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Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Ash to ash, bone to bone(P, NK, John Kaguya) - Page 2 Empty Re: Ash to ash, bone to bone(P, NK, John Kaguya)

Wed Sep 09, 2015 7:49 am
Mako countered each and every attack John had thrown at him, looking like a seasoned veteran and likely making john feel somewhat incapable.  He swiftly pushed aside punches and kicks, side stepping uppercuts,  showing John that he was outmatched and outclassed.  Mako never once fell for the clone technique, dodging John's large strike that pummeled the ground and left a great crater where Mako was just standing,  Mako eyed the crater knowing that had that attack hit he could've ended up laid out.  Mako continued to move away from John's barrage with ease dodging left, dodging right ducking, catching kicks and the like.  It was then that Mako noticed John's strikes getting faster and stronger.  Every subsequent attack hitting harder and coming faster.  This was typical in most fights where you were training yourself to handle greater challenges than those you are used to, but, Mako thought, this was far too great of growth.  The speed gain was too much to be consider normal growth, with each attack seemingly flying several times faster than the last.  John was still well outside the realm of hitting Mako, though if the growing trend kept up Mako might have to back down from the fight.

Mako had thought about the current technique he had been working on recently, The Standstill Run HoHo,  concentrating on shifting quickly from a stand to full speed, using this technique to make quick work of John's struggling punches.  He found himself capable of shifting as quickly as he could and zipping across the battlefield like an expert fighter.  Making all of John's punches much more difficult.  John had no techniques that Mako truly feared as of yet but he was still becoming slightly annoyed by John's rapidly increasing strength and speed.  On John's final attack Mako used the HoHo still run to dart back about 10 meters, and John came flying in crushing pavement and step annihilating a section of the terrain where he previously stood.  Mako needed a moment to get out of the fray, because his current cigarette was already out and he couldn't fight this kid without a fresh one in his mouth, it would take away from the fun of watching a new genin struggle.

Mako pulled the smoke and match from his pouch, he placed the cigarette in his mouth and struck the match by holding it in his hand with the ignition sticking out at the top then swiped his thumb accross it to light it.  He held the flame up to the smoke and took a deep inhale.  He felt the nicotine rush through his system and he was now fresh and prepared to make this genin work for the apology he sought.   Mako stood in a battle stance waiting for john to approach him.  He couldn't be fooled by cheap tricks and John couldnt't hide from him.  If john had any hope of possible winning or taking this fight over he needed to tap into whatever ability was making him move faster and whatever was amplifying his strength.  Mako waited for John to advance his right leg slightly bent in front of him and his left beside him,  and his arms held out in front waiting to counter the next several attacks John would try.

John didnt know this about Mako, but Mako was an expert tactician capable of making battlefield analysis in a matter of milliseconds, and all of the abilities and strengths Mako had he used to support that fighting style.  MAko truly believed that your greatsest weapon on the battlefield was truly one's mind.  It mattered not how strong or how fast you were, if you were smart you will always win.  Mako could tell that one day John's raw skill and talent would far surpass his one day and make him look just as infantile as John looked to him now, but Mako knew that at long as he honed his greatest weapon he would always have an edge in combat.  The Sarutobi Clan in recent years had taken to becoming great generals in the village and the tactics of war were taught to all at a young age, sizing them up for possible potential.  Thus, why Mako was entered into the academy.

He stood eyeing John up and down, "I dont know from where your strength flows but, if you continue to draw that strength out you may actually pose a problem,"  MAko said tauntingly

John Kaguya <3
John Kaguya <3
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Ash to ash, bone to bone(P, NK, John Kaguya) - Page 2 Empty Re: Ash to ash, bone to bone(P, NK, John Kaguya)

Thu Sep 10, 2015 1:05 pm
"well, if you're patient enough, i'll show it to you, momentarily." John said to the man. the bones that were protruding from his body had gone back in to his skin, and John, for some reason had ignored the crater that he had created. this would maybe cause some problems. John had to be honest on something and that was that he had felt some incredible power within his own body. though, at first he didn't think of it that much as he thought it was a part of himself. John closed his eyes and focused. somewhere in there, he'd find the source. John searched and searched. it had to be somewhere around there somewhere...THERE! John had found it. strangely enough, it was in his brain. John crossed his arms to focus to activate that power. John had closed his eyes and focused. John thought nothing but to activate that incredible power. after about 10 seconds, John felt the power growing and growing. finally, after what seemed like an eternity, though John could feel that the sun got clouded, i.e. the clouds blocked the sun. John had now felt the power run through his body. it wasn't much at all, but it was something at least. John had uncrossed his body and some wind exploded from his body, signifying something had changed within John. to the outside, nothing seemed had happened, but from within, John's body surged with new energy and he could feel his chakra flowing faster than usual. John's entire body was somehow felt good, and John had examined his body from top to bottom.John started to smile, and his smile grew bigger and bigger, and he began to like this new sensation. John's body felt warm. warmer than what it usually was. John also felt his bones being harder, as well as him being slightly stronger and faster. John tested it out by throwing a punch. it went faster than usual. John smiled and looked at his target, which was the bearded tall guy. John began to sprint towards him John used the top of the wall as a platform to jump off of, and jumped towards the bearded giant.John threw a punch towards the man's face using a straight jab. what a rush. the speed of the hand thrusting towards the man's face was faster than John had expected. John then threw a kick, as he had thrown a straight jab at his face, towards his mid-section. John then threw multiple punches and kicks. John then applied more force and the punches and feet came out faster.the speed of the attacks made John shiver in excitement. John had never attacked this fast before. this was something new to him. John had hoped that there was more with this new power that he had unlocked. he hadn't unlocked it per se, he had only found it rather.every punch made John grin. each kick dealt out wanted John to beat this guy down to the ground so bad. John jumped back a bit and crossed his arms and fired finger bullets at the bearded man's chest and stomach. he then jumped in and waited until he'd deflect the bullets. after he'd do that, John would attack him with punches and kicks again, hoping to land a punch and/or a kick to the bearded man. John send his left hand towards the smoking man's right cheek. at the speed of John's fist, John had hoped that it would land a direct hit. John also send a punch with his right fist towards the man's left shoulder. at that time, John kicked with a roundhouse kick aimed at the man's left rib cage. John then backed away about 5 centimeters and threw a roundhouse kick aimed at the man's left side of his face with John's right leg. John leaped with his left foot and threw his right foot aimed at the smokers left side of his face. after that, John dashed in and rapidly punched the man at his gut multiple times. one-two,one-two,one-two. so many punches aimed at his stomach that they would probably leave him winded. John decided to change the style a bit, and alternated between rapidly punching the smoker in the stomach and rapidly punching him in the face. at the last punch that John had thrown out with his right hand aimed at the man's forehead. John had run out of juice. John quickly jumped backwards and stood at a defensive pose. or rather, a poor-man's version of a defensive pose of someone who was incredibly lazy and someone who was ready to swat a fly away that came too close for comfort. John was tired. his breathing was apparent and heavy enough for the man to hear. John had to be quick in catching his breath, as the man most likely wouldn't give him space and time to breath and catch his breath. John hadn't ever been this tired before. he felt like he had taken jogs around the outside walls of konoha. multiple times. John's lungs felt like they were on fire. John coughed as he got up from bowing forward as he was catching his breath. John shook his head to clear it from the mist of being tired. John stood up again and prepared himself for any attack that the bearded man would throw out towards him. John spoke to the man. "i guess i am more of a problem now, aren't i?" John said with a grin. john would hope that this would throw him off as John was (at least attempting to) taunt(ing) the man. John was now hoping that whatever attacks the bearded man would dish out, wouldn't hurt that much at least. though something told John that it was going to hurt. maybe. he'd have to see for himself. John felt himself stronger. in fact, he KNEW he was getting stronger from this fight. to say that he was soon gonna get powers that are gonna be beyond his imagination is a severe understatement. with these new technique that he was gonna learn, it was gonna turn him into something fierce. something that the enemy ninja will fear one day. John still didn't know what it was, but when the time comes that he'll unlock this skill and hopefully master it one day, then he will, hopefully, become one of the feared shinobi's in the world. this, John swore. with the new technique that he would unlock, and after finding the man who gave him the scars on his body when John himself was little, he was going to pay dearly for damaging his body. but for now, john would have to focus on getting himself stronger and better. maybe even join a team. John felt himself getting more and more excited. 
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Ash to ash, bone to bone(P, NK, John Kaguya) - Page 2 Empty Re: Ash to ash, bone to bone(P, NK, John Kaguya)

Thu Sep 10, 2015 6:19 pm
Mako watched as John dug deep and found a center of focus.  Mako then thought back on when he found that center of focus for himself that allowed him to exceed the limitations that he had prior to that.  He remembered sitting with his monkey Sushma and fighting him.  Sushma was very quick and Mako was unable to even lay a single attack on him.  Much like the struggle John had at the moment with him.  Mako remembered solving the battle by not attacking and letting Sushma defeat himself by dodging into a pond, and that worked for Mako, though it seemed John had found another solution. John seemed like the focus came from within his own body and not his mind, he had apparently broken through and started draw upon a wellspring greatly modifying his physical capabilities and enhancing his already considerable strength.  Mako gave john the time and then became very surprised by the flare up that John showed.  He saw John's capabilities rising as he took a change of appearance turning a strange shade of color and his short hair began to rise up.  He could see the muscles trembling from the kid and start to enhance the kids physical attribute. 

"What is this, what is happening to this kid's body, it's quite odd," Mako thought, though he learned better than to question anything with bones protruding from it.  Mako watched as the boy pulled out some moves rushing up slightly faster than before and leaping up over a concrete wall over a few meters away from where Mako currently stood.  John's hands glowed a bright orange and seemed to have flames around them as his punches came in.  MAko side stepped the first punch easily pushing it aside with his hand, noticing the difference in strength from before.  He then easily dodged  the next couple of attacks and made it out into safety.  Then John started attacking with a flurry of roundhouse kicks which thoroughly thre Mako off he wasn't prepared for this type of nimble attack from the bulky man.  He dodged all of them fairly well though, he had to duck under the first when then as the second one came in he wrapped his arm around John's leg and spun.  He spun around and threw John fairly hard into the same wall that John had jumped off of to make his attacks.  John would hit the wall in a loud crash and Mako would watch for whatever his next move he had planned, prepared for anything from the unpredictable boy.

MAko then smiled and pulled out another cigarette and held it between his two finger, then reached down and struck the match lighting the cigarette.  He took a large drag off of it and informed John that he had a great deal of work left to do before he could rightfully start taunting him.  "You are at no point ready to brag about the results of this fight so far, I can tell you can step it up more.  So do it."  The final taunt Mako gave as he relaxed and continued smoking his cigarette watching John for the fourth time pull himself up off the concrete ground.

John Kaguya <3
John Kaguya <3
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Ash to ash, bone to bone(P, NK, John Kaguya) - Page 2 Empty Re: Ash to ash, bone to bone(P, NK, John Kaguya)

Fri Sep 11, 2015 8:52 pm
"fine then..." John said as he was getting up from being thrown at a wall. "if that's what you want.." John said as he crossed his arms again. "then have it your way!" John exclaimed and uncrossed his arms and something new activated within his body. this time the chakra within his veins rushed even faster than before, and he could feel his hair blowing up like someone had planted a giant fan under him. John could also hear his pants flutter in the intense wind.John had gritted his teeth and somehow made a beastly growl. John could feel every part of his muscle grow, as he began to feel even better. it was like he was never tired to begin with. John felt his strength get boosted even more and felt a new rush. John tried out some punches and kicks and they were even faster than before. John then looked at the bearded man and grinned. it was a grin of malice and fear. fear to the opponent that is. John kicked his right leg backwards like a bull. John also laughed as this was going to be so much fun to pummel his face in. without warning, John dashed towards the bearded man. as John was about to throw a punch towards the man's face, John quickly ran over to the other side and attacked his back with a kick with his left leg. John would then continuously do this until he finds an opening. when he does, John uppercuts the bearded man with his right foot and John would then jump up towards the bearded man and give him a combo of punches to his midsection and head. left-right,left-right. John also alternated between kicking the man's legs and mid-section. or more like his ribs. John kicked him with his left leg aimed at his right side, and his right foot aimed at his left side of his torso. John would continue this form of assault on the bearded man, until suddenly, John changed the intervals and feinted a punch aimed at the man's stomach and sucker punched him right on the head, effectively knocking him down to the ground. John landed on the ground in front of the bearded man and waited until he got up. when he did, John didn't give him a chance to recover as he instantly was on the attack and made a flying roundhouse kick with his right foot as the spring to jump and kicked with his left foot aimed at the man's face. John was sure this was now a hit as well, as John now was a bit faster and stronger, though John knew that the man he was facing was still in a league way above his own. John knew as well that this all started because of him. if he never attacked him, then this wouldn't have happened in the first place. but John wanted to get stronger, so this was the best thing he could do. fight someone who was better than he was so that he'd have more experience when he get's out there and fights bandits,thieves, and other enemy ninja. and when it's out there, unless it's a match, all bets are off. there will be no timeouts. there are only fights to the death. John would have to prepare himself for that. John dashed towards the man and threw a one-two combo punch, then quickly got to his back and did the one-two combo with his legs. he did this continuously until he found another opening, and when he'd do, he'd appear at the man's right side and punch him with his right hand. the impact would probably not be that much, but John had hoped that it would land a hit and make him fly a bit. John cracked his neck and his fists and boy did it feel good.  John smiled big at this newly founded power. sure, he didn't know exactly where it comes from or how it got to John, but he'd find out eventually.John snapped back to fight mode and used the wall behind him as a spring board and jumped towards the bearded man and landed with his two feet outstretched and kicked the man as John aimed at his face and chest. as soon as John landed back on the ground, John quickly dove down and sweeped the big man's legs from under him. John then used both of his fists as he punched the smoker with outstretched hands. if John managed to grab hold of his clothes, then John would proceed to throw him towards a wall. if not, then John would probably send him flying, due to the strength of the attack. John took this chance and ran towards him and jumped up and did a frontal flip and then brought his left leg down in an axe-swing motion aimed towards his shoulder. should the attack hit, then the smoking man would feel incredible pain, as the shoulder skeleton would most likely get dislocated if John's foot connected. if John was this fast and strong at this level, he could only imagine what more strength and speed was hiding in the depths of this newly found technique. John had a thought. what if, hypothetically, the more you'd use it, the more tired you'd be. it would make sense, as the more powerful a technique is, the more tired you'll get after using it. of course, it'd make perfect sense. the more powerful something is, the more you have to struggle to use. in this case, a really powerful technique that John has discovered that was hidden inside his very own body. as another attack that john would throw out. John crossed his arms and fired out finger bullets from all of his fingers, aimed at the bearded man's upper and lower torso. John fired finger bullets again and aimed at his feet on purpose. this would force the bearded man to jump backwards. when that happens, John would fire another set of finger bullets aimed at the man's upper torso and head. John would then tackle the bearded man by punching the man's stomach and ribs with his left and right hand. the left hand was aimed at the center of his stomach, while the right fist smashed into his left ribs. this would surely make the man go down in pain. John then backed up and waited for a counter attack by the man.
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Ash to ash, bone to bone(P, NK, John Kaguya) - Page 2 Empty Re: Ash to ash, bone to bone(P, NK, John Kaguya)

Sun Sep 13, 2015 6:47 am
Hey john sorry about not posting I will try to post tonight or in the morning I've been working all weekend
John Kaguya <3
John Kaguya <3
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Ash to ash, bone to bone(P, NK, John Kaguya) - Page 2 Empty Re: Ash to ash, bone to bone(P, NK, John Kaguya)

Sun Sep 13, 2015 9:25 am
that's ok, i understand.
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Ash to ash, bone to bone(P, NK, John Kaguya) - Page 2 Empty Re: Ash to ash, bone to bone(P, NK, John Kaguya)

Sun Sep 13, 2015 11:02 am
Mako smiled sensing the increase in the man's physical attributes.  Mako finally would enjoy the fight.  Prior he was relegated to picking on a genin well below his level, only for the sake of growth for his ally but now the man, John as he called himself was breaking through to new heights.  Heights that Mako would continue to push.  John had apparently found a new way of unlocking chakra to enhance his physical attributes, So far only providing a small gain, Mako wondered how far the full extent went.  He still watched as John's assault came in slightly faster to Mako's eye.  Though the real surprise was the direction of his attacks having taken on a much me strategic pathway.  The enhanced attacks coming in forcing him to block several of the punches and dodge left and right. He had to use the Haki to predict attacks so as not to dodge into a following one. John's strength was massive and if it continued to grow Mako would be unable to block without taking severe damage and if the man started using his bones there would be a degree of lethal efficiency that would put Mako into a dodge only rotation.  It was then that John went to midair back and forth swinging with his feet.  Mako could do nothing  but back pedal the round house kicks.  Between each kick however John would have to land to gather momentum.  Land, leap, kick, land, leap kick to the other side. Mako would dodge backwards with each kick.  Then on the last kick Mako would duck beneath the kick. He would then watch as John would come down from the last roundhouse and Mako kicked out with his right leg in a sweep sending John tumbling sideways.  He expected an acrobatic recovery from the now confident and powerful individual.

So he followed up by leaping backwards and putting some distance between the two of them.  With about 6 meters between them Mako could see the weakness to John's technique. The boy, though he.likely couldn't tell, was putting a ton of stress on his muscles.  This was a powerful technique but at the moment it was unrefined and as such was putting a great deal of tension on his joints and ligaments.  Though it seemed that the angered lad did not notice or feel it. He was on a single track in his mind it would appear.  Mako would ready himself for the next attack.  There were very few techniques he knew of that could amplify an individual in this way and even fewer that would turn someone colors.  Mako had decided that he would have to end the attack swiftly and knock the boy unconcious before John killed killed Mako, or killed himself in the process. 

Mako thought about how limitations were always overcome able but rarely did he see someone overcome their limits in such short order with such little difficulty.  Mako would watch as the following stream of attacks grew in strength as he stopped blocking the attacks and proceeded to an all dodge  movement.  There was no way that he could withstand the barrage and he was starting to get worn out he needed to stick to his speed and keep John's attacks from ever making contact.

Mako then realized that the last time he summoned his friend Jenumba, the monkey informed him that he was ready to meet gramps. Mako had yet to meet half of the Monkey family but he was thinking that now would be the time to do it.  Mako dodged John's final attack and was now breathing quite heavily.  He formed the summoning hand signs and bit his thumb throwing it to the ground as a puff of smoke erupted from the area revealing a blue nosed and red assed baboon, the baboon looked old and had white fur with a great long tuft of hair resembling a beard and a red and black gi on.

"So you are Mako, I have heard much about you from my grandson and nephew, how may I be of service? " the baboon said seemingly ignoring the practically flaming individual standing behind him.

"Well, you can transform. That would be a start," Mako said without taking his eyes off of John, spurring the the baboon to actually turn around and look at his enemy.

"Well i'll be, the 8 gates, I've heard that you humans have learned how to open them but I have never seen it done.  Well Mako looks like you may need my help today." Garumpa responded as he transformed into a 6' long Bo staff.  It was black with red flames on each end, an attempt from Garumpa to try to maintain a semblance of youth.  

Mako then reached out grabbing the staff and spun it around over his head. He felt a rush of chakra as the staff got extremely light but maintained it's strength.  The staff emitted a humming noise when he spun it sounding like Garumpa within meditating.  Mako readied for John's attack and with the new weapon in hand John was once again out classed.
John Kaguya <3
John Kaguya <3
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Ash to ash, bone to bone(P, NK, John Kaguya) - Page 2 Empty Re: Ash to ash, bone to bone(P, NK, John Kaguya)

Mon Sep 14, 2015 11:58 am
John looked on in curiosity and wonder. a monkey? did that bearded man just summon a monkey? hmm. quite interesting. John looked at the big guy's eyes, and smiled. it looked like he wanted John to unleash some more power. well, wish, and you'll receive. though one should be careful what they wish for, for they might get something too much of it. John crossed his arms and found a new source of power that had seemingly appeared inside of him. as John uncrossed his arms he felt a new wave of energy hitting him like nothing ever did before. John felt and heard his pants flap even more in the wind, as well as his hair flapping more upwards. the aura that got shot out from John made that current. John also felt his skin turn red and his irises disappear. now he had like, no irises at all, it was only the white stuff that the eye was made off that was showing in his eyes.John felt his muscles growing as he was preparing to attack. though because of John going at speeds that he wasn't used to, everything was now blurry. like if someone was near-sighted and they took off their glasses.John had a growling voice as he was charging with an aura that shot out from him in a constant pace. John had to be careful now since the bearded man had the range advantage since he had a staff, and he could give John a good pummeling with the staff from a long-range. John inched his way towards the bearded smoker carefully, and planned how to attack him without getting hits in. though John's speed was faster than what he was used to, he still knew that the smoking man in front of him was way faster than he was. and his reaction time was as equally as fast, so John has some problems to deal with. John had to carefully plan how to deal out the biggest amount of attacks, while at the same time avoid the tall man's attacks. attacking from the front is suicide. attacking from the sides would maybe be a good idea, but it'd be difficult to land hits that way, as the man would twist around and deflect and parry the attacks with the long staff. going at behind would be the most difficult, as John had to circle around him to attack, and there is no way in hell that the bearded smoking man would allow him to do that. John had to think up of a way to best attack him but how would he do that? John looked at the now destroyed walls, that now looked like parts of a ruin. that wouldn't work as the walls would crumble and not give John the leverage of speed to launch John at the bearded man to get him. John could try to jump over him, but the tall man was most likely gonna hit him with the pole where it would hurt a lot. plus, no matter how much John would try to jump over him, it'd be pointless. John could try sliding under him, but he would have to unleash a barrage of finger bullets for that. though he would have to do it very quick as the tall man would most likely deflect all of them away with the staff and then quickly attack him as John was sliding under him. John had to try at least and there was nothing wrong with trying. John crossed his arms and aimed at the man's face and torso, and fired off finger bullets one after the another. after John had fired out about 40 bullets, John began to dash towards the bearded man. the bearded man would most likely deflect them as it was easy for him to deflect all of them away from himself. John had hoped that he (the bearded man) wouldn't attack him as John slid under his body and between legs. if John had managed to get behind him, then John would quickly get up and rapidly punch his back, and finish up with a straight kick with his left leg. John would then dash around the bearded man as he attacked him with punches and kicks. John would alternate between doing straight jabs with his right fist aimed at the man's head, and roundhouse kicks with his left aimed at the man's ribs. John kept on doing this as he moved around him. it almost looked like John was teleporting around the tall man to find another opening he could exploit. after what seemed like 5 minutes of running around and attacking the man. during this time, the man swung his staff to hit John. John would then counter by bringing his left elbow down and left knee up to intercept the attack. afterwards, John felt he found an opening and jumped up and made an axe-kick aimed at the bearded man's right shoulder. if the kick landed, then John would land on the ground as quick as he could and uppercut with his right hand aimed at the man's chin. John was very slowly getting used to this kind of speed, but it was still blurry. it was gonna take some time to get used to this newly found power. John felt in his body that this was all he could handle of this newly found power.John had to do some more before it'd go away, and John could feel it draining fast. John took a quick breath and proceeded to attack the bearded man again. John threw finger bullets at the man to distract him. John had aimed at the mans torso, hands and head and shot finger bullets at those areas and he shot them out until they were like 50-60 bullets. John then used this opportunity to run at the man and then jump to the left side and attack from him there. John got up close and striked his shoulder, back, ribs and left thigh with jabs, hooks,uppercuts and roundhouse kicks. John would then finish up with a flying roundhouse kick by jumping from a nearby wall that was near John from his back and stretched out his left leg aimed at the back of his head. after the attack, whether it hit or missed, John would land on the ground and the powerful aura that surrounded John would disappear. John had landed on his back as he collapsed to the ground and he was panting very heavily. this was too much for John, as he couldn't move anymore. he had done what he could do. John was now defenseless as he was lying on the ground and panted as his face was staring at the sky. maybe this was it, John thought. now John had to hope to the gods that the man wouldn't do anything serious towards John.
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Ash to ash, bone to bone(P, NK, John Kaguya) - Page 2 Empty Re: Ash to ash, bone to bone(P, NK, John Kaguya)

Tue Sep 15, 2015 8:29 am
Mako was spinning the feather weight staff that Garumpa the Monkey sage had transformed into over his head.. The spinning motion creating a whirling blur like a helicopter.  The air produced by the spinning producing enough air pressure to blow leaves around.   Mako watched John closely as he noticed John pushing his body even further.   The heat now coming off of him was evaporating the sweat off of him.  Mako knew at this point when John came into attack he would have to incapacitate John.  If John ever connected with him it would be quite painful and might lay him out, so Mako had to make sure that that didn't happen.  

He watched as John rushed in.  Mako liked John's guts, always willing to charge head first into the arena,  but charging, rushing and useless attacks were a bad idea when you faced an enemy faster than you. .  These tactics were not learned immediately though,  they took a long time to plan out.  Strategy on the battlefield was something that seperated the good from the great.  Now if Mako could pass on some of this information that he had within him John would truly be a force to be reckoned with.  A kaguya with bone style and the ability to unlock the 8 gates.   This guy was something else. 

It was then that a massive barrage of finger bullets flying directly at him covering John's attack so that when John made it to him he would have a greater opportunity to attack Mako.  However with the spinning staff Mako would proceed to deflect all of the bullets flying in his direction.   They shot off in many different directions and none of them ever threatened him, John's speed was amplified a bit and therefore he was quickly within range of attacking Mako after the bullet assault.  Mako would cease spinning the staff following the bullets as John closed range.  He lifted up the staff and prepared himself for John's incoming attacks.  The humming coming off the staff was currently enhancing his chakra and speed and Mako felt more powerful than he had felt for a while.  He watched as John rushed in following the bullets, though Mako couldn't really make out a trajectory or battle plan that might help John in this instance, making his frontal attack even more curious.  Then Mako witnessed what John's plan all along was and Mako couldn't do much to stop it.  John got within distance and dropped to the ground sliding.  AN attack like that would've been death to John had Mako been able to predict it.  John aimed to slide between his legs though John was much to large to fit between them, John underestimated his own size.  Mako responded by leaping several feet into the air and landing forward safely away from John's slide.  It was then that John stood and started throwing a barrage of punches and kicks, most of which being easy to dodge.  Until following a muay thai kick aimed for Mako's thigh, which Mako dodged easily, but he had accidentally dodged into a simultaneous punch that John had been throwing at the same time.  Mako wouldn't be able to dodge this punch entirely like all the other attacks.  He smiled just as the punch was coming in,  like a proud teacher he let the attack land against his face.  Not at full force though. As soon as he felt it touch he followed the blow and rode with it.  It knocked the cigarette out of his mouth and pushed him back several feet and left a little spot on his cheek.  MAko was at this point quite impressed by the boys success in combat. 
After being hit backward several feet MAko would then respond to the attack by bringing his bo staff around full circle and connecting firmly against John's cheek bone.  Likely shattering it in the process if John had normal bones.  The attack connected and launched John rolling backwards,  The skin color changed back to its original form and John laid there unconscious   Mako would rub his cheek from where the attack connected and smiled.  He would proceed to de summon the staff and walk over to the boy.  He reached into his pouch and produced a fresh cigarette while he was walking over to John's motionless unconscious form laying on the ground.  Mako crouched down beside him and rolled him over looking at him.  Thinking about how strong this kid could be some day. 

Mako then would lift the kid up and hoist him over his shoulder and proceed walking down the street to a nearby ramen noodle shop.  The noodle shop was a decent walk away, well outside of the range of being able to have heard their fight but close enough that Mako didn't have to walk too much.   Mako laid John on one of the stools there and ordered 2 orders of noodles.   Mako then asked if the owner had any high powered spices that he could put under John's nose and the owner said that he did.  Mako took the spices and placed it under John's nose shocking the kid back to life.  The attack he suffered would've broken a normal person's jaw but not John's.  Just another thing that interested Mako about this kid.

"I am Mako Sarutobi, and I am sorry for being rude, I just don't like when people yell at me and tell me what to do,"  MAko would say to the waking boy.  "WHats your name." Mako asked.

John Kaguya <3
John Kaguya <3
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Ash to ash, bone to bone(P, NK, John Kaguya) - Page 2 Empty Re: Ash to ash, bone to bone(P, NK, John Kaguya)

Tue Sep 15, 2015 9:05 am
John woke up from something very hot under his face, as he had gotten unconscious. how, John didn't know or remember. he was going at such intense speed, speed that he wasn't used to. John had heard what he said, or rather, asked, and John had to respond. "my name is John. John Kaguya." John looked towards the tall man as he sat next to him. "mako huh? so, you're a sarutobi... i think i've read about them once..." John said. John also reminded himself of something. "i'm sorry if i yelled at you like that. i have a bit of a temper problem..." John lifted his arms, but they were shaking, as he was still a bit weak from recently fighting and having unleashed something powerful from his own body. John took a look around as he seemed to be in the noodle shop. John liked the smell that came from the kitchen behind the counter. John turned to Mako again and had to ask him something. "so, Mako... what was that technique that i used in our fight? it felt so...amazing.. like, nothing i've ever heard of or seen before." John continued. "i....i felt so angry that, you know.. it just came out..." John placed both of his elbows on the counter where the chopsticks and everything else was set, so the customers could use. "i...i felt such a you know what it was?" John had asked Mako. it was going to be a bit rough to get home with a body shaking. though, he felt his body getting more relaxed, but it was gonna take an hour or so to do. John breathed in and out to relax and calm down and with the help of the good smell that came from the kitchen,it relaxed his muscles and body and mind. John took deep breaths to help it even more and John had some remembrance to his fight with Mako just recently. John had never felt or used that kind of power before. and if it was a keeper, then John would be something new. something that the ninja world may never have seen before. he was going to be such a sensation. a Kaguya with that kind of power. people would most certainly fear him. his opponents and enemies that is. now that John felt it, his jaw hurt like hell. it felt like something hit him right in the kisser. that was gonna hurt even more in the morning. maybe. John turned his head once again towards the tall man known as Mako. "by the way... why does my jaw hurt so much? it felt like someone hitting me with a brick or something..." John rubbed his jaw, and it hurt a lot. and since they were about to eat, it was gonna be a bit of a problem to eat. John had to be careful as it would hurt to chew the noodles.John had a secret smile on his face, as he found a new friend. this was gonna be interesting indeed.
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