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No Rest For The Wicked (Open to 1/nk) Empty No Rest For The Wicked (Open to 1/nk)

Mon Oct 21, 2019 4:20 pm

Kira let out a blood-curdling scream as the pain she felt was nothing like she had felt before. It was the miracle of child birth, and she would have to do it twice back to back. The twins were coming, and they were coming early. She could feel her ember hairs sticking to her face. Her skin glistening like morning due on a field of grass. She tried to even out her breathing but nothing was working. It’s like no matter what she did, she felt like she just couldn’t catch her breath.

“EEEUGGHAA!!”  Another scream echoing down the corridors of the hallway. “ You’re crowning, I can see the head!” The Uzumaki felt like she was being town into two. Was it bad that at this moment, she was worried about her lady bits. She would punish her kids to the rest of days if they left her looking like a beat up mushroom. 

It was sudden, but the pain began to fade away. The Uzumaki’s breaths became more and more soft as she felt herself fading in and out of consciousness. “We have a problem.” She could hear the doctor’s voice, but it began to sound distant, almost as if in a dream. “Ms. Uzumaki please stay with me.” This was the last she heard before she seemingly dozed off..

She awoke suddenly to a pain that felt like no other. It was quick, but more painful than the ones before it. She could hear the young screams of what felt like home. She knew instantly that it was a baby, her baby. Little Salzem Jr, and Seika. Her twins that had been giving her quite the ruckus. There was a brief moment, possibly when they were cutting the cord, where all felt quite. Suddenly, the nurse came up to Kira’s field of vision and handed her two newborns fresh out of the oven. The Uzumaki hadn’t recalled giving birth to the first but it didn’t matter now. She had done it, she had her children. Every though and worry she had about being a mother was gone in an instant. Her motherly instincts kicked in and she felt nothing but utter joy. “My babies!” She said in almost a whisper as they stared back at her, hardly able to open their eyes.  She could see bits of Sal in both of them. Their little noses, their ears, one of them even sprouted his onyx set of hair. They definitely we not identical. Kira stared and stared at them, and all she could do was smile. Everything felt whole…. until it wasn’t. 

Suddenly everything went dark. It was just an empty void for a very long time. Suddenly, she could hear distant chatter that slowly cleared up. She could feel her eyes fighting to open. The first break almost caused her pain as it was the first stimulant she felt like she’s had in a long time. As if on cue, a nurse walked in a noticed Kira’s sleepy eyes. it seemed as if it had taken her a second to process it before she surprise was evident in her face. “She’s awake! She’s awake, call the doctor!”

It felt like a considerable amount of time before she felt like she was actually awake. The doctor began to explain to her what happened as she fought to remember at one point she had lost consciousness. “It seems like your body went into shock after you gave birth. You had to be placed into a medical induced coma. Though, we weren’t sure if you would ever wake.” The doctor seemed relief, but also though he was holding back information.

“Where are my babies.” Kira asked, her face solemn. It was clear to her they would be in another room, another floor maybe until she had woken and been able to care for them. But now that she was awake she had to see them, she had to make sure they were okay. The look on the doctor’s face didn’t agree though. His face looked harsh, unable to hold back the unbearable news. 

“Ms. Akudachi the twins they uh…. They..” He struggled to find the words. Something he’s surely done in the past but never got any easier. “They were stillborn…”  Kira’s heart instantly stopped. It stopped dead in it’s track as if it had lost it’s will to beat any longer. “They… no that’s now possible. I remember holding them. seeing their little faces.” Kira stared down at her hands, recalling the last memory she had. holding her babies. “Ms. Uzumaki it’s very common during a coma to have vivid like dreams. ones that almost seem real. But the last recorded time you were conscious was during labor.”

Kira shook her head, unable to fathom what it is the doctor was telling her. She tried thinking back, thinking to that moment where she held the two babies in her arms, but that memory was no longer to be found. She could no longer picture their perfect little faces staring back at her. All she could think of, all that she felt was… nothing.

“Ms. Akudachi, Please allows yourself to process these thoughts and grieve. Whatever you need, just let I or the nurse know.” Kira failed to respond. She simply stared idly out the window searching for some sort of answer, for something to grasp but she caught nothing. Not even a single tear would leave the her heterochromatic eyes. Why could she not cry for her babies? Not cry for herself for the pain she’s endured over the last year. She wanted to feel something, but couldn’t.


It would be a few days before Kira was discharged from the hospital. Though with the departure from the safety of her room left her with a void of not knowing what comes next. Kumo was still a relatively foreign village to her. She had no family, no friends. The few that she knew, well she wasn’t sure what they were up to now. The only thing that the Uzumaki knew certain was that she needed a drink. It had possibly been well over a year since she’s had any sort of booze due to the coma and pregnancy and she’d be damn if she didn’t find herself puking her guts out in some alley by the end of the night. 

The red haired kunoichi came across a pub not too far from the hospital called Little Light. Odd name, but something drew her to enter. There were a few patrons inside. A trio of men at one corner of the establishment drinking over a game of cards. An elder gentlemen who sat at the far end of the bar, drinking some sort of green concoction on the rocks. Kira planted herself at the center of the bar, right in front of the rugged looking bartender the was polishing glassware.

“What can I get for you hun? you seem like you’ve had a pretty rough day.” ‘you don’t know the half of it’, the kunoichi said to herself, her eyes flickering through the different spirits that painted the back wall shelves. “Give me a pour of your greatest whisky, and make it a double.” Old habits die hard.
Mokuzai Kyuusaisha
Mokuzai Kyuusaisha
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No Rest For The Wicked (Open to 1/nk) Empty Re: No Rest For The Wicked (Open to 1/nk)

Thu Oct 24, 2019 6:51 pm
Sweat dripped down the bridge of his nose as Moku remained on all fours in the middle of the training grounds. His anger was starting to get through to him in a more vicious cycle. Although he had control over his other emotions, he had a very short fuse that started to get used more often than he had liked. Wiping his hair back and fixing the white cloth that held his village symbol across his chest before standing up and gathering his belongings. For training for a few hours, the heat was starting to get to him and his hunger as well as his thirst started to eat up at his stomach. Bringing his palm to cover his stomach to start thinking of various places to get something to eat, the menacing voice started to echo within his head once more.

“You could let me have control and we would never be hungry.”

For a moment, he stopped mid step and shook his head at his own thoughts. Something was there and it was growing the more he gave it attention. His face dropped, rubbing the nape of his neck while transferring through the grounds into the village. His bag was a bit more tore up than he would have liked for aesthetics, but it did its job. It was the last remaining memory that he had from his grandfather, and he cherished it immensely.  The kunai did poke holes through the slots and the shuriken tore through the patches, but it still remained a huge part of his outfit.

The day had seemed to have dragged by with an unnatural time space that started to bug him. He didn’t get annoyed by a ton of things, but something taking longer than it actually should was his number one objection to doing a mission with teams. They take too long and usually start to annoy him, which in return would have his inner voice speak more loudly over his own thoughts. His mental stability was his main focus over everything else. He didn’t want to trip over his own feet and cause others to fall from his own insane mindset, but once that being took control, everyone looked like enemies.

His eyes scanned over the options he could have as sustenance. Ramen? Market food? Nothing of that nature was starting to hit the keys that he wanted to hear. For a moment, he was starting to settle on just having a short cup of noodles at his house and calling it a night, but a drink started to sound more refreshing towards his taste buds.

“Little light.” He hummed to himself as he entered the bar and placed his bag near the front still in sight of his perimeter and saw no one else really littered at the bar besides a fiery headed female. Sitting in a seat apart from her, he tapped his fingers on the bar and looked over the drink options as the bartender came over to greet him and asked for a drink.

“Uh, can I have some water?” A weird request for a bar, but he was more looking at the food options now that he was sitting down. Letting his orange hair spike upwards from his hand slicking it back, his green eyes scanned over the items of the menu. He had never been there before, so he tried to figure out what the best options were. 

He wasn’t one to get into others business, but the voice inside of him somewhat spilled out towards the female as she sipped on the drink.

“Alcoholism strikes another one. Such a slow death.”
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No Rest For The Wicked (Open to 1/nk) Empty Re: No Rest For The Wicked (Open to 1/nk)

Thu Oct 24, 2019 10:48 pm
The bartender didn’t take long to fetch her drink. He used the old fashioned glass in his hand and set it in front of the kunoichi. Using a set of utensils, he places a large ice cube in the glass and proceeded to pout the contents of a fancy looking bottle into it. The Uzumaki could smell the spicy liquid and it just straight up made her mouth water. “So what brings you into my little establishment.” The bartender asked as he finished the pour, and placed the bottle back onto the shelve the held his collection of liquors. “Do you want the long story or the short.” Kira inquired as she spun the contents in the glass, watching the liquid dance within. It was almost memorizing.

“Up to you hun.It’s your story, you get to choose how you tell it” The bartender smiled, showing a row of pearly whites. It was almost enough to make any girl’s heart flutter. Though, Kira was the one doing the womanizing around here… Gentlemanizing? you get the point. Still, the man had a point. It was her story. She would indeed tell it to her desire. Just about when she was going to start telling, a young looking boy took a seat by her. The girl just kinda brushed it off. Just another patron in a long list that would walk in while she was here, because face it, she was probably going to close the bitch down.

“Give me a few round of these, and I’ll tell you all you want to know about my sweet-cheeks.” She gave the male bartender a wink and took a strong swig of her drink as the blonde male chuckled. She could feel the liquids fire go down her throat and it was sweet bliss. She almost couldn’t recall the last time she tasted alcohol. Then her moment of bliss was ruined by the remark by a little tangerine.

She girl’s eyes flicked to the patron who was messing with the wrong woman. “ That’s not the only thing that’s about to get struck tonight.” She responded almost not missing a beat. She took another sip of her drinking before setting it back on the bar and sliding it down the counter. It landed right in front of the boy just as the bartender has placed down his water. “Take a sip of that, maybe it’ll loosen you up a bit carrot-top.” Her words were almost like daggers, piercing with every word. She motioned the bartender for another round.
Mokuzai Kyuusaisha
Mokuzai Kyuusaisha
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Fri Oct 25, 2019 12:58 am
He clenched his jaw at the little twang to his hair. It was a very sensitive topic that he never truly got over as a kid growing up. The very first insults that he could think of was related to the orange locks. His blank stare went over the various labels of the bottles to try and distract his mind from getting further into himself. The voice that was brought forward was his own, but he did not want to take responsibility for it. He dared not open his mouth for the repercussions that came forward from his actions. His hand reached up to grab the drink that she had pushed towards him and slid it back towards her direction. “I don’t drink.” He stated in a rather calm state although his facial expression did not match his tone. The numbness that he was trying to reach was further than he had thought, so instead of trying to bicker and have his persona switch upon him, the young male curled his fingers around the chilled glass and chugged the water down his throat. The cooling sensation could be felt all the way down to his stomach, where he released a soft sigh from the relief he had of actually having something nourish his thirst. 

His head twitched a little, which he played off as acting like he was popping his neck. He knew what was going on and was doing his best to keep everything within grasp. His eyes went over to scan the woman for a few seconds and softly pushed the glass towards the bartender for another fill of liquid. He didn’t know if he should put on some type of show towards her to make it seem like he was a harder man than he gave off, or keep up the act of his inner voice to make sure that she stayed away. He wasn’t able to make friends as a child, nor did he see it as a proving point now.

He was used to others making fun of him. It was second nature and even he came to laugh at some of the jokes that they tossed his way, but for some reason the brash words of his woman started to irk him.  He made sure to cross a point and ran his fingers through his orange hair before speaking towards her once more; in a lighter tone than before.

“Kids have called me worse things than your attempt to get underneath my skin.” He didn’t want to throw in honorifics to give her the benefit of the doubt, at least not in this setting. Mokuzai was set on making sure that she didn’t get too comfortable with him during the bar setting. Most of the conversation types here did rely on small-talk and intoxication to make sure that others could flow and be rather comfortable with each other. Opening up was not in his agenda. At least with newcomers who immediately went upon his hair.

Looking upon her attire, he didn’t really spot any sort of headband that went for the village, and she did look like she just had a rough day, so the inner soft spot of Mokuzai started to melt. He was weak to the ones that looked like they were struggling, but he shook that mental state from his head while gripping the glass to take back another sip of his water. It was his attempt to cool down, but after the ice graced his lips, Moku closed his eyes and took in a sharp breath to break the tension that was building up within him. He could literally feel the energy that came from her body language.

“I’m Mokuzai.” He broke the single rule of slightly opening up to her that he had placed. A name was a beginning of a bond, even if it turned out bad or went out to work out. The moment a person knows your title, the doors that lead on by afterwards were rather frightening.

“But do not make a comment on my hair again.”
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No Rest For The Wicked (Open to 1/nk) Empty Re: No Rest For The Wicked (Open to 1/nk)

Sun Oct 27, 2019 9:35 pm
The Uzumaki raised her eyebrow at the boy’s statement of sobriety. She couldn’t understand a world without liquor and didn’t know how he possessed the will to live without alcoholic beverages. “Your loss.” She shrugged before grabbing her glass that the boy rejected and downed the rest of it’s contents. Absolutely delicious. She brought her attention back towards the bartender, eyes his big strong hands as he prepared her second drink.

She scoffed at his remark about getting under his skin. “If I was trying to get under you skin sweet-pea we wouldn’t be having this conversation. It was more of a warning.” She said calmly. She let her gaze trail back towards the orange haired boy, now sort of intrigued by his demeanor. She eyed the boy up and down just as he introduced himself. He was definitely an odd ball. First he insults her upon entering and now just casually introducing himself. It brought an odd smile to her lips. “Don’t make a comment on my drinking and you have yourself a deal” She responded, giving the boy a quick wink as she took another sip from her second drink. “I suppose we could start fresh. Name’s Kira.” She turned to the boy and extended a hand for a nice firm shake.

Kira came into the bar not really looking to make friends, but she supposed maybe some company is what she needed. The girl’s been through hell and back lately and she didn’t really have many friends in Kumogakure. She hadn’t realized it yet, but she was actually quite lonely. “Order of dumplings for me and my new buddy here.” Just the thought of food made the girl’s stomach growl. She was ravenous. “Make that two orders."
Mokuzai Kyuusaisha
Mokuzai Kyuusaisha
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No Rest For The Wicked (Open to 1/nk) Empty Re: No Rest For The Wicked (Open to 1/nk)

Tue Oct 29, 2019 11:43 pm
“I-Uh, can you make sure the meat in mine is raw?” He spoke unjustly, but tried to keep his mouth to himself. If they both were going to start off with clean slates so that they can redo their introductions and not let the annoyances of the day get to them, Mokuzai wanted to make sure that he was in the best of his moods. “It’s a personal..preference. You don’t even got to wrap them in the dumplings. Just..bring the meat.” He cleared his throat and looked down at his fingers which started to fiddled a little from the little anxious feeling building up in his stomach.  It wasn’t like he was forcing the awkwardness out on purpose to try and get free food as well as conversation, but it just came out naturally just from hiding his other persona. The softness that radiated from him contradicted the setting that he had placed when he first entered the bar.

It was a constant fight within himself to see who would reign over his body and have a louder voice, but considering that he was within the company of others and within a bar, he was able to be distracted by others and watch his movements a lot more clearly than by himself. Usually he dwells within his head and allows himself to be controlled by his own emotions, but being open and rather freely thinking allowed him to relax and not have the constant aching in the back of his neck.

“What do you do here in the village? I haven’t seen you with any teams before.”
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No Rest For The Wicked (Open to 1/nk) Empty Re: No Rest For The Wicked (Open to 1/nk)

Wed Oct 30, 2019 12:10 am
The Uzumaki kept trying to revert her attention to the stud bartender but the boy kept saying or doing something that flat out peaked her entrance. Raw meat? Kira’s eye sorta twitched in confusion as she held back saying anything offensive. The boy seemed to delicate to her kind of humor so she refrained from saying anything that may trigger the boy once again; but what she really wanted to ask him was if he was some sort of undead corpse back from the grave whose returned to feast on the living. Night of the Ninja Living Dead, a remake of a classic from another world.

“Um.. yeah, please and thank you Mr. Bartender sir. I would like mine the Nor— uh classic way.” She adjusted her choice of words in order to respect the boy, and not call his order what it was… abnormal. But hey, to each their own right. He wasn’t hurting anyone by eating raw meat… except maybe his body when he gets salmonella. “Hey kid, if you don’t feel well later, let me know… I’m a medic.” She said with a little concern. She felt almost positive that meat was going to fuck his system up, either through one hole, or the other.

Kira considered his question, trying to determine exactly how much it is she wanted to share with the male. There were a ton of way she could respond whether that be the full truth, partial truth, or a flat out lie. Full truth was out of the question. She hardly knew the boy and she wasn’t really one to talk about herself to strangers, especially when it comes to her sob story. The girl grabbed her second glass, and took another sip while she contemplated.

“ Not really part of a team, I fly solo. I am part of the ninja ranks however, A chunin.”
She began, giving him info that was basically public knowledge. “I’m sort of a village implant, originally from another village.” She said, recalling the Suna takeover. Boy what a shit show her life has been since getting washed up on the shore from the island she called home. “What about you kid, what’s your story?"
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