, when I became a Genin. She came home drunk, again. She screamed for me to meet her in the living room of the house that we lived in. I was asleep when she had gotten home, so I sluggishly met her in the living room as she had asked me to. Upon seeing me and getting within her range. She grabbed me by my hair, slammed my head into the concrete floors of our house, and began to beat me in the back of my head until my blood covered my entire face. Knowing what would happen if I screamed, I did my best to stay quiet. Realizing this, my mother took this as a challenge. So she flipped me on my back, pulled my pants down to my ankles, and continued to beat me with a stick she had found outside. She whipped and whipped until my legs and thighs also began to bleed. At this point I was losing consciousness and all sense of feeling. I blacked out and could no longer see, hear, feel, nothing. It was similar to going to sleep.

Takeshi took another breath. “When I woke up, I was in the hospital. The doctor had told me what had happened. They told me that I had stuck a kunai in my mother’s mouth, and pulled it out of the back of her throat. Since then, my self destructive behaviour took hold. I realize that I had become a monster, so I began to cut myself, now that my mother was not here to punish me.” Takeshi pulled up his sleeve and showed Sakuraga the complete sleeve of scars that went along his arms in all directions. “My mother was a terrible person, but even she didn’t deserve what happened to her. I could never bring myself to do that while being conscious, but I guess my own body decided that that was enough.

“My entire childhood I talked to myself, but when I woke up in the hospital, I heard a voice as clearly as you and I are talking now. The voices name was Ryuu, and he lives in my head, he has ever since that morning. So I’m sure you noticed me talking to myself. That would be why. I have no idea where he came from. But he has been here with me, almost like a companion through these times that I have been going through. Ever since that night. No one from the village has spoken to me. They all believe that I am some monster. I know that that is what I am. But no one actually cares about why I did what I did. I couldn’t take it anymore. She would have left me to die in our own living room, bleeding to death while she went to her bed and slept off her drunkenness. I did what I had to survive, that woman was the devil and I couldn’t handle her abuse any more. But even with all of that said, I never wanted to do what I did.” Takeshi had rarely talked about that night to another person outside of his mind before, he felt a slurry of emotions. Fear, excitement, sadness, anger, and every other emotion one could think of. “Whatever the punishment, I am ready to take it.”

Takeshi, looked up at Sakuraga, not entirely sure how this strange person would react to his story. But no matter what his reaction, Takeshi was still glad to have told his story. “I was sure you already knew I needed help. Probably didn’t need your Byakugan to see that. I do appreciate your offer to help, and if you won’t refuse me. I would love to take you up on that offer.” Takeshi was interested in the use of speech that Sakuraga used, it amused him and intrigued him. So he figured he’d use a phrase that Sakuraga had used before. Now all Takeshi could do was wait and see just how Sakuraga would react to all the information that he had just received.

Word Count: 1250

Last edited by Takeshi Hyuuga on Thu Oct 24, 2019 1:42 am; edited 1 time in total
Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Ryo : 11500

Byakugan training Empty Re: Byakugan training

Wed Oct 23, 2019 5:51 pm
The atmosphere was in equilibrium of hot and cold. These two are just meeting for the first time. Sakuragi, the brown hyuuga,  who occasionally help people decided to offer help to this punk who killed his mother. Who on earth does that?.  Was he mentally retarded when did that stupid action? .  What kinda of boy is his anyway?. Even though sakuragi himself knew pain from child birth, he lived with pain all his life. He knows what he feels like to have no parent.  This dude have a mother yet he killed him with his bear hands. What could have happened?.  Was the mother so even that her child would kill him?. Sakuragi seem not to understand all of these until he asked Tekashi and until tekashi answered his questions. In a minute Sakuragi had asked a thousand question in one minute.  The so many questions was the result of the shock that tekashi killed his mother, though the brown skin arm folded hyuuga boy tried not to show it.  Once he bombarded tekashi with questions, Tekashi would answer all his questions, but before that Sakuragi noticed something. The boy was speaking to himself, sakuragi had noticed that since the first minute he started talking to the boy,  but now he is taking to himself again. Is he mentally retarded, Is he drunk? More questions would run through the mind of sakuragi as the brown skin hyuuga boy tried to remain expressionless. Just then Tekashi would start talking in response to Sakuragi's questions. 

It may seem that sakuragi leaped before he looked. He may have jumped into conclusion. Tekashi would start talking and for every single word he said, it seem there's  a million more words to it. Sakuragi tried to remain calm as the other hyuuga boy talked about the horrific evil personality of his mother. How she painted his body with scars and fed him with stripes. How she would openly and publicly mock and make fun of her own child. He had thought wrong that tekashi was a monster, when in actual sense his mother was the monster. What kind of mother does that?.  Sakuragi's eyes narrowed even more in concentration as he attentively listened to all the boy was saying at the moment.  Her devilish mother was wicked, Sakuragi's eyes remained narrow as Tekashi showed him the scars on his body. That was just not  fair.  Are all mothers like this? Do all mothers beat their kids to death like  this?.  He was orphaned from child birth, so there was no way he could have experienced such a thing. The only person he lived with since child birth was his grandma, who was kind and caring to him. From what his old granny told him,  his late mother doesn't sound like a wicked woman.  If this boy's mother treated him this way, there must have been a reason for that. The brown skin hyuuga boy still had his dojutsu active at this time. When Tekashi was done speaking, sakuragi would paused for a second or three  before he began talking, “ I feel your pain and if your story is true , then you're no monster, she is the monster. Evidently, the scars you showed me shows your story is true. You did well surviving the rampage of a devil. If i were you, I would torture her to death. I don't know why she treated you that way, but I believed there's a reason for every action. Maybe she wasn't your mother in the first place, maybe she stole you somewhere or something like that. While your devil was alive, did you take time to ask her while she treated you the way she did? Or did you lost all boldness? By the way where was who is your father and where was he at that time?.  I pretty much doubt that that devil is your mother. I feel your pain, we share the same pain. Now that you explained this, I now see that you're not a monster, you're the saviour of your soul. You only did that to save your soul.  If you hadn't, she would have killed you someday. Those who wouldn't ask you why you did what you did should have their heads chopped off and burnt to death. Like I said earlier, you did well and believe me if I were you, I would do worse to her.  I would give her a very painful death, I would torture her to death. The same measure of pain she gave is what I would give in return, even more in return” . 

Sakuragi was sure a weird being, he could have been like those who never wanna talk to this Tekashi guy, but he didn't care about a lot of things. If no one would really talk to tekashi, then sakuragi was sure that people would hate those who talk to the so called monster. But he didn't give a damn about what anyone says. He knew their were people who will not like him talking  to tekashi. No one dares to order sakuragi around, no dares to come tell sakuragi not to talk to someone, he would slice them in half like an onion.  He could be that aggressive. He doesn't like being ordered around by anyone, though he do appreciate suggestions from people, he hate people trying to force their will on  him or on others. If sakuragi would see Someone forcing his will on a person, he would not mind to fight the forcer of will. He could that aggressive at times.  “why are you saying your mother doesn't deserve what she got, you fool!  What does she deserve then?, a hug, a kiss? Don't be fool!.  He said to the other hyuuga boy. “ I could be blunt to the point of being brutal, if you know the name of the voice in your head then it must have told you it name. Is it a female or male's voice? and how were you able to cope with that voice up till now?. I'm pretty sure you'd be having headache all the time ” he said to the boy . Sakuragi couldn't comprehend how a voice ended up in the boy's head. This boy is a mystery . Was it the dead Mother that became a hunting voice to make the boy mentally retarded. He doesn't make much sense if he was speaking to himself in public this way. People would think he was mad or something. 

Takeshi would say some couple of words to which Sakuragi would respond. Takeshi  had used one of sakuragis phrase but that didn't bother him. He just doesn't bother himself with stuff like this.  “ I wouldn't be here if I would refuse you, so stop being stupid! I activated my byakugan so you could see that you don't even need handseal to activate it. It is as easy as walking. Now if you want to learn how to activate  the byakugan , we have to leave this place.  We cant start up a byakugan training in a library, that would be ridiculous. So if you don't refuse my words, I'd say we go into the forest or some more quiet place so I can teach you that”.

It seem sakuragi is really gonna like this boy. First they shared almost the same pain, though sakuragi would consider himself the one with the greater pain.  He was not sure who was younger or older.  But that doesn't matter, age doesn't bother sakuragi. He would attentively and patiently await the boy's  response. The boy is not a monster,  at least sakuragi didn't see him as such. He would remain arms folded and as calm as he could be. Now is the time. 

TWC: 2559
Takeshi Hyuuga
Takeshi Hyuuga
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Byakugan training Empty Re: Byakugan training

Wed Oct 23, 2019 11:56 pm
So many questions. Such an intense situation Takeshi and Sakuraga had found themselves in. Takeshi hadn’t spoken so plainly about what had happened and had someone actually spoke to him to listen, not just to argue. Most times people just write off whatever Takeshi had to say because they did not care or they did not believe him. No matter how many scars they saw, or how honest his story seemed to them, no one ever wanted to believe that someone could have been as evil as Takeshi’s mother was. There was no love in her heart, Takeshi believed that that had died when his father did, even if he hadn’t met him. That was the only reason Takeshi could think of that would make a mother so hateful to her child. Takeshi often thought of what his father would have been like. Was he kind? Mean? Just as evil as his mother? Takeshi had no idea. For his mother would never tell him anything about his father, just that he was stupid and soft. The questions that Sakuraga had brought to him were hard to answer, he knew that the answers would be hard to hear. Takeshi had hoped that the reaction that Sakuraga would have would be one of understanding and consideration.

“ I feel your pain and if your story is true , then you're no monster, she is the monster. Evidently, the scars you showed me shows your story is true. You did well surviving the rampage of a devil. If i were you, I would torture her to death.” Hearing this made Takeshi grin. It also made Takeshi think, “I wonder if he has ever been abused like I was? “ Takeshi wondered this because most times when you are in such an abusive situation, they feel powerless, they feel like they deserve what they had been given, no matter how pathetic that may seem, that is simply how he felt and there was no exit for him. Until he forced open the door on that last night with his mother. But he also thought of the words that Sakuraga had just spoke, “You are not the monster.” Takeshi didn’t know how to take that line. For so long he had been convinced that he was the monster. He was the one that was the fault of everything in his life that had been going wrong. But here was someone in his life that actually told him the opposite. “Not the monster?” Takeshi questioned it. As if he didn’t know how to take the comment, because he didn’t. It hit him like an unexplainable event, something that you cannot recognize. “Thank you, Sakuraga. You have no idea what it means to me to hear someone say that to me. I have been told the opposite for my entire life, and I couldn’t help but to agree with them. I was the common denominator in my sufferings. I was the one who was always being beaten, after so long of it happening. I just figured it had to have been my fault. I must have been the one goading mother on to beat me, even when I had done nothing to her.” Takeshi stood in silence for a moment to regain his composure. Then Takeshi smiled and continued to think on what Sakuraga had told him.

“I would have tortured her to death.” Takeshi couldn’t help but get emotional once more. “Lord, did I want to. I had pictured it hundreds of times. I was always so upset. But I never got the courage or whatever you want to call it.” He hated his mother, but at the end of the day it was still his mother. There was nothing that could have changed that. He had chances to end it, plenty of them. Takeshi’s mother would often pass out on the floor drunk, many times Takeshi would stand over her body, kunai in hand. But he just could never bring himself to do it. He had already lost his father, he didn’t what he would have done if he had lost his mother too. Little did he know he would have been much better off. “I wish I had at times . But mostly, I just wish it would be all behind me. Instead of living with it day in and out. I know that will never happen and I will be living with what I did and with my past forever. But that is why I want to become the great ninja that I can be. I want to prove her wrong, that I can be something of worth, something that is worthy of the air that I breathe. “

““ I could be blunt to the point of being brutal, if you know the name of the voice in your head then it must have told you it name. Is it a female or male's voice? and how were you able to cope with that voice up till now?. I'm pretty sure you'd be having headache all the time ” This is entirely true, at times the voice is so loud it does ring inside Takeshi’s mind and gives him headaches that blurs his vision. “The name of the voice is Ryuu. It’s a male. The voice has actually helped with my coping of what happened, it gave me someone to talk to when no one else would be there for me. It made it to where I wasn’t completely alone.” Takeshi stopped and thought about Ryuu for a moment. Ryuu came about the morning I woke up from the hospital. “My best guess is it has to have something to do with the greiving process for my mother. While she may have hurt me in every way possible. She was still the only one that has been with me my entire life. My father died when I was only a few days old. So I never really got to meet him, my mother didn’t tell me much. But before everything had happened, back when people did talk to me, they all told me that my father was a great man and a better ninja. I have never actually seen his face. My mother took all of his pictures down from the house when he died.” Takeshi pictured what he could have looked like.

“why are you saying your mother doesn't deserve what she got, you fool! What does she deserve then?, a hug, a kiss? Don't be fool!.” Takeshi knew after hearing this sentence that he was going to like Sakuraga. “He is much like you used to be, back when you were younger, before your mother took your personality away. Very spry and very energetic, also quite vengeful, isn’t he?” Ryuu had asked Takeshi. Takeshi thought in his mind, “Very much so. Now I see what my instructors had been telling me when they told me that I had changed. They all asked me what was going on at home and I couldn’t say anything. Lord knows what would have happened.” Takeshi then looked at Sakuraga. “I like you. I think of you as someone I used to be, someone I want to be again. I am going to regain my self confidence, I am going to shake the shackles that had been placed on me from my mother. Sakuraga, you are a great person. I hope one day to be friends.” Takeshi smiled at the thought of having friends again.

“ I wouldn't be here if I would refuse you, so stop being stupid! I activated my byakugan so you could see that you don't even need handseal to activate it. It is as easy as walking. Now if you want to learn how to activate the byakugan , we have to leave this place. We cant start up a byakugan training in a library, that would be ridiculous. So if you don't refuse my words, I'd say we go into the forest or some more quiet place so I can teach you that”. Takeshi knew that he was right. I could only learn so much from what I found in the library, there was no way I was going to be able to master any technique simply by reading about it. I needed to actually perform the techniques and practice their powers to actually understand them. When Takeshi hear Sakuraga call him stupid, he would usually become upset. But coming from this ninja, it invigorated him. Takeshi had felt a way that he had never felt before. He was readying himself to learn and to improve, but this time. It was for himself. “You’re right! The Byakugan is something one must do to learn how to use it. I will follow you to wherever you want to go. I am ready to train and master our shared Kekkei Genkai. Let’s go!” Takeshi grabbed his things and readied his equipment. It was time for training.

Word Count: 1902
Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Byakugan training Empty Re: Byakugan training

Thu Oct 24, 2019 8:11 pm
It dawned to sakuragi that this other hyuuga boy was somewhat like him, someone would bare pain like he did. Sakuragi was not here to impress. He doesn't go about trying to impress people. He was just being sincere and blunt. Sakuragi wouldn't for any reason try to impress anyone. He does things as he sees it fit. Though, he couldn't specifically say why he walked up to Tekashi to offer his help, as this was something he very seldom do, he just happened to find himself doing it. There are ties that bind people, histories that makes legends comes together, there's a reason for everything and there's definitely a reason why Sakuragi would walk up to this other hyuuga to offer him help.  With all the stories Tekashi all told him, it made the brown hyuuga boy think contrarily to what most people thought of him.  Sakuragi never thought offering some help would result into Tekashi telling him about his past, though the brown skin boy seems pleased with all Tekashi had told him. Some people just jump into conclusion. Sakuragi count it stupid for anyone to think Tekashi was a monster without trying to find out why he killed his mother. Sakuragi wasn't bluffing when he said he would have tortured his mother to death if that had happened to him. Fortunately, he never grew up to have a parent, he never knew what it feels like to be a child. Some old granny had been taking care of him since child birth up till now. 
Those who think Tekashi was the monster, are the monster, this is what sakuragi choose believes.  To judge someone without wanting to know what they have gone through is more monsterious. The life sakuragi had lived for the past fourteen years had really done a lot to him. It's the reason he thinks the way he thinks. The background people comes from really tells a lot on them, it moulds them. If you come from a background or a family where all they do is play music, sing and dance and love,  you would fall in love with music, it wouldn't be hard for you to love people. However, if you come from a family where all they do is shout at each other, where all they give each other is hatred, where all they give each other is hatred, then all you will ever give people is hatred unless you change your mentality and way of thinking, it's the most difficult thing to do. 

Sakuragi  clearly understood what Tekashi said when he said he had no love in his heart. How could the helpless boy have had any love?.  A boy who lived with a devil, feasted and dined with a devil,  a boy who was nearly beaten to death  by his own mother. It wasn't one or twice or occasionally that he was  beaten. From the story Tekashi told Sakuragi, he was beaten everyday. Even animals are not beaten everyday. Tekashi was made more than an animal by his heartless mother. Sakuragi still finds it hard to understand why anyone would wanna do that.  

It seems that everything Sakuragi had been telling Tekashi was the exact opposite of what he had been made to believe. His ears have been addicted and accustomed to people calling him a monster, his heart beats in unison to the rhythm of the monster songs. All Tekashi seems to have known is fear. If there was anything Sakuragi Hates the most. That was fear. He never want any one to instill fear into him. He could go as far as fighting off and killing whoever is trying to inflict fear into him. Sakuragi never wants fear. As much as he doesn't want fear for himself,  he doesn't want fear for those whom he loves,  if at all he loves anymore. Sakuragi may not be that much of a loving person, but he's still human, he has the tendency to show love at times like he is current  doing to Tekashi , offering him his help without him asking for it. Though sakuragi wasn't too good with words when relating with others, it seem he was able to accidentally lift up tekashi's spirit. Sakuragi is not a folks impresser, he's not out here to impress anyone. He's a poet, he choose his words wisely when writing but blinding when relating with others. Tekashi seems to have suffered all his life,  “ You're never gonna be beaten anymore by anyone! You're never gonna be a victim of bully or punishment or weakness. No one will ever treat you that way again . You have to get stronger tho” sakuragi was running out of words, he searched his almost empty heart for words to respond to the guy's speech. If all of what sakuragi just said was gonna come to pass, he would have to get stronger. If he had been strong and courageous enough, he wouldn't have become a victim of what happened to him. Sakuragi's father died in a deadly mission he shouldn't have taken on. Power is everything, if his dad was a bit more stronger, he could have survived. He  could have killed the guy who killed him. If his dad was stronger , sakuragi would at least have a father If not both parent, though he wasn't sure if his father would have time for him if he was still alive. If he couldn't create time for him at that very young age, how would he do that when he is this grown?.  The weakness of his father made him an orphaned who never knew his parent. Sakuragi was only thanked that his father didn't dump in somewhere or a refuse place or in a forest where some wild animals would have eaten him. If he was dead before he could fulfill his purpose in life then of what use is his anyway?. 

When Tekashi would smile at Sakuragi and said to the brown skin arm folded boy that he was a great person and that he really liked him. That was expected from from someone that had  such a wretched background. He wasn't sure how to react to that.  “ I'm someone you used to be? , you wanna be like me and I'm a great person. Well,  I guess you're trying the to be a great person. The truth is you don't have try and be a great person, you are a great person. Focus on the hatred they gave you focus on what fuels power, the hatred of your youth. Believer you're great and you're great. Now, follow me...” he said as he walked past the hyuuga boy, he was going to the forest to train the boy. If Tekashi would follow sakuragi, the two walked to a forest, several metres away from the Library. Once they reached the forest,  sakuragi ordered Tekashi to stop  walking and to stand still where he is.  If and once tekashi would comply, sakuragi would hand over a kunai to tekashi and would  take few more steps ahead of tekashi with sakuragi's back facing the boy. He would walk ahead of tekashi until he was four meters away. While his back was still facing the boy, he would activate his byakugan “ I believe you know all the theories about the byakugan.  Throw the kunai at me” he said with a deep loud voice. His back was still facing Tekashi. He knew what he said may stun tekashi for a while. Tekashi may not know that Sakuragi was only trying to show him something. If Tekashi eventually agrees to throw the kunai, sakuragi would side step to his right side, the kunai would fly past the left hand side of the brown skin boy. Just as the kunai would fly past him, he would grab the flying kunai by the hilt with his left hand . That was quite a technique, Sakuragi didn't do that to impress the boy but to show him something, he would turn his body to now face Tekashi, looking at the boy with hopeful eyes . “ That is what the byakugan can do, it makes you see everywhere at the same time leaving no blind spot. This byakugan helps in learning most of the hyuuga clan jutsu. So you really need to learn it. I didn't have any problem activating my byakugan. My grandma even said the first time I activated my dojutsu was at the age of two years. The byakugan is pretty easy to activate.  I see you reading some books at the libraries, most of those books are junky junk cabbages that are not even written by hyuugas. You don't need handseals to activate your byakugan. If you've read about the sharigan dojustu, it's almost the same. You do not need handseals to activate your byakugan. Now lemme teach you how to get your dojutsu activated. All you need to do is to focus on the chakra in your eyes. Do you know there are chakra tenketsu attached to your eyes too?,  like the other part of the body?.  Focus on the chakras in your eyes, focus on the tenketsu around it and then unless it.” . Sakuragi for sure knew that tekashi was not likely to get it activated at once unless he is genius like him,  he's gonna need time to practise that. Everything that Sakuragi explained may sound like epistle but the byakugan can be activated and deactivated with ease for those who have mastered it. “Now,  try what I just said and see if you can activate your byakugan  you can do it, believe in yourself. Call on Ryuu if you have to, you know what I'm talking about?  I mean that voice in your head. Just get it activated already. 

Sakuragi remembered  Tekashi made mention of a voice that talks to him all the time. A male voice that talks to him all the time may sound scary to any other person. Well, it seems the hyuuga boy was comfortable with the voice. It's more like a companion than a bug. He wouldn't want something like that for himself. He doesn't want a companion in his head.  He would watch Tekashi and focus his attention on him as he folds his arm, if tekashi would proceed with what sakuragi told him to do . Their environment was suitable for any training they wanna do here. These kids shared almost the same pain, but they have different personalities and of course different goals . This is the beginning to the path of legend. There's still  plenty of time to do whatever they needed to do here . Sakuragi need to do his all personal training as he can not spend the whole day here.

TWC: 4362

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