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Ain't no rest for the wicked [n/k] Empty Ain't no rest for the wicked [n/k]

Mon Jul 06, 2020 5:18 pm
It was warm and breezy; the season was hard to tell to her as she walked down the only path she had found in a long time. Initially, in the distance she saw the gates but as she drew closer along the path and under the influence of her own Chakra Suppression technique, she saw the gates. A village? No…

A community; perfect. She needed an ecosystem to work in best. There didn’t seem to be anyone around but she remained wary as she continued forward, stopping perhaps ten yards from the gate.

Every community needed a Shepard; that wasn't always common but they needed a leader, people strong enough to ward off intruders. Strong enough to ward off people like her for instance however do to her being new to this shinobi world and it’s customs, almost anyone could over take her- and the thought of it ran a delicious chill up her spine and cause her to grin from ear to ear underneath her dark freckles, parting her mauve lips manically until they were pulled back enough to reveal her white teeth. She was thrilled but even as her lilac eyes looked around and saw nothing, no movement, no one coming, she decided to make a move subtle enough to draw out this establishment’s warriors. How? Well… she simply deactivated her Chakra Suppression and allowed herself to be sensed as she giggled darkly,

Come out, come out, whoever you are.” Velvetine chuckled to herself as her smile receded so that she could use the energy towards a battle if needed.

[WC: 262]
Wan Senju
Wan Senju
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Ain't no rest for the wicked [n/k] Empty Re: Ain't no rest for the wicked [n/k]

Mon Jul 06, 2020 8:55 pm
"I cannot believe this village is in such a shit position." Wan would mumble to himself, steadily shuffling through the pile of paperwork 'generously' left by the previous Hokage. He had only been in position a day, and he could already feel the strands of hair on his head greying as his young mind did the best it could to process all of the political nonsense. So many invoices, current issues, local and national affairs going on. Wan truly did not know where he should begin with his reforming of Konohagakure since every problem carried 3 more problems of its own. He let out a sigh and swiveled the chair around, facing it towards the window to overlook the village below, peering a few miles away as he could faintly see the village gates. "What a drag..." he'd think, the current situation calling for more than tobacco and a little sake to calm his nerves. He thought he'd be in for more than this when he first talked about taking over a village. He closed his eyes and decided he'd rest, shrugging off the current problems as he feels the need to just allow himself the time of day to breathe. His birthday was two days ago, after all, and it was spent killing the Hokage of this village in the cold rain.

A slight push of the door was made, with a rather petite woman wearing glasses peering her head through the small gap she created. "Lord Yensung, a few civilians have reported a stranger at the ga-" she would pause in her speech, flinging the door fully open with a look of shock on her face as she looks at Wan. He'd open his left eye, alerted by the voice of the woman before he'd turn the chair back around, facing her and locking eyes. "WHO ARE YOU?" she'd say, dropping her pad and pen as she shakes in place thinking about why this boy was sitting in the Hokage's desk. "Hmm?" Wan would ask, his eyebrow slightly raised as it would seem that word had yet to spread of Yensung's death and overthrowing. "Well, obviously I'm not Yensung, for all of the right reasons of course. Yensung is no longer the Hokage of this village. My name is Wan Senju, and I have assumed leadership of this village, and by the looks of things I'm sure that I can do much more for you here than the previous did." It was much for her to take in, still unsure of what happened to Yen whether he was killed or exiled, but she could 'feel' the authority given by Wan, the actions and tone of a true leader ready to deliver his people. "So...Yensung is?" she'd ask, stopping her sentence midway as the gentle nodding of Wan's head gave her all the confirmation she needed. "Now...who is this at my front gates again?" Wan would ask of her, continuing the initial reason the woman arrived.

"Ye...Yes, Lord Wan." she'd say, squatting down to pick up her pen and pad before standing again. "Please, just call me Wan. That 'Lord' title is well overused. You are just as royal as I am, so long as you are my people." She was still quite shocked by the current situation, but hearing those words made her slightly blush, a small smile forming across her face as the thanks to the Hokage for his response. "There were a few reports of an outsider near the gates. More than a few citizens were unable to identify who the woman is, so we are unsure if she is a villager or not." He'd assess the current situation, beginning to think to himself who possibly could be arriving at the village at such a time as this? It would be useless for him to try 'sending' anyone to check out the situation since by the look of things there wasn't much to send, and if this was anyone coming to cause trouble then Wan would want to make sure they are greeted by the ruler of these plains himself. "Very well, my first duty as Hokage it seems." the Senju would say, getting up out of his chair as he begins to walk towards the door. "The gates you say? Very well, I'll see who it is myself. You return to doing whatever you were, and will you please start letting people know about Yensung and the new Hokage?" the woman would nod her head yes, thanking Wan again before the two of them would exit the room, Wan making his way out the building and towards the gates.

The closer he got the gates he could begin feeling a chakra that was more-so along the lines of his and Ghost. More than just a civilian whoever this was, Wan hoping their intentions were not the same as he was when he first came to claim Konohagakure. "Imagine having to fight for Hokage all over again. They'd be piss taking over such a place." he'd think, slightly wondering to himself what it would be like if he gave the title of 'Hokage' to Ghost. After traversing the various districts and streets, he made it to the gates of Konohagakure, standing behind the area in which he broke through into the village and resealed. After weaving a few hand signs he used his Nativity technique to open a small patch in the wall he had formed, allowing himself a passage through to the other side of the gates. Once crossed over, he looked around for anything 'unusual' before pinpointing the chakra he felt to a woman nearby, one with brown hair wearing an all-black attire it seemed. He analyzed her appearance quickly, and after noticing no headband he came to the conclusion that she was a Missing Ninja as he is, or at least was. "Hey." he'd call out to her, hoping to gather her attention towards his way if she was not already directed towards it. "Are you lost, Traveler? This village is currently on lockdown as they undergo new leadership." He'd ask his question towards the woman, hoping to get a response from her about who she was and why she was here. 

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Ain't no rest for the wicked [n/k] Empty Re: Ain't no rest for the wicked [n/k]

Mon Jul 06, 2020 11:24 pm
It took a while; then she noticed movement to her right in the form of someone shouting at her shortly then talking to her about how the village was on lockdown. She turned to face him fully and took a moment then cooly sized him up. He wasn’t entirely big; lanky more than anything. She was aware that men other than her father existed obviously but she was still not accustomed to seeing them yet. She tapped the toe of her heeled sandal on the ground with a bit of irritation. “Lockdown?” She echoed slowly; not because she didn't understand but she was processing.

If there was a change in leadership… then there was no Shepard, really. There couldn’t be.

There would be no ‘undergo’ of a leadership if there was; it would have been a smooth transition if there had been a Shepard here; they would have silenced any opposition and helped, there would be no trouble at all. She hid, however, pulled her lips back into a polite smile; “Not all that wander are lost, however, I suppose you will do since you came.” She answered in a voice not unlike whiskey; smooth, distilled and smokey but the sound of it was only able to be savored after the sharpness of hearing it. Smokey, even.

Does this community have someone that trims the… unsavories from it, on a regular basis?” She asked as her smile darkened, “However, if you lack someone like that, I am willing to apply for the position.

[ WC: 253 ]
Wan Senju
Wan Senju
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Ain't no rest for the wicked [n/k] Empty Re: Ain't no rest for the wicked [n/k]

Tue Jul 07, 2020 2:30 pm
"Hmm..." Wan would begin to think, processing the following statements given by this woman. She appeared to be offering more than Wan currently believed she could deliver. "Do I have anyone constantly cleansing this place of the 'unsavory' as you would put it?" He'd look up to the sky briefly, knowing far too well that the only ones who seemed capable of performing such feats were himself and Ghost, given the current situation that just elapsed over the last few days. He knew that this place needed major reform, and a proper form of security and safety was well needed. The Senju would glance back at the woman, eyeing her up and down as the woman stood just slightly taller than he did, but surely he'd do more growing before he ever reached the age of 21. In the current light, the reflection of her lilac eyes was beautiful, and Wan didn't see her as much of a fighter to begin with, let alone someone comfortable with the 'purging' of those who are either weak or come with malicious intent. She looked too 'pretty' for the line of work she was requesting, and after thinking about it the Young Senju would raise an eye at her, shifting through hand signs as he forms a wooden chair for him to sit in, rubbing his chin in a questioning fashion.

"Tell me...That sort of work looks far fetched for someone with such princess aspects as yourself." He would chuckle, lightening the mood for himself as he continued with his dialogue. "Well I mean, I guess nobody here expected a boy wearing ragged clothes as mines to achieve what he just did. My name is Wan Senju, current Hokage of Konohagakure no Sato by murdering the previous Hokage Yensung a few days ago. You were partially right when you asked if we lacked people of your interest since my arrival was met with nothing but mere citizens and a man on top of a roof. This village had fallen into a sunken place well before my arrival and yours, but I do see potential in it so long as it's led by the right and powerful people." He'd shift the weight of his body up, gently allowing his arms to hang over his legs as he lets out a sigh of concern, looking the woman in her eyes with all seriousness as he closely begins to examine her chakra. It was strong, indeed, much more potent than even Ghost's at the time. Her chakra was matching the words she spoke, someone of this caliber surely being able to cull those who needed to be culling. "I can tell that you've...experienced things in this world we live in. I need more of those who are ready to lead without much t currently be led. It's a lot in which we must endure if we are to make something of this nothing village, but it can be done with the likes of those such as me and yourself, but first, I need your name and where you originated." He'd hope to get a response to his first question before throwing his offer on the table, one that would prove if this woman was all talk or not.

"But like I said.", he would go on, straightening his posture in the seat. "We do have those in need of trimming. The current academy in this place has failed its purpose. There aren't many here present who could rival half the power me and you hold, which is a major problem in my eyes. There are many districts here that serve no purpose at all other than just being a place to reside, which to me is just a handout for those who are not doing anything. One, in particular, I speak of is called 'Okinaga District', rather medium-sized district compared to its counterparts but it's riddled in poverty and crime, the saddest district I've seen so far. I have plans of major reform, one is developing a militia formed from a training facility placed where this Okinaga District currently stands. We can get into the deeper meaning behind it later, but as of now, that district must be destroyed. Since you want a position along the lines of such, then your first task would be to cull the entirety of Okinaga District by whatever means you see fit. I just want those people out of there, and that district destroyed so it can be available for construction." A small smirk would form on his face, looking at the woman to analyze for any potential facial expressions that would show how she felt about it. "I hope that isn't too much to ask of you so soon? I could do it myself, in all honestly, I was, but since you came along with partially the same mindset as me." He'd extend his arm behind him, revealing the small passageway through the gates into the village, offering the woman entrance inside to begin. "The choice is forever yours. Just prove to me you're capable of the things you speak."

[WC: 851]
[Offering Velvetine entrance into Konohagakure no Sato]
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Ain't no rest for the wicked [n/k] Empty Re: Ain't no rest for the wicked [n/k]

Tue Jul 07, 2020 7:45 pm
His name was Wan Senju. That stuck first. Not really his name or the fact that it was unique; but because he had two names; a first name and a last name like her mother did. He didn’t believe someone who was as pretty as her could handle something. He called it far-fetched. She didn’t understand; she heard his words, drank them in to process them but she couldn't process what her looks had to do with her occupation. Were things like this so arbitrary? Was her skill always meant to be based on how she looked? Well, in all fairness, she picked her targets in how they looked, how they acted. How they caused trouble and how they pathetically and desperately clawed to get out of it. She had always liked watching her victims in that stage and grinned as they begged for her assistance as if she was there to help them. She was. She was killing them and helping the community. Then he asked her name and where she originated. Did he mean her village? Or her lineage?

I am Velvetine.” She answered simply, “It doesn’t matter where I came from. What matters what I’m here for.

She smirked as he finished, “I am not against what you are asking; but would it not be better to burn the village to the ground? Nature has a deep seated love for reclaiming and rebuilding; though it may take twenty or thirty years, the next colony should be more prosperous than this one.” She purred darkly,

However; culling the district would not promise you, the new leader, any immediate results; however, if I take you up on this position and do ask you as, I would like to propose my own solution that may help you more than you think.” Velvetine said and her lips twisted into a vulpine grin, “I’ll experiment on them.

My knowledge and wisdom on working, living humans is not vast, however, since Okinaga District and the dealing of its inhabitants are left solely to me; why don't we use them as test subjects? I have a few things I’ve always wondered; if this village is already unsatsfactory, it would be best to collect what we can from it.” She pointed her black nails to herself, “I would get what I want and you?” She gestured to him half-heartedly with that unwavering, unnerving smile, “Will get reports and information you can apply to this village… or even go and apply somewhere else.” She said and lowered her hand to her hip,

Though I am willing to take you up on your offer of employment as it is what I asked for, I have two conditions; for one, I have come looking for body parts… specifically, livers, that I will need permission to move freely in and out of the village. For two, my working with you is symbiotic; and permanent. I can make myself a reliable asset to you and your ideals, however, I must always have an… ecosystem, we can say, to live in.” She chuckled,

Every food chain needs something to keep the population in control; don’t you agree, Wan Senju?

[ WC: 528 ]
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[Accepting entrance into Konohagakure no Sato ]
Wan Senju
Wan Senju
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Ain't no rest for the wicked [n/k] Empty Re: Ain't no rest for the wicked [n/k]

Tue Jul 07, 2020 10:53 pm
Wan would look at the woman with such a nonchalant expression, utterly surprised at her answering it the way she did. :
"Excuse me for one second." the young boy would say, arising from his seat as he took a few steps behind it and faced towards the gate, quickly hiding his face as it begins to turn red. "This a God send." he'd think, looking up at the sky as he fights tears of joy from such a universal blessing. He takes a moment to breathe in and out, regaining his composure before turning to face Velve and returning to his seat, deciding to stand just beside this time. Now calm, he'd let off a smile with a slight chuckle before speaking. "Population control, huh." he'd say with a chuckle, the two words being used together sounding harsh yet well needed to a place like this. "It doesn't sound like the nicest thing, but I'd be a fool to reject it as being needed. This place is littered with poverty, famine, and who knows what else. I haven't had the time to fully see the true condition of this place." The chair would begin to return to the ground, the Senju taking a few steps to turn around and begins walking towards the village gates. He stops after reaching a few meters from Velve, looking over his shoulders as he speaks to her again. "Well, you seem to fit the 'job' description. How about we take a look around this village and see how much population control is needed. The culling will not start on its own." Hoping the woman would accept his offer, he would wait for her to join him in his walk to the gates, returning into the village of Konohagakure no Sato before closing the gates behind them.
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Ain't no rest for the wicked [n/k] Empty Re: Ain't no rest for the wicked [n/k]

Wed Jul 08, 2020 1:12 am
He asked to be excused and she blinked, giving no permission for him to do so but he took her silence as such while he got out of his chair, walked away and proceeded to turn his back on her. The nerve. The sheer, utter, disrespect of it all was almost overwhelming and she forced herself to merely glare at his back before forcing her dark smile a little wider when he stopped, turned back around to her, walked up to the chair and began to speak again. She heard him out for the sake of it since they were not, she assumed, partners. How pleased her father would be that she found a village so quickly. As she mentally voiced a lackluster and unwelcome response to how there was poverty, famine and the open-ended vagity of the unknown in the form of the phrase, ‘I don’t care’, she furrowed her brow in confusion at his last statement.

He was kage… a shinobi-based title of leadership… and he hadn’t seen his own village?

Wasn’t that supposed to be in the description of being leadership, knowing your village? He gave no answer but he instead began to walk away a few meters, stopped, looked back at her over his shoulder, and lackadaisical floated that she seemed to fit the job description and invited her to look around the village to accurately gauge the population, what fat needed to be trimmed and where it needed to be done. She chuckled and trotted after him, her heels clicking hungrily as she caught up with him and fell in stride next to him, their fervent clicking quietly turned into anxious, bated breaths,

Then let’s go, Hokage-Sama.” She chuckled, the honorifics said in a dark lull rather than speech. She would not let herself be on the same rank as him; her job was a little more important than his even if he saw the opposite. What she needed to do now was bide her time and be patient; the deeper she settled and rooted herself into this community like a tunneling spider, the more and more compatible livers would be at her disposal. Her father would be able to find a suitable one to stabilize her mother and continue the family bloodline with more siblings soon to come… but that was not her role. Her role was to assimilate and make sure he had an ample supply coming his way and boy… did she have a solid lead here. Only time would tell how beneficial working with Wan Senju would be and only it would tell where it led her but for now, if anyone asked? They weren’t partners just yet; but they were more like deliciously acquainted associates. A relationship that she would only allow to blossom depending on how useful he made himself to be to her, and how willing he was to freely cooperate without any distasteful side-effects… such as resistance to her ideals and goals. As the gates of  Konohagakure no Sato closed behind her and Wan, she smirked to herself as a thought resonated in her mind.

Parasites lived longer than the hosts.

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Ain't no rest for the wicked [n/k] Empty Re: Ain't no rest for the wicked [n/k]

Wed Jul 08, 2020 9:35 am
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