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Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13000

The Big Bang (Private) Empty The Big Bang (Private)

Sun Jan 19, 2020 9:21 pm
It was a warm day in Konoha, pretty much just like any other. Sai was in the house reading a couple of books that he had goten from the library. The books contained stories of some of the most legendary 2 man teams of all time. It showed how they always were pushing each other too get better, not wanting to let the other surpass him. Also how they bond would always be so close that no matter what happened they would always get through their situation. Sai wanted someone like that, hell who was he kidding he needed something like that. Sai never had anyone to work with him constantly to hone his skills, he also wouldnt mind helping someone hone they own as well. He thought it would be nice to have someone who could get stronger than him, it would always give him something to work forward to. Sai knows once someone gets to the top they become complacent and to full of themselves. 

He would want to end up like that, majority of the time it proves fatal to those who reach the top except for those with a humbling nature, but in the ninja world you wont find to many humble people. Sai never understood why people at the top chose to sit around and not continue to hone they skill, as humans we should always remember that theirs someone who wants what we have and would do what ever to take it. So on that note Sai decided that he would go out and find himself a partner, seeing as though he didnt have anything better to do with his day. Even though he did hope he would get scheduled with a mission but didnt. He added a bookmark to his book and closed it. He then jumped up from his bed and began to put his shoes on to leave. As he grabbed the knob to leave out of his home, he realized he had no idea where he would even look for someone like that.

Normally it would a squad member or someone you grew up with, but Sai didnt have that. After about ten minuets of thinking where would be the best spot he hose the training grounds. If anyone would be his partner he had to have the same dedication to getting stronger. He left his home and made his way to the grounds, arriving there quickly. He sat down to catch his breath and feel the breeze, waiting about 5 minuets before he got up. Once he was up he began looking around the field hoping to find someone

(WC 422)
Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20100

The Big Bang (Private) Empty Re: The Big Bang (Private)

Mon Jan 20, 2020 8:22 am
Snjor would be sleeping soundly in his bed, until this overwhelming feeling of panic set over his body. He would begin to toss and turn, trying to figure out what it was that was causing this panic. This would last a minute or two until he finally shot out of bed, frantically looking at the clock. "Dang it!" Snjor leaped out of bed and began throwing his clothes on. His green clad outfit was already set out for him by himself the night before. After throwing on his garb he looked out his window and saw that the sun had not risen yet, meaning that he was going to be at the training grounds before anyone else, as was his norm. 

Snjor burst through his bedroom door, where he saw his father cooking breakfast for him. "Wow, you slept in this morning didn't you?" His father asked, laughing at the frizzled red hair that was atop Snjor's head. "Go back into your room and brush that hair of yours, boy. Don't worry, you still have plenty of time before the sun rises. Better to have your hygiene finished first, so you're not regretting it later, getting your mind off of training." Snjor knew that this was great advice and he followed it, thanking his father for the reminder. 

When he finally had his hair brushed and his clothes on straight, he walked back into the kitchen to see his father with a plate with two breakfast burritos on it. "Here you go, son! I made them burritos so you could eat them on your way to the training ground." Snjor hugged his father and thanked him for helping him get back on schedule. His father laughed and said it was no problem and that he was happy to do it. He ran out the front door, humming an upbeat tune as he ran through the village, passing by the shop owners who were just beginning to open up the doors to get ready for business. 

As Snjor passed by, they all waved and said good morning, which Snjor obviously reciprocated as he ran by their shops. Snjor continued to run through the village, when he finally got to the training grounds, he saw that there was no one there. Being relieved at this fact he began scanning through the training grounds trying to find the best spot for him to continue his training on his water release chakra nature. He ran over to the part of the training grounds that had a river running through the middle. He figured this would be the best place to start. 

He set the plate down on the ground nearing the gate that marked the perimeter of the training grounds, and he began to perform his morning stretches. As he continued them, the sun would rise and he would begin to see others starting to arrive in the training grounds. Sno looked around and saw no one that he recognized, so he continued to stretch. 

Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13000

The Big Bang (Private) Empty Re: The Big Bang (Private)

Mon Jan 20, 2020 9:41 am
Sai was beginning to lose hope about finding someone, no matter where he looked he didnt see anyone. It was not a big surprise to him that no one was out there, it was pretty early in the morning. Only those truly dedicated would be around here now. Sai told himself he would just come back later when more people was around, since he had no real luck this morning. As he started to walk away he started to see more and more people arriving but none looked worthy of being his partner, either being to young or to old. He needed someone thats at the same point in life that he is right now. Sai quickly observed all the new coming people, before continuing to leave. As he took his first couple steps toward the exit he remember that he didnt go check the side of the training grounds that had a river running through the middle. 

He honestly didnt expect to see someone over here. He thought that if there was someone over here he would atleast of heard noises coming from over here. As he arrived about 25 meters from the lake, he looked around and to his surprise he had seen someone down there. It was a boy, he looked close to Sai's age if not a year older or younger, but had the height of a grown man. The boy was tall and lengthy, alot taller than Sai. The boy was just stretching, he must of just arrived at the trainging grounds not to long ago. For some reason after all the walking around Sai did he didnt notice him arrive.

Sai was about 20 meters from the boy when he yelled "Hey There",as he walked closer. His hand high in the air waving at the boy. He didnt wanna surprise him by just walking up to him .Sai was eager and excited to actually meet someone, he thought would actually be worth his time. Sai stopped about 1 or so meters from the boy.

"Nice to meet you im Saizou Uchiha", Sai said as he extended his hand towards the boy. He could feel the heat from the sun starting to take grow stronger and stronger as the day progressed on. It was starting to become such a beautiful day to be at be training grounds, maybe he just might be able to get some training in today.

Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20100

The Big Bang (Private) Empty Re: The Big Bang (Private)

Mon Jan 20, 2020 10:53 am
Just as Snjor was finishing up his stretching routine, a young boy, about the same age as Snjor himself walked up to him. He had his hand up, as to be waving to Snjor. Snjor stood up straight, straightening out his clothes as to look presentable to the newcomer that had presented himself. "Hello!" Snjor started with a warm and vibrant smile. The newcomer then addressed himself as Saizou Uchiha, and extended his hand out to Snjor. "It's good to meet you Saizou, my name is Snjor, but most people call me Snow." Snow extended his hand out to meet the Uchiha's hand. 

After the two shook hands. Snow then began to feel inquisitive of the Uchiha, wondering what he was doing in the training grounds at such an early hour, hoping the obvious answer would be the actual answer. He was hoping that he was there to train, because he needed to work on the water jutsu that he had been training for the last couple weeks since graduation. "I do hope you are here for training, because if you are. I believe that you and I should begin training together." Snow knew he was being forward, but that was kind of his thing. "You were here just as early as I was, if you are that dedicated, I feel you and I could become quite the team." Snow smiled at Saizou and waited for his answer to the proposition, part anxious, and part exhilarated.

Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13000

The Big Bang (Private) Empty Re: The Big Bang (Private)

Mon Jan 20, 2020 11:49 am
Sai and the boy who introduced himself as Snow shook hands. Now that Sai was closer to him he could actually get a good look on the boy, who stood about 6 inches about him. Sai was never one to feel succumb to the such a trivial thing like fear, but he couldnt help but to feel slightly intimidated by the height difference between the two. Even with such a huge stature he had a gentleness to him, or so Sai thought until the boy asked to immediately train together.  It brought a slight smile across Sai face, they were two ninja in the training grounds after all. To Sai surprise Snow had bought up working together as a team, thats main reason why Sai was there in the first place.

"Yeah thats exactly why im here, you couldnt of had better timing. Iv been looking for a partner to help push me past my limits", Sai Said as he began to walk backwards about 20 meters. He couldnt of been more happier , to actually find someone who had the same idea that he had. Sai didnt know if it was pure luck or destiny, either way he was going to make the best of it. He had to gt serious though, he couldnt slack off and underestimate his opponent.

"IF you can show me your at least my equal, than we should for sure team up Snow". Sai said making sure to not take his eyes off a Snow. Once he was 20 meters away from Snow he started weaving handsigns.

(WC 262)
Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20100

The Big Bang (Private) Empty Re: The Big Bang (Private)

Mon Jan 20, 2020 1:43 pm
Both Snow and Saizou were looking for the same thing and they didn’t even know it. Snow hadn’t even given it a thought to look for a partner/rival, but seeing that there was a ninja scouring the training grounds before the sun was even rising, that was the type of person that he wanted to train with. This was the type of person that was going to be able to match him and bring Snow even farther in his path of becoming the strongest ninja in Konoha. 

As Snow was thinking these thoughts, Saizou began walking backwards, continuing to speak to Snow. He was challenging him to bring out his best, to see if he was at least equal to that of the Uchiha currently walking backwards. Snow smiled as those words began leaving his mouth, so he accepted the challenge. As the uchiha reached 16 meters in distance from Snow, he finished his sentence, challenging Snow, he went into action before he could even finish walking backwards.

Snow opened his mouth and had a mist begin spewing out of his mouth. As he was still spewing the mist out of his mouth, he performed the Hiding in Water technique. Being that he would phase into the water, he would not be heard getting into the water. Snow would move through the water, being that Saizou was directly in front of Snow originally, he would most likely still be 1 meter away from the water also. 

Snow performed the hand seals required to perform the Water Release: Snake's Mouth that would launch directly out of the river, directly for his opponent’s supposed location. Snow would keep himself in the water with the hiding in water technique. Being ready to do his best to dodge any type of counter attack.

WC: 300
Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13000

The Big Bang (Private) Empty Re: The Big Bang (Private)

Mon Jan 20, 2020 2:46 pm
Befoer Sai could finish backing up he saw Snow start weaving handsign. Sai immediatly activated his two tomoe sharingan and started weaving handsigns of his own. Before Sai could see the jutsu Snow was weaving a mist appeard, causing Sai to lose sight of snow. As soon as Sai lost sight of Snow he used Body Flicker to move 25 meters closer the the trees that was on Sai's right hand, he was now facing the water with a small group of trees behind him. Sai figure Snow had a affinity to water jutsu, due to the mist and didnt wan to fight in a situation where he had the disadvantage. Once Sai was away he would see a water dragon strike where he had been standing. Once away Sai weaved handsign and used the Smoke Veil to conceal himself. Even though he couldnt see out the cloud, he knew that he couldnt be seen either. He then proceeded to jump into a tree. The small group of tree all were about 20 meters in height. Sai himself jump up 9 meters in height in the the trees leaves concealing himself. All while weaving the signs for the Clone Technique. He would then have his two clones jumped down and rush straight through the smoke at the water. Stopping 10 meters from, both would appear to have sharingans even though it was only for illusion. Sai watched as his clones vanish through the smoke, and appear on the other side of it. All the while weaving more handsigns for his Cero jutsu. He would stay conceal and wait to see what Snow would do next. He had the perfect veiw point to launch a sneak attack.

WC; 286
Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20100

The Big Bang (Private) Empty Re: The Big Bang (Private)

Mon Jan 20, 2020 3:27 pm
Snow was still inside the river with the hiding in the water technique. He allowed the mist to lift, and as it did so, Snow created a water clone within the river. The clone was within a meter of his own location. When the mist had cleared up completely, Snow had his clone lift his body up to check for any enemies. The clone slowly lifted itself out of the water and walked onto the dry ground that followed the river. He looked around and found nothing. 

Not wanting to be caught in the open, Snow also performed En from the river. Being that the whole area that they were training from was 50 meters and Snow was currently on the side of the river closer to where they both were just standing at (having 17.5 meters to one side of the area and 35 meters in the other . The range of this technique being 40 meters would be enough for Snow to be able to see exactly where the Uchiha would be hiding. Still being in the river as a cover so the Uchiha couldn't see him. He would keep his clone on the land, being 2 meters away from the river that Snow was currently in, and the clone being 16 meters away from the small clump of trees that sat off to the edge of their fighting arena. 

The clone would be in a fighting stance, to show the Uchiha that "Snow" was ready for any kind of attack he would throw at him.

Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13000

The Big Bang (Private) Empty Re: The Big Bang (Private)

Mon Jan 20, 2020 4:40 pm
As Sai was hiding in his tree he watched as the mist started to disperse. Wandering what the boy had planned next up his sleeve. He waited for a little while and nothing happened,  then suddenly Sai stomach started to growl loudly. He forgot to eat this morning before he left the house. He couldnt fight like this, he turned of his sharingan and jumped out the tree. At the same walking through the last remnants of the smoke technique. He wanted to end this fight and grab a bite to eat, no ninja can fight on an empty stomach. Besides there other ways at finding out if your a good match for someone instead of fighting. Sai would just have to watch his skills live in action to make a full decision. Sai didnt just need someone who was as strong or stronger than him, he also needed someone with a brain. A person who can make the best decision base on the situation at hand. Theres not to many people out there who has both qualities, but Sai was lucky to meet him here. Hopefully luck would be on his side today, but then again Sai never had any luck especially on something as serious as this.

"Hey Snow, Im starving", Sai said as he grabbed his stomach. "I Cant fight like this, lets call it a draw until after we grab a bite to eat", Said Sai as he awaited a response. He was hoping that Snow wouldnt think it was some kind of trick, so he made both of his clones dissappear.

"Hopefully we can learn more about each other while we eat". Sai said now standing about 7 meters from what he thinks is Snow standing by the river in a defensive position.
Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20100

The Big Bang (Private) Empty Re: The Big Bang (Private)

Mon Jan 20, 2020 5:26 pm
Snow's clone was still sitting there, not doing anything but waiting for his opponent, that never came. Snow's clone was just about to call out to Saizou, but that was when the Uchiha called out from the trees on the edge of the training grounds. The Uchiha proclaimed his hunger, and this made Snow think about his own hunger. They had been out there for a little while and Snow was always in the mood to eat something. When the Uchiha dispelled both of his clones, Snow leaped out of the water. He dispelled his own clone and called back out to Saizou, "Me too!" 

Snow would walk up to the tree line, waiting for Saizou to hop out of the tree line. When he would leap out of the trees, Snow would recommend his absolutely favorite place to eat in the entire village, Ichiraku Ramen. Should Saizou agree or disagree with the recommendation, Snow would not be upset, he would be happy with wherever they would go.

WC: 168
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