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Give the Dog a Bone  Empty Give the Dog a Bone

Wed Nov 20, 2019 9:05 pm
Finally arriving into the land hidden in the shadow, Katsuragi takes a look around his much bleak setting. To his surprise, the place didn't look so bad. The trees were green, the road still had that same orange clay texture, and even the sky remained blue. He wondered why the country was named so. Perhaps the people back in the day were a bit to superstition and literal. Maybe this place looked a lot different back then, but now, he simply couldn't see no reason why this place was named so. He continues on down the path, his hands stuffed into this black leather jacket still, the hoodie placed down for his face to clearly. 'Land hidden in the shadows..., please', he thought mentally. A smirk formed on the right side, all that worry for nothing. Then again, one could not be too worry free, especially in the line of work he was in. No to mention that he was in an area he wasn't too familiar with, so that was another thing too. And this was all because he got some random scroll from some dog. He still couldn't believe that actually traveled all this way for some shady promise. He pulls the scroll from the inner pockets of his leather jacket. He stops to read it once more. Really? He gives a big moan before carrying on into the nearest small settlement up ahead. "Looks for a dog with no name", basically a stray. He was supposed to look for a stray dog. That sure narrowed it down, he finally reaches the little town. He things his best bet was to check out the pound. But then realized that this place was too small to have such services. So, he decided to check out behind the buildings and underneath boxes where strays normally hang out. If he didn't find anything in the next five minutes, Katsuragi was gonna bang it.  

Katsuragi was now seen behind the building, kicking over trash cans and knocking on dumpsters for dog noises. Nope, he got nothing but cats. "Really, I'm supposed look for a mothafuckin god with no name, in this whole god damn country. Maaaaan fuck this shit. I can't believe I traveled all this way f-", he stops to see a familiar face. He jogs over to him with haste, approaching him from behind. When he reached the man, he moved in front of him to see his face, but, apparently he was mistaken. The two shouted at each other, but eventually went their separate ways.

Later on, he was no seen inside a bar. He was finishing his fourth bottle of beer, muttering to himself how he could have been making money instead of wasting time like this. 'Find a dog, with no name. Find a stray, in the shadow lands', he continued to ponder about this while drinking. His buzz was keeping him from going off in some bathroom. Yeah, Katsuragi was going to have to spend the night here. Good thing he still had money left over from the few jobs he pulled with, Kaworu. He sits back against his wooden chair, thinking about the message even more. Nobody could say that he never tried, but this message was too vague for him to follow on. He wished he realized this before setting off to some backwoods country. "Find a dog with no name", he said out loud. Then started thinking differently. Maybe he wasn't supposed to find an actual dog; I some languages the term dog could imply friend. So, maybe we was suppose to look for a friend with no name. "A friend with no name? That would make him a stranger, a helpful stranger? What stranger would help out some random ass..., i'm going to bed", he said. He gave up on the waste of a time task. Be buys a room for the night, and made his way up to the stairs to the room he was assigned. Entering the room, he takes off his boots and slams his body against the bed. The beer was getting the best of him, so he entered a much needed sleep.

Sleeping in his bed, he awakes to sharp scratching noises made on the outside of his door. his face was already facing the door, so when he opened his eyes he could see shadowy figures dancing underneath the door panel. They kept moving sporadically, almost like a, animal. He gets up slowly, and makes his way towards the door, wonder what the fuck was going on. HE then opens the door, only to look down at a grey haired dog. Was this dog he was suppose to find? Or was it the other way around? It was a dog, with no name he knew. "You got something for me pal?", the dog said casually. "What?",oh, yeah. Some dog gave me this", he grabbed the scroll out of his jacket and holds it down for the dog to sniff it. Katsuragi wasn't too fond about talking animals, be had heard some stories about them. He never bothered with them, and never imagined that he would end up being involved with them. The tall grey haired dog sniffed the scroll a few times, taking in its scent. Their was something about the "dog" that seemed a bit weird to, Katsuragi. Its features leaned more to the wolf species. Maybe he was looking too much into it, or maybe he was too tired still from all the beer he drank last night. "Yep, this thing check out. Alright buddy, come with me. The less questions you ask on the way, the better in a mood i'll be when it comes to the judgement", he said while making his way down the stairs. Surprisingly there wasn't any other people in the hallway. How did he get in? Nevertheless, he puts on his boots on and makes his way towards the grey haired dog. At least the scroll held some weight in truth, this did mean something after all. The two were seen exiting the tavern, and making their way deeper in the shadow country.

The two finally arrived to the place of origin where all the grey haired dogs hailed from. Katsuragi, monitoring the area with each step, kept quite. Something the grey hound took note of, it was going to play very well in his favor. That of course was something, Katsuragi was not aware of. Tasks he was going to face would test what type of man he was, and beta or alpha. THe two reach A blank area in the forest, low cut grass, but surrounded with tall oak trees. He couldn't see very good either, but his wits were about him. Finally, the rest of the pack appeared. One by one, dogs of savage breed arrived on the scene with their iconic grey mane. Their streaks of black fur across their bodies were high lighted with the light of the moon. "Alright, Im here yo!", he said, pulling away from his guide dog and revealing the scroll which was given to him. The rest of the dogs pointed their noses upwards, taking in the scent from the scroll. They begin to bark violently. Katsuragi tensed his body while balling his fist. All the dogs were in a fit of rage fro some reason, all except the one..., behind him.

"(heavy low growl) What have we here, this one speaks with confidence...", the rest of the dogs stop their barking, eyeing their leader with respect. "IT SEEMS, WE HAVE AN WOULD BE ALPha (heavy low growl)", Katsuragi watches as the rather tall muscular dog pass by him on the right, circling around to face him from 2 meters. The leader dog was dressed in a red vest, with the kanji words that expressed leadership. HIs right eye had a scar over it, however it was still in working condition. "Who the fuck are y-", Katsuragi was cut short with two very powerful barks. "I ask the questions here (low heavy growl). How did you get that scroll, and what is of the dog who gave it to you?", the guide dog who guiding Katsuragi walked over to him. "Now..., is the time where you answer all the question. THats if you want your neck still attached to your body", he causally said. He disappeaers within the crowd of the other dogs. Katsuragi thought of what he should do next. He could zip out of here with ninjutsu, but then thought about how fast these dog could be. Yeah, a whole pack of dogs chasing him in a area he wasnt familair wasnt too ideal.

"SPEAK!", the alpha dog roared. Katsuragi looked towards the dog, "Ight man..., what had happened was, I was doing a job. I came across a dog tied to a tree, kept barking. SO, I let it go",

"It huh?", the alpha said, in a displeasing tone.

"WHat? I was supposed to check under the thing?!"

The alpha then lower its body while growling, exposing its sharp fangs for the purpled haired man to see. Katsuragi backed up a bit, preparing to run for it, Going up against a pack of dogs was something he couldn't handle right now.

The guide dog stepped in, "Wait a minute. I think he's telling the truth. Didn't we send one of ours up there to scout for a missing group. It was in the earth country right, pal?", he turns towards Katsuragi for an answer. And of course, he nods a few times towards him and the alpha. The Alpha lessens his stance, but remains ready to strike. "Of course he would agree (low heavy growl} you gave him a location", he walks towards the right side of Katsuragi, circling him a few times. "Im guessing you left the dog to ITS on matters yes? {low heavy growl)", Katsuragi nods. "{Low heavy growl).........goood boy", he tackles Katsuragi to the ground with a tack down from the side. The Alpha was remarkably strong. It all happened in an instant. "(low heavy growl)..., he was clumsy you know..., but a perfect tool for scouting shady areas. EXpendable {low heavy growl}....... Go on..., what next?"

Katsuragi couldn't move under the weight of the dog, his paws digging into his skin. "I did my thing man..., I had to burn down the fuckin bar to get paid"

"An arsonist?"

"NAh,wait... yeah man. I..., did time cuz of some bitch snitch. After that, I had to do whatever i could to get that bread"

Most of the pack turn towards the purple haired man, then back towards the Alpha.

"Bread?", the Alpha curiously asked. The slang, Katsuragi used was new to him?

"Money! dawg... i'm talkin bout money! DAmn..., I cant breath yo", he said, struggling under the weight of the great alpha.

The Alpha stared long and hard into the eyes of the squirming man. He then decides to get off of him. HE calls for the dog that guided, Katsuragi. He arrives, but this time he carried a small scroll in his mouth. "Most of us did some time, long before man constructed these walls adorned with lights and buildings", the guide dog drops the scroll, watching it unravel a bit as it revealed marks of what looked like a contract. "(low heavy growl), sign it, or I will rip you hands off"

"Nu NAH man, what the fuc is th-", the guide dog cuts in. "PAL, now is not that time to start asking questions. Just do it buddy", he said while pointing his nose towards the scroll. "Fuck...., ight. You got a pen?"

"(Loud heavy growl) No need...", he lunges forwards and bits his hand, Slowly pressing on it to allow blood to bleed. Katsuragi smacked the head of the alpha a few times, only to receive a swift smack tot he ack with the other free paw. Katsuragi now had three cuts across his eyes, lucky his eye was still functional. "AHHHH FUCK MAN...", he yelled. The Alpha let go, watching the blood drip down on to the scroll. "Press your palm on the blank space of the scroll (satisfied low growl)"

Katsuragi did just so, pressing his now blood palm against the sheet. After that, He was left alone, with the guide dog. "WHat the fuck? what hell everyone leaving? AND what the fuck did I just sign?"

"YEah..., you better come with me, Ill explain all of it when we get you fixed up. The two then disappeared, deeper into the land of shadows they went. He didn't know what was going on, but soon all would be revealed. His hand was throbbing with pain, the teeth marks sank deep, he tucked his hand into his leather jacket he took off. He turns it into the cloth he wrapped around his hand. He tied it tightly so that he could stop the bleeding. This was the last time he would travel to some random place because of some scroll belonging to some dog. He then notices that the scroll was gone, perhaps one of the other dogs picked it up. But none of that mattered, what mattered is that he got his hand checked out.


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Summoning Contract for Hounds signed

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Give the Dog a Bone  Empty Re: Give the Dog a Bone

Wed Nov 20, 2019 9:37 pm
Psst can ya link the contract--
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
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Thu Nov 21, 2019 8:27 am
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Thu Nov 21, 2019 11:06 am
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