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Kamari Uchiha
Kamari Uchiha
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Sharingan Trainging (Kamari) - Page 2 Empty Re: Sharingan Trainging (Kamari)

Sat Jan 25, 2020 11:04 am
Upon throwing the kunai, Kamari saw Sai fire some sort of energy blast at it, knocking it away. The worst part was that he wasn’t even looking at the kunai so Ephemeral wasn’t going to work.
Sai’s clone sent an identical energy blast right towards Kamari. This was bad. Kamari has no idea how powerful that blast was. If Sai put too much chakra into it, it could kill Kamari, and that would be really bad for both Uchiha.
Kamari leapt out of the way to dodge but it was too late. Sai had already body flickered in front of him and served him a knuckle sandwich. Kamari was knocked back several feet and spat out blood. Sai then lowered his guard towards Kamari, looking right at him. This was just what Kamari needed. Before Sai could speak, Kamari looked up at him and while still on the ground placed him in Ephemeral, causing the illusion he had attempted before. There was no way Sai could avoid this now since all Kamari had to do was have his hand within Sai’s field of vision and the Genjutsu technique would instantly activate.
WC 191
TWC 1019
Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13000

Sharingan Trainging (Kamari) - Page 2 Empty Re: Sharingan Trainging (Kamari)

Sat Jan 25, 2020 11:27 am
Sai was stupid enough to lower his guard against Kamari, not thinking the uchiha would attempted to put him under a genjutsu, Sai was quickly able to realize he was under a genjutsu thanks to his sharingan. The moment Sai was placed under a genjutsu his clone body flickered in front of Kamari who was still on the ground and attempt to place him under a genjutsu. Sai didnt need much time to release himself from the genjutsu hopefully by then Kamari would already be place under one. If Sai clone couldnt he would return to Sai side and sit out a ball of ash causing a a smoke screen 3 meters in all directions. If Kamari was caught in it his eyes would be burning from it.
Kamari Uchiha
Kamari Uchiha
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Sharingan Trainging (Kamari) - Page 2 Empty Re: Sharingan Trainging (Kamari)

Sat Jan 25, 2020 11:44 am
Now that Sai was under Kamari’s Genjutsu, Kamari had the advantage,. However, he still had the clone to worry about and he couldn’t let Sai release himself from the Genjutsu. Kamari quickly altered his illusion to make Sai experience his own blood boiling inside of him. The pain would be debilitating and Sai would not be able to concentrate hard enough to release himself from the Genjutsu. At the same time, he would make Sai perceive his surroundings completely differently. He would perceive himself to be in a volcanic area with billowing lava and ash, and would not see Kamari or his clone at all. The illusionary lava would then wash over him while his own blood was boiling, intensifying the pain to the degree he would not be able to function.
However, Sai’s clone had already body flickered in front of him and placed him under Sai’s own Genjutsu. Images flickered past like a drug trip. All of them were about Kamari’s parents, up until their deaths.
“No, I don’t wanna see this again!,” Kamari exclaimed. Even closing his eyes he still saw the images.
His mother’s raging Mangekyo Sharingan, her Susanoo and the Amaterasu flames destroying the entire forest.
His father opening each of the Eight Gates.
His father’s thumb puncturing his own heart.
The red mist and ashes.
The explosions.
Their voices, full of anger and spite, arguing over Kamari being taught Genjutsu by his mother.
Their bodies, horribly disfigured and burned beyond recognition.
It was all too much.
Kamari was broken again. His eyes burned again. His Sharingan has reached their next stage. It still wasn’t enough to reawaken his Mangekyo. In order to do that, he would have to relive the entire experience in great detail. Either that or Mika would have to die.
“Thank... you...” Kamari managed to get out to Sai, expressing his gratitude for helping him awaken the next stage of his Sharingan. The experience at that point was awful. He was no longer having fun, but he had to do what he had to do to get stronger.
WC 347
TWC 1366
1,000 words towards two tomoe Sharingan, using the training discount and words from the claim in it will be awakened.
250 words to Genjutsu release (full completion)
3 speed, 3 chakra
Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13000

Sharingan Trainging (Kamari) - Page 2 Empty Re: Sharingan Trainging (Kamari)

Sat Jan 25, 2020 9:45 pm
Sai quickly was able to get himself out of the genjutsu he would then watch as kamari went through the the tortures of Sai's genjutsu. After a couple moments Kamari was looking at Sai thanking him for the training. Seeing as though he didnt want to go any further Sai, turned around and made his way towards the exit. Before he left he turned and look at Kamari.

"Dont be a stranger my friend", Sai would say before returning home. Sai had enjoyed himself, it had been a while since he had been around another uchiha. It felt good being able to bond with your clan mates when you dant with your own family. Family was something that Sai had valued above anything else and since they were gone his clan was the next best thing. 

Clamining;7+ Stats,(1500/2000=Valks Of Ventus Summoning)
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Summoning Contract : Salamanders of Rain Country
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Ryo : 10650

Sharingan Trainging (Kamari) - Page 2 Empty Re: Sharingan Trainging (Kamari)

Sun Jan 26, 2020 11:25 am
Kamari Uchiha
Kamari Uchiha
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Sharingan Trainging (Kamari) - Page 2 Empty Re: Sharingan Trainging (Kamari)

Sun Jan 26, 2020 1:31 pm
“Don’t be a stranger my friend,” Sai told Kamari. Kamari wondered what that meant. He was assuming it could mean that he should open up around Sai. He was Kamari’s clan mate after all, and every Uchiha in Konoha knew his story. Kamari decide that he should open up to Sai and tell him the whole story.
“Sai,” Kamari would call out. “The stories you’ve heard about me,” Kamari pauses for a bit before body flickering to his side.
“They’re true.”
Kamari would then wait for Sai’s response. If Sai wants to hear his story, Kamari will respond with the following:
“My parents always fought over me when I was a child. My father was a very direct man. He would always use head on attacks and powerful Taijutsu in every situation, which almost got him killed multiple times. My mother didn’t want me to grow up to be like him, so she would teach me Genjutsu every day after school. That’s how I got so good at it. My father disagreed. He wanted me to be a brute force warrior like him, despite the risks, and repeatedly said that if I died in battle it would be my fault for not trying hard enough. My mother was not having any of that. She was a smart fighter. She would use Ninjutsu and Genjutsu and frequently end battles without ever throwing a punch or a kick.”
Kamari would then explain how each of his parents for the Mangekyo Sharingan.
“They were on a team together. Three people, with the third being my godfather, Kuroshi Uchiha. He would always fight like my dad without thinking about anything. That got him killed one day and both of my parents unlocked the... the you know what. My father ended up with both types of Kamui, but he only ever used the short range type as a last resort to avoid a fatal blow. My mother ended up with the three traditional ones. Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, and Susanoo, and she would frequently use all three. They swapped eyes to avoid blindness the day after and my mother would frequently infuse Amaterasu into every single attack she made, that is, if Tsukuyomi didn’t work. The arguments over how I should be raised got more and more heated until eventually, they wanted to split up. That was when my father told my mother that they could only split up if one of them died. They had went out to a forest and forced me to watch. My dad started out with the Seventh Gate right off the bat and my mom pulled out full body Susanoo. The battle took three days of nonstop fighting and ended up destroying a three kilometer area in the forest. On the last day, my dad opened the Gate of Death and killed my mom with Night Guy. Inevitably, he died himself after performing the technique. I found out later that in their will I would be emancipated if they died before I became a Genin so I started living by myself from then on.”
Kamari would be crying throughout the whole thing but managing to keep his voice together.
“And one more thing, I awakened... it, that day. I’ve never been able to use it since because the pain was that bad I guess and I need to come to terms with their deaths, but I know I have Tsukuyomi from it. Not sure about the other two though. If you get it too, can you please help me awaken it myself? I know you’re a good friend, so promise me that when you get it, you’ll help me, and when I get it too; we’ll switch eyes to both avoid blindness. I’ll see you around... brother.”
Kamari was starting to think of Sai as a brother and he hoped that Sai would see him the same way. The two together would be unstoppable and have the power to make sure nobody would ever again suffer the same pain Kamari had. Kamari would then walk off back to his house, crying tears of joy from having someone who was willing to talk to him about his past.
WC 696
TWC after claims: 812
4 chakra
812/6000 words towards three tomoe Sharingan.
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