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John Kaguya <3
John Kaguya <3
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Fri Jan 15, 2016 5:52 am
John wake up after another nightmare. another nightmare that consisted of him sitting on a chair and being attacked by a shadowy creature with a knife. why he had these kinds of dreams, he never knew. or at least, not at this very moment. after John was done with his morning routine and with breakfast, he locked the front door of his apartment and headed towards the training grounds. As John was heading there, he noticed that it was starting to get colder. maybe it was starting to rain. John had hoped that it would. no weather in the world made John happier than Rain. As John had explained to the guards where he was going, John was eager to resume his training and finish up learning the 10 finger drilling bullets. since he wasn't done with mastering it. plus, he still had to get stronger and faster and better so he could use the dance of the larch without as much as a thought. for example, if an enemy came at him with a physical attack at say.. his sternum or his chest in general, the dance of the larch would activate and protect him from the attack. it also depended on how strong, physically the opponent was. if they were stronger than what his bones were, then he'd be screwed. As John headed to the training grounds, he began to think up of what he could do to train. maybe he could learn on how to do the finger bullets, since he had to learn it anyway. that's a good idea. and he could also learn to make the Larch dance come out faster. the sun started to get hidden by the clouds, as a large shadow was cast upon John. the wind was starting to get a bit chillier. maybe John should have taken his jacket along. although with the amount of bones that are gonna come out of John's body, the jacket would just get ruined anyway. John entered the training grounds which looked the same as when he had trained with Salzem. John started by sitting down and stretching his hamstring, so as to not sustain any workout related injuries. as silly as he looked stretching his hamstrings, he was still making sure he wasn't gonna get injured during his training sessions. after John was done, John got up and started to do laps around the entire training ground for warm-up. John ran for about 10 laps normally. he then ran 10 laps sideways, and then 10 laps backwards. it sure was difficult to run laps backwards, as you didn't see what was behind you so well. unless you were a hyuuga. after John was done with the running around the training grounds training, he got down on his knees and began to do 20 push-ups. then he got down on his feet, so that he looked like a wheelbarrow. John then made another set of 20 push-ups. when John was done with that, he lied on his back and as he looked at the sky, he put his hands behind his back, put his legs and feet together and gradually made a sit-up. John continued as he grunted to do sit-ups until he made 30 of them.  boy was this tiring, as by the time John was done, John let his arms sprawl out from his sides as he panted. after John rested, he got up and dusted himself off the patches of grass that got stuck to his pants. John then focused and punched and kicked the air, as if he was fighting an invisible opponent. John then threw his fist at his sternum to emulate an attack from his opponent.John attacked with the strength of 20 and speed of 10 to experiment on his dance of Larch. the larch came out, but not by much. John still felt his knuckles touching his body. John tried again, with 15 speed this time, and... a little bit of success. the bones came out half-way, but still not good.  John tried again, but this time he used 10 strength and 10 speed. John felt his knuckles being prickled with the tip of his rib bones. almost.. John tried again with 20 strength and 20 speed. two things happened. one, John felt his hand stop as if someone grabbed his wrist in mid-swing. second, John looked down and saw the rib bones stick out of his chest. still almost. they were partially outside. he hadn't completed it yet. he was almost done. he could feel it. John decided he had enough and so he walked up to a bench that just happened to be there, and sat down. John leaned his head backwards and took in the sun-rays that pierced through the grey clouds and smiled. this was gonna be a good day. long, but good.

John had come back to the training grounds as a proud chuunin and after a hospital visit from getting slashed across his chest. tied at his waist was his konoha army sword, which looked awesome in John's own right. John was, in his own admittance, surprised that he and his team would escort a jounin to the daimyo. and what a mission it was... killing 5 genins...fighting enemy shinobi...tough stuff to deal with. John entered the training grounds and shut the gates behind him. John then stretched every body part that was important, which took about 30-35 minutes. John then decided as warm up, jog around the entire training grounds. after John had done 10 laps with normal jogging, 10 laps sideways jogging and 10 laps backwards jogging, John had taken a rest. as John was resting, John begin to think how to properly train while under the stress of every day life, as John had noticed a few times that life was pretty much putting him down lately, and this made John's training more difficult than they already were. John began to punch the air at the speed of 43 and the strength of 43 as well, while making grunts, to make them more powerful. John had made about 20 reps and his arms felt like jelly. John walked around while continuously breathing in and out while waving his arms to get the feeling in his arms back. John cracked his neck and as he made some quick breathing while prepping his arms and flexing. slowly, but steadily. John felt the gentle breeze caressing his skin as it went up and down on his torso, like a piece of blanket made of silk that slowly and gently rubbed itself on John's torso, starting from the base of his stomach, and going all the way up to the edge of where his throat would stop and would then go down to the chest.

John would try out his newest technique, which was the dance of the clematis:vine and so he reached with his right hand towards his back, and could feel his spine growing out from the top of his back slowly.and when it came out at 10 centimeters, John grabbed it with his right hand and swiftly pulled it out. standing at 30 centimeters, the spine that once was inside John had spikes sticking out from the spine to be more dangerous and to deal more damage to an enemy by cutting them up. John walked until he stood 30 meters away from a tree and then swung the spine towards the tree bark, and the spine swung around the tree bark and got a hold of it. John used the strength of 70 and pulled backwards so that his right arm was bent at a 45 degree angle from his hand down to his elbow. the tree bark was shredded. completely. John stood there agape a bit, then smiled. then his smile grew to a toothy grin. John thought that if only this could do by just grabbing it and pulling, imagine if you could do something else. like.. stabbing it after capture. John looked at his left hand and then looked at the tree that was now completely shredded to bits. John then pantomimed how it would look like with his left arm piercing the entire tree. John smiles and decided to try it out. John used his right arm to ensnare the tree bark that stood 30 meters away from him, and then John focused his radius bones and made them bigger. bigger and sharper. after about 5 seconds, a gigantic spear, shaped like a flower that hadn't been blooming yet. and it was made of skeletal bones. John then sprinted forward and stabbed the tree at the center of it and the spear pierced through the tree bark. John stood there agape at what had happened. the spear had pierced through the tree and John had to yank it out, but not before he yanked out some more tree barks. John then walked up to a different tree that wasn't destroyed and redid the vine technique. as always, John threw the spine with his right hand and then pierced the tree bark clean through. and as always, John was stuck with his spear arm through the tree. this sucked. this sucks air through a straw. using the strength of 70 and the speed of 30, John managed to get out. this was gonna be a pain in the butt if this was gonna happen constantly. John went to another tree and threw the spine of John's around the tree bark and then pierced it. and as always, John used the strength of 70 and the speed of 30 to get out his stuck arm. John then went to the grass patch and sat down and relaxed while slowly flexing his arm and spinning it around.while John sat down, he began to think how far he had gotten. he could feel that he was one step closer of finding the truth of what happened all those years ago. John sat then and meditated while using the chakra sensory to feel any chakras around him. nothing. John continued to meditate well into the hours. as John meditated, he began to think of how far into this he had gotten. how weak he was at the very start, and so many battles he had gone through. it was a great journey for him as he had now become a chuunin. it was something spectacular, something special for him. at first, John thought he couldn't do it, but it was actually surprising for him as he had gotten this far, but he wasn't done yet. John still had a long way to go before he could be one of the best shinobi, in maybe the entire ninja world. John could not be arrogant, as he knows that there are other shinobi out there who have been doing this for years, and are probably way higher up in rank, and even skill, so John shouldn't think that he's the greatest.thinking that one is the greatest at their earliest stage of their journey makes them a fool, and John is no fool.

John awoke suddenly by the rain pouring down on his body. John smiled as this was his favorite weather. though, just because it was his favorite weather, didn't mean diddly squat that he liked being soaking wet under it, so John quickly found some shelter, by sitting high atop a tree and sat it out. while John was waiting, he decided to do push ups on the tree bark with a hand stand. and sure, it wasn't easy, even if he was a chuunin and he had the chakra surface technique on, it was a bit tough to not put too much pressure on the tree branch, or John would fall down. as John steadily got up and down with each rep, John began to think of his own clan. why were they so bloodthirsty? what started it all? who came up with the faintest idea that a clan would be solely focused on fighting to the death with the individuals opponent? maybe this was in the history books, or they weren't, John didn't know, and perhaps nobody knows why. maybe it's supposed to be that way, as sad as that sounds.

when John was done with the push ups, the raining was over. John then jumped down and landed with a little thud as he landed on his feet. John then hopped a bit to get a better feel in his body before he started to stretch his arms and legs, before he began to dish out punches and kicks to the air, as if he was fighting an imaginary opponent. John was using all of his strength and all of his speed in both striking power, dodging and weaving. when John was done with that, John began to jog around the entire training grounds ending with 50 laps, and made sure to run around each tree twice. John did this three times, and he was panting quite a bit when he was finished. John then lied down on his back after he had rested and made 50 situps to build his strength up. each sit up was more tough than the previous one and John could feel it in his stomach and torso that his muscles were working hard to build more muscle. sure, it was gonna hurt a lot tomorrow, but it was gonna be worth it. when John was finally done with the sit ups, John stood up and stretched his entire body both forward and backwards. training was good, but rest is part of training, so that he did. John walked up to a nearby tree and sat down and slowly dozed off.

John awoke to the sound of a stick breaking off, and he then sprung up and put a defensive stance by holding his clenched knuckles up like a boxer about 20 centimeters away from his face. John had kept his right arm closer to his face so that he could block physical attacks coming from that side, and maybe even countering it. John had also put his legs in a slight horse-stance position, but more likely he balanced his weight in both of his feet so that he had a good balance in that pose and could move when prompted. suddenly, from the other side of the training grounds, at the far end of the gates, came a group of bandits in. from what John could tell, they were about 30 in numbers. maybe they were gonna rob John of his money. before John could even move, they quickly surrounded him and pointed their knives at him. they looked ragged, which indicated they had their share of use and were about to break. which probably meant that they had the sharpness of 20. the daggers the bandits were holding in their right hand, looked to be about 30 centimeters in length, and 10 centimeters wide. they all had sneers on their faces, as they thought that they had an easy prey. well, they were gonna have a surprise that will shock them all. the biggest one, which indicated to be their leader, walked up. he appeared to wear the same clothing as the rest, but he had a sash on his left arm that had the color of purple. the leader pointed at John and spoke in a rather strange voice. like, he had smoked cigarettes all his life and never stopped. "hand us your money, slick, and we won't break any bones on ya." the man had a strange dialect to his voice. John just stood there with a defiant look on his face, arms and legs and his entire body, ready to fight. mentally, John smiled as he knew he was far stronger and faster than the bandits, but he wanted to play with them a bit. John saw that the leader bandit moved towards John with the speed of 10 and was gonna stab John with the dagger, and with the speed of 30, John danced around the bandit leader and with the speed of 20 and the strength of 40, backhanded the bandit leader at the back of his head. the punch had sent the leader flying down to the ground and the leader stood up with anger in his eyes. "what was that? what the hell was that? what are you?" John smirked. they really had no idea who they were dealing with. this was comedy gold for John. the fact that they had no idea that they were trying to rob a chuunin of the leaf village. and a Kaguya to boot. John thought it was time to lay down the smackdown on these poor chumps. "My name is John Kaguya, Chuunin of the hidden village in the leafs. and you picked the wrong man to rob." some of the bandit's eyes widened. most likely in fear, as they must have read somewhere about the Kaguya's, and what they were capable of. the main leader stood up very slowly, and chuckled. "hah! Kaguya? guys. don't get fooled by him. the Kaguya got extinct more than 100 years ago." John's smirk grew wider. "well, you want proof that i'm a Kaguya?" John said, and activated the dance of the larch, and bones shaped like knives came out from John's left and right wrist. 6 bones came out, all 20 centimeters in length and 5 centimeters wide. the bandits now started to scream in fear and attacked John at once. with the speed and strength now boosted by 40, John's strength had risen from 70 to 110, and John's speed has risen from 43 to 83. one bandit at the direction of 5 o clock, attacked John and John countered with a kick to his face. John then used his superior strength and speed to decimate the hapless bandits severely. one bandit got his collar bone broken, as well as his sternum. two bandits got their throat crushed as John had punched them with full force and full speed. one bandit who tried to stab John's chest with a simple dagger, was merely countered and the bandit got stabbed in the chest instead. all of the bandits were now dead, sans the leader. the leader made a one last ditch effort to stab John's throat with his blade, but John used his superior speed to kick the dagger up and John then used the momentum when the dagger was flying up to kick the man to the nearest tree and when John grabbed it expertly, thanks to his knowledge in weaponry, John then threw the knife aimed at the bandit leader's throat, killing him and pinning him to the wall. the fight was now over, and John deactivated the dance of the larch. man, what a bother that was. all John wanted to do now was to have a great nap as they had disturbed him.

several hours later, John awoke with a jolt. maybe it was a bad dream or maybe John's chakra woke him up from the inside. John didn't know. John felt something inside him. maybe a power that is waiting for John to unleash? just like that time when John fought Mako in the middle of the streets back then. there was a powerful feeling that grew inside John and it unleashed in an explosive manner. both physically and spiritually. learning the 8 gates technique, took it's time and toll on John's body, and it still does. sure, John's stamina got bigger nowadays, but he still needed to be careful in what gate he activates, and how long he decides to have it activated. John also had learned that as he had used other techniques as he had the 8 gates activated, it'd use even more stamina from John. John had now learned, and even back then when he had used techniques as he had the 8 gates activated, that John should be careful in what techniques he would need to use and when. since the 8 gates is limited and it runs out pretty quickly, though it depended what numbered gate he has activated at the start of the match. John knew of course that the higher the number was, the more stamina he was using to have it activated. as John sat and thought, he had a premonition. what if there was a way to hit an enemy but not actually hitting them? John wanted to test this theory out himself, so he stood up, and turned around and faced the nearest tree. by nearest, John stood at least 50 meters away from it. John then clenched his right fist and threw it out towards the tree with the speed of 43 and strength of 70. of course, nothing happened. but John wasn't about to get depressed. John tried again and again, and nothing seemed to happen. perhaps he was gonna do some form of handseal first? John thought about it, and tried all kinds of hand seals as he then threw punches. again, with the speed of 43 and strength of 70. like always, nothing seemed to happen. John had enough and went back to the village. more specifically, he headed towards the library to see if there was any books about such an attack that John wanted to learn. John entered the library and walked up to the rows of archives which housed pretty much every jutsu imaginable. from E-rank to S-rank. John looked all over until he found a book about A-ranked Taijutsu techniques. John skimmed through until he found a technique. the drawing on the page was of a person punching, and the air that was in front of him looked like the head of a tiger. "hmm... this looks interesting." John thought. John looked at the name of the technique and cocked an eyebrow. Daytime Tiger? sounds childish.. despite that, John read on and read on the history of it, how to perform it and so on. After John had read the front cover to back, about 4 times, John headed back to the training grounds and closed his eyes to focus and remember what he had to do. John stretched out his right fist and clenched it and also put his left hand on his right shoulder, to avoid getting recoil, as John had read how powerful this technique is.John charged his chakra into his right fist, until he opened his eyes and saw a grey aura growing around his right fist. John then exclaimed; ”Daytime tiger!”. Just then a great force was exploded out from John's fist. If John looked closely, he could see the shape of a tiger's head as the grey aura expanded and exploded from John's fist. The follwing explosion made the trees explode in front of him that was 50 meters.
That is to say, the blast exploded 50 meters away from john. While the imminent explosion was another 50 meters away. John had stood before he was using the technique, 100 meters away from the forest of trees that was in front of them. The large air-blast that shot out from john's right hand was 10 meters in size and this made John amazed at the size of the blast itself. As John had fired the blast 50 meters in front of him at the speed of 50. which was quite fast. John rested and then tried again about 30 minutes later. John wanted to see if the power would be greater if he focused more strength into it. John once again clenched his right fist, and then placed his right hand into an open palm as he then tapped into his right hand with his left. As John did this, John focused his strength to go to his maximum as a boost to make the technique stronger.John then made a handseal that resembled a tiger and As the tiger shaped air pressure shot out. It was shot out with the regular speed of 50. but the power of the air blast was now stronger with the strength of 60. the area that was 50 meters ahead of John also exploded with 60 strength. John got pushed back because of the strong gust of wind that the following explosion had released and it forced John a bit to his right knee. John felt honestly tired, and was pooped. John felt that this was enough for training for the day, and so he got up and walked slowly back home. Today was sure a rough day. Bandits attacking you, going to the library to learn a new technique... John was gonna do nothing but rest all day after this.John smiled as he had accomplished a lot today. he had been going to the library to read and understand a new technique. he had beat up bandits as a form to train his fighting skills, though they were certainly too easy for him, and John wanted a good challenge. though that didn't mean he wanted to be killed. John had also trained two techniques, but he chose to keep one, as he felt that he could retrain some other time to learn the other technique that he was learning, which was dance of the clematis:vine. John smiled bigger as he felt himself get even stronger, and doubly so when he had learned the technique known as Daytime Tiger. a technique that was explosive. no pun intended. he could only imagine what that technique would do to a live human opponent. John thought that he could do some training some other time as he didn't feel like training. and he had to get some money as well. John thought as he walked back home that he was in need of some money, and that he needed a lot of it. why? well, John didn't even know why. he just thought that he really could need the money. perhaps it was to create something and it was expensive for the materials? perhaps he wanted to travel somewhere and buy stuff? John didn't know, but he was sure to know if he had gotten home and thought about it.John also thought of how to become better with his sword, and also if he should get any more weapons. sure, he could get weapons for more situations, that is, if the situation called for it. but then again, he has his finger bullets technique for long-range and the rest of his techniques for melee situations. then again, if his opponent was further away than what his finger bullets could reach, then he could be in need for something, maybe a bow and arrow, or something. a Kaguya using a bow and arrow. maybe John could call himself the white arrow or something. it'd sound silly but still dangerous. John could get bow and arrow but, they would maybe be something that he'd create himself. maybe. and John could learn some new fighting strategies when it comes to hand-to-hand combat. a new strategy or two would work great if he'd come across an opponent who favored mind games over pure brawn.

(exit) 4568 wc claiming 21 stats. claiming daytime tiger 4000/4000, dance of the clematis:vine 558/3550

Last edited by John Kaguya <3 on Mon Feb 01, 2016 12:54 am; edited 4 times in total
Akihana Akari
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John's updated training (p) (nk) Empty Re: John's updated training (p) (nk)

Fri Jan 15, 2016 9:24 am

Could you please link me to where the rest of the words for dance of the clemantis is coming from? <3
John Kaguya <3
John Kaguya <3
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Sat Jan 16, 2016 11:13 am
what do you mean? i have written words for dance of the clematis:vine. it's  a bit high up. almost at the top.
Akihana Akari
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Sat Jan 16, 2016 11:32 am

No sweetie, your total wc is 4765, you used 4, 000 for daytime tiger so you only have 765 left and yet you're claiming more than 1, 000 for the dance. <3
John Kaguya <3
John Kaguya <3
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Sat Jan 16, 2016 11:37 am
i've now edited it, because i had the same beginnings twice. also, i counted the dance and came up with that number through a calculator. 3550 - 557 is 2993 words. so i have 2993 words left for that. which i can do in another training session.
Akihana Akari
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Sat Jan 16, 2016 2:01 pm

So once again, your wc isn't really matching up. Your total is 4, 215. You want to use 4, 000 for Daytime Tiger. So that's 4, 215 - 4, 000 = 215. Now you have 215 words left which you can put towards the dance. I'm sorry for the confusion, I hope this clears it up. <3
John Kaguya <3
John Kaguya <3
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John's updated training (p) (nk) Empty Re: John's updated training (p) (nk)

Sat Jan 16, 2016 2:58 pm
well, i'm thinking that i can save the 215 for another training session where i learn the dance. i hope this is ok?
Akihana Akari
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Sat Jan 16, 2016 4:09 pm

Saving wordcount isn't really allowed. Why not just put the 215 words to use? That way you have less to write when you train the dance. <3
John Kaguya <3
John Kaguya <3
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John's updated training (p) (nk) Empty Re: John's updated training (p) (nk)

Sat Jan 16, 2016 4:33 pm
i added some more words, if that's ok.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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John's updated training (p) (nk) Empty Re: John's updated training (p) (nk)

Sat Jan 16, 2016 4:54 pm

Adding words is fine, but now you have 361 words towards the dance. <3
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