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Taichi Uchiha
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The hardest part of the journey is starting it. - Page 2 Empty Re: The hardest part of the journey is starting it.

Wed Dec 04, 2019 8:46 am
As Stark spoke of the last Kazekage Kenshin Uzumaki, Taichi was sure he was hearing things. Suna prior to the attack was a work in progress, sure. But it was a home and it was a place that Taichi was proud of. But when Stark told Taichi that Kenshin was still the one in charge and he and everyone else involved in the village had given up since then. Taichi's heart began to break. To hear that such a powerful ninja could just give up on something as important as their own home village was a lot to take in at once. "The Ragdoll, someone who I thought as the most powerful ninja, the last Kazekage. He gave up on his village." Taichi could still not believe what he was hearing. He had figured that the Ragdoll would have died before allowing his village to succumb to this lawless society within the sandy walls of the greatest ninja village that had ever been constructed. 

Stark continued to say that the boss, who turned out to be Kenshin, would lay out ground rules to be more resembling a Black Market, rather than a lawful village. Taichi thought quickly about the possibilities of bringing the village back. While he hated the village system and the corruption and destruction that it wrought, he thought that if anyone could change the world, it would have been Kenshin, who in Taichi's mind, could still be the Kazekage again. Was there a chance of him coming back and bringing Suna back to it's former glory? This was something he didn't know. But it was something that he was willing to ask.

"Maybe we can change his mind. Maybe he can still be the Kazekage that he was before. The lawless ones here stand no chance against him. He could bring this place back! I know that he is powerful enough. Giving up is not a permanent state. If anyone could save this village and turn it into the most powerful village in the world, it's him!"

Taichi was excited at the idea of speaking to the Kazekage and trying to change his mind. Wanting all of the missing ninja who lived in the village to band together and turning Suna from a lawless wasteland, full of crime and bastards. To not only a respectable village, but one that the entire ninja world would fear with Kenshin at the helm and the rest of the missing ninja at his side. He knew that they could do it, they could do it with little trouble. But without Kenshin, it would be useless. Taichi looked to Stark and waited for his response. Hoping he would lead Taichi to the Kazekage so maybe they could talk to him.

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The hardest part of the journey is starting it. - Page 2 Empty Re: The hardest part of the journey is starting it.

Wed Dec 04, 2019 9:35 am
It seemed that the younger shinobi truly didn’t understand the reality of the situation, as based on his words, he seemed to be blissfully ignorant to the fact that, in the end, Kenshin Uzumaki was a hardened criminal that had come into possession of Sunagakure by butchering its former overlords and inhabitants alike. Sunagakure had never truly been ‘his village’, it had simply been a stepping stone in his grand plan for domination of the nations… a plan that he no longer wanted any part of. He wouldn’t have given up quite so easily if he had ever truly cared about the village, just as the majority of the populous wouldn’t have been so quick to vilify him for the actions of the villages attackers after the invasion. It was strange to see if he was honest, The Strange Uchiha almost looked to be a full grown man… but he possessed the mentality of a child, and that was only made clearer as he continued to speak, imagining a scenario where he and ‘Stark’ could convince Kenshin to change his mind. He continued to speak just as Stark continued to simply stand and stare quietly, the tired look on his face being replaced slowly but surely by something that resembled annoyance and anger, although the former far outweighed the latter.

“Okay kid… let’s get one thing straight here. Sunagakure was never ‘his village’, the entire reason that the boss took the village in the first place was because he wanted to insult Kumogakure, and what better insult than stealing the crown jewel of their so-called empire. Did he have future plans for Sunagakure? Of course, he wouldn’t have bothered building the place up if he didn’t… but did he ever really care about either it or its people? No, he didn’t. In case you forgot this ‘small’ detail kid… he butchered hundreds of shinobi from both Suna and Kumo to take this place… he killed those that actually fought while the ones that fled were hunted down and staked to the walls while they were still alive.” The Immortal would explain with a small glare of his grizzled face, greying brows bunched up tightly while a small snarl could be seen upon his lips, something that was only made more intimidating by the not-so-dull red eyes that seemed to be piercing right through the young Uchiha. With a guttural growl the man would fish out his flask once more, downing even more of the contents before pulling away and staring back at the man with a child's mind, before simply scoffing and shaking his head

“If the boss truly wished it, yes, we could turn Sunagakure into a truly model village… but that man hates the village system more than anyone I have ever encountered… and truth be told, I can’t blame him… I know the guys story and I know just what that damn system has cost him… and I know just what it’s cost me. The boss tried being the kind leader and turning Suna into something that EVERYONE who lived within could be proud of, from himself to the lowest of civilians… but do you know what happened when the village got attacked? The people of Suna blamed him for it… they spat on the ONLY man that was actually trying to fix this shithole! If you lived here you know damn well how bad this place was when Kumogakure ruled it! Suna was little more than a slave state to them, economy left in tatters after the former Kazekage vanished and the deputy surrendered the treasury to Kumo… and it stayed in that state for years. After the boss took over how much better did life start to become? The people actually had a voice, he listened to what they had to say and used their suggestions to fix issues that have been around for years. He had started to build a true economy again out of his own pocket, spent months making deals with merchants and traders… and in the end what did all that effort earn him?” The Raggedy Man would explain, yelling at times as his temper got the better of him, stopping to take a quick swig from his flask at others, and by the end looking thoroughly pissed.

“I can’t blame him for what Suna has become, after that bullshit he wants nothing to do with being the leader so left me in charge of day to day operations… and since I wanted nothing to do with it either I left it in the hands of the people themselves. If you want someone to blame? Blame them. They’re the ones that are responsible for things being as shit as they are now, bandit groups didn’t just appear and start populating the village… the people just realised that now they could do whatever the hell they wanted and actually get away with it… that’s why the village is in such a fucking sorry state, because of the cretins that called it home.” The man would then state, a small but viscious smile appearing on his face as he took one final swig and allowed his now piercing eyes to rest on the form of The Strange Uchiha.

“...Ya know what? I kinda like the place more now… at least nowadays people know that nobody here can be trusted… at least nowadays everyone is aware of the scum that call this place home. People pretend they want law and order but look at what they do when given the chance… they become animals, and this is the perfect example of that. So… tell me kid, why should we try to control them? Why not just let them do what they want and be happy? Those who don’t like it aren’t being forced to stay… so why?” The man would then ask tiredly. None of what he had said had been false… exaggerated in certain parts perhaps, and some matters twisted to make his position appear more sympathetic, but he also made no effort to hide the atrocities that he had committed.

WC: 1018

Taichi Uchiha
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The hardest part of the journey is starting it. - Page 2 Empty Re: The hardest part of the journey is starting it.

Wed Dec 04, 2019 10:50 am
Taichi had obviously struck a chord with Stark with his hopeful attitude towards bringing the village back to its former glory. He never thought that the Kazekage was to blame for the attacks, he knew that the village system was corrupt and ruined almost everything that it built with the powers of greed and the lust for power and expansion of the leader’s own ideologies. While he understood the anger that the Kazekage felt, he could understand this due to the thorough story that Stark had told him. The emotion that he felt was radiating off of his body, even when he seemed to attempt the drowning out of the feelings with whatever he had in his flask.

Taichi was sad for both of them, he felt horrible that the emotions that Stark was going through, even this long after the events, was enough for him to drown out his feelings with that flask. But when Taichi heard Stark say that Kenshin never truly cared about the village, he had a hard time hearing that. He, at first, couldn’t bring himself to believe it. He wanted to believe that the Kazekage actually cared, and a huge portion of him believed that he did. If he didn’t care about the village, why would he spend his own money? Taichi believed that Stark and Kenshin both cared about the village. For if they didn’t. Why would Stark be this upset and speak on Kenshin’s behalf on being the same?

Taichi listened to every word that Stark had spoke. He was trying to understand just what the man in front of him was feeling. He could hear the hurt in his voice, whether he tried to hide it with drink or not, he was sure that there was a lot of care for this village. No matter how he came to attain the seat of Kazekage, Taichi believed that Kenshin truly cared for this village, at least to some point. It may not have been a home to him, but he still cared for it and quite deeply if his tone and constant drinking had any voice at all. But Taichi quickly realized that there was little hope in talking either one of them into taking a leading role in the village as the Kage. From what it seemed, they had already written off the village as it was, and were only interested in allowing it to continue to be run by the people themselves, except for whatever ground rules they would lay down for the lawless ones that lived within Sunagakure.

As Stark spoke to Taichi, he could hear the condescending tone oozing out of his mouth. Taichi was sure that he sounded like a mere child to Stark. But in Taichi’s opinion, Stark sounded like a beaten, battered, and disgruntled old veteran who could not find himself being happy about anything, save for whatever he may have had in that flask of his. Taichi didn’t get offended by the words that Stark was shooting at Taichi, with his tone being filled with condescension. Quite the opposite. He felt terrible for both him and Kenshin. Kenshin tried to fix this village, that much is true. Whether or not the whole reasoning was sinister, like wanting to use Suna as a base to rule the world or whatever criminal aspirations he may have had in mind. He still fixed the village up and attempted to create it into something respectable. This stuck in Taichi’s head, maybe it was his naive and optimistic mindset, but he felt that that had a lot of weight in Kenshin’s and maybe even Stark’s mind.

When Stark had finished his long explanation of what went on and why Suna was the way it was, and even their plans for the future and the feelings both he and Kenshin had felt toward the whole situation. Then Stark capped it all off with a question. Taichi repeated the question in his mind. “Why should we control them? Why not just let them do what they want and be happy?” Taichi was silent for a few moments, thinking about the question posed to him. He thought about just what a village meant and what, in his mind, they were supposed to represent. He also thought about what the village was and what it may become under the rule under Kenshin and Stark. Taichi felt no fear, nor frustration or anger. He was happy to have been told about all of the things that had happened to Suna before he left and didn’t even know about, and to have been told about all of the things that had happened shortly after Taichi had left the village when the invasion had taken place. Taichi thought for another moment and then spoke.

“Because this village was a village that could break the system. Kenshin could turn into a model village as you said yourself. But he won’t because you said he doesn’t care well I have a hard time believing that. He spent his own money, right? Why would he do that if he didn’t care about it? Even if he had sinister plans for the village going forward after he fixed it up and was stopped by the invasion, having the fallout of the invasion made him give up and throw in the towel. He still had the care to fix the village, he didn’t need to, but he did. I believe that you and Kenshin both did care and still care about this village. If you didn’t, then why would the situation make you feel so intensely? If you both truly didn’t give a damn about this village, you wouldn’t have given a shit about the fallout. I think that, even if it was deep down inside, you still give a shit about this place.”

Taichi had been fighting the urge for the anger towards the other villages. But the anger was pecking at his integrity, which had been wavering on the last handful of missions that he had been going on. He could feel the anger slide into his mind and he was beginning to lose the ability to push it away and get it out of his mind. He truly did believe the things that he had said said to Stark, but he felt the intentions of his word begin to shift. The optimistic view still being there, seeing the village join the system and becoming a model village by the system’s standards. But the rage he had inside, but had been suppressing since the night of the invasion was beginning to invade his own mind.

His vision of the village began to change, the view of the village becoming a part of the system snapped. Then a new view of the village filled his mind. He knew he was angry at the villages, which he usually had control over his anger. But as he continued to speak, he was beginning to lose the control over his own emotions the village system had instilled in him when Konoha and Kiri ruined his life and his chance of having a happy future. His tone went from hopeful and happy, but after a few moments pause during his response to Stark. His tone became more sinister and angry. Filled with more malice, rather than hope. He still did want a prosperous future for Sunagakure, but he was unsure just how that was going to come. He had thought for the longest time that it would be the usual for any village, having trade routes and treaties or allies. But Taichi was quickly realizing that that was no longer a possible scenario. The village system always produced the same greedy and malicious actions between the villages, and Taichi wanted that to be gone.

"As for why should we leave the people to their own devices, I believe that would only get in the way. I hate the village system, maybe not as much as you. But due to the damn system and the bastards that invaded this village killed the family that I almost had, the night of my wedding, her home was destroyed. Her house caught fire and the ceiling came down, crushing every one that I had left to love. I heard the screaming of my soon to be wife, just before her death. I couldn’t do anything about it then. I was even younger and much weaker than I am now. I get hating the village system. The damn greed and lust for power that it is known for. But this village was the place that could have broken their system. You and Kenshin were the ones that could have and really still could, break their system and begin a new one. One where the people had a voice, one where all people had the power that citizens of such a powerful force should.

With Sunagakure the way that it is today, what is it? A play pen with walls, filled with degenerates and criminals that the rest of the people in the ninja world laugh at? That is true bullshit! You’re right no one is forced to stay. But some of us don’t want to leave, they want to see this place succeed again. I want to see Kenshin lead this village again and destroy the rest of the villages. That’s why I stay, because I am just waiting for him to come up with a plan to do it. I wait and I train so I can be a part of it. I don’t care about him being a criminal, honestly it would help in the mission to break this fucked up system. But the way that Sunagakure is today. With all of the criminals and bandits that fill this place. I don’t think any plan will go very far.

So to answer your question as to why should we try and control them. My short answer is, they’ll get in the way. We need to fill this village with power ninjas, train even more of them. Then when we have enough powerful ninja, whatever pathetic invasion any of the villages can throw our way, we can handle it. Then when we take out their invading forces, we can go and slit the throat of their home village. Make them feel the anger and frustration that we all had to deal with when they came and destroyed our village. Take their money and bring it back here. Grow our village, train more ninjas, and repeat. I don’t want this place to be a model village according to the system. I want this village to be a hub for the most powerful ninja/criminals and be stronger than any other village. I want this village to be a symbol to all those who believe in the village system.

We can bring the ashes from the village, and the blood from their kages and spread it on our walls. That way, anyone who feels that they could invade our village again, will know that it means certain death. That’s what I truly want for this village, to destroy the village system and those who dwell within these walls, to kill all those who defend it.”

Taichi, feeling slightly tired from speaking so much. Looked to Stark for his response. Taichi had never really allowed himself to feel the hatred he had been fostering since the invasion of Suna by Konoha and Kiri. The night he had lost his love and his would be family. He felt the rage pulsing through his entire body. The sweat beginning to build from his body heat due to the anger he was feeling. While Taichi had been fighting the label criminal, due to him still having his morals. The anger he had toward the other villages had been eating away at his integrity for months and he was beginning to slip in his principals. While he didn’t feel like a true criminal yet, the label did not seem so bad anymore.

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The hardest part of the journey is starting it. - Page 2 Empty Re: The hardest part of the journey is starting it.

Thu Dec 05, 2019 5:36 am
By the time that Stark had finished his speech he looked thoroughly drained, but in the end, as with the anger that he had been displaying during the speech itself, it was all an act designed solely to elicit an emotional response from Taichi. The mans eyes would be watching The Strange Uchiha intently, analysing everything from his body language to his microexpressions as he spoke, all in an effort to see how he could best manipulate the boy in the way that he wanted. He could virtually see the cogs in the boys mind turning as he tried to both formulate his thoughts and put them into a coherent statement that could get through to the ‘grizzled veteran’ that was Stark… but little did he know that nothing he had to say actually mattered. There was nothing that he could say that would change the mind of the more powerful Missing-Nin… in fact, this entire meeting had been slowly but surely being directed in this direction so that he could better manipulate him. A second loyal Uchiha like Kai could be invaluable to his future plans, and if not then the boys Sharingan and organs would sell for a high price… but of course, there was no way that this one would ever know that in the end he was little more than a toy being played with by The Raggedy Man. 

It seemed that he had indeed bought into the ploy that he had been trying to set up, coming to the conclusion that at one point Kenshin had indeed cared for the village… a belief that was, in the end, quite complicated since it was both true and untrue. Had he ever truly cared about the Village or those that inhabited it? Of course not, but he had cared about the future that he was trying to craft through it, he had cared about the legacy and the empire that he had been attempting to craft USING Sunagakure… but those were plans that he had long since discarded. He couldn’t understand why he believed that deep down both ‘he’ and ‘Kenshin’ cared for this wretched place… could it be due to the anger that he had shown when speaking of the civilians? Perhaps, but that had not been what he had been intending to convey with that. The main reason that he had demonstrated his anger about the fallout was because that was simply the persona of ‘Stark’, a man that was undyingly loyal to his ‘boss’ and despised everyone and everything that stood against him… and that was exactly what the people who had called Sunagakure home had done. In truth he couldn’t care less that they blamed him, he couldn’t even blame them for it since the attack had been in response to his presence… but he had to play the part of ‘Stark’.

It was most interesting to watch the anger of the boy slowly bubble its way to the surface, his sharp eyes catching every moment of the internal struggle of him trying and failing to fight it back… but that was all he could see. He couldn’t magically tell just who or what this anger was directed towards, it could be directed at ‘Stark’ and his ‘boss’, at what the village that he called home had become, at the soldiers of Konoha and Kiri… but as the anger continued to grow he could tell that he would soon find out. As his anger took over and he began to speak again Kenshin would suppress the smirk that wanted to split his face… with this he had the boy, and he didn’t even know it yet. As The young Uchiha began to explain just why HE hated the system as much as he did The Uzumaki would resist the urge to sigh… he truly was a naive child if he couldn’t see it yet, but that was exactly why Kenshin was here… to break his current childish mentality and use the broken pieces to construct something better… something stronger and something that could survive in this accursed world. As The Strange Uchiha continued to explain his belief that ‘he’ and ‘Kenshin’ were the only ones that could break the current village system and build it into something worth believing in The Immortal would resist the urge to chuckle… for now at least, since he truly couldn’t tell just how long he would be able to completely suppress it. 

Honestly his next statement made it quite obvious that this child had never truly been inside a true shinobi village, or one of the true Black Markets of the nations… or else he would know that the Black Markets were something that were feared by almost all Law Abiding shinobi… or at least the ones with sense. Yes, they were filled with criminals and degenerates… but that was exactly what made them so deadly, they were filled with those that refused to bow down to the tyrannical system, those that were too unstable and dangerous to live within the villages, and even those that simply wished to see the world burn. What most failed to understand was that The Black Markets had been created long before even the first village… yet they still existed while countless so called ‘Great Villages’ were mere memories. In the end the reason was simple… even criminals and degenerates needed a safe haven… neutral ground where they could gather, find contracts, allies and other like minded individuals. Within those areas there existed a very strict set of rules, unspoken laws of these neutral grounds that were enforced with brutality fitting of Missing-Nin and criminals alike… and everyone was held to those same standards. Of course there were those that were above the rules, The True Monsters of the world like himself, as shown by his conquest of the Black Markets of Shadow Country… but in the end the Markets continued to function as normal even after he had butchered those that enforced the rules… there was no need for control like this child spoke of. 

Once he finished speaking Stark would simple chuckle and allow his previously hidden smirk to be seen by The Uchiha. 

“You certainly have passion young Uchiha… but you should take care to not let it consume you like that again.” The grizzled merc would state simply, the voice that was escaping from his mouth something far smoother and deeper than it had been before… not the voice of ‘Stark’, but the voice of Kenshin Uzumaki, The Ragdoll and The Final Kazekage. He would give a small chuckle, before allowing his eyes to again rest on the form of the younger shinobi

“Tell me… did you even realise that the very village you were describing near the end was identical to that of New Kirigakure? You say that you don’t want it to become an ideal village of that broken system… yet that was exactly what you had described. It’s quite interesting to realise isn’t it? Unfortunately, as I have come to understand, it is impossible to create a village from the same mould as theirs without falling into the exact same pit that they have.” The Reaper would explain smoothly, his silver tongue expertly delivering the liquid poison that he was so adept at spreading to any that listened. 

“In case you haven’t figured it out yet, I am Kenshin Uzumaki. I apologise for misleading you in the way that I have been, but I’m sure you can understand my need for secrecy nowadays… I’m not exactly the most well liked person in the village at the moment.” He would state with a small chuckle, the small smirk fixed upon his face looking almost alien on the usually grizzled face of ‘Stark’... but something that would be recognisable to any that had known him as Kenshin. 

“To answer the question you are no doubt wondering… no, I have not given up on Sunagakure, at least not entirely… if I had I would have long since gathered those allied with me and abandoned this husk of a village… but the plans that I have for it now are quite different to those that I used to have. I suppose what I have planned is quite similar to what you expressed the desire to see it become… but I can assure you that what I have in mind is still quite different from the village that you had envisioned.” Kenshin would then state, his sharp red eyes piercing right through the young Uchiha as he continued to speak, his body language having shifted from the unstoppable force that was Stark to the immovable object that was Kenshin, giving away nothing yet at the same time saying all that one needed to know about the man. 

“I suppose there is no harm in you finding out what I have planned… there is little you could actually do to try to stop me, and the world at large will find out about it soon enough. I intend to rebuild this village as a true hub for those with power to gather and test themselves… both Missing-Nin and Village-Nin alike. I would almost call it a hybrid creation of a standard Shinobi Village and a Black Market… but I suppose it would be more akin to a Black Market that is open to Missing-Nin and Village-Nin alike.” The Raggedy Man would explain, laying his future plans for Sunagakure out to the young Uchiha that stood before him. 

“It goes without saying that any who break the rules I set, regardless of whom they are or where they come from, will face the consequences… and any that are foolish enough to attempt an invasion will find that I am not quite so arrogant or docile anymore.” The glare that accompanied The Reapers words would be enough to terrify anyone with sense, but the wave of potent killing intent that it was coupled with would be enough to make most outright faint or freeze in terror. Taichi in particular would be overcome momentarily as visions of his own death began to play through his head, but the effect would be over almost as soon as it began (purely CD effect from Display of Power).

“...But I’m sure you’re wondering just why I am allowing the village to continue the way that it is now? Why have I been biding my time and allowing everyone within Sunagakure to suffer? It’s simple really… I need everyone within these walls to understand just what this idea would be like without someone powerful enough to truly keep the scum in line. I need these people to understand that they NEED me far more than I need them… and what better way to prove that than to allow them to experience life without my protection for awhile.” The smirk upon his face took on a far darker light as he spoke now, the sick satisfaction that he was taking at the pain and suffering of the people of Suna clearly visible to the young Uchiha. As stated earlier, he didn’t care that the people had blamed him for the attack… but that didn’t mean that he was simply going to accept it either… he would ensure that they suffered for their defiance, and suffer they had been. 

WC: 1890
Taichi Uchiha
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The hardest part of the journey is starting it. - Page 2 Empty Re: The hardest part of the journey is starting it.

Thu Dec 05, 2019 4:21 pm
Taichi had finished speaking and Stark let out the response that Taichi was expecting. A light chuckle and a smirk to shine on him, but the voice that he had used to speak again was quite different. The voice he had before was quite guttural and rough, making listening to him more of a chore than a second nature. But the voice he was using now was far smoother and much easier to understand. Taichi did let his anger consume him, Stark was correct to tell him that that was a bad idea. To be honest even he had no clue why he let it control him. "Is this the power of this man? Was he this talented at evoking ones anger and resentment that he could channel it with his mere presence and words?" he thought to himself quickly, while still listening to Stark continue to speak with his different voice.

As he explained the inability to create a village from the same mold the village system provided without creating a village exactly as they wanted, Taichi agreed. He knew that we would need to use a different mold to create the village he had envisioned, but he also knew that that was an easy feat when they had Kenshin Uzumaki, the final Kazekage leading the cause. Taichi continued to listen, as he knew there was an incomprehensible experience gap between the two.

Stark explained that he was in fact Kenshin Uzumaki himself, just transfigured to alter his appearance and to not allow those who may conceive him as an enemy to see his true form. While he was sure that Kenshin Uzuamki would never do this out of fear, Taichi assumed it was purely for convenience on his part to not have to go around constantly killing those who didn't like him, or hate him outright. While being slightly starstruck that he was meeting his former Kazekage in the flesh, he suppressed this emotion and continued to listen to Kenshin with his ultimate attention, completely undivided at this point.

Taichi was most pleased when he had found out that he was correct in that both Kenshin and his alter ego of sorts Stark, did in fact care for the village. He didn't care about the intent of the care, just the fact that he cared at all. For if he did, as Taichi stated earlier and as Kenshin confirmed, he would have packed up long ago and went for the next area that suited his liking. He explained that his plan somewhat coincided with what Taichi had just finished explaining and envisioning. But not entirely so. Taichi was still unsure as to what his plan was, but he was hopeful that soon he would find out. Being that this was his former Kazekage, he would be sure to listen for any possible opening that he would be able to fit into to boost his plans forward. He knew that to Kenshin, he was nothing but a toy or, if he became strong enough, a tool. But Taichi was okay with that. If it meant joining Kenshin in destroying or even hurting the village system, Taichi would jump in head first into any plan that was set in motion.

The plan that Kenshin had for Sunagakure seemed to be a softer plan. He honestly didn't see what was to be gained by just running a black market, as opposed to having all of the other villages under their boot. This thought continued to fill Taichi's mind,  creating the desire to question the plan so he could understand.

When Kenshin continued to speak on why he had let Suna go down its spiral, which was to show the people that they needed Kenshin far more than he needed them. This part didn't make much sense to him. If he was allowing them to have all the freedom that they wanted. What did they truly need him for if he wasn't actually leading anything? What are the people losing with Kenshin not actually leading anything? Taichi thought for a moment, curiosity overcoming his fury at the other villages. He then spoke.

"Why do the people need you? If you let them have all the freedom that they could ever ask for, what do they need you for? The plan you have to run a black market, I don't see what that does to the other villages. I may be ignorant. But if you are just running a black market, that doesn't seem to hurt the other villages at all. It just seems to keep the missing nin in the land of wind and out of their way. Sure the missing nin would be able to get stronger and have greater weapons. But I dont understand why that is better than having all the other villages underneath our boots and actually destroying the village system as a whole. It almost seems like you would be doing the villages a favor, keeping the most powerful missing nin in the black market as trainers and teachers. Training newer missing ninjas, also keeping them off if the streets and away from the other villages. All around making the villages safer and able to do the same. Train their own people to become stronger too. If there is something I've missed I want to know because I want to help whatever plan you have to hurt the villages, if that is your end goal in the first place, if not, then it seems like running a black market would be just for the gains of money and allowing the villages to grow their own forces."

Taichi was sure he sounded ignorant. But the pan truly seemed like a soft option that did the other villages a favor by keeping the most powerful of missing nin in Suna, training other missing nin that also would stay in the village and off of the roads going from village to village. Taichi was sure he would get a sharp answer, and he looked forward to it from the great Kazekage Kenshin.

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The hardest part of the journey is starting it. - Page 2 Empty Re: The hardest part of the journey is starting it.

Mon Dec 09, 2019 12:51 pm
Kenshin could see the questions burning within the eyes of the Strange Uchiha, but was glad to see that the lad at least had the patience and forethought to not interrupt him while he was speaking, instead waiting until he was finished entirely to ask them. The boy didn’t hesitate to give his thoughts on that had just been said by the former conqueror either, explaining that The Ragdolls plan didn’t seem to have any overt consequences for the major villages, and that if anything he was doing them a favour. In the end it seemed that the boy lacked the ability to see the long term effects that such a move would actually have on the villages, but that was to be expected given that he was still quite new to this game. 

“I’ll answer your questions, and explain what you are missing, in the order that you asked and gave your own opinions. First, they need me because as it stands they are doing little more than tearing each other apart over the scraps left within this husk of a village… under my leadership this will cease to happen, and they will all have the chance to both get stronger and profit whilst doing so. You will find that most people, even Missing-Nin, are more than willing to sacrifice a little of their freedom for the safety that is afforded by having strong leadership… especially when following said leader will only bring about positive changes to their lives. They will not have to worry about having their throats slit in the night, they will not have to worry about money since they will be getting jobs from said leader, they won’t have to worry about getting stronger since they will have every opportunity to train… and all for the low cost of obeying the rules of Sunagakure.” The Reaper would explain with a small, satisfied smirk fixed firmly on his rugged face. After the hell that he had allowed them to suffer he knew that the people of Sunagakure would jump at the opportunity of following him again, not simply due to the reasons he had explained above, but also because his rule had been the one true bright point for Sunagakure in recent memory. 

“You may not be able to see just how this plan would hurt the Villages, but that is because you lack the ability to see how this would change the status quo in the long term. Yes, overtly this will do absolutely nothing to them… but that is the point. An overt move would simply draw them into acting against us faster, and I would prefer that not happen until it is too late… until we possess the strength to completely and utterly annihilate anything that stands in our way. Don’t get me wrong here, I fully intend to remain a neutral party to the villages and Sunagakure will be the same… but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s very existence will become a threat to the Village System due to what it represents… change. Until now there have never been any true threats to the existence of the village system… but what happens when Sunagakure shows that it is more than possible for shinobi to exist and thrive without loyalty to any singular village? It will cause them to start questioning the very villages and system that they serve. What happens when all of the Missing-Nin and criminals start to gather in one place, keeping to themselves and simply getting more powerful… they begin to fear and wonder what insidious plots are being planned. Eventually they will launch an attack on us, and when that happens they will be utterly destroyed… but until that day Sunagakure will remain a simple place for the powerful to gather… and even after that is what it shall remain.”  The Immortal would then explain, his smirk only growing as he went into more detail about his plans. This was truly a win/win scenario for he and his allies, as even if the villages did not fall for the bait that he had set for them his creation still existed unchallenged, not only giving them competition but also allowing him to train the current generation of Missing-Nin into true threats. 

“You ask why this is a better plan than simply marching on them and destroying them? Tell me, from a purely combat driven standpoint which of these plans sounds smarter… assaulting an enemy fortress filled with countless unknown shinobi and defenses… or forcing them to come to us and have the scenario reversed? You need to learn to look at things from a wider perspective Taichi… we are not simply leaving them in peace, we are just waiting for them to leave their fortresses and attack us where we are strongest. Another reason why we will not be simply marching upon them and conquering each of the villages is something that I said earlier… the very ideal you are preaching is that of New Kirigakure and the village system as a whole. It seems you fail to understand something very simple Taichi… The village system is not a physical object that can simply be broken, it is a flawed ideal that had existed in the minds of most for generations. It is so deeply ingrained within most that they fail to even see it… and you are the perfect example… you are suggesting we go and conquer the villages to ‘destroy the system’... but what exactly does that change? The answer is quite clear… it changes nothing. By that point we have simply become the next iteration of the Fire Nation, conquering the world beneath our banner and ruling over them… ironic isn’t it?” He would ask rhetorically, explaining the issues that he had with Taichi’s extremely simplistic and childish viewpoint. 

“Something that you must understand is this Taichi… obsessing about the Village System and its flaws is not a good thing, for it simply draws you into the same trap that it has drawn countless others. You will start to think that you can do it better, that you will break and replace the current system with one of your own make… but in the end all you are doing is adding to its longevity by providing them with new ideals… after-all, can you honestly say that every kage has ruled each village in the same way? The answer is, of course, no. Truth be told I cannot even say whether what I aim to create is something truly different from any of the villages that exist or have existed in the past… many have opened their gates for Missing-Nin and criminals, and many more have been conquered by those same types… and those villages still exist to this day. The only difference is that I intend for Sunagakure to be a truly neutral ground that anyone may visit, regardless of the village they hail from or the crimes that they have committed, to prove both their strength and their worth, for their own glory or for the glory of their village.”

And with ‘Stark’ would begin to walk away from the Strange Uchiha… his mind racing as he contemplated his own words whilst walking back to the village. Some of what he has said near the end conflicted completely with what he had said near the start… but that was to be expected, as The Last Kazekage was constantly modifying his own plans regarding the village when he came to new realisations. He was not some omnipotent god, he was simply a ruthless, smart and powerful man… and like any man he was prone to making mistakes… he was not perfect, and he didn’t want to be… for was there anything more boring than perfection?

“Oh, if you ever wish to obtain more power, and don’t care about the means in which you gain it, then seek me out in the hospital. I have some less than ethical ways of increasing your strength… but I warn you that such power will not come cheap.” He would over his shoulder as he continued to walk away, his mind still racing as he continued to plan out the future of the “village” that they were all living within. He hadn't even noticed that the last comment was made in the voice of 'Stark'

WC: 1398


TWC: Will add up and make claims later
Taichi Uchiha
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The hardest part of the journey is starting it. - Page 2 Empty Re: The hardest part of the journey is starting it.

Tue Dec 10, 2019 1:27 am
Taichi had felt strongly about his opinions on the village system as a whole. As Kenshin explained his reasoning for why the people of Suna would ever need him, being that now they had absolute independence and freedom. Taichi listened intently and dissected each and every word that came out of his mouth, this was the Kazekage afterall. He knew that his plan would be well thought out and while not foolproof, it would most likely be pretty close. His answer was simple, yet profound. The people would need him to protect themselves, from themselves. Taichi had forgotten during his months on the road, that humanity had one overall goal that trumped all others, self preservation. Humans wanted nothing more than to keep living, and at the rate the people of new Suna were now, they were not long for this world by any means. They were killing themselves day in and day out, they were stealing from each other the most basic of necessities. The people were acting like total savages, being overrun with bandits and criminals, they needed someone to bring them to heel. Taichi knew that if anyone was strong enough to be able to do that, it would be Kenshin, the Kazekage. The promises that Kenshin brought with his new rule were truly something to behold. He had the promises of protection, money to earn, and even the promise of having the opportunity to become a stronger ninja if one so desired under his rule. Taichi certainly liked the sound of all of that, especially the money. The people had certainly been through some form of hell for the last months since the invasion, Taichi could agree that people would jump at the chance for some form of protection and even a way to better their own lives through hard work and prosperity. This was especially so if all it required was the following of some rules that would help protect the people anyway. As Kenshin spoke more about the plan that he had for the village, the more Taichi agreed. Taichi was sure that Kenshin could bring the people back into a civilized manner, especially if it meant that they all could benefit from their cooperation. While this was only the first thing Kenshin explained to him, Taichi was sure that he was going to learn a lot from this veteran shinobi, this he was certain of. 

Kenshin continued to speak on how he believed his plan would affect the villages as a whole. While Taichi would admit that he wasn't sure how his plan would hurt the villages, even as much to outright say so earlier in their conversation, he would certainly give the Kazekage the time of day when it came to him explaining his view. Kenshin had been around longer than Taichi had and he knew plenty about what he was saying, so who was Taichi to argue with him? When Taichi heard Kenshin speak about the affects his plan would have on the villages, Taichi could not believe just how short sighted he had ben. While sure it would be one thing to march onto the villages, it may work, but there was little to no guarantee that it would. It was a much smarter plan to instead provide the villages something to fear long term, and draw then out of their homes and into ours. The villages would quickly begin to worry about Suna when word got out that it was a haven for criminals and missin ninja, a place where they could all gather and constantly get stronger and continue to grow richer. They would worry about Suna once again, but this time, it would show to be a much stronger community than any village could ever be. The people of new Suna would be willing and, more importantly, able, to take on their forces and then some. So when their forces failed, then they could march onto the village when their best ninja had been dealt with. Taichi's mind raced with all of the possibilities that Suna could have when they applied Kenshin's plan. He was grateful to the Kazekage to actually explain his plan to someone as young and naive as himself. He knew that Kenshin had more important things to do, but he still took the time out to deal with someone as new as Taichi to this world of politics and warfare. The remaining of the neutral standing within Suna would indeed prove to be quite the benefit when it came to their foreign relations. They would just be ah hub for the powerful to gather, which the villages would most likely not concern themselves with too much, at first, but when they found out just how powerful the ones that gathered were in Sunagakure. That is when they would fear them the most, and rightfully so. That was in fact still Taichi's goal. He wanted to become strong enough that even the Kage would know him, respect him, and most importantly, fear him. He was sure that with Kenshin's help, he could get to that point. The plan that he had to draw the rats out of their nest was a brilliant one, there was little to no doubt about that. While he didn't see that at first, after learning the lessons from Kenshin, he knew it now. While he wasn't sure where he would be most helpful in this plan, he wanted to be helpful in any way that he could.

Taichi had obsessed over the destruction of the village system ever since they came in and invaded Suna and destroyed his home and family. Was it to a fault? Probably. He always had a slight temper, always ready to fight first and talk later. While he felt that this was the way of powerful people, he was realizing that those with true power, such as the Kazekage, Kenshin. Just walking up and fighting was not the answer, he explained as such when he began explaining his plan when it came to running his black market of a village. Taichi did learn that there were too many variables, they did not know how many ninjas were going to be in any village at the time of their attack. They would be walking directly into a battle, blindfolded. When he mentioned a village called Kirigakure, he was not entirely sure what he was talking about, he had only heard of them but knew nothing of their politics or their ideals, so he took Kenshin at his word with his comparison. When Kenshin mentioned the fact that the village system could not just be broken, like a physical object, but rather that it was an ideal that had been around for centuries, while it may have been flawed, it was not something one could easily break with brute force. It was something that was far more complex than that, it was something that needed to be changed by changing the culture. When the people of the villages see that the ninja in Suna were as powerful as they would become, they would begin to also be drawn in to the siren’s call. When the villages lost enough members of their ranks, they would be sure to try and destroy the soldier breeding ground that was Suna. 

After Kenshin had finished explaining his plans for the future of Suna, everything began to make much more sense. The reason as to why he allowed the people of Suna turn into ravaging monsters, why he wanted to run a black market instead of turning it into a full fledged village, all of it. Taichi was more than intrigued in the plans that had been put into place in Kenshin’s mind and he wanted to become a part of those plans. The training and getting stronger while making money, was particularly interesting to Taichi, for that had been his main goal since he got back to Suna. He wanted to make money and get much stronger than he already was. So when Kenshin stated, as he walked away, that he had some ways in which he could help Taichi become stronger. In regards to ethics, Taichi threw those away long ago. All he cared about was the goal, all he cared about was becoming more powerful, in every way, be superior to most, if not all. When Kenshin told Taichi that he could meet Kenshin at the hospital, he was sure that he was talking about transplants, otherwise why the hospital. He had heard a lot about ninjas using transplants from members of differing clans to gain the Kekkei Genkai from that clan, like that of the Senju clan! Taichi had spoken to many different missing nin and criminals in the organ trading ring, they had told stories of the ninja that transplants had created, and Taichi knew that that was what he wanted without a shadow of a doubt. Taichi spoke as Kenshin walked away, “Thank you, Kazekage sir. I appreciate your time. I will most certainly meet you at the hospital. If getting stronger means that I can be of more use to your plan, you can sign me up!” Taichi watched as the Kazekage walked away. 

WC: 1540
TWC: 6707

+33 stats
+4000 to water element
+1250 to Mystical Palm Aura (completed)
+1457 towards Mystical Palm Aura + (1457/2000)

Cut the WC req of the above items due to Kenshin already knowing all of the above
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

The hardest part of the journey is starting it. - Page 2 Empty Re: The hardest part of the journey is starting it.

Tue Dec 10, 2019 1:34 am
The hardest part of the journey is starting it. - Page 2 Approv21
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The hardest part of the journey is starting it. - Page 2 Empty Re: The hardest part of the journey is starting it.

Wed Dec 11, 2019 1:38 am
Okay, making claims now.

TWC: 7809

618 words towards Earth Flow Spears, claiming (25% max stat discount) (other words trained here(495) and here(762)

188 words towards Inner Flame, claiming (25% max stat discount)

188 words towards Fire Release: Fire Stream, claiming (25% max stat discount)

188 words towards Fire Release: Flickering Lantern, claiming (25% max stat discount)

188 words towards Fire Release: Smoke Veil, claiming (25% max stat discount)

188 words towards Vandalism by Fire, claiming (25% max stat discount)

188 words towards Lightning Release: Sparks, claiming (25% max stat discount)

375 words towards Fire Style: Piercing Darts, claiming (25% max stat discount)

375 words towards Fire Release: Fire Lash, claiming (25% max stat discount)

375 words towards Fire Release: Exploding Flame Shot, claiming (25% max stat discount)

375 words towards Fire Release: Scattershot, claiming (25% max stat discount)

750 words towards Fire Release: Hiding in Fire, claiming (25% max stat discount)

750 words towards Fire Release: Blistering Web, claiming (25% max stat discount)

750 words towards Fire Release: Dragon Flame Technique, claiming (25% max stat discount)

1125 words towards Fire Release: Searing Migraine, claiming (25% max stat discount)

1125 words towards Lightning Release: False Darkness, claiming (25% max stat discount)

Discarding the remaining 56 words
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

The hardest part of the journey is starting it. - Page 2 Empty Re: The hardest part of the journey is starting it.

Wed Dec 11, 2019 3:18 pm
Someone is getting ready to use their fire masked beast.

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