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Yurei Ookami Yuki
Yurei Ookami Yuki
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Puppy Chow {E-Rank Mission} Empty Puppy Chow {E-Rank Mission}

Sat Jan 11, 2020 5:31 pm

   The crisp morning air was another fresh start of a new day within Kirigakure. A young genin exited from the entrance of her small, modern style home. She was dressed in her under attire that she usually worn underneath a kimono. For this task she had set in mind, a kimono would be very unsuited to wear. Ookami let the wind kiss her cheeks, and tug at the loose strands of her white hair. Today was a lovely day. One that had a hint of a nice cold breeze. She stoop upon her porch. Reaching with her hands to tie her hair up with a ribbon lace. The lace material was silky to the touch, and died white. It was something that used to belong to her birth mother. It used to bring her despair but she no longer cared. 

   The previous day Ookami had finished her first mission ever. The labor had left her with a feeling of refreshment. She had visited the mission board that night to see if there was anymore work she could put her to the task of doing. Lucky for her there was. A mission that even a genin like her could be of use for. This morning Ookami would begin her preparation for the mission. She had ventured away from the civilization of Kirigakura into where the nature of the village would inhabit the most. With that Ookami then begin gathering some sturdy sticks and some twine. She put herself to work twisting the twine she found into a lengthy string to be used as a trigger of her plans. Then she wrapped the string around her arm, gathered the sticks within her hand and set out to find a boulder that fit what she was looking for. 

   After an hour of putting her task together.  Her results would have consisted of six deadfall traps spread out within her chosen area. These traps was created with a large boulder, and a stick wedged upright from between one corner of the boulder and the ground. Then the string she twined together would be tied to the bottom end of that stick and ran along the ground to be set underneath the part of the boulder that laid on the ground. The bait placed underneath the boulder was some tomato she had snacked on, on her way over here. If her traps was to work, an animal would fall for the food underneath the boulder and go to eat it. In doing so, they would walk onto the string set underneath the boulder. The movement of the string would cause pull of the end of the stick, and cause it to fall. Resulting into the boulder falling onto the baited animal and crushing them. 

   Ookami decided to check back with the traps later, and proceeded to wander through the nature's ground. Allowing her soft fingertips to brush gentle against the cold bark of some of the trees she walked past. The cool bitter wind felt wonderful. Her eyelashes kissed her cheeks as she closed her eyes momentarily. Breathing in the smell of pine. It was pleasing how this mission gave her time to enjoy herself a little. There was no reason to rush when the key to hunting was to be patient. Ookami took her time to explore the surroundings. From time to time the sun would bathe her. Causing her white hair to glisten in its warming light. 

   Amongst her walk the kunoichi would notice that a patch of ground within her path was disturbed. She stopped to crouch down before it. Allowing her fingers to touch the part of the ground that looked to be tussled. The dirt was damp to the touch of her fingertips. After examining the markings within the dirt, the sound of a deep snort would catch her attention. She stiffened for a moment. Allowing her head to glance around slowly. Carefully. She remained in her crouching position, searching for the source of the sound. For a moment she felt the she had just imagined the noise. Or that she wasn't in any position to see it. Ookami went to rise from her position and make her way back to the deadfall traps, but stopped just as a boar came info her line of sight. She froze where she crouched. Not making a single sound as the creature touted a little ways away, with it's back towards her.  The boar let out little snorts and huffs as it pawed the ground with it's hoof and dug it's snout into it. The animal looked to be almost full grown. How nice would it be to bring this back for the hounds. 

   Ookami crept forward. Placing each footstep carefully, avoiding any leaves or twigs that would alert her presence. So far so good. As she closed in onto the feeding boar, something beneath the surface of within her rose. The feeling was familiar to her and she encouraged it. Willed it... no... not it but Yurei. She was lowing Yurei to take some control. A new glint appeared within the depths of her blue eyes. A wicked grin appeared as a kunai was pulled from her weapon pouch. An unusual heat bubbled within her. She welcomed it, and pounced like a wolf. She collided into the boar as it let out a startled squeak. The sudden loud noise echoed throughout the area. 

   The attacking kunoichi had one arm wrapped around the side of the boar, with her other hand plunged into its warm neck. She didn't even hesitate to jab her kunai into its jugular. The boar attempted to let out another squeal but only the sounds of a dying gurgle would be heard. The crimson essence of it's life stained her skin. Her hand was painted by its blood. The boar bucked but only for a short time before it's flanks shuttered. She felt it's knees give way and the weight of the boar drop to the ground. Ookami let go of the boar. Yanking her bloodied kunai from the carcass. She wiped it across the boar's hide before placing it back into her weapon pouch. 

   Looking at the dead boar, the woman felt laughter bubble from within her and escape from her lips. Yurei felt pleased by their accomplishment and the resulting bloodshed. After her ringing laughter died down. The presence of Yurei died down with it. It was just Ookami again. Ookami finally rose to her feet. She grabbed ahold of the two back hooves and proceeded to drag the carcass closer to her deadfall traps. 

   The day's results was glorious. In the end the genin would have returned to the village with her gutted prizes. Four tan bunnies hung from her waist and a boar dragged behind her. In all reality Ookami did have sympathy for the bunnies. One of the few innocent things she did like was the softness of a live bunny, and it's bouncing nose. It was almost embarrassing. All in all, the kunoichi delivered the meat that was for the Mizukage's hungry hounds and received her reward. This would be another day that added to her development. She felt refreshing once again after being of use, despite her hands being stained with browning crimson. It was time for her to return home and cleanse herself.

{TWC: 1,222}
{WC Claims}
+1 Health (400/400) Mission WC
+3 Stamina (600/600) WC
One Thousand Needles of Death (1,222/1,500) WC 

{Mission Rewards}
-+500 Ryo +100 Ryo (base rank bonus)
-+1 AP

Last edited by Yurei Ookami Yuki on Sun Jan 12, 2020 2:43 pm; edited 2 times in total
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
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Village : Kumogakure
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Puppy Chow {E-Rank Mission} Empty Re: Puppy Chow {E-Rank Mission}

Sun Jan 12, 2020 12:40 pm

Stats purchased in Missions can be split, so you can buy:
1 stat for 400 words at mission rate,
3 stats for 200 words at non-mission rate.

Because the mission requirement is 500 and you did 1.2k, only 500 words need to be claimable at mission rate and the rest can be claimed at regular rate.

On the same note, you can claim the full 1222 words towards the jutsu and leave it at 1222/1500, still partially locked, in your stat page. Next thread you wish to allocate more words into it, please link this thread as proof you unlocked part of it to create a new subtotal or alternatively to completely unlock it.

Mission rewards look good.

Let me know when you adjusted the WC claims to get the most out of your work.
Yurei Ookami Yuki
Yurei Ookami Yuki
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Puppy Chow {E-Rank Mission} Empty Re: Puppy Chow {E-Rank Mission}

Sun Jan 12, 2020 2:44 pm
Thank you. I had not known that. I updated the changes. I appreciate your help.
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
The son,
The daughter
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

Puppy Chow {E-Rank Mission} Empty Re: Puppy Chow {E-Rank Mission}

Sun Jan 12, 2020 3:09 pm
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