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Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Ash to ash, bone to bone(P, NK, John Kaguya) Empty Ash to ash, bone to bone(P, NK, John Kaguya)

Mon Aug 31, 2015 8:12 am
Mako was enjoying his off day, his training had been better recently and he had finally crossed over the platuea that he had been stuck at for some time now.  He currently was using this day to soak up some much needed rest and relaxation.  He had made his way to a local tea house earlier that day and had been there for well over 3 hours now.  He knew one of the maidens there had a crush on him, and he always liked a chance to flirt with the village girls.  They loved ninja, and even more so they loved him, he was the ideal specimen of manliness. 

He leaned back in a chair with his legs propped up in another chair at the table,  he had a drink sitting on the table and a half smoked cigarette dangling out of his mouth.  His sunglasses rested on the lowest part of his nose as he looked out over them, as the cute barmaid was bent over directly in front of him serving another customer.  Mako knew he was a cad and felt no shame for it,  he might settle down if he ever found a gal worth settling for but for now he decided he would just enjoy his time.  He drank the rest of his drink down and called the cute girl with long black hair and a kimono over to him for a refill.  He flirted with her shamelessly, and she began blushing and became quite flustered, trying to pour the drink without getting any on him.  Mako wouldn't care if she did it would be an excuse to take his shirt off and to make her even more flushed.  She didnt however, and even worse than that she excused herself from Makos company telling him that her shift had ended.  Mako saddened asked if she wanted company for her walk home, and she politely declined, explaining that he was the kind of guy that she could have fun with and feel cute around but she was engaged to a guy who would provide for her.  Mako was crushed, but only for a moment, and sat with his elbows on the table the cigarette just sitting in his mouth burning.

While he dealt with his inner torment, he didnt notice the shift change as the new maid brought out another drink.  She came rushing at him screaming "Mako-chan!!!!" He didnt even have to look to know who it was.  It was a girl older than him, one who would do anything to spend time with him.  She was plump and not very pretty, but she was always very nice to Mako, which he always appreciated, but her constant advances always forced him to get very rude and blunt with her.  Sometimes to the chagrin of everyone around. 

She grabbed him and smushed his face into her enormous breasts and he couldnt breathe, he could feel the last bit of oxygen in his lungs disappear and he needed another breath.  Squirming and wriggling through her intense strength he finally made his way out and jumped from the chair into the street.  The girl chased him and Mako had found no other option to keep her off of him, as if secondary response he ripped the tanto from its case and pointed it at her.  His reaction was lightning fast and it happened without even thinking.  She stopped immediately.  He would never hurt her, he just hoped anyone watching would know that.  He was also becoming quite surprised at his own reaction time with the knife draw.

"I am sorry maam but i am not interested," he bowed and took off heading down the street.    He had noticed that although none of the higher level ninja had noticed, there was a genin from the Kaguya clan nearby who had seemingly seen the whole thing, but he was too far off to hear what was being said. 

(Now Jason, your character is very honorable and hates any form of disrespect so i set it up to where you will not be happy with Mako when you meet him.  What im doing is word farming, so i want you to talk to me ike John would.  Dont think about how many words you use just write as much as you can,  also (not to put you down im trying to help) if Jason would want to fight Mako go for it and dont hold back, Mako is quite a bit stronger so you wont hurt me so go all out. 

dont even track the words you use we can tally them up at the end.  Just be john and write as many words as you can to tell the story you need to tell)

Last edited by Mako Sarutobi on Sun Sep 13, 2015 9:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
John Kaguya <3
John Kaguya <3
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Ash to ash, bone to bone(P, NK, John Kaguya) Empty Re: Ash to ash, bone to bone(P, NK, John Kaguya)

Mon Aug 31, 2015 8:24 pm
John had seen what had happened. being shirtless because he didn't want to destroy his shirts whenever his bones are protruding or used in battle, certainly did help. sure, John felt coldness brush past his naked, upper body, made him feel alive. more alive than when he was younger, and he had some memory of somebody carving scars into his body. John crossed his arms and tried his hardest not to fly into a rage. as John didn't have a mother anymore, John would have to "talk" some sense into that violent man, who had dared point a deadly weapon against an unarmed woman. John ruffled his short, blonde hair and breathed in and out, in and out. it was the best thing he could do to calm down now. if he tried to grab his arms, then he'd probably bruise himself. maybe.

John had another nightmare this morning. yet another nightmare of someone stabbing him with a knife, carving scars into his body. John was sick of it. he wanted to know who had the audacity to do this to him. John had to punch something but he didn't want to punch someone. he didn't want to punch someone who had nothing to do with his nightmares. John swore on himself that he would grow to be so strong, that nobody could stop him. nobody or nothing would stop this Kaguya from finding the man who did this horrible thing to him when he was a defenseless little child.

as John was close with his mother, John loved his mother dearly, and thanked the gods that she took care of him. as such, it was understandable, at least to John's shoes, that he would be angry at anyone threatening an unarmed woman. it was in his philosophy now that anyone who had dared to threaten or, gods forbid, harm an unarmed woman, would pay. dearly. it didn't matter who it was. no matter how big, or small or fat or skinny, they would pay.

to add to John's clothing, John was wearing green cargo pants. sort of like camouflaged green pants like military people often wore. sure, they would make John stick out like a sore thumb out in a city or something, but John didn't mind. it made him look cool. sure, they would be ruined if John even used his bones on his legs, but John tried as much as he could not to use them. at least, not as much. John had to admit that it made him look cool. perhaps he'd even charm a girl one day with his strength and kindness. maybe there was a girl who had a secret crush on him. but right now didn't matter. John had a man who dares to threaten an innocent woman, who was unarmed, with a deadly weapon. that guy had to pay.

this all wouldn't have happened if John didn't feel like being a lazy bum and stay inside, but no. he had to go outside. it was his principles nowadays. go outside, do stuff, then go back in and retire for the rest of the day. as John was passing through the village, John happened to see a fat man pull a weapon on a woman. sure, she was quite busty, and she had wrapped her enormous breasts around his face and smothered him. but that gave him no rights to pull a weapon on her. this reminded John of him as a young child being smothered in hugs by his mother. he knew what a loving embrace felt like, and seeing that woman back away as the fat man pulled a weapon on her, made John angry. John had stopped in his tracks, the moment the fat man pulled his blade. it made him shake in anger as he had done that. no way would he forgive that fat guy for pulling such a deadly weapon on a defenseless, unarmed woman.

John stood in the fat man's way to block him from moving any further. John pointed with his left hand, turned to the side, as if he was gonna shake a hand, but instead, he pointed with it, as it was a polite way to point, rather than with the index finger. "you. how dare you to pull a deadly weapon on a defenseless woman like that? she could have gotten hurt!!" John growled through his throat, though it was more from his mouth. John added an intimidating growl, that would hopefully make the fat guy scared. John thought that the man looked fat, but upon closer inspection, he was well built. almost like John himself. "i want to know why you pulled a weapon on that woman." John demanded as he continued to point with his flat hand turned to the side. John would have to apologize to the man later for thinking that he was fat. speaking of fat.. "look, dude.. i don't know why you pulled your weapon on that big woman, but you need to go back there and apologize. or i will make you do it. with or without violence. and trust me man, you don't want to make me angry right now." John warned the man. he was in a good mood, but seeing such dishonorable action towards a woman, especially to someone who cannot defend themselves, is something only cowards do.

depending on the man's actions and words, John would have to deal with each action and word with appropriate use.
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Ash to ash, bone to bone(P, NK, John Kaguya) Empty Re: Ash to ash, bone to bone(P, NK, John Kaguya)

Tue Sep 01, 2015 8:00 am
Mako had started to walk away from the frightening woman when he was stopped, by a short ugly young man.  He could tell that the guy who stopped him was rather strange and there was a lot going on with the poor kid.  The boy started interrogating him with questions and trying to stop his eventual movement forward.  Unfortunately for Jason this was Mako's day off and he didnt have the time to answer some little punk who thought he ran the town.   Mako stopped as the guy asked "Why would you pull a weapon on her?" Mako reached into his pouch and produced a cigarette and placed it in his lips. 

Mako stands about 6 and a half feet tall with a slightly bulky but very muscled build( Similar to Asuma), He had his signature sunglesses on and he had his Konoha leaf bandanna tied around his right leg holding his tanto there.  His shirt was a black tight fit v neck and he had brown khakis on with a belt that held his equipment.  Mako also had a beard one he was quite proud of, it was thick and black, and short black hair that was kind of disheveled .  Mako had already sized Jason up immediately using his Haki, and he knew that this kid would likely surprise him with his abilities but as of now he doubted that the guy throwing threats at him could even touch him. 

Mako had not even looked John in the eyes yet he held his head down and lit his cigarette right as John finished his questioning.  Mako had not paid attention to any of it.  MAko took a long drag from his cigarette, still standing directly in front of John, and blew it into his face.   Using the dense cloud of smoke and ashiness Mako swiftly moved around John's right side without being seen and continued his walk.  He held his right hand up as if to say stop bothering me.  He could tell the kids demeanor through his Haki so as he walked off down the street pretending to ignore john he continued concentrating on him in case he attacked.  

Mako was a good guy at the core but he was young and wild as of now and so therefore rough around the edges.  He expected that exchange to escalate into a brawl but Mako didn't worry too much as long as they didnt destroy anything.   As Mako walked off puffs of smoke would fly up at even intervals


Last edited by Mako Sarutobi on Sun Sep 13, 2015 9:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
John Kaguya <3
John Kaguya <3
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Ash to ash, bone to bone(P, NK, John Kaguya) Empty Re: Ash to ash, bone to bone(P, NK, John Kaguya)

Tue Sep 01, 2015 7:46 pm
"listen to me when i'm talking to you!" John bend his arms at 45 degrees and aimed at the bearded smoking man and fired. two things didn't go as planned to John. first off, only three skeletal finger tips came from both of his hands: the index finger, the long finger and the little finger. second: they missed their intended target by a mile. instead of hitting the bearded man who walked away, who John had to admit, was pretty annoying as he kept ignoring him, hit the walls instead. luckily they didn't hit any bystanders, otherwise, there would be serious repercussions for this deed. John tried again, but this time, he aimed at his center, left shoulder and right shoulder all at once. if he moves either to the left, or right, or if he'll jump, he'll take a hit. the rest of the two finger bullets would miss him. if he was fast enough, that is. John would be prepared for the man's response. and somehow, John would sort of know that he'd dodge them. the bearded man that is. if, and should the bearded guy dodge and then retaliate, then John would have to do his best to dodge. John had to be prepared for anything. if the bearded guy would walk away. then John would fire three finger bullets at once aimed at his chest, stomach and right thigh. if the man would dodge and attempt to attack John, then John would fire again at him at close range. this time, aiming at his face, chest, and stomach. all three finger tips are from his index, long finger and ring finger. and all three come from both his hands. if John didn't have time to fire at him, then John would try to block with his arms in a cross shaped. if nothing happened and the bearded man kept on walking away, then John would stop dead in his tracks and ask him. "what's your name?" John asked with seriousness in his voice that floats out to his ears. John was sure that the man was in ear-shot so that he could hear him. John cracked his neck, as it was quite stiff for staying still so long. the fluids in his neck popped, which gave John a satisfying goal of not having his neck in pain. John then cracked his knuckles, as they too were stiff. stiff for shooting out fingertips. John thinks that it may be because he's not used to it. whatever that was gonna happen, John had to be ready for it. it's not like he is. that's the interesting thing about the whole thing. and about society and the world. you never know what you'll encounter so always be prepared. but what if you can't? in John's case, be prepared for anything, even if you can't do it at the instance you're doing something unknown. now, John had to be prepared for the person in front of him that was walking away. was he gonna attack? is he gonna state his name? only fate had the answers.
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Ash to ash, bone to bone(P, NK, John Kaguya) Empty Re: Ash to ash, bone to bone(P, NK, John Kaguya)

Wed Sep 02, 2015 9:15 pm
Mako continued his walk away paying no heed to what John was saying.  The guy demanded Mako to not ignore him, however Mako wasn't ignoring him.  Mako was sizing him up.  Trying to gauge the limits of the boys capabilities.  Of course, Mako didn't care about the cow who had chased him off or about the guys chasing him down but he always cared about a fight.  His senses from his Haki told him exactly John's power and strength and he could tell it was seriously lacking.   

mako had a comic thought, he realized that this boy was vastly slower than him, and thought was of the kid strapping a rocket on his back just to catch him. It made Mako chuckle.  By that time Mako heard the whistling noise of something flying past him and when he lifted his head up from facing the ground he caught the sight of a whirling missile zooming several feet past his head.  However he didn't recognize what it might be though.  It was white and small almost the same thing as a finger bone.  This puzzled him, what kind of person throws a finger bone at another person.

At that point he heard the whizzing noise again however it sounded like these next few were moving several times faster and more accurate than the last ones.  He grabbed his tanto with his right hand and ignited it with chakra.  The blue aura extending off the blade and made the blade quite a bit longer he swiped up coming straight out of the sheath slicing the middle and then instantly changed direction from left to right deflecting the other two.  They had no chance of ever connecting with him.  

At that point he was facing John and his head was still down a tuft of smoke rising up and his shaggy hair covering his eyes.  His right hand holding the tanto, the blade was only a foot but the chakra enhanced it out to about to about 3 feet.   John fired another barrage this te Mako could see exactly what John was doing. He wasn't just throwing bones he was firing his meta carpal bones out of the ends of his fingers like a bullet from a gun. Mako was both impressed and disgusted.

Mako made easy work of the following shots, his speed making his reactions impossible for John to see other than blue flashes and dropping bones on the ground in front of him.  

The kid snapped his neck and fingers and asked Mako his name. And Mako responded with only this "You would attack a man with his back turned, you don't deserve to know my name. Beat it."

He turned back around but didn't put his weapon away and didn't move. He knew that he had the guy adequately pissed. He would push John and make him find his focus and maybe he would even win since he might find a focus and level of concentration that John didn't know he had.  This is how Mako trained himself


Last edited by Mako Sarutobi on Sun Sep 13, 2015 9:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
John Kaguya <3
John Kaguya <3
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Ash to ash, bone to bone(P, NK, John Kaguya) Empty Re: Ash to ash, bone to bone(P, NK, John Kaguya)

Fri Sep 04, 2015 9:11 am
"go away? i'll show you go away!" John had it at this point. first, the bearded guy doesn't go over there and apologize for pulling his weapon on the unarmed woman. second, he had the audacity to just walk past John. third, he outright stated and told John to go away. and for what?! not wanting to say his name?! what a rude person. sure, John may have been the rude one as he attacked a person behind his back, but John was too angry at this point to care. John had to teach this bearded person a lesson. a lesson that would, hopefully, teach the guy not to mess with John Kaguya. John did what best he could to activate the dance of the larch. sure, he hadn't properly trained it, so it didn't come out right, but some bones came out of his body. John now looked intimidating. larges bones protruded out of his shoulders, ribs and chest. John now looked like a porcupine. a porcupine that was angry. and now John was gonna dish out the pain to this bearded smoker. John dashed over to his right side so that the bearded man could see him. John then raised his right hand to attack him. John aimed at his face, and if it doesn't hit, then John would do his best and jump back, and so that he was facing the bearded man and crossed his arms and aimed at his face, chest and left thigh. John then fired off 4 finger tips from his left hand; the index finger, the thumb, the ring finger and the little finger. on John's right hand what was shot out was; the thumb, the ring finger, the index finger and middle finger. with the right hand, John aimed at the man's right wrist, right ankle, right thigh and the right side of his jaw. the left hand was aimed at his left thigh, central area, forehead and left shoulder. if they all hit, which was a slim chance of none, then John would attack as quick as he could with a speed and strength of 20, aimed at the man's stomach. if the punch would be blocked, then John would do his best to use his left hand to do a hook punch at the man's face, and then, if he was allowed to, follow up with a spinning round house kick, as well to the face.  if all of the attacks would be blocked, then John would do his best to block what he could, and hopefully dodge the rest. if his attacks were dodged, then John would do his best to time the counter attack in so that they would hit the protruding bones that came out of his body. they would most likely get destroyed at the process, but it would be alright, at least John hoped it would. if John's attacks would be parried, then John would jump backwards, and if he was fast enough, kick out with his left foot to get him back some so that John could jump backwards and prepare for another onslaught of attack. John had to admit. this was the toughest opponent that he has fought yet.perhaps there were stronger opponents out there. secretly, John had hoped so. this would make his fighting spirit flare on, and make him stronger. John grinned, as this fight was making him excited. a strong opponent. John couldn't be happier. he could feel his kaguya blood waking up. being ready for battle. now John was eager to see what his opponent could do.
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Ash to ash, bone to bone(P, NK, John Kaguya) Empty Re: Ash to ash, bone to bone(P, NK, John Kaguya)

Fri Sep 04, 2015 10:16 am
Mako watched as John Launched forward at a full run to close the distance between them, John had to move quickly and with alot of force to span that gap to get a solid hit in because the two were about 10 meters apart. (This is called vagueing, it is when i take control of the story by filling in a detail that had been left out, this has its limitations but is very good to allow you to control distance and terrain) John came rushing in and bones protruded from his body.  Mako thought to himself about how when the boy became a full fledged ninja and was an adult he would be a truly frightening adversary.  His face appeared like that of a street thug and the way his bones came from his skin it was something from a nightmare.  However Mako knew Johns strength and limitations and easily gauged that it would not be an overly difficult fight.

(Now this next part is timelining. You went several actions deep into the storyline of the fight which is fine but since i am faster i can, in a sense, insert my actions into your post as what you do occurs or cut off the rest of your post completely.  Timelining is great for keeping track of how the battle progresses. I like to do it in paragraph form)

John rushed at Mako and drove in for his right cheek, John was swinging with his bony right arm.  The boy jumped as he punched to put more strength and speed into the attack. His momentum driving him int Mako.  Fortunately Mako was quicker and much more versed in the ways of combat.  Mako slipped his still infused sword away and then readied himself for the attack.  Johns punch came in hard and strong, Mako crouched down until his head was even with John's chest and lightning quick snapped his hands out his left grabbing a bone on John's chest and his right grabbing one on John's arm.  Mako then crouched lower and using John's strength and momentum did a quick lift while John was in the air and then a small spin and turned John's heavy midair punch into a throw from Mako.  He used the Momentum to launch John off to his left, the opposite side John was attacking from.  Which just so Happened to be down some steps with a 10 meter walking aisle and had buildings lining each side.  The launch would only toss him a couple meters due to John's heaviness and Mako not being strong enough but, that meant that john wouldnt have time to catch himself and stand and John would roll down the steps.  Though Mako knew he was a tough guy Mako's tactic had brought him to a huge advantage as he now had a height advantage on John.  John would now be fighting an uphill battle.

Mako said "It's gonna take more than that punk," Mako said tauntingly to the now floored John who was likely looking up in disgust from the bottom of the steps.  As Mako tauntingly took the cigarette out of his mouth with his fingers and flicked the ash in Johns direction.  Then put the cigarette in his mouth and waited for john to act.

(Notice how i timed my attack to occur just before yours due to my higher speed and cut off your remaining attacks because i inadvertently had knowledge of what you might do next.  I timelined into your actions because of my speed, though if the attack played out i wouldve been able to place one action of mine for every action of yours.  Then i vagued how there were stairs nearby because the terrain in the area had yet to be determined and as such i used it to my advantage.  Understand that most of the time the terrain will be decided and you wont be able to do much with it other than maybe place a tree in an ideal spot.  I will continue to teach more as we go)


Last edited by Mako Sarutobi on Sun Sep 13, 2015 9:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
John Kaguya <3
John Kaguya <3
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Ash to ash, bone to bone(P, NK, John Kaguya) Empty Re: Ash to ash, bone to bone(P, NK, John Kaguya)

Fri Sep 04, 2015 2:07 pm
John stood up and had anger in his eyes. pure. anger. John has had enough of being dealt with like trash. John let out a snarl as he crossed his arms and aimed at the entire body of the bearded man. with a loud war-cry, John threw his arms out, and shot out finger bullets. John decided to, almost, go all out with this guy. John didn't want to screw around anymore, so he fired finger bullets. all five of his fingers from both hands. after the finger bullets were fired, John crossed his arms and shot out finger bullets again. John had nothing but a flaming fury inside that demanded him to defeat the bearded shinobi. John fired again and again and again. almost in a continuous loop. only after what felt like hours, did John stop and dash towards the smoker. as John got within striking distance, John took a swing at the bearded guy's stomach with his foot.if it connected then John would follow up with a small combo that starts with a flying roundhouse kick to the bearded guy's face, and then follow up with a straight jab to the central area of his chest. that punch would then follow up with rapid punches with the speed and strength of 20. the combo would end with a downward strike at his face. John had to let out as much anger as he could, and he felt that throwing out these punches would be the best way to do it. with each punch towards the smoking bearded man, one part of John's anger was let out. for every strike, the earth shattered, for every movement of John's feet and body as he dealt out the punches, the ground moved with John. as if it aided him to deal out the pain to his new-found opponent. with every sweat that poured out of John's upper body and head, was a frustration that, like a river, flowed out and into the world. the fire inside John was now raging, as if it being fanned. it didn't matter to John. he had to deal out justice in the only way he knew how: to continue dishing out pain, with his fists.
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Ash to ash, bone to bone(P, NK, John Kaguya) Empty Re: Ash to ash, bone to bone(P, NK, John Kaguya)

Fri Sep 04, 2015 7:37 pm
Watching John's movements as he trodded up the steps thoroughly focused and angered, Mako smiled.  This guy had gumption that was for sure he, was at least somewhat impressed by the guys determination.  MAko however was not about to get hit by this kid.  He saw the bullets coming and thought about how he had been taught the very same technique by his father. 

He had woken up that morning and his father had shown him some sword technique as Mako, at this time, seemed very dedicated to weaponry.  His father walked him out to see a dummy, the dummy was strung up to swing every 3 seconds, first vertically then horizontally.  Mako's father showed him how to throw kunai leading his weapon charge and how to follow behind the kunai at a decent length forcing your opponent to deal with the kunai or retreat, and if they dealt with the kunai they would take the attack.  His father demonstrated and Mako repeated working tirelessly to master this simple technique.

Now John was attempting to use the very same method he had worked tirelessly at doing and Mako was far too experienced to fall for such a technique.  Sized the bullets that to him seemed to move at a slower speed, and the young man traveled behind them even slower.  Mako sized up the situation and considered his options.  He knew with his swiftness what his ideal option would be.  Mako stood and took one drag on his cigarette as the rest of the world traveled in slow motion.  His hair in his eyes and his sword in his hand.  In front of him was a stream of well aimed bone bullets and an angered looking young man.  JAson was powerful and beneath his gruff exterior he could sense tremendous power, power that Mako had no clue where it flowed from.  The bullets were about 3 meters in front of Jason and the bullets were less than a meter from Mako.  Mako just stood there arms in his pockets and a cigarette dangling from his lips.

Mako pushed strength down on his right leg as he launched off of his leg straight up about 10 meters.  As the bullets scattered beneath him harmlessly and scattered off sfely into the distance behind him.  One taking out a light and another busting a window, its okay they would be long gone before anyone forced them to pay for it.  Mako floated in the air for a moment as he saw John still closing the gap. 

On his way down from the fall Jason was looking up at him coming up the steps he was on and Mako dropped his right leg out toward Johns's face.  When he came down he timed it perfectly to when John had made it to where he had been rushing originally Mako could put his sandal clad foot on John's head and once again kick him back down the steps.  His foot landed squarely on John's flat face, it didnt hurt John however because Mako was only there for a moment, and he pushed off of John's face doing a back flip and landing flat on his feet and gracefully in the same spot he was in.  His hands never even left his pockets, the cigarette shined red as he took another drag of the cigarette.  John had tumbled back down the steps unable to keep balance from the push off.. DUe to John's stout but awkward build he couldn't match Mako's speed and his arms scrambled for something to grab just before he fell but nothing there. 

Mako knew John would be a dangerous warrior one day but for now he needed someone to show him that he could be great,  that wasn't what Mako was in the fight for but if it was an unfortunate by product he would be ok with that.  As it stood Mako only cared about showing this kid some manners, and not to interrupt in other peoples business when it didnt concern them.

Mako puffed and looked at John's once again prostrate form and laughed and said "You gonna try again?  If you are you may want to come full force."


Last edited by Mako Sarutobi on Sun Sep 13, 2015 9:20 pm; edited 1 time in total
John Kaguya <3
John Kaguya <3
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Ash to ash, bone to bone(P, NK, John Kaguya) Empty Re: Ash to ash, bone to bone(P, NK, John Kaguya)

Mon Sep 07, 2015 4:13 pm
John punched the ground in anger and loudly swore. John got up slowly, as he ascended from a kneeling position.John very loudly cracked his neck, and pressed his right foot down and then kicked it backwards, like a bull. John breathed out from his nose like a bull again, and began to charge an attack. John then took a fast sprint from the bottom stairs, up to where the bearded man was and threw a punch with his left hand at the man's right cheek. the man then, predictably, dodge the attack and kicked John down the stairs. panting and heaving, John got up, somehow, he wasn't getting tired. why, John didn't know. maybe he was getting slightly stronger the more he got beat up. but that idea would just be ridiculous. John stood there and panted, obviously being tired, but he could still walk, and he could still fight. John had an idea, and he grinned. however due to his brutish look on his face, this only made him more scary. John made the handseals for the clone technique and as he made the last hand seal, two clones of John appeared beside him, one to his left, the other to his right.John then took a dash with the clones towards the bearded man. the 2 clones attacked from his two sides, left and right. John himself would attack from the center.the bearded man didn't have to block or dodge as they promptly disappeared when they were gonna attack him, and at that time when they attacked, John made an attack of his own.John made a knee attack at the bearded man's face. if the knee would make a hit, then John would follow up with a quick motion of the finger bullets at point blank range at both his face and chest. if that attack succeeds, then John would follow up with John running up to the walls, and jumping them off and landing a kick to his face. John had a grin on his face. he was now sure the clone trick would do the job of tricking the bearded guy and leaving him open for attacks. John's second reason for smiling is the thrill in battle. maybe it was because of his old barbaric bloodline, but he started to like every second of this. who cares if he got knocked down each and every time? he'd just relearn a new strategy, at least to his best of abilities. the wind was quite chilly, but John didn't pay no mind for that. he was warm enough cause he kept running around and jumping and fighting. John almost wanted to laugh, but he was too preoccupied in a fight to do any laughing. he can do the laughing when he's done with it. and when he has learned something new from this. maybe a technique or two. if all of the techniques landed, then John would fire off another set of finger bullets at point blank towards the smoking ninja. John had aimed at his torso and upper thigh area. at a close range like that, it would surely be damageable. in short, it would be incredibly painful if they hit. John would lastly do an uppercut aimed at his chin that would send him flying backwards. John would then put up a fighting stance that would make John ready for any attack from the bearded smoking ninja.
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